149 resultados para Potassium permanganate


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Conformations of valinomycin and its complexes with Perchlorate and thiocyanate salts of barium, in a medium polar solvent acetonitrile, were studied using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic techniques. Valinomycin was shown to have a bracelet conformation in acetonitrile. With the doubly charged barium ion, the molecule, at lower concentrations, predominantly formed a 1:1 complex. At higher concentrations, however, apart from the 1:1, peptide as well as ion sandwich complexes were formed in addition to a :final complex:. Unlike the standard 1:1 potassium complex, where the ion was centrally located in a bracelet conformation, the a 1:1 barium complex contained the barium ion at the periphery. The a :final complex: appeared to be an open conformation with no internal hydrogen bonds and has two bound barium ions. This complex was probably made of average of many closely related conformations that were exchanging very fast (on nuclear magnetic resonance time scale) among them. The conformation of the a:final complex a: resembled the conformation obtained in the solid state. Unlike the Perchlorate anion, the thiocyanate anion seemed to have a definite role in stabilising the various complexes. While the conformation of the 1:1 complex indicated a mechanism of ion capture at the membrane interface, the sandwich complexes might explain the transport process by a relay mechanism.


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The specific activity of glutamine synthetase (L-glutamate: ammonia ligase, EC in surface grown Aspergillus niger was increased 3-5 fold when grown on L-glutamate or potassium nitrate, compared to the activity obtained on ammonium chloride. The levels of glutamine synthetase was regulated by the availability of nitrogen source like NH4 + , and further, the enzyme is repressed by increasing concentrations of NH4 +. In contrast to other micro-organisms, the Aspergillus niger enzyme was neither specifically inactivated by NH4+ or L-glutamine nor regulated by covalent modification.Glutamine synthetase from Aspergillus niger was purified to homogenity. The native enzyme is octameric with a molecular weight of 385,000±25,000. The enzyme also catalyses Mn2+ or Mg2+-dependent synthetase and Mn2+-dependent transferase activity.Aspergillus niger glutamine synthetase was completely inactivated by two mol of phenylglyoxal and one mol of N-ethylmaleimide with second order rate constants of 3·8 M–1 min–1 and 760 M–1 min–1 respectively. Ligands like Mg. ATP, Mg. ADP, Mg. AMP, L-glutamate NH4+, Mn2+ protected the enzyme against inactivation. The pattern of inactivation and protection afforded by different ligands against N-ethylamaleimide and phenylglyoxal was remarkably similar. These results suggest that metal ATP complex acts as a substrate and interacts with an arginine ressidue at the active site. Further, the metal ion and the free nucleotide probably interact at other sites on the enzyme affecting the catalytic activity.


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Knoevenagel condensation of 2-acylcyclohexanones or 2-ethoxycarbonylcyclohexanone with either cyanoacetamide or malononitrile followed by silver salt alkylation gave the 5,6,7,8-tetrahydroisoquinolines (3a–i). Chromic acid oxidation of the 5,6,7,8-tetrahydroisoquinolines (3a–i) to the corresponding tetralones (4a–i) followed by sodium borohydride reduction and p-toluenesulphonic acid-catalysed dehydration of the resulting alcohols (5a–i) gave the 5,6-dihydroisoquinolines (6a–i). Reaction of 5,6-dihydroisoquinolines (6a–g) with potassium amide in liquid ammonia gave a mixture of the 1,3-dihydroisoquinolines (7a–g) and the isoquinolines (8a–g). The C-1 unsubstituted 1,2-dihydroisoquinoline (7c) was found to be very unstable. In the case of the 5,6-dihydroisoquinolines (6h and 6i), reaction of potassium amide in liquid ammonia resulted in a mixture of 1-aminoisoquinoline (9) and the isoquinolines (8h and 8i). All the above compounds have been characterised by spectral data. A probable pathway for the formation of the 1,2-dihydroisoquinolines (7a–g) and the isoquinolines (8a–i) is suggested.


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Silicon tetrahalides, SiX4 (X=F, Cl, Br) and the fluorosilicates of sodium and potassium react with phosphorus pentoxide above 300°C. The tetrahalides give rise to the corresponding phosphoryl halides and silica, while the fluorosilicates form the corresponding metal fluorophosphates and silicon tetrafluoride. The reaction of the fluorosilicates of sodium and potassium with sulphur trioxide occurs at room temperature to give rise to the corresponding metal fluorosulphates and silicon tetrafluoride.


