139 resultados para Quantum Chemistry Calculation


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Similar quantum phase diagrams and transitions are found for three classes of one-dimensional models with equally spaced sites, singlet ground states (GS), inversion symmetry at sites and a bond order wave (BOW) phase in some sectors. The models are frustrated spin-1/2 chains with variable range exchange, half-filled Hubbard models with spin-independent interactions and modified Hubbard models with site energies for describing organic charge transfer salts. In some range of parameters, the models have a first order quantum transition at which the GS expectation value of the sublattice spin < S-A(2)> of odd or even-numbered sites is discontinuous. There is an intermediate BOW phase for other model parameters that lead to two continuous quantum transitions with continuous < S-A(2)>. Exact diagonalization of finite systems and symmetry arguments provide a unified picture of familiar 1D models that have appeared separately in widely different contexts.


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Similar quantum phase diagrams and transitions are found for three classes of one-dimensional models with equally spaced sites, singlet ground states (GS), inversion symmetry at sites and a bond order wave (BOW) phase in some sectors. The models are frustrated spin-1/2 chains with variable range exchange, half-filled Hubbard models with spin-independent interactions and modified Hubbard models with site energies for describing organic charge transfer salts. In some range of parameters, the models have a first order quantum transition at which the GS expectation value of the sublattice spin < S-A(2)> of odd or even-numbered sites is discontinuous. There is an intermediate BOW phase for other model parameters that lead to two continuous quantum transitions with continuous < S-A(2)>. Exact diagonalization of finite systems and symmetry arguments provide a unified picture of familiar 1D models that have appeared separately in widely different contexts.


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The flexibility of the water lattice in clathrate hydrates and guest-guest interactions has been shown in previous studies to significantly affect the values of the thermodynamic properties, such as chemical potentials and free energies. Here we describe methods for computing occupancies, chemical potentials, and free energies that account for the flexibility of water lattice and guest-guest interactions in the hydrate phase. The methods are validated for a wide variety of guest molecules, such as methane, ethane, carbon dioxide, and tetrahydrodfuran by comparing the predicted occupancy values of guest molecules with those obtained from isothermal isobaric semigrand Monte Carlo simulations. The proposed methods extend the van der Waals and Platteuw theory for clathrate hydrates, and the Langmuir constant is calculated based on the structure of the empty hydrate lattice. These methods in combination with development of advanced molecular models for water and guest molecules should lead to a more thermodynamically consistent theory for clathrate hydrates.


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Single crystalline zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorod array has been used for the fabrication of CdSe/CdS/PbS/ZnO quantum dot sensitized solar cell (QDSSC). The ZnO nanorod array photoanodes are sensitized with consecutive layer of PbS, CdS and CdSe quantum dots by employing simple successive ion layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) and chemical bath deposition (CBD) techniques. The performances of the QDSSCs are examined in detail using polysulfide electrolyte with copper sulfide (CuS) counter electrode. The combination of two successive layers of PbS with CdSe/CdS/ZnO shows an improved short circuit current density (12.223 mA cm(-2)) with a maximum power to conversion efficiency of 2.352% under 1 sun illumination. This enhancement is mainly attributed due to the better light harvesting ability of the PbS quantum dots and make large accumulation of photo-injected electrons in the conduction band of ZnO, and CdSe/CdS layers lower the recombination of photo-injected electrons with the electrolyte, these are well evidenced with the photovoltaic studies and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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FT-IR (4000-400 cm(-1)) and FT-Raman (4000-200 cm(-1)) spectral measurements on solid 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile (2,6-DCBN) have been done. The molecular geometry, harmonic vibrational frequencies and bonding features in the ground state have been calculated by density functional theory at the B3LYP/6-311++G (d,p) level. A comparison between the calculated and the experimental results covering the molecular structure has been made. The assignments of the fundamental vibrational modes have been done on the basis of the potential energy distribution (PED). To investigate the influence of intermolecular hydrogen bonding on the geometry, the charge distribution and the vibrational spectrum of 2,6-DCBN; calculations have been done for the monomer as well as the tetramer. The intermolecular interaction energies corrected for basis set superposition error (BSSE) have been calculated using counterpoise method. Based on these results, the correlations between the vibrational modes and the structure of the tetramer have been discussed. Molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) contour map has been plotted in order to predict how different geometries could interact. The Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) analysis has been done for the chemical interpretation of hyperconjugative interactions and electron density transfer between occupied (bonding or lone pair) orbitals to unoccupied (antibonding or Rydberg) orbitals. UV spectrum was measured in methanol solution. The energies and oscillator strengths were calculated by Time Dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT) and matched to the experimental findings. TD-DFT method has also been used for theoretically studying the hydrogen bonding dynamics by monitoring the spectral shifts of some characteristic vibrational modes involved in the formation of hydrogen bonds in the ground and the first excited state. The C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) chemical shifts of the molecule were calculated by the Gauge independent atomic orbital (GIAO) method and compared with experimental results. Standard thermodynamic functions have been obtained and changes in thermodynamic properties on going from monomer to tetramer have been presented. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Enzymatic regulation is a fast and reliable diagnosis tool via identification and design of inhibitors for modulation of enzyme function. Previous reports on quantum dots (QDs)-enzyme interactions reveal a protein-surface recognition ability leading to promising applications in protein stabilization, protein delivery, bio-sensing and detection. However, the direct use of QDs to control enzyme inhibition has never been revealed to date. Here we show that a series of biocompatible surface-functionalized metal-chalcogenide QDs can be used as potent inhibitors for malignant cells through the modulation of enzyme activity, while normal cells remain unaffected. The in vitro activity of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), an enzyme involved critically in the glycolysis of cancer cells, is inactivated selectively in a controlled way by the QDs at a significantly low concentration (nM). Cumulative kinetic studies delineate that the QDs undergo both reversible and irreversible inhibition mechanisms owing to the site-specific interactions, enabling control over the inhibition kinetics. These complementary loss-of-function probes may offer a novel route for rapid clinical diagnosis of malignant cells and biomedical applications.


