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The properties of the S-strain of cucumber mosaic virus (S-CMV) and the B-strain of tomato aspermy virus (B-TAV) have been studied with respect to their (i) size and sedimentation behavior, (ii) requirement of divalent metal ions for stability, (iii) sensitivity towards chloride salts and the anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate, (iv) solubility in ammonium sulfate-containing buffers, and (v) pH-dependent structural transitions. The results indicate that the coat protein of B-TAV is more hydrophobic than the other well-studied strains of TAV and CMV. Circular dichroism and uv absorption studies reveal pH-dependent structural transitions, although these do not result in particle swelling. These transitions appear to alter the strength of protein-nucleic acid interactions in these viruses.


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Neutron, synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction and dielectric studies have been performed for morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) compositions of the (1 - x )Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-xPbTiO(3) system. At room temperature, the MPB compositions (0.10 < x <= 0.15) consist of a mixture of rhombohedral (space group R3c) and tetragonal ( space group P4mm) structures with the fraction of tetragonal phase increasing with increasing PbTiO3 content. On heating, while the rhombohedral phase just outside the MPB region, i.e. x = 0.10, transforms directly to a cubic phase, the rhombohedral phase of the MPB compositions transforms gradually to a tetragonal phase, until interrupted by a rhombohedral-cubic phase transition. The correspondence of the dielectric anomalies with the structural transitions of the different compositions has been examined and compared with earlier reports.


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Structural stability of small sized nonstoichiometric CdS nano clusters between zincblende and wurtzite structures has been investigated using first-principles density functional calculations. Our study shows that the relative stability of these two structures depends sensitively on whether the surface is S-terminated or Cd-terminated. The associated band gap also exhibits non-monotonic behavior as a function of cluster size. Our findings may shed light on contradictory reports of experimentally observed structures of CdS nano clusters found in the literature.


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Solid solutions of the formula La2−xLnxCuO4 (Ln = Pr, Nd) possess the orthorhombic structure of La2CuO4 for small values of x and transform to the tetragonal Nd2CuO4 structure at a critical value of x. At the critical composition, there is an abrupt change in specific volume as well as the Image ratio. The material exhibits temperature-independent electrical resistivity below the critical value x and semiconducting behaviour above it. The specific volume and Image ratio smoothly decrease with increase in x in the La2Cu1−xNixO4 system, although the solid solution possess the tetragonal K2NiF4 structure when x>0.1. Compositions with x>0.1 exhibit a gradual semiconductor metal transition similar to that of La2NiO4, the transition temperature decreasing with increasing


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Abstract is not available.


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Meclofenamic acid, C I4HIICI2NO2, probably the most potent among analgesic fenamates, crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1, with a = 8.569 (5), b = 8.954(8), c -- 9.371 (4) A, ct = 103.0 (2), fl -- 103.5 (2), y = 92.4 (2) ° , Z = 2, D m = 1.43 (4), D c = 1.41 Mg m -3. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.135 for 1062 observed reflections. The anthranilic acid moiety in the molecule is nearly planar and is nearly perpendicular to the 2,6-dichloro-3-methylphenyl group. The molecules, which exist as hydrogen-bonded dimers, have an internal hydrogen bond involving the imino and the carboxyl groups. The methyl group is disordered and occupies two positions with unequal occupancies. The disorder can be satisfactorily explained in terms of the rotational isomerism of the 2,6-dichloro-3-methylphenyl group about the bond which connects it to the anthranilic acid moiety and the observed occupancies on the basis of packing considerations.


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The ultramicrostructure of phases with n = 1, 2 and 3 in the hypothetical series Bi2WnO3n+3 has been investigated by high resolution electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray emission spectroscopy. For n = 1 and 2, well ordered phases with the predicted compositions have been obtained, but for n = 3, a severely disordered assemblage containing intergrowths of the two known structures and strips of the n = 3 member is produced. No evidence for ordered structures with n > 2 has yet been obtained.


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CaH406P-.K +, M r = 206.10, is orthorhombic, space group Pbca (from systematic absences), a = 14.538(4), b = 13.364(5), c = 6.880 (6)A, U = 1383.9 A 3, D x = 2.07 Mg m -a, Z = 8, ~.(Mo Ka) = 0.7107/~, p(MO Ka) = 1.015 mm -1. The final R value is 0.042 for a total of 1397 reflections. The high energy P-O(13) and the enolic C(1)-O(13) bonds are 1.612 and 1.374 A respectively. The enolpyruvate moiety is essentially planar. The orientation of the phosphate with respect to the pyruvate group in PEP.K is distinctly different from that in the PEP-cyclohexylammonium salt, the torsion angle C (2)-C (1)-O(13)- P being -209.1 in the former and -90 ° in the latter. The K + ion binds simultaneously to both the phosphate and carboxyl ends of the same PEP molecule. The ester O(13) is also a binding site for the cation. The K + ion is coplanar with the pyruvate moiety and binds to 0(22) and O(13) almost along their lone-pair directions. The carbonyl 0(22) prefers to bind to the K + ion rather than take part in the formation of hydrogen bonds usually observed in carboxylic acid structures.


