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Binary mixtures have strong influence on activities of polymers and biopolymers even at low cosolvent concentration. Among the several aqueous binary mixtures studied, water-DMSO especially stands out for its unusual behavior at certain specific concentrations of DMSO. In the present work, we study the effect of water-DMSO binary mixture on polymers and biopolymers by taking a simple linear hydrocarbon chain of intermediate length (n = 30) and the protein lysozyme, respectively. We find that at a mole fraction of 0.05 of DMSO (x(DMSO) = 0.05) in aqueous solution, the hydrocarbon chain adopts the collapsed conformation as the most stable and rigid state. In this case of 0.05 mole fraction of DMSO in bulk, the DMSO concentration in the first hydration layer around the polymer is found to be as large as 17%. Formation of such hydrophobic environment around the polymer is the reason for the collapsed state gaining so much stability. Interestingly, similar quench of conformational fluctuation is also observed for the protein investigated. It is observed that in the case of alkane polymer chains, long wavelength fluctuation gets easily quenched, the polymer being purely hydrophobic. However, in case of the protein, quench of fluctuation is prominent only at the hydrophobic surface, and quench of long wavelength fluctuation becomes insignificant for the full protein. As protein contains both hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties, the extent of quench of conformational fluctuation with respect to that in pure water is almost half for the biopolymer complex (16.83%) than the same for pure hydrophobic polymer chain (32.43%).


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This paper presents a novel approach for designing a fixed gain robust power system stabilizer (PSS) with particu lar emphasis on achieving a minimum closed loop perfor mance, over a wide range of operating and system condi tion. The minimum performance requirements of the con troller has been decided apriori and obtained by using a genetic algorithm (GA) based power system stabilizer. The proposed PSS is robust to changes in the plant parameters brought about due to changes in system and operating con dition, guaranteeing a minimum performance. The efficacy of the proposed method has been tested on a multimachine system. The proposed method of tuning the PSS is an at tractive alternative to conventional fixed gain stabilizer de sign, as it retains the simplicity of the conventional PSS and still guarantees a robust acceptable performance over a wider range of operating and system condition.


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We perform atomistic simulations on the fracture behavior of two typical metallic glasses, one brittle (FeP) and the other ductile (CuZr), and show that brittle fracture in the FeP glass is governed by an intrinsic cavitation mechanism near crack tips in contrast to extensive shear banding in the ductile CuZr glass. We show that a high degree of atomic scale spatial fluctuations in the local properties is the main reason for the observed cavitation behavior in the brittle metallic glass. Our study corroborates with recent experimental observations of nanoscale cavity nucleation found on the brittle fracture surfaces of metallic glasses and provides important insights into the root cause of the ductile versus brittle behavior in such materials.


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Ferroelectric superlattice structures consisting of alternating layers of BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 with variable interlayer thickness were grown on Pt (111)/TiO2/SiO2/Si (100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. The presence of superlattice reflections in the x-ray diffraction pattern clearly showed the superlattice behavior of the fabricated structures over a range of 6.4–20 nm individual layer thicknesses. Depth profile conducted by secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis showed a periodic concentration of Ba and Sr throughout the film. Polarization hysteresis and the capacitance-voltage characteristics of these films show clear size dependent ferroelectric characteristics. The spontaneous (Ps) and remnant (Pr) polarizations increase gradually with decreasing periodicity, reach a maximum at a finite thickness and then decrease. The competition between the size effect and long-range ferroelectric interaction is suggested as a possible reason for this phenomenon. The temperature dependence of Ps and Pr shows a single ferroelectric phase transition, and the Curie temperature is estimated to be about 316 K. The curve shows that the ferroelectric superlattice tends to form an artificial material, responding as a single structure with an averaged behavior of both the parent systems.


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A new approach to machine representation and analysis of three-dimensional objects is presented. The representation, based on the notion of "skeleton" of an object leads to a scheme for comparing two given object views for shape relations. The objects are composed of long, thin, rectangular prisms joined at their ends. The input picture to the program is the digitized line drawing portraying the three-dimensional object. To compare two object views, two characteristic vertices called "cardinal point" and "end-cardinal point," occurring consistently at the bends and open ends of the object are detected. The skeletons are then obtained as a connected path passing through these points. The shape relationships between the objects are then obtained from the matching characteristics of their skeletons. The method explores the possibility of a more detailed and finer analysis leading to detection of features like symmetry, asymmetry and other shape properties of an object.


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Principles of design of composite instantaneous comparators (a combination of amplitude- and phase- comparison techniques) are laid out to provide directional, directional-reactance, nonoffset-resistance and conductance characteristices. The respective signals provided by the voltage transformer and the current transformer are directly used as relaying signals without resorting to any form of mixing. Phase shifts required, are obtained by using magnetic ferrite cores in a novel manner. Sampling units employing a combination of ferrite cores and semiconductor devices provide highly reliable designs. Special attention is paid to the choice of relaying signals, to eliminate the need for any synchronisation or modification and to avoid `image¿ characteristics. These factors have resulted in a considerable simplification of the practical circuitry. A thyristor AND circuit is employed in dual comparator units to provide the final tripping, and leads to a circuit which is much less sensitive to extraneous signals than a single-thyristor unit.


