149 resultados para SI -IMPLANTATION


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We report the characterization of carbonaceous aluminium oxide, Al2O3:C, films grown on Si(100) by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The focus is on the study of the effects of carbon on the dielectric properties of aluminium oxide in a qualitative manner. The carbon present in the aluminium oxide film derives from aluminium acetylacetonate used as the source of aluminium. As-grown films comprise nanometer-sized grains of alumina (∼ 20–50 nm) in an amorphous carbonaceous matrix, as examined by X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The films are shiny; they are smooth as observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). An attempt has been made to explore the defects (viz., oxide charge density) in the aluminium oxide films using room temperature high frequency capacitance – voltage (C-V) and current–voltage (I-V) measurements. The hysteresis and stretch-out in the high frequency C-V plots is indicative of charge trapping. The role of heteroatoms, as characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, in the transport of charge in Al2O3:C films is discussed.


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An attempt has been made to study the film-substrate interface by using a sensitive, non- conventional tool. Because of the prospective use of gate oxide in MOSFET devices, we have chosen to study alumina films grown on silicon. Film-substrate interface of alumina grown by MOCVD on Si(100) was studied systematically using spectroscopic ellipsometry in the range 1.5-5.0 eV, supported by cross-sectional SEM, and SIMS. The (ε1,ε2) versus energy data obtained for films grown at 600°C, 700°C, and 750°C were modeled to fit a substrate/interface/film “sandwich”. The experimental results reveal (as may be expected) that the nature of the substrate -film interface depends strongly on the growth temperature. The simulated (ε1,ε2) patterns are in excellent agreement with observed ellipsometric data. The MOCVD precursors results the presence of carbon in the films. Theoretical simulation was able to account for the ellipsometry data by invoking the presence of “free” carbon in the alumina films.


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We report the far-infrared measurements of the electron cyclotron resonance absorption in n-type Si/Si0. 62Ge0.38 and Si0.94Ge0.06 /Si0. 62Ge0.38 modulation- doped heterostructures grown by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition. The strained Si and Si0.94Ge0.06 channels were grown on relaxed Si0.62Ge0.38 buffer layers, which consist of 0.6 μm uniform Si0.62Ge0.38 layers and 0.5 μm compositionally graded relaxed SiGe layers from 0% Ge to 38 % Ge. The buffer layers were annealed at 800 °C for 1 hr to obtain complete relaxation. The samples had 100 Å spacers and 300 Å 2×1019 cm-3 n-type supply layers on the tops of the 75 Å channels. The far-infrared measurements of electron cyclotron resonance were performed at 4K with the magnetic field of 4 – 8 Tesla. The effective masses determined from the slope of center frequency of absorption peak vs applied magnetic field plot are 0.20 mo and 0.19 mo for the two dimensional electron gases in the Si and Si0.94Ge0.06 channels, respectively. The Si effective mass is very close to that of two dimensional electron gas in Si MOSFET (0.198mo). The electron effective mass of Si0.94Ge0.06 is reported for the first time and about 5 % lower than that of pure Si.


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We report crack formation in alumina films grown on Si(100), caused by annealing in a controlled oxidizing ambient. The films were grown in a low-pressure CVD reactor, using aluminium acetylacetonate as precursor. High purity argon and nitrous oxide were employed as carrier and oxidizing gas, respectively. The films were characterized by optical microscopy and SEM/EDAX. The proportion and chemical nature of the heteroatoms, namely C and H, incorporated into the films from the precursor, were characterized by XPS, and FTIR. As-deposited films do not exhibit any cracks, while post-deposition annealing results in cracks. Apart from the delamination of the films, annealing in nitrous oxide ambient leads to an unusual crack geometry, which we term the “railway-track”. These twin cracks are very straight and run parallel to each other for as much as several millimeters. Often, two such linear tracks meet at exactly 90°. Between some of these tracks lie bullet-like structures with very sharp tips, oriented in a specific direction. As cracks are generally activated by residual stress, both thermal and intrinsic, the origins of the stresses that generate these linear cracks are discussed. The redistribution of stress, arising from the removal of C and H during annealing, will also be discussed. An attempt has been made to correlate the formation of cracks with the crystal structure of the film.


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As deposited amorphous and crystallized thin films of Ti 37.5% Si alloy deposited by pulsed laser ablation technique were irradiated with 100 keV Xe+ ion beam to an ion fluence of about 1016 ions-cm−2. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the implanted Xe formed amorphous nanosized clusters in both cases. The Xe ion-irradiation favors nucleation of a fcc-Ti(Si) phase in amorphous films. However, in crystalline films, irradiation leads to dissolution of the Ti5Si3 intermetallic phase. In both cases, Xe irradiation leads to the evolution of similar microstructures. Our results point to the pivotal role of nucleation in the evolution of the microstructure under the condition of ion implantation.


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YMnO3 thin films were grown on an n-type Si substrate by nebulized spray pyrolysis in the metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor (MFS) configuration. The capacitance-voltage characteristics of the film in the MFS structure exhibit hysteretic behaviour consistent with the polarization charge switching direction, with the memory window decreasing with increase in temperature. The density of the interface states decreases with increasing annealing temperature. Mapping of the silicon energy band gap with the interface states has been carried out. The leakage current, measured in the accumulation region, is lower in well-crystallized thin films and obeys a space-charge limited conduction mechanism. The calculated activation energy from the dc leakage current characteristics of the Arrhenius plot reveals that the activation energy corresponds to oxygen vacancy motion.