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This work considers how the properties of hydrogen bonded complexes, X-H center dot center dot center dot Y, are modified by the quantum motion of the shared proton. Using a simple two-diabatic state model Hamiltonian, the analysis of the symmetric case, where the donor (X) and acceptor (Y) have the same proton affinity, is carried out. For quantitative comparisons, a parametrization specific to the O-H center dot center dot center dot O complexes is used. The vibrational energy levels of the one-dimensional ground state adiabatic potential of the model are used to make quantitative comparisons with a vast body of condensed phase data, spanning a donor-acceptor separation (R) range of about 2.4-3.0 angstrom, i.e., from strong to weak hydrogen bonds. The position of the proton (which determines the X-H bond length) and its longitudinal vibrational frequency, along with the isotope effects in both are described quantitatively. An analysis of the secondary geometric isotope effect, using a simple extension of the two-state model, yields an improved agreement of the predicted variation with R of frequency isotope effects. The role of bending modes is also considered: their quantum effects compete with those of the stretching mode for weak to moderate H-bond strengths. In spite of the economy in the parametrization of the model used, it offers key insights into the defining features of H-bonds, and semi-quantitatively captures several trends. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Although semiconductor quantum dots are promising materials for displays and lighting due to their tunable emissions, these materials also suffer from the serious disadvantage of self-absorption of emitted light. The reabsorption of emitted light is a serious loss mechanism in practical situations because most phosphors exhibit subunity quantum yields. Manganese-based phosphors that also exhibit high stability and quantum efficiency do not suffer from this problem but in turn lack emission tunability, seriously affecting their practical utility. Here, we present a class of manganese-doped quantum dot materials, where strain is used to tune the wavelength of the dopant emission, extending the otherwise limited emission tunability over the yellow-orange range for manganese ions to almost the entire visible spectrum covering all colors from blue to red. These new materials thus combine the advantages of both quantum dots and conventional doped phosphors, thereby opening new possibilities for a wide range of applications in the future.


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Fluorescent carbon quantum dots (CQD) induce macromolecular crowding making them suitable for probing the structure, function and dynamics of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic peptides/proteins under near in-cell conditions.


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Two hydroxycinnamic acids viz., p-coumaric, and caffeic acids have been extracted and purified from Parthenium hysterophorus, subsequently characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR, NMR, single crystal X-ray crystallography. The optimized structures of these acids were calculated in terms of density functional theory by Gaussian 09. The validation of experimental and theoretically obtained data for structural parameters such as bond lengths and bond angles has have been carried out to analyze the statistical significance by curve fitting analysis and the values of correlation coefficient found to be 0.985, 0.992, and 0.984, 0.975 in p-coumaric, and caffeic acids, respectively. The calculated HOMO and LUMO energies show the eventual charge transfer interaction within the molecule. Thermal studies were also carried out by thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermogravimetric analysis (DTA), and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate in here a powerful scalable technology to synthesize continuously high quality CdSe quantum dots (QDs) in supercritical hexane. Using a low cost, highly thermally stable Cd-precursor, cadmium deoxycholate, the continuous synthesis is performed in 400 mu m ID stainless steel capillaries resulting in CdSe QDs having sharp full-width-at-half-maxima (23 nm) and high photoluminescence quantum yields (45-55%). Transmission electron microscopy images show narrow particles sizes distribution (sigma <= 5%) with well-defined crystal lattices. Using two different synthesis temperatures (250 degrees C and 310 degrees C), it was possible to obtain zinc blende and wurtzite crystal structures of CdSe QDs, respectively. This synthetic approach allows achieving substantial production rates up to 200 mg of QDs per hour depending on the targeted size, and could be easily scaled to gram per hour.


