111 resultados para RARE-EARTH TRIFLUORIDES


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Surface oxidation of La, Ce, Sm and Tb metals has been investigated by He(II) ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (u.p.s.) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (X.p.s.). Oxidation of La gives rise to La2O3 on the surface. While Ce2O3 appears to be the stable oxide on the surface, we find evidence for formation of CeO2 at high oxygen exposure. Valence band of Sm clearly shows the presence of both divalent and trivalent states due to interconfigurational fluctuation. Exposure of Sm to oxygen first depletes the divalent Sm at the surface. While Sm2O3 is the stable oxide on the surface of Sm, Tb2O3 is the stable oxide on the surface of Tb (and not any of the higher oxides).


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A new series of inorganic-organic hybrid framework compounds, Ln(2)(mu(3)-OH)(C4H4O5)(2)(C4H2O4)]center dot 2H(2)O, (Ln = Ce, Pr and Nd), have been prepared employing a hydrothermal method. Malic acid and fumaric acid form part of the structure. The malate units connect the lanthanide centers forming Ln-O-Ln two-dimensional layers, which are cross-linked by the fumarate units forming the three-dimensional structure. Extra framework water molecules form a dimer and occupy the channels. The water molecules can be reversibly adsorbed. The dehydrated structure did not show any differences in framework structure/ connectivity. The presence of lattice water provides a pathway for proton conductivity. Optical studies suggest an up-conversion behavior involving more than one photon for a neodymium compound.


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We have examined the magnetotransport properties and the structure, by Rietveld refinement of powder X-ray data, of the phases RE(1.2)Sr(1.8)Mn(2)O(7) (RE = La, Pr, Nd). We find that on cooling, La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7 undergoes a transition to a nearly perfect ferromagnet with 90% magnetization at 1.45 T, as reported by earlier workers, but the Pr and Nd phases show only a small magnetization that grows gradually as the temperature is decreased. There seems to be significant correlation between electrical transport and the Jahn-Teller elongation of the apical Mn-O bonds in these systems. The elongation of the apical Mn-O bonds forces the nine-coordinate rock-salt site to be occupied preferentially by the smaller rare-earth-metal cations. This preferential occupation is reliably obtained from the X-ray refinement. All three title phases show a magnetoresistance ratio of about 4(corresponding to a magnetoresistance, [R(0)-R(H)]/R(0), of about 75%) at a field of 7 T and temperatures around 100 K.


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Spin-state equilibria in the whole set of LCoO3 (where L stands for a rare-earth metal or Y) have been investigated with the use of 59Co NMR as a probe for the polycrystalline samples (except Ce) in the temperature interval 110-550 K and frequency range 3- 11.6 MHz. Besides confirming the coexistence of the high-spin—low-spin state in this temperature range, a quadrupolar interaction of ∼0.1 -0.5 MHz has been detected for the first time from 59Co NMR. The NMR line shape is found to depend strongly on the relative magnitude of the magnetic and quadrupolar interactions present. Analysis of the powder pattern reveals two basically different types of transferred hyperfine interaction between the lighter and heavier members of the rare-earth series. The first three members of the lighter rare-earth metals La, Pr (rhombohedral), and Nd (tetragonal), exhibit second-order quadrupolar interaction with a zero-asymmetry parameter at lower temperatures. Above a critical temperature TS (dependent on the size of the rare-earth ion), the quadrupolar interaction becomes temperature dependent and eventually gives rise to a first-order interaction thus indicating a possible second-order phase change. Sm and Eu (orthorhombic) exhibit also a second-order quadrupolar interaction with a nonzero asymmetry parameter ((η∼0.47)) at 300 K, while the orthorhombic second-half members (Dy,..., Lu and Y) exhibit first-order quadrupolar interaction at all temperatures. Normal paramagnetic behavior, i.e., a linear variation of Kiso with T-1, has been observed in the heavier rare-earth cobaltites (Er,..., Lu and Y), whereas an anomalous variation has been observed in (La,..., Nd)CoO3. Thus, Kiso increases with increasing temperature in PrCoO3 and NdCoO3. These observations corroborate the model of the spin-state equilibria in LCoO3 originally proposed by Raccah and Goodenough. A high-spin—low-spin ratio, r=1, can be stabilized in the perovskite structure by a cooperative displacement of the oxygen atoms from the high-spin towards the low-spin cation. Where this ordering into high- and low-spin sublattices occurs at r=1, one can anticipate equivalent displacement of all near-neighbor oxygen atoms towards a low-spin cobalt ion. Thus the heavier LCoO3 exhibits a small temperature-independent first-order quadrupolar interaction. Where r<1, the high- and low-spin states are disordered, giving rise to a temperature-dependent second-order quadrupolar interaction with an anomalous Kiso for the lighter LCoO3.