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The removal of native oxide from Si (1 1 1) surfaces was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and secondary ion mass spectra (SIMS) depth profiles. Two different oxide removal methods, performed under ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) conditions, were carried out and compared. The first cleaning method is thermal desorption of oxide at 900 degrees C. The second method is the deposition of metallic gallium followed by redesorption. A significant decrease in oxygen was achieved by thermal desorption at 900 degrees C under UHV conditions. By applying a subsequent Ga deposition/redesorption, a further reduction in oxygen could be achieved. We examine the merits of an alternative oxide desorption method via conversion of the stable SiO(2) surface oxide into a volatile Ca(2)O oxide by a supply of Ga metals. Furthermore, ultra thin films of pure silicon nitride buffer layer were grown on a Si (1 1 1) surface by exposing the surface to radio-frequency (RF) nitrogen plasma followed by GaN growth. The SIMS depth profile shows that the oxygen impurity can be reduced at GaN/beta-Si(3)N(4)/Si interfaces by applying a subsequent Ga deposition/redesorption. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Liquid phase co-spray forming (LPCSF) was employed to produce two Al-Si-Pb alloys. The preforms thus obtained were then subjected to hot extrusion at different extrusion ratios. Following extrusion, the materials were tensile tested at room temperature. The distribution of Pb particles and the microstructural characterization in as-formed preforms and in the extruded rods were studied on the basis of SEM observation. The influence of the Pb content on the mechanical properties was investigated. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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InN quantum dots (QDs) were fabricated on silicon nitride/Si (111) substrate by droplet epitaxy. Single-crystalline structure of InN QDs was verified by transmission electron microscopy, and the chemical bonding configurations of InN QDs were examined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Photoluminescence measurement shows a slight blue shift compared to the bulk InN, arising from size dependent quantum confinement effect. The interdigitated electrode pattern was created and current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of InN QDs were studied in a metal-semiconductor-metal configuration in the temperature range of 80-300K. The I-V characteristics of lateral grown InN QDs were explained by using the trap model. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3651762]


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In this paper, we report a significant improvement in mechanical properties of near eutectic Nb-Si alloys by addition of Gallium (Ga) and control of microstructural length scale. A comparative study of two alloys Nb-18.79 at.%Si and Nb-20.2 at.%Si-2.7 at.%Ga were carried out. The microstructure refinements were carried out by vacuum suction casting in water cooled thick copper mold. It is shown that addition of Ga suppresses Nb(3)Si phase and promotes beta-Nb(5)Si(3) phase. The microstructural length scale and in particular eutectic spacing reduces significantly to 50-100 nm in suction cast ternary alloys. Compression test shows a strength of 2.8 +/- 0.1 GPa and plasticity of 4.3 +/- 0.03%. In comparison, the binary Nb-18.79 at.%Si alloy processed under identical conditions exhibit coarser length scale (300-400 nm) and brittle behavior. The fracture toughness of Ga containing suction cast alloy shows a value of 24.11 +/- 0.5 MPa root m representing a major improvement for bulk Nb-Si eutectic alloy. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Phase pure wurtzite GaN films were grown on Si (100) substrates by introducing a silicon nitride layer followed by low temperature GaN growth as buffer layers. GaN films grown directly on Si (100) were found to be phase mixtured, containing both cubic (beta) and hexagonal (alpha) modifications. The x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy studies reveal that the significant enhancement in the structural as well as in the optical properties of GaN films grown with silicon nitride buffer layer grown at 800 degrees C when compared to the samples grown in the absence of silicon nitride buffer layer and with silicon nitride buffer layer grown at 600 degrees C. Core-level photoelectron spectroscopy of Si(x)N(y) layers reveals the sources for superior qualities of GaN epilayers grown with the high temperature substrate nitridation process. The discussion has been carried out on the typical inverted rectification behavior exhibited by n-GaN/p-Si heterojunctions. Considerable modulation in the transport mechanism was observed with the nitridation conditions. The heterojunction fabricated with the sample of substrate nitridation at high temperature exhibited superior rectifying nature with reduced trap concentrations. Lowest ideality factors (similar to 1.5) were observed in the heterojunctions grown with high temperature substrate nitridation which is attributed to the recombination tunneling at the space charge region transport mechanism at lower voltages and at higher voltages space charge limited current conduction is the dominating transport mechanism. Whereas, thermally generated carrier tunneling and recombination tunneling are the dominating transport mechanisms in the heterojunctions grown without substrate nitridation and low temperature substrate nitridation, respectively. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3658867]


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A deep‐level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) technique is reported for determining the capture cross‐section activation energy directly. Conventionally, the capture activation energy is obtained from the temperature dependence of the capture cross section. Capture cross‐section measurement is often very doubtful due to many intrinsic errors and is more critical for nonexponential capture kinetics. The essence of this technique is to use an emission pulse to allow the defects to emit electrons and the transient signal from capture process due to a large capture barrier was analyzed, in contrast with the emission signal in conventional DLTS. This technique has been applied for determining the capture barrier for silicon‐related DX centers in AlxGa1−xAs for different AlAs mole fractions.