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Naturally formed CdTe/CdS core/shell quantum dot (QD) structures in the presence of surface stabilizing agents have been synthesized by a hydrothermal method. Size and temperature dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectra have been investigated to understand the exciton-phonon interaction, and radiative and nonradiative relaxation of carriers in these QDs. The PL of these aqueous CdTe QDs (3.0-4.8 nm) has been studied in the temperature range 15-300 K. The strength of the exciton-LO-phonon coupling, as reflected in the Huang-Rhys parameter `S' is found to increase from 1.13 to 1.51 with the QD size varying from 4.8 to 3.0 nm. The PL linewidth (FWHM) increases with increase in temperature and is found to have a maximum in the case of QDs of 3.0 nm in size, where the exciton-acoustic phonon coupling coefficient is enhanced to 51 mu eV K-1, compared to the bulk value of 0.72 mu eV K-1. To understand the nonradiative processes, which affect the relaxation of carriers, the integrated PL intensity is observed as a function of temperature. The integrated PL intensity remains constant until 50 K for relatively large QDs (3.9-4.8 nm) beyond which a thermally activated process takes over. Below 150 K, a small activation energy, 45-19 meV, is found to be responsible for the quenching of the PL. Above 150 K, the thermal escape from the dot assisted by scattering with multiple longitudinal optical (LO) phonons is the main mechanism for the fast quenching of the PL. Besides this high temperature quenching, interestingly for relatively smaller size QDs (3.4-3.0 nm), the PL intensity enhances as the temperature increases up to 90-130 K, which is attributed to the emission of carriers from interface/trap states having an activation energy in the range of 6-13 meV.


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Despite significant improvements in their properties as emitters, colloidal quantum dots have not had much success in emerging as suitable materials for laser applications. Gain in most colloidal systems is short lived, and needs to compete with biexcitonic decay. This has necessitated the use of short pulsed lasers to pump quantum dots to thresholds needed for amplified spontaneous emission or lasing. Continuous wave pumping of gain that is possible in some inorganic phosphors has therefore remained a very distant possibility for quantum dots. Here, we demonstrate that trilayer heterostructures could provide optimal conditions for demonstration of continuous wave lasing in colloidal materials. The design considerations for these materials are discussed in terms of a kinetic model. The electronic structure of the proposed dot architectures is modeled within effective mass theory.


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The calculation of First Passage Time (moreover, even its probability density in time) has so far been generally viewed as an ill-posed problem in the domain of quantum mechanics. The reasons can be summarily seen in the fact that the quantum probabilities in general do not satisfy the Kolmogorov sum rule: the probabilities for entering and non-entering of Feynman paths into a given region of space-time do not in general add up to unity, much owing to the interference of alternative paths. In the present work, it is pointed out that a special case exists (within quantum framework), in which, by design, there exists one and only one available path (i.e., door-way) to mediate the (first) passage -no alternative path to interfere with. Further, it is identified that a popular family of quantum systems - namely the 1d tight binding Hamiltonian systems - falls under this special category. For these model quantum systems, the first passage time distributions are obtained analytically by suitably applying a method originally devised for classical (stochastic) mechanics (by Schroedinger in 1915). This result is interesting especially given the fact that the tight binding models are extensively used in describing everyday phenomena in condense matter physics.


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Heterostructures comprised of zinc oxide quantum dots (ZnO QDs) and graphene are presented for ultraviolet photodetectors (UV PD). Graphene-ZnO QDs-graphene (G-ZnO QDs-G) based PD demonstrated an excellent UV photoresponse with outstanding photoelastic characteristics when illuminated for several cycles with a periodicity 5 s. PD demonstrated faster detection ability with the response and recovery times of 0.29 s in response to much lower UV illumination. A direct variation in photoresponse is revealed with the bias voltage as well as UV illumination intensity. A drastic reduction in the dark current is noticed due to potential barrier formation between adjacent ZnO QDs and the recombination rate reduces by directly transferring photogenerated charge carriers from ZnO QDs to graphene for enhanced the charge mobility.