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The effect of past mechanical history on the subsequent thermal decomposition kinetics of sodium, potassium, rubidium and caesium perchlorates, has been investigated. At low temperatures the decomposition of all these salts is significantly sensitized by pre-compression. At high temperatures, however, prior compression results in a lowered decomposition rate in the case of potassium, rubidium and caesium perchlorates and in an increase in the thermal reactivity of sodium perchlorate. The high temperature behaviour is shown to be an indirect consequence of the low temperature behaviour. The difference in behaviour between sodium perchlorate and the other alkali metal perchlorates is explained on the basis of the stability of the respective chlorates, formed during the low temperature decomposition. This is substantiated by experiments which show that the addition of sodium chlorate to sodium perchlorate brings about a sensitization while potassium perchlorate admixed with potassium chlorate results in a desensitization at high temperatures.


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Hydrogenation of someα, β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds using potassium pentacyanocobaltate (II), K3Co(CN)5, as a homogeneous catalyst has been investigated. Thus, hydrogenation of 1-carvone (I), mesityl oxide (4), 2-cyclohexenone (8) and benzalacetone (6) afforded the corresponding dihydrocompounds. Hydrogenation ofβ-ionone (10) afforded a mixture of theα, β-dihydrocompounds (14) and (15). In all these cases, it was observed that the reaction proceeded to completion only in the presence of added base. Hydrogenation of 5α-androst-l-en-17β-ol-3-one acetate (19) afforded the saturated compound, 5α-androst-17β-ol-3-one (20) in 60% yield. It was found that other steroid enones and dienones were not reduced by this catalyst system.


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Pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride) has been found to be an efficient and versatile reagent for the preparation of hexafluorophosphates. Pyridinium hexafluorophosphate has been prepared by the reaction between phosphorus (V) halides (POCl3, POBr3, PSCl3, PCl5, PBr5) and pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride). This in turn is used to prepare the hexafluorophosphates of ammonium, sodium, potassium, rubidium and cesium in good yield and high purity.


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Single crystal macroscopic thermal expansion coefficient measurements have been made on uniaxial lithium potassium sulphate crystal both along and normal to the six fold axis, employing Fizeau’s interferometer method. Measurements were made in the range of −120°C to 500°C. The results show that lithium potassium sulphate exhibits two major anomalies in its expansion coefficients around −95°C and 422°C respectively, the one at −95°C has been observed for the first time. The nature of dimensional changes of the crystal at the upper and lower transition points are opposite in nature. The crystal shows considerable lattice anisotropy. Megaw’s tilt concept has been invoked to explain the relative magnitudes of expansion coefficients alonga andc directions. Structural features responsible for the absence of ferroelectricity in this crystal have been pointed out.


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The filtrate obtained by interacting a known amount of rice husk with deionised, Milli-Q water was assessed as a carbon source and nutrient medium for the growth of Desulfotomaculum nigrificans, a typical sulfate-reducing bacterium. The filtrate contained essential growth constituents such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorous apart from calcium, sodium, chloride and sulfate ions. Based on the 1H and 13C NMR characterization studies, the organic composition of the components dissolved from the rice husk, was found to be: (i) 66% lignocellulosic material, (ii) 24% xylose + arabinose and (iii) 10% galactose. The growth studies indicated a 15-fold increase in the bacterial cell number in about 20 days. Nearly 81% and 66% reduction in sulfate concentration could be achieved in about 28 days, from the solutions containing initial sulfate concentrations of 550 mg/l and 1200 mg/l respectively. In both the cases studied, the iron concentration could be reduced by over 85%.


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The influence of chemical specificity of hydrophilic surfaces on the structure of confined water in the subnanometer regime is investigated using grand canonical Monte Carlo Simulations. The structural variations for water confined between hydroxylated silica surfaces are contrasted with water confined between mica surfaces. Although both surfaces are hydrophilic, our Study shows that hydration of potassium ions on the mica surface has a strong influence on the water Structure and solvation force response of confined water. In contrast to the disrupted hydrogen bond network observed for water confined between Mica Surfaces, water between silica surfaces retains its hydrogen bond network displaying bulklike structural features down to surface separations as small as 0.45 nm. Hydrogen bonding of all invariant contact water layer with the surface silanol groups aids in maintaining a constant number of hydrogen bonds per water molecule for the silica surfaces. As a consequence water depletion and rearrangement upon decreasing confinement is a strong function of the hydrophilic surface specificity, particularly at smaller separations. An oscillatory solvation force response is only observed for water confined between Silica surfaces, and bulklike features are observed for both Surfaces above a surface separation of about 1.2 nm. We evaluate and contrast the water density, dipole moment distributions, pi pair correlation functions, and solvation forces as a function of the surface separation.


