126 resultados para Regimes politicos


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A novel universal approach to understand the self-deflagration in solids has been attempted by using basic thermodynamic equation of partial differentiation, where burning mte depends on the initial temperature and pressure of the system. Self-deflagrating solids are rare and are reported only in few compounds like ammonium perchlorate (AP), polystyrene peroxide and tetrazole. This approach has led us to understand the unique characteristics of AP, viz. the existence of low pressure deflagration limit (LPL 20 atm), hitherto not understood sufficiently. This analysis infers that the overall surface activation energy comprises of two components governed by the condensed phase and gas phase processes. The most attractive feature of the model is the identification of a new subcritical regime I' below LPL where AP does not burn. The model is aptly supported by the thermochemical computations and temperature-profile analyses of the combustion train. The thermodynamic model is further corroborated from the kinetic analysis of the high pressure (1-30 atm) DTA thermograms which affords distinct empirical decomposition rate laws in regimes I' and 1 (20-60 atm). Using Fourier-Kirchoff one dimensional heat transfer differential equation, the phase transition thickness and the melt-layer thickness have been computed which conform to the experimental data.


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In this letter, a closed-form analytical model for temperature-dependent longitudinal diffusive lattice thermal conductivity (kappa) of a metallic single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) has been addressed. Based on the Debye theory, the second-order three-phonon Umklapp, mass difference (MD), and boundary scatterings have been incorporated to formulate. in both low-and high-temperature regimes. It is proposed that. at low temperature (T) follows the T-3 law and is independent of the second-order three-phonon Umklapp and MD scatterings. The form factor due to MD scattering also plays a key role in the significant variation of. in addition to the SWCNT length. The present diameter-independent model of. agrees well with the available experimental data on suspended intrinsic metallic SWCNTs over a wide range of temperature and can be carried forward for electrothermal analyses of CNT-based interconnects.


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In this paper, we show the limitations of the traditional charge linearization techniques for modeling terminal charges of the independent double-gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors. Based on our recent computationally efficient Poisson solution for independent double gate transistors, we propose a new charge linearization technique to model the terminal charges and transcapacitances. We report two different types of quasistatic large-signal models for the long-channel device. In the first type, the terminal charges are expressed as closed-form functions of the source- and drain-end inversion charge densities and found to be accurate when the potential distribution at source end of the channel is hyperbolic in nature. The second type, which is found to be accurate in all regimes of operations, is based on the quadratic spline collocation technique and requires the input voltage equation to be solved two more times, apart from the source and drain ends.


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We have developed a theory for an electrochemical way of measuring the statistical properties of a nonfractally rough electrode. We obtained the expression for the current transient on a rough electrode which shows three times regions: short and long time limits and the transition region between them. The expressions for these time ranges are exploited to extract morphological information about the surface roughness. In the short and long time regimes, we extract information regarding various morphological features like the roughness factor, average roughness, curvature, correlation length, dimensionality of roughness, and polynomial approximation for the correlation function. The formulas for the surface structure factors (the measure of surface roughness) of rough surfaces in terms of measured reversible and diffusion-limited current transients are also obtained. Finally, we explore the feasibility of making such measurements.


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Maintaining quantum coherence is a crucial requirement for quantum computation; hence protecting quantum systems against their irreversible corruption due to environmental noise is an important open problem. Dynamical decoupling (DD) is an effective method for reducing decoherence with a low control overhead. It also plays an important role in quantum metrology, where, for instance, it is employed in multiparameter estimation. While a sequence of equidistant control pulses the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) sequence] has been ubiquitously used for decoupling, Uhrig recently proposed that a nonequidistant pulse sequence the Uhrig dynamic decoupling (UDD) sequence] may enhance DD performance, especially for systems where the spectral density of the environment has a sharp frequency cutoff. On the other hand, equidistant sequences outperform UDD for soft cutoffs. The relative advantage provided by UDD for intermediate regimes is not clear. In this paper, we analyze the relative DD performance in this regime experimentally, using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. Our system qubits are C-13 nuclear spins and the environment consists of a H-1 nuclear spin bath whose spectral density is close to a normal (Gaussian) distribution. We find that in the presence of such a bath, the CPMG sequence outperforms the UDD sequence. An analogy between dynamical decoupling and interference effects in optics provides an intuitive explanation as to why the CPMG sequence performs better than any nonequidistant DD sequence in the presence of this kind of environmental noise.


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In the distributed storage setting introduced by Dimakis et al., B units of data are stored across n nodes in the network in such a way that the data can be recovered by connecting to any k nodes. Additionally one can repair a failed node by connecting to any d nodes while downloading at most beta units of data from each node. In this paper, we introduce a flexible framework in which the data can be recovered by connecting to any number of nodes as long as the total amount of data downloaded is at least B. Similarly, regeneration of a failed node is possible if the new node connects to the network using links whose individual capacity is bounded above by beta(max) and whose sum capacity equals or exceeds a predetermined parameter gamma. In this flexible setting, we obtain the cut-set lower bound on the repair bandwidth along with a constructive proof for the existence of codes meeting this bound for all values of the parameters. An explicit code construction is provided which is optimal in certain parameter regimes.