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Micrometre-scale polypyrrole (PPy) structures are synthesised for electrochemical supercapacitor applications by a facile electrochemical route. Globular polypyrrole microstructures of size < 5 μm are grown on stainless steel (SS-304) substrate by electro-polymerisation of pyrrole on oxygen microbubble templates electrochemically generated and stabilised in the presence of surfactant/supporting electrolyte/ dopant b-naphthalene sulfonic acid (b-NSA). Microstructures obtained with scan range of 0??1.6 V (against Ag/AgCl) are uniformly distributed over the surface with high coverage density of 5 x 105 to 8 x 10 cm-2. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that the formed microstructures are of Β-NSA doped PPy. Scanning electron microscopy showed the uniform spread and good coverage of microstructures over the substrate. Supercapacitor properties of PPy films are investigated by cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and galvanostatic charge/discharge methods with 1.0 M KCl as electrolyte in a three-electrode electrochemical cell. Specific capacitance of 583 Fg-1 is obtained, which is greater than the values (350-400 Fg-1 highest) usually reported for this material. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy proves the superc


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This paper describes the method of field orientation of the stator current vector with respect to the stator, mutual, and rotor flux vectors, for the control of an induction motor fed from a current source inverter (CSI). A control scheme using this principle is described for orienting the stator current with respect to the rotor flux, as this gives natural decoupling between the current coordinates. A dedicated micro-computer system developed for implementing this scheme has been described. The experimental results are also presented.


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Static distance relays employing semiconductor devices as their active elements offer many advantages over the conventional electromagnetic and rectifier relays. The paper describes single-system and three-system static distance relays, which depend for their operation on the instantaneous-comparison or `block-spike¿ scheme. Design principles and typical discriminating and logic circuits are described for the new relaying equipment. The relaying circuitry has been devised for obtaining uniform performance on all kinds of faults, by the use of two phase detectors¿one for multiphase faults and one for earth faults. The phase detector for multiphase faults provides an improved polar characteristic in the complex-impedance plane, which fits only around the fault area of a transmission line. The other features of the relay are: reliable pickup for close-in faults, least susceptibility to maloperation under power-swing conditions, and reduction in cost and panel space required. The operating characteristics of the relays, as expressed by accuracy/range charts, are also presented.


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Bypass operation with the aid of a special bypass valve is an important part of present-day schemes of protection for h.v. d.c. transmission systems. In this paper, the possibility of using two valves connected to any phase in the bridge convertor for the purpose of bypass operation is studied. The scheme is based on the use of logic circuits in conjunction with modified methods of fault detection. Analysis of the faults in a d.c. transmission system is carried out with the object of determining the requirements of such a logic-circuit control system. An outline of the scheme for the logic-circuit control of the bypass operation for both rectifier and invertor bridges is then given. Finally, conclusions are drawn regarding the advantages of such a system, which include reduction in the number of valves, prevention of severe faults and fast clearance of faults, in addition to the immediate location of the fault and its nature.