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Crystal structures of lithium, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium salts of adenosine 2'-monophosphate (2'-AMP) have been obtained at atomic resolution by X-ray crystallographic methods. 2'-AMP.Li belongs to the monoclinic space group P21 with a = 7.472(3)Å, b = 26.853(6) Å, c = 9.184(1)Å, b = 113.36(1)Å and Z= 4. 2'-AMP.Na and 2'-AMP.K crystallize in the trigonal space groups P31 and P3121 with a = 8.762(1)Å, c = 34.630(5)Å, Z= 6 and a = 8.931(4), Åc = 34.852(9)Å and Z= 6 respectively while 2'-AMP.Ca and 2'-AMP.Mg belong to space groups P6522 and P21 with cell parameters a = 9.487(2), c = 74.622(13), Z = 12 and a = 4.973(1), b = 10.023(2), c = 16.506(2), beta = 91.1(0) and Z = 2 respectively. All the structures were solved by direct methods and refined by full matrix least-squares to final R factors of 0.033, 0.028, 0.075, 0.069 and 0.030 for 2'-AMP.Li, 2'-AMP.Na, 2'- AMP.K, 2'-AMP.Ca and 2'-AMP.Mg, respectively. The neutral adenine bases in all the structures are in syn conformation stabilized by the O5'-N3 intramolecular hydrogen bond as in free acid and ammonium complex reported earlier. In striking contrast, the adenine base is in the anti geometry (cCN = -156.4(2)°) in 2'-AMP.Mg. Ribose moieties adopt C2'-endo puckering in 2'-AMP.Li and 2'-AMP.Ca, C2'-endo-C3'-exo twist puckering in 2'-AMP.Na and 2'-AMP.K and a C3'-endo-C2'-exo twist puckering in 2'-AMP.Mg structure. The conformation about the exocyclic C4'-C5' bond is the commonly observed gauche-gauche (g+) in all the structures except the gauche- trans (g-) conformation observed in 2'-AMP.Mg structure. Lithium ions coordinate with water, ribose and phosphate oxygens at distances 1.88 to 1.99Å. Na+ ions and K+ ions interact with phosphate and ribose oxygens directly and with N7 indirectly through a water oxygen. A distinct feature of 2'-AMP.Na and 2'-AMP.K structures is the involvement of ribose O4' in metal coordination. The calcium ion situated on a two-fold axis coordinates directly with three oxygens OW1, OW2 and O2 and their symmetry mates at distances 2.18 to 2.42Å forming an octahedron. A classic example of an exception to the existence of the O5'-N3 intramolecular hydorgen bond is the 2'-AMP.Mg strucure. Magnesium ion forms an octahedral coordination with three water and three phosphate oxygens at distances ranging from 2.02 to 2.11Å. A noteworthy feature of its coordination is the indirect link with N3 through OW3 oxygen resulting in macrochelation between the base and the phosphate group. Greater affnity of metal clays towards 5' compared to 2' and 3' nucleotides (J. Lawless, E. Edelson, and L. Manring, Am. Chem. Soc. Northwest Region Meeting, Seattle. 1978) due to macrochelation infered from solution studies (S. S. Massoud, H. Sigel, Eur. J. Biochem. 179, 451-458 (1989)) and interligand hydrogen bonding induced by metals postulated from metal-nucleotide structures in solid state (V. Swaminathan and M. Sundaralingam, CRC. Crit. Rev. Biochem. 6, 245-336 (1979)) are borne out by our structures also. The stacking patterns of adenine bases of both 2'-AMP.Na and 2'-AMP.K structures resemble the 2'-AMP.NH4 structure reported in the previous article. 2'-AMP.Li, 2'-AMP.Ca and 2'-AMP.Mg structures display base-ribose O4' stacking. An overview of interaction of monovalent and divalent cations with 2' and 5'-nucleotides has been presented.