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Convolutional network-error correcting codes (CNECCs) are known to provide error correcting capability in acyclic instantaneous networks within the network coding paradigm under small field size conditions. In this work, we investigate the performance of CNECCs under the error model of the network where the edges are assumed to be statistically independent binary symmetric channels, each with the same probability of error pe(0 <= p(e) < 0.5). We obtain bounds on the performance of such CNECCs based on a modified generating function (the transfer function) of the CNECCs. For a given network, we derive a mathematical condition on how small p(e) should be so that only single edge network-errors need to be accounted for, thus reducing the complexity of evaluating the probability of error of any CNECC. Simulations indicate that convolutional codes are required to possess different properties to achieve good performance in low p(e) and high p(e) regimes. For the low p(e) regime, convolutional codes with good distance properties show good performance. For the high p(e) regime, convolutional codes that have a good slope ( the minimum normalized cycle weight) are seen to be good. We derive a lower bound on the slope of any rate b/c convolutional code with a certain degree.


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A theory is developed for diffusion-limited charge transfer on a non-fractally rough electrode. The perturbation expressions are obtained for concentration, current density and measured diffusion-limited current for arbitrary one- and two-dimensional surface profiles. The random surface model is employed for a rough electrode\electrolyte interface. In this model the gross geometrical property of an electrochemically active rough surface - the surface structure factor-is related to the average electrode current, current density and concentration. Under short and long time regimes, various morphological features of the rough electrodes, i.e. excess area (related to roughness slope), curvature, correlation length, etc. are related to the (average) current transients. A two-point Pade approximant is used to develop an all time average current expression in terms of partial morphological features of the rough surface. The inverse problem of predicting the surface structure factor from the observed transients is also described. Finally, the effect of surface roughness is studied for specific surface statistics, namely a Gaussian correlation function. It is shown how the surface roughness enhances the overall diffusion-limited charge transfer current.


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An exact representation of N-wave solutions for the non-planar Burgers equation u(t) + uu(x) + 1/2ju/t = 1/2deltau(xx), j = m/n, m < 2n, where m and n are positive integers with no common factors, is given. This solution is asymptotic to the inviscid solution for Absolute value of x < square-root (2Q0 t), where Q0 is a function of the initial lobe area, as lobe Reynolds number tends to infinity, and is also asymptotic to the old age linear solution, as t tends to infinity; the formulae for the lobe Reynolds numbers are shown to have the correct behaviour in these limits. The general results apply to all j = m/n, m < 2n, and are rather involved; explicit results are written out for j = 0, 1, 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4. The case of spherical symmetry j = 2 is found to be 'singular' and the general approach set forth here does not work; an alternative approach for this case gives the large time behaviour in two different time regimes. The results of this study are compared with those of Crighton & Scott (1979).


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The hot-working characteristics of IN-718 are studied in the temperature range 900 °C to 1200 °C and strain rate range 0.001 to 100 s−1 using hot compression tests. Processing maps for hot working are developed on the basis of the strain-rate sensitivity variations with temperature and strain rate and interpreted using a dynamic materials model. The map exhibits two domains of dynamic recrystallization (DRX): one occurring at 950 °C and 0.001 s−1 with an efficiency of power dissipation of 37 pct and the other at 1200 °C and 0.1 s−1 with an efficiency of 40 pct. Dynamic recrystallization in the former domain is nucleated by the δ(Ni3Nb) precipitates and results in fine-grained microstructure. In the high-temperature DRX domain, carbides dissolve in the matrix and make interstitial carbon atoms available for increasing the rate of dislocation generation for DRX nucleation. It is recommended that IN-718 may be hot-forged initially at 1200 °C and 0.1 s−1 and finish-forged at 950 °C and 0.001 s−1 so that fine-grained structure may be achieved. The available forging practice validates these results from processing maps. At temperatures lower than 1000 °C and strain rates higher than 1 s−1 the material exhibits adiabatic shear bands. Also, at temperatures higher than 1150°C and strain rates more than 1s−1, IN-718 exhibits intercrystalline cracking. Both these regimes may be avoided in hotworking IN-718.