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The discovery of magnetic superconductors has posed the problem of the coexistence of two kinds of orders (magnetic and superconducting) in some temperature intervals in these systems. New microscopic mechanisms developed by us to explain the coexistence and reentrant behaviour are reported. The mechanism for antiferromagnetic superconductors which shows enhancement of superconductivity below the magnetic transition is found relevant for rare-earth systems having less than half-filled f-atomic shells. The theory will be compared with the experimental results of SmRh4B4 system. A phenomenological treatment based on a generalized Ginzburg-Landau approach will also be presented to explain the anomalous behaviour of the second critical field in some antiferromagnetic superconductors. These magnetic superconductors provide two kinds of Bose fields, namely, phonons and magnons which interact with each other and also with the conduction electrons. Theoretical studies of the effects of the excitations of these modes on superconducting pairing and magnetic ordering in these systems will be discussed.


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This study presents a detailed description on crustal metamorphic signatures of garnet-clinopyroxene-quartz-rutile-bearing high P-T granulites, Samgot unit, Imajingang belt, northwestern Korean Peninsula that formed during Permo-Triassic regional metamorphism related to the amalgamation of East Asian continental fragments. Lenses and blocks of high P-T granulites and garnet-bearing leucosomes occur within mafic metamorphic rocks (mainly amphibolites). The mafic blocks comprise relicts of granoblastic garnet and clinopyroxene with medium-grained quartz and rutile. These relict mineral assemblages are confined to local micro-domains and constitute remnants of peak metamorphism. Plagioclase and amphibole form only as retrograde phases in medium ton coarse-grained moats that rim grain boundaries between relict peak mineral assemblages. This microstructure represents the reaction between garnet, clinopyroxene, quartz and rutile in the presence of melt to form amphibole, plagioclase and titanite with minor biotite. The leucosome domains consist of euhedral garnets within the quartz-K feldspar-plagioclase (granitic) matrix, probably representing peritectic garnet growth along with melting. The rare earth element (REE) composition of minerals also support the peritectic garnet growth with a positive Eu/Eu* (positive Eu anomaly), while the relict garnet shows a slight negative anomaly typical for high-grade granulites. The peak-metamorphic conditions calculated from thermodynamic modeling and compositional isopleths indicate a temperature around c. 900 degrees C at a pressure around c. 20 kbar. The present P-T path indicates a clear multi-stage decompression history with initial decompression and cooling followed by a stage of decompression during hydration possibly during Late Triassic exhumation. The results from this study together with the presence of eclogites from the Hongsung area suggest that the Imjingang area and the western Gyeonggi massif likely resided at crustal levels deeper than those of the eastern and southern part of the Gyeonggi massif. (C) 2009 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Spectral properties of Nd3+ and Dy3+ ions in different phosphate glasses were studied and several spectroscopic parameters were reported. Covalency of rare-earth-oxygen bond was studied in these phosphate glass matrices with the variation of modifier in host glass matrix Using Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters (Omega(2), Omega(4) and Omega(6)), radiative transition probabilities (A) and radiative lifetimes (tau(R)) of certain excited states of Nd3+ and Dy3+ ions are estimated in these glass matrices. From the magnitudes of branching ratios (beta(R)) and integrated absorption cross-sections (Sigma), certain transitions of both the ions are identified for laser excitation. From the emission spectra, peak stimulated emission cross-sections (sigma(P)) are evaluated for the emission transitions observed in all these phosphate glass matrices for both Nd3+ and Dy3+ ions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present here magnetization, specific heat, and Raman studies on single-crystalline specimens of the first pyrochlore member Sm2Ti2O7 of the rare-earth titanate series. Its analogous compound Sm2Zr2O7 in the rare-earth zirconate series is also investigated in the polycrystalline form. The Sm spins in Sm2Ti2O7 remain unordered down to at least T=0.5 K. The absence of magnetic ordering is attributed to very small values of exchange (θcw∼−0.26 K) and dipolar interaction (μeff∼0.15 μB) between the Sm3+ spins in this pyrochlore. In contrast, the pyrochlore Sm2Zr2O7 is characterized by a relatively large value of Sm-Sm spin exchange (θcw∼−10 K); however, long-range ordering of the Sm3+ spins is not established at least down to T=0.67 K due to frustration of the Sm3+ spins on the pyrochlore lattice. The ground state of Sm3+ ions in both pyrochlores is a well-isolated Kramers doublet. The higher-lying crystal field excitations are observed in the low-frequency region of the Raman spectra of the two compounds recorded at T=10 K. At higher temperatures, the magnetic susceptibility of Sm2Ti2O7 shows a broad maximum at T=140 K, while that of Sm2Zr2O7 changes monotonically. Whereas Sm2Ti2O7 is a promising candidate for investigating spin fluctuations on a frustrated lattice, as indicated by our data, the properties of Sm2Zr2O7 seem to conform to a conventional scenario where geometrical frustration of the spin excludes their long-range ordering.


