257 resultados para Phase-Transition


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We have investigated the multiferroic and glassy behaviour of metal-organic framework (MOF) material (CH3)(2)NH2Co(CHOO)(3). The compound has perovskite-like architecture in which the metal-formate forms a framework. The organic cation (CH3)(2)NH2+ occupies the cavities in the formate framework in the framework via N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds. At room temperature, the organic cation is disordered and occupies three crystallographically equivalent positions. Upon cooling, the organic cation is ordered which leads to a structural phase transition at 155 K. The structural phase transition is associated with a para-ferroelectric phase transition and is revealed by dielectric and pyroelectric measurements. Further, a PE hysteresis loop below 155 K confirms the ferroelectric behaviour of the material. Analysis of dielectric data reveal large frequency dispersion in the values of dielectric constant and tan delta which signifies the presence of glassy dielectric behaviour. The material displays a antiferromagnetic ordering below 15 K which is attributed to the super-exchange interaction between Co2+ ions mediated via formate linkers. Interestingly, another magnetic transition is also found around 11 K. The peak of the transition shifts to lower temperature with increasing frequency, suggesting glassy magnetism in the sample. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The electrical resistivity of layerd crystalline GeSe has been investigated up to a pressure of 100 kbar and down to liquid-nitrogen temperature by use of a Bridgman anvil device. A pressure-induced first-order phase transition has been observed in single-crystal GeSe near 6 GPa. The high-pressure phase is found to be quenchable and an x-ray diffraction study of the quenched material reveals that it has the face-centered-cubic structure. Resistivity measurements as a function of pressure and temperature suggest that the high-pressure phase is metallic.


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Interaction between the lattice and the orbital degrees of freedom not only makes rare-earth nickelates unusually ``bad metal,'' but also introduces a temperature-driven insulator-metal phase transition. Here we investigate this insulator-metal phase transition in thin films of SmNiO3 using the slow time-dependent fluctuations (noise) in resistivity. The normalized magnitude of noise is found to be extremely large, being nearly eight orders of magnitude higher than thin films of common disordered metallic systems, and indicates electrical conduction via classical percolation in a spatially inhomogeneous medium. The higher-order statistics of the fluctuations indicate a strong non-Gaussian component of noise close to the transition, attributing the inhomogeneity to the coexistence of the metallic and insulating phases. Our experiment offers insight into the impact of lattice-orbital coupling on the microscopic mechanism of electron transport in the rare-earth nickelates.


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Detailed molecular dynamics simulations of Lennard-Jones ellipsoids have been carried out to investigate the emergence of criticality in the single-particle orientational relaxation near the isotropic-nematic (IN) phase transition. The simulations show a sudden appearance of a power-law behavior in the decay of the second-rank orientational relaxation as the IN transition is approached. The simulated value of the power-law exponent is 0.56, which is larger than the mean-field value (0.5) but less than the observed value (0.63) and may be due to the finite size of the simulated system. The decay of the first-rank orientational time correlation function, on the other hand, is nearly exponential but its decay becomes very slow near the isotropic-nematic transition, The zero-frequency rotational friction, calculated from the simulated angular Velocity correlation function, shows a marked increase near the IN transition.


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The nucleataon growth model of electrochemical phase formation is analysed for the hnear potential sweep input Apart from deducing diagnostic criteria and method~ of estimating model parameters, the predictions of the nucleation growth model are compared and contrasted with those of a sample adsorption model A dastlnCtlOn is made possible between adsorption and phase transition, which seems useful for understanding the nature of ECPF phenomena, especially underpotentlal deposition (UPD).


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Einstein's gravitational field is non-minimally coupled to a self-interacting scalar field in the presence of radiation. Such a theory can give rise to a phase transition associated with a change of sign of the gravitational “constant”. In our approach, the criterion for stability is formulated in terms of an effective potential, the phase-transition takes place due to temperature dependence of the scalar self-interaction coupling constant.


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The high temperature phase transformation of hydrazonium sulfate, N2H6SO4 has been studied using DSC. The enthalpy of phase transition is found to be 3.63 ± 0.1 kJ mole−1. The phase transition temperature is found to decrease with the increase of particle size. It appears that the strain energy and not surface energy, is responsible for the phase transformation. The molar volume of the salt increases during the transformation as found by the dilatometric experiment involving percentage of linear thermal expansion. On cooling, the transformation from the high temperature modification to orthorhombic form is incomplete and extends over a wide range of temperature.