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We describe the solution combustion synthesis and characterization of La1-xKxMnO3 (0.0 <= x <= 0.25) perovskite phases, which is a low temperature initiated, rapid route to prepare metal oxides. As-synthesized compounds are amorphous in nature; crystallinity was observed on heating at 800 degrees C for 5 min. Structural parameters were determined by the Rietveld refinement method using powder XRD data. Parent LaMnO3 compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic structure (space group Pbnm, No. 62). Potassium substituted compounds were crystallized with rhombohedral symmetry (space group R-3c, No. 167). The ratio of the Mn3+/Mn4+ was determined by the iodometric titration. The Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR) shows two absorption bands for Mn-O stretching vibration (v, mode), Mn-O-Mn deformation vibration (v(b) mode) around 600 cm(-1) and 400 cm(-1) for the compositions, x = 0.0, 0.05 and 0-10. Four-probe electrical resistivity measurements reveal a composition controlled metal to insulator transition (TM-1), the maximum TM-1 was observed for the composition La0.85K0.15MnO3 at 287 K. Room temperature vibrating sample magnetometer data indicate that for the composition up to x = 0-10, the compounds are paramagnetic whereas composition with x = 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25 show magnetic moments of 27, 29 and 30 emu/g, respectively.


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An easy and convenient one-step procedure for the conversion of alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds into their corresponding bromo-enones using NBS-Et3N center dot 3HBr in the presence of potassium carbonate in dichloromethane at 0 degrees C to room temperature under very mild conditions in high yields and significantly shorter times, is reported.


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Elicitation of drug resistance and various survival strategies inside host macrophages have been the hallmarks of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a successful pathogen. ATP Binding Cassette (ABC) transporter type proteins are known to be involved in the efflux of drugs in bacterial and mammalian systems. FtsE, an ABC transporter type protein, in association with the integral membrane protein FtsX, is involved in the assembly of potassium ion transport proteins and probably of cell division proteins as well, both of which being relevant to tubercle bacillus. In this study, we cloned ftsE gene of M. tuberculosis, overexpressed and purified. The recombinant MtFtsE-6xHis protein and the native MtFtsE protein were found localized on the membrane of E. coli and M. tuberculosis cells, respectively. MtFtsE-6xHis protein showed ATP binding in vitro, for which the K42 residue in the Walker A motif was found essential. While MtFtsE-6xHis protein could partially complement growth defect of E. coli ftsE temperature-sensitive strain MFT1181, co-expression of MtFtsE and MtFtsX efficiently complemented the growth defect, indicating that the MtFtsE and MtFtsX proteins might be performing an associated function. MtFtsE and MtFtsX-6xHis proteins were found to exist as a complex on the membrane of E. coli cells co-expressing the two proteins.


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The critical behavior of osmotic susceptibility in an aqueous electrolyte mixture 1-propanol (1P)+water (W)+potassium chloride is reported. This mixture exhibits re-entrant phase transitions and has a nearly parabolic critical line with its apex representing a double critical point (DCP). The behavior of the susceptibility exponent is deduced from static light-scattering measurements, on approaching the lower critical solution temperatures (TL’s) along different experimental paths (by varying t) in the one-phase region. The light-scattering data analysis substantiates the existence of a nonmonotonic crossover behavior of the susceptibility exponent in this mixture. For the TL far away from the DCP, the effective susceptibility exponent γeff as a function of t displays a nonmonotonic crossover from its single limit three-dimensional (3D)-Ising value ( ∼ 1.24) toward its mean-field value with increase in t. While for that closest to the DCP, γeff displays a sharp, nonmonotonic crossover from its nearly doubled 3D-Ising value toward its nearly doubled mean-field value with increase in t. The renormalized Ising regime extends over a relatively larger t range for the TL closest to the DCP, and a trend toward shrinkage in the renormalized Ising regime is observed as TL shifts away from the DCP. Nevertheless, the crossover to the mean-field limit extends well beyond t>10−2 for the TL’s studied. The observed crossover behavior is attributed to the presence of strong ion-induced clustering in this mixture, as revealed by various structure probing techniques. As far as the critical behavior in complex or associating mixtures with special critical points (like the DCP) is concerned, our results indicate that the influence of the DCP on the critical behavior must be taken into account not only on the renormalization of the critical exponent but also on the range of the Ising regime, which can shrink with decrease in the influence of the DCP and with the extent of structuring in the system. The utility of the field variable tUL in analyzing re-entrant phase transitions is demonstrated. The effective susceptibility exponent as a function of tUL displays a nonmonotonic crossover from its asymptotic 3D-Ising value toward a value slightly lower than its nonasymptotic mean-field value of 1. This behavior in the nonasymptotic, high tUL region is interpreted in terms of the possibility of a nonmonotonic crossover to the mean-field value from lower values, as foreseen earlier in micellar systems.