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The hot-working characteristics of IN-718 are studied in the temperature range 900 degrees C to 1200 degrees C and strain rate range 0.001 to 100 s(-1) using hot compression tests. Processing maps for hot working are developed on the basis of the strain-rate sensitivity variations with temperature and strain rate and interpreted using a dynamic materials model. The map exhibits two domains of dynamic recrystallization (DRX): one occurring at 950 degrees C and 0.001 s(-1) with an efficiency of power dissipation of 37 pct and the other at 1200 degrees C and 0.1 s(-1) with an efficiency of 40 pct. Dynamic recrystallization in the former domain is nucleated by the delta(Ni3Nb) precipitates and results in fine-grained microstructure. In the high-temperature DRX domain, carbides dissolve in the matrix and make interstitial carbon atoms available for increasing the rate of dislocation generation for DRX nucleation. It is recommended that IN-718 may be hot-forged initially at 1200 degrees C and 0.1 s(-1) and finish-forged at 950 degrees C and 0.001 s(-1) so that fine-grained structure may be achieved. The available forging practice validates these results from processing maps. At temperatures lower than 1000 degrees C and strain rates higher than 1 s(-1), the material exhibits adiabatic shear bands. Also, at temperatures higher than 1150 degrees C and strain rates more than 1 s(-1), IN-718 exhibits intercrystalline cracking. Both these regimes may be avoided in hot-working IN-718.


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The phase separation in fluids close to a critical point can be observed in the form of either an interconnected pattern (critical case) or a disconnected pattern (off-critical case). These two regimes have been investigated in different ways. First, a sharp change in pattern is shown to occur very close to the critical point when the composition is varied. No crossover has been observed between the t1 behaviour (interconnected) and a t1/3 behaviour (disconnected), where t is time. This latter growth law, which occurs in the case of compact droplets, will be discussed. Second, it has been observed that a growing interconnected pattern leaves a signature in the form of small droplets. The origin of such a distribution will be discussed in terms of coalescence of domains. No distribution of this kind is observed in the off-critical case.


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Studies on ignition and combustion of distillery effluent containing solids consisting of 38 +/- 2% inorganics and 62 +/- 2% of organics (cane sugar derivatives) have been carried out in order to investigate the role of droplet size and ambient temperature in the process of combustion. Experiments were conducted on in liquid droplets of effluent having solids concentration 65% and (2) spheres of died (100% solids) effluent of diameters ranging from 0.5 to 25 mm. These spheres were introduced into a furnace where air temperature ranged from 500 to 1000 degrees C, and they burned with two distinct regimes of combustion-flaming and glowing. The ignition delay of the 65% concentration effluent increases with diameter as in the case of nonvolatile droplets, while that of dried spheres appears to be independent of size. The ignition delay shows Arrhenius dependence on temperature. The flaming combustion involves a weight loss of 50-80%, depending on ambient temperature, and the flaming time is given by t(f) similar to d(0)(2), as in the case of liquid fuel droplets and wood spheres. Char glowing involves weight loss of an additional 10-20%, with glowing time behaving as t(c) similar to d(0)(2) as in the case of wood char, even though the inert content of effluent char is as large as 50% compared to 2-3% in wood char Char combustion has been modeled, and the results of this model compare well with the experimental results.


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In the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, we consider possible ''phase turbulent'' regimes, where asymptotic correlations are controlled by phase fluctuations rather than by topological defects. Conjecturing that the decay of such correlations is governed by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model of growing interfaces, we derive the following results: (1) A scaling ansatz implies that equal-time spatial correlations in 1d, 2d, and 3d decay like e(-Ax2 zeta), where A is a nonuniversal constant, and zeta=1/2 in 1d. (2) Temporal correlations decay as exp(-t(2 beta)h(t/L(z))), with the scaling law <(beta)over bar> = <(zeta)over bar>/z, where z = 3/2, 1.58..., and 1.66..., for d = 1,2, and 3 respectively. The scaling function h(y) approaches a constant as y --> 0, and behaves like y(2(beta-<(beta)over bar>)), for large y. If in 3d the associated KPZ model turns out to be in its weak-coupling (''smooth'') phase, then, instead of the above behavior, the CGLE exhibits rotating long-range order whose connected correlations decay like 1/x in space or 1/t(1/2) in time. (3) For system sizes, L, and times t respectively less than a crossover length, L(c), and time, t(c), correlations are governed by the free-field or Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) equation, rather than the KPZ model. In 1d, we find that L(c) is large: L(c) similar to 35,000; for L < L(c) we show numerical evidence for stretched exponential decay of temporal correlations with an exponent consistent with the EW value beta(EW)= 1/4.


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The development of microstructure in 316L stainless steel during industrial hot forming operations including press forging (strain rate of 0 . 15 s(-1)), rolling/extrusion (strain rate of 2-8 . 8 s(-1)), and hammer forging (strain rate of 100 s(-1)) at different temperatures in the range 600-1200 degrees C was studied with a view to validating the predictions of the processing map. The results showed that good col relation existed between the regimes indicated in the map and the product microstructures. The 316L stainless steel exhibited unstable flow in the form of flow localisation when hammer forged at temperatures above 900 degrees C, rolled below 1000 degrees C, or press forged below 900 degrees C. All these conditions must therefore be avoided in mechanical processing of the material. Conversely, in order to obtain defect free microstructures, ideally the material should be rolled at temperatures above 1100 degrees C, press forged at temperatures above 1000 degrees C, or hammer forged in the temperature range 600-900 degrees C. (C) 1996 The Institute of Materials.