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The solvolytic disproportionation of non-stoichiometric PrOχ and TbOχ in acid solutions to produce higher oxides has been investigated. Some new non-stoichiometric phases have been reported. A number of interesting features of the non-stoichiometric rare earth oxides have been discussed and the need for a satisfactory structural model has been pointed out.


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Atomically resolved scanning tunneling microscopy was conducted on cleaved single crystals of the cubic perovskite Pr0.68Pb0.32MnO3.Several different surface configurations could be resolved including a frequent square arrangement with atomic distances in excellent agreement to the bulk lattice constant of the cubic structure. We also observed stripe formation and a surface reconstruction. The latter is likely related to a polar rare earth-oxygen terminated surface. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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Substitution of Ca by Y in TlCaBa2Cu2Oy does not favour superconductivity, but substitution of Tl by Pb or of Ca by Ln (Ln = Y or rare earth) in TlCaSr2Cu2Oy results in high Tc superconductivity (Tc π 60-90 K). TlCa1-xLnxSr2Cu2Oy is a new series of high Tc superconductors, but the x = 0.0 composition does not exhibit bulk superconductivity.


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Many transition metal oxide materials of high chemical purity are not necessarily monophasic. Thus, single crystals of chemically pure rare earth manganites and cobaltates of the general formula Ln1-xAxMO3 (Ln=rare earth metal, A=alkaline earth metal, M=Mn, Co) exhibit the phenomenon of electronic phase separation wherein phases of different electronic and magnetic properties coexist. Such phase separation, the length scale of which can vary anywhere between a few nanometers to microns, gives distinct signatures in X-ray and neutron diffraction patterns, electrical and magnetic properties, as well as in NMR and other spectroscopies. While the probe one employs to investigate electronic phase separation depends on the length scale, it is noteworthy that direct imaging of the inhomogeneities has been accomplished. Some understanding of this phenomenon has been possible on the basis of some of the theoretical models, but we are far from unraveling the varied aspects of this new phenomenon. Herein, we present the highlights of experimental techniques and theoretical approaches, and comment on the future outlook for this fascinating phenomenon