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Results of temperature dependence of EPR spectra of Mn2+ and Cu2+ ions doped calcium cadmium acetate hexahydrate (CaCd(CH3COO)4•6H2O) have been reported. The investigation has been carried out in the temperature range between room temperature ( 300 K) and liquid nitrogen temperature. A I-order phase transition at 146 ± 0.5 K has been confirmed. In addition a new II-order phase transition at 128 ± 1 K has been detected for the first time. There is evidence of large amplitude hindered rotations of CH3 groups which become frozen at 128 K. The incorporation of Cu2+ and Mn2+ probes at Ca2+ and Cd2+ sites respectively provide evidence that the phase transitions are caused by the molecular rearrangements of the common coordinating acetate groups between Ca2+ and Cd2+ sites. In contradiction to the previous reports of a change of symmetry from tetragonal to orthorhombic below 140 K, the symmetry of the host is concluded to remain tetragonal in all the three observed phases between room temperature and liquid nitrogen temperature.


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E.S.R. investigations of γ-irradiated ferroelectric Sodium ammonium selenate, NaNH4SeO4•2H2O and its deuteriated analogue in powder and single crystal forms have led to a deeper understanding of the nature of the ferroelectric transition of 180 K. A number of paramagnetic species formed due to γ-irradiation have been identified on the basis of their g-factors and hyperfine features from 77Se. The radical SeO4 has been used as a microprobe in studying the phase transition.


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We focus on athermal phase transitions where in discrete and dissipative avalanches are observed in physical observables as the system jumps from one metastable state to another, when driven by an external field. Using higher order statistics of time dependent avalanches, or noise, in electrical resistivity during temperature-driven martensite transformation in thin nickel-titanium films, we demonstrate evidence suggesting the existence of a singular `global instability' or divergence of the correlation length as a function of temperature at the transition. These results not only establish a mapping of non-equilibrium first order phase transition and equilibrium critical phenomena, but perhaps also call for a re-evaluation of many existing experimental claims of self-organized criticality.


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Collections of non-Brownian particles suspended in a viscous fluid and subjected to oscillatory shear at very low Reynolds number have recently been shown to exhibit a remarkable dynamical phase transition separating reversible from irreversible behavior as the strain amplitude or volume fraction are increased. We present a simple model for this phenomenon, based on which we argue that this transition lies in the universality class of the conserved directed percolation models. This leads to predictions for the scaling behavior of a large number of experimental observables. Non-Brownian suspensions under oscillatory shear may thus constitute the first experimental realization of an inactive-active phase transition which is not in the universality class of conventional directed percolation.


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The use of the photoacoustic effect in the investigation of first- and second-order phase transitions has been examined. Changes in the amplitude of the photoacoustic signal across the phase transition are compared with changes in thermal properties such as specific heat and thermal diffusivity. The systemsstudied include NaN02, TlN03, CsN03, NH4N03, BaTiO,, COO, Cu,HgI,, V02 andV305. The current photoacoustic studies are discussed in the light of the theoretical models available.


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Phase separation resulting in a single-crystal-single-crystal transition accompanied by a polycrystalline phase following the dehydration of hydrated bimetallic sulfates [Na2Mn1.167(SO4)(2)S0.33O1.167 center dot 2H(2)O and K4Cd3-(SO4)(5)center dot 3H(2)O] has been investigated by in situ variable-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction. With two examples, we illustrate the possibility of generating structural frameworks following dehydration in bimetallic sulfates, which refer to the possible precursor phases at that temperature leading to the mineral formation. The room-temperature structure of Na2Mn1.167(SO4)(2)S0.33O1.167 center dot 2H(2)O is trigonal, space group R (3) over bar. On heating the crystal in situ on the diffractometer, the diffraction images display spherical spots and concentric rings suggesting phase separation, with the spherical spots getting indexed in a monoclinic space group, C2/c. The structure determination based on this data suggests the formation of Na2Mn(SO4)(2). However, the diffraction images from concentric rings could not be indexed. In the second example, the room-temperature structure is determined to be K4Cd3(SO4)(5)center dot 3H(2)O, crystallizing in a monoclinic space group, P2(1)/n. On heating the crystal in situ, the diffraction images collected also have both spherical spots and diffuse rings. The spherical spots could be indexed to a cubic crystal system, space group P2(1)3, and the structure is K4Cd3(SO4)(3). The possible mechanism for the phase transition in the dehydration regime resulting in this remarkable single-crystal to single-crystal transition with the appearance of a surrogate polycrystalline phase is proposed.


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Transition metal molybdates of the formulaAMoO4 whereA=Fe, Co or Ni exhibit a first-order phase transition between 670K–970K. An investigation of the lowtemperature (lt) and high-temperature (ht) phases by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility and other physical methods shows that the phase transition is associated with a valence change of the typeA 2++Mo6+αA 3++Mo5+ in the cases of iron and cobalt molybdates.


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A study of the phase transitions in (NH4)2SO4 and (NH4)2SO4---K2SO4 mixed crystals by EPR of the CrO3- ion is reported. The results indicate a bilinear coupling of the order parameter with spontaneous polarization and a crossover from a discontinuous to a continuous nature of the phase transition in mixed crystals.