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The performance of optoelectronic devices critically depends on the quality of active layer. An effective way to obtain a high quality layers is by creating excess of metal atoms through various heat treatments. Recently, rapid thermal annealing (RTA) has proved a versatile technique for the post-treatment of semiconductor materials as compared to other techniques due to its precise control over the resources. Thus, we carried out a set of experiments on SnS films to explore the influence of RTA treatment on their properties. From these experiments we noticed that the films treated at 400 °C for 1 min in N2 atmosphere have a low electrical resistivity of ~5 Ωcm with relatively high Hall mobility and carrier density of 99 cm2/Vs and 1.3 × 1016 cm−3, respectively. The observed results, therefore, emphasise that it is possible to obtain good quality SnS films through RTA treatment without disturbing their crystal structure.


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The complex crystallizes in the space group P21/c with four formula units in a unit cell of dimensions a= 12.747, b= 7.416, c= 17.894 A and/3= 90.2 °. The structure has been solved by the symbolic addition procedure using three-dimensional photographic data and refined to an R value of 0.079 for 2019 observed reflexions. The pyramidal nature of the two hetero nitrogen atoms in the antipyrine molecule is inter:nediate between that observed in free antipyrine and in some of its metal complexes. The molecule is more polar than that in crystals of free antipyrine but less so compared with that in metal complexes. In the salicylic acid molecule, the hydroxyl group forms an internal hydrogen bond with one of the oxygen atoms in the carboxyl group. The association between the salicylic acid and the antipyrine molecules is achieved through an intermolecular hydrogen bond with the other carboxyl oxygen atom in the salicylic acid molecule as the proton donor and the carboxyl oxygen atom of the antipyrine molecule as the acceptor.


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Analysis of the 1H NMR spectra of several monothiocarbonohydrazones, some of them synthesized for the first time, shows that they exist as two structural isomers. Whereas, in general, the derivatives of aromatic aldehydes conform to a linear structure, the aliphatic carbonyl derivatives conform to heterocyclic or linear structures, depending on the size of the substituent groups. This dual behaviour is explained in terms of extended conjugation and steric hindrance.


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Ab initio RHF/4-31G level molecular orbital calculations have been carried out on dimethoxymethane as a model compound for the acetal moiety in methyl pyranosides. The calculations are consistent with the predictions of the anomeric effect and the exo-anomeric effect. They reproduce very successfully the differences in molecular geometry observed by x-ray and neutron diffraction of single crystals of the methyl cy-D- and methyl 0-D-pyranosides. Calculations carried out at the 6-3 1G* level for methanediol confirm the earlier calculations at the 4-31G level, with smaller energy differences between the four staggered conformations.


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Amidopyrine (1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-4-dimethylaminopyrazolone), C13HzvN30, a dimethylamino derivative of antipyrine and an important analgesic and antipyretic agent, crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1 with four molecules in a unit cell of dimensions a= 7.458 (5), b = 10.744 (5), c= 17.486 (15)/~,, e=98.6 (2),/~= 85.6 (3), y= 108-6 (2) . The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.055 for 3706 photographically observed reflexions. The dimensions of the two crystallographically independent molecules are very nearly the same. The pyrazolone moiety in the molecule has dimensions comparable to those in antipyrine. Unlike antipyrine, the molecular dimensions of amidopyrine in the free state (the present structure) are close to those found in some of its hydrogenbonded complexes. Thus it appears that the presence of the dimethylamino group makes the molecule more resistant to changes in its dimensions resulting from molecular association. An attempt has also been made to correlate the polar nature of the pyrazolone moiety and the hybridization state of the hetero nitrogen atoms in antipyrine, amidopyrine and their complexes.


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1. 1. Diverse classes of compounds such as dicarboxylates, pyrophosphates, quinols and nitrophenols are known to activate mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase (EC Examples in each class — malonate, pyrophosphate, ubiquinol and 2,4-dinitrophenol — are selected for comparative studies on the kinetic constants and structural relationship. 2. 2. The activated forms of the enzyme obtained on preincubating mitochondria with the effectors exhibited Michaelian kinetics and gave doublereciprocal plots which are nearly parallel to that of the basal form. On activation, Km for the substrate also increased along with V. The effectors activated the enzyme at low concentrations and inhibited, in a competitive fashion, at high concentrations. The binding constant for activation was lower than that for inhibition for each effector. 3. 3. These compounds possess ionizable twin oxygens separated by a distance of Image and having fractional charges in the range of −0.26 to −0.74 e. The common twin-oxygen feature of the substrate and the effectors suggested the presence of corresponding counter charges in the binding domain. The competitive nature of effectors with the substrate for inhibition further indicated the close structural resemblance of the activation and catalytic sites.


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We report the synthesis and structural characterization of ferroelectric bismuth vanadate (Bi2VO5.5) (BVO) nanotubes within the nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates via sol-gel method. The as-prepared BVO nanotubes were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (HRTEM) and the stoichiometry of the nanotubes was established by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Postannealed (675 degrees C for 1 h), BVO nanotubes were a polycrystalline and the XRD studies confirmed the crystal structure to be orthorhombic. The uniformity in diameter and length of the nanotubes as reveled by the TEM and SEM suggested that these were influenced to a guest extent by the thickness and pore diameter of the nanoporous AAO template. EDX analysis demonstrated the formation of stoichiometric Bi2VO5.5 phase. HRTEM confirmed that the obtained BVO nanotubes were made up of nanoparticles of 5-9 nm range. The possible formation mechanism of nanotubes was elucidated.