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Phenylboronic acids can exist, in principle, in three different conformers (syn,syn; syn,anti and anti,anti) with distinct energy profiles. In their native state, these compounds prefer the energetically favored syn, anti-conformation. In molecular complexes, however, the functionality exhibits conformational diversity. In this paper we report a series of co-crystals, with N-donor compounds, prepared by a design strategy involving the synthons based on the syn, syn-conformation of the boronic acid functionality. For this purpose, we employed compounds with the 1,2-diazo fragment (alprazolam, 1H-tetrazole, acetazolamide and benzotriazole), 1,10-phenanthroline and 2,2'-bipyridine for the co-crystallization experiments. However, our study shows that the mere presence of the 1,2-diazo fragment in the coformer does not guarantee the successful formation of co-crystals with a syn, syn-conformation of the boronic acid. [GRAPHICS] The -B(OH)(2) fragment makes unsymmetrical O-H center dot center dot center dot N heterosynthons with alprazolam (ALP) and 1,10-phenanthroline (PHEN). In the co-crystals of phenylboronic acids with 1H-tetrazole (TETR) and 2,2'-bipyridine (BPY), the symmetrical boronic acid dimer is the major synthon. In the BPY complex, boronic acid forms linear chains and the pyridine compound interacts with the lateral OH of boronic acid dimers that acts as a connector, thus forming a ladder structure. In the TETR complex, each heterocycle interacts with three boronic acids. While two boronic acids interact using the phenolic group, the third molecule generates O-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonds using the extra OH group, of -B(OH)(2) fragment, left after the dimer formation. Thus, although molecules were selected retrosynthetically with the 1,2-diazo fragment or with nearby hetero-atoms to induce co-crystal formation using the syn,syn-orientation of the -B(OH)(2) functionality, co-crystal formation is in fact selective and is probably driven by energy factors. Acetazolamide (ACET) contains self-complementary functional groups and hence creates stable homosynthons. Phenylboronic acids being weak competitors fail to perturb the homosynthons and hence the components crystallize separately. Therefore, besides the availability of possible hydrogen bond acceptors in the required position and orientation, the ability of the phenyl-boronic acid to perturb the existing interactions is also a prerequisite to form co-crystals. This is illustrated in the table below. In the case of ALP, PHEN and BPY, the native structures are stabilized by weak interactions and may be influenced by the boronic acid fragment. Thus phenylboronic acids can attain co-crystals with those compounds, wherein the cyclic O-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonds are stronger than the individual homo-interactions. This can lower the lattice energy of the molecular complex as compared with the individual crystals. [GRAPHICS] Phenylboronic acids show some selectivity in the formation of co-crystals with N-heterocycles. The differences in solubility of the components fall short to provide a possible reason for the selective formation of co-crystals only with certain compounds. These compounds, being weak acids, do not follow the Delta pK(a) analysis and hence fail to provide any conclusive observation. Theoretical results show that of the three conformers possible, the syn,anti conformer is the most stable. The relative stabilities of the three conformers syn,anti,syn,syn and anti,anti are 0.0, 2.18 and 3.14 kcal/mol, respectively. The theoretical calculations corroborate the fact that only energetically favorable synthons can induce the formation of heterosynthons, as in ALP and PHEN complexes. From a theoretical and structural analysis it is seen that phenylboronic acids will form interactions with those molecules wherein the heterocyclic and acidic fragments can interrupt the homosynthons. However, the energy profile is shallow and can be perturbed easily by the presence of competing functional groups (such as OH and COOH) in the vicinity. [GRAPHICS] .


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This paper deals with the solution to the problem of multisensor data fusion for a single target scenario as detected by an airborne track-while-scan radar. The details of a neural network implementation, various training algorithms based on standard backpropagation, and the results of training and testing the neural network are presented. The promising capabilities of RPROP algorithm for multisensor data fusion for various parameters are shown in comparison to other adaptive techniques


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The effect of attention on firing rates varies considerably within a single cortical area. The firing rate of some neurons is greatly modulated by attention while others are hardly affected. The reason for this variability across neurons is unknown. We found that the variability in attention modulation across neurons in area MT of macaques can be well explained by variability in the strength of tuned normalization across neurons. The presence of tuned normalization also explains a striking asymmetry in attention effects within neurons: when two stimuli are in a neuron's receptive field, directing attention to the preferred stimulus modulates firing rates more than directing attention to the nonpreferred stimulus. These findings show that much of the neuron-to-neuron variability in modulation of responses by attention depends on variability in the way the neurons process multiple stimuli, rather than differences in the influence of top-down signals related to attention.


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We present results of high pressure spray characterization of Straight Vegetable Oils (SVOs) which are potential diesel fuel substitutes. SVO sprays are visualized at high injection pressures (up to 1600 bar) to study their atomization characteristics. Spray structure studies are reported for the first time for Jatropha and Pongamia vegetable oils, under atmospheric conditions. Jatropha and Pongamia SVO sprays are found to be poorly atomized and intact liquid cores are observed even at an injection pressure of 1600 bar. Non-Newtonian behavior of Jatropha and Pongamia oil is shown to be the reason for observed spray structure. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nano sized copper chromite, which is used as a burn rate accelerator for solid propellants, was synthesized by the solution combustion process using citric acid and glycine as fuel. Pure spinel phase copper chromite (CuCr2O4) was synthesized, and the effect of different ratios of Cu-Cr ions in the initial reactant and various calcination temperatures on the final properties of the material were examined. The reaction time for the synthesis with glycine was lower compared to that with citric acid. The synthesized samples from both fuel cycles were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), BET surface area analysis, and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Commercial copper chromite that is currently used in solid propellant formulation was also characterized by the same techniques. XRD analysis shows that the pure spinel phase compound is formed by calcination at 700 degrees C for glycine fuel cycle and between 750 and 800 degrees C for citric acid cycle. XPS results indicate the variation of the oxidation state of copper in the final compound with a change in the Cu-Cr mole ratio. SEM images confirm the formation of nano size spherical shape particles. The variation of BET surface area with calcination temperature was studied for the solution combusted catalyst. Burn rate evaluation of synthesized catalyst was carried out and compared with the commercial catalyst. The comparison between BET surface area and the burn rate depicts that surface area difference caused the variation in burn rate between samples. The reason behind the reduction in surface area and the required modifications in the process are also described.