287 resultados para Narrow-band interference filters


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Interference fits are used extensively in aircraft structural joints because of their improved fatigue performance. Recent advances in analysis of these joints have increased understanding of the nonlinear load-contact and load-interfacial slip variations in these joints. Experimental work in these problems is lacking due to difficulties in determining partial contact and partial slip along the pin-hole interface. In this paper, an experimental procedure is enumerated for determining load-contact relations in interference/clearance fits, using photoelastic models and applying a technique for detecting progress of separation/contact up to predetermined locations. The study incorporates a detailed procedure for model making, controlling interference, locating break of contact up to known locations around the interface, estimating optically the degree of interference, determining interfacial friction and evaluating stresses in the sheet. Experiments, simulating joints in large sheets, were carried out under both pin and plate loads. The present studies provide load-separation behavior in interference joint with finite interfacial friction.


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Design of an Ultra Wide Band (UWB) filter over 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz using broad side coupled and spur lines in microstrip medium suitable for UWB communications has been presented in this paper. Parameters of broad side coupled lines have been appropriately chosen to achieve ultra wide band response. Spur lines have been incorporated at the input and output feed lines of the filter to improve the stop band rejection characteristics of the filter. Filter has been analyzed based on circuit models and full wave simulations. Experimental results of the filter designed using the proposed structure has been verified against the results obtained from circuit models and full wave simulations. The results match satisfactorily. Stop band rejection of better than 20 dB was obtained over the frequencies of 13 GHz to 18.2 GHz. Overall size of the filter is 40 x 18 x 0.787 mm(3).


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Placzek [1] was the first to derive general expressions for the intensities of overtones in case of Raman scattering. He assumed electrical anharmonicity. However, he left the expressions for the derivations of the polarizability tensor undetermined. In 1941, a classical and semiempirical theory was developed by Wolkenstein [2]. He assumed the validity of the additivity of bond polarizabilities. However, the expressions derived by him for the intensities of overtones remain yet to be verified. It is the purpose of this paper to derive a formula for Raman polarizability tensor for overtones of (intramolecular) vibrational spectra along the lines of Kondilenko et al. [3,4].


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Abstract is not available.


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A semiconductor with almost overlapping conduction bands b and c is considered. It is found that an attractive interaction leading to superconductivity can be induced between electrons in the conduction band b by a strong radiation field of monochromatic photons whose energy differs slightly from the band gap Ebc. The mechanism is the exchange of a photon and a phonon between the interacting electrons and the interaction is found to be proportional to the photon density.


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A simplified yet analytical approach on few ballistic properties of III-V quantum wire transistor has been presented by considering the band non-parabolicity of the electrons in accordance with Kane's energy band model using the Bohr-Sommerfeld's technique. The confinement of the electrons in the vertical and lateral directions are modeled by an infinite triangular and square well potentials respectively, giving rise to a two dimensional electron confinement. It has been shown that the quantum gate capacitance, the drain currents and the channel conductance in such systems are oscillatory functions of the applied gate and drain voltages at the strong inversion regime. The formation of subbands due to the electrical and structural quantization leads to the discreetness in the characteristics of such 1D ballistic transistors. A comparison has also been sought out between the self-consistent solution of the Poisson's-Schrodinger's equations using numerical techniques and analytical results using Bohr-Sommerfeld's method. The results as derived in this paper for all the energy band models gets simplified to the well known results under certain limiting conditions which forms the mathematical compatibility of our generalized theoretical formalism.


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Several alkylidene malononitriles (1b,1d,1e,2b and4b) and alkylidene cyanoacetates (1a,2a and4a) studied exhibit a long wavelength UV absorption band around 355 nm which shows a hyperchromic effect in the presence of ethanolic alkali. This band has been assigned to the ketenimine tautomer (5). Addition of water to1b,1e and2b gives the corresponding pyridine diols (7a,7b and8a) respectively. Similarly, addition of ethanol to1e and2b gave the corresponding ethoxypyridine derivatives (7c and8b). Mechanism of formation of these compounds is discussed. Structures, as well as mechanism of formation of1c,7c and10 obtained from1b,1e and2b respectively on standing at room temperature are also discussed.


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Several alkylidene malononitriles (1b,1d,1e,2b and4b) and alkylidene cyanoacetates (1a,2a and4a) studied exhibit a long wavelength UV absorption band around 355 nm which shows a hyperchromic effect in the presence of ethanolic alkali. This band has been assigned to the ketenimine tautomer (5). Addition of water to1b,1e and2b gives the corresponding pyridine diols (7a,7b and8a) respectively. Similarly, addition of ethanol to1e and2b gave the corresponding ethoxypyridine derivatives (7c and8b). Mechanism of formation of these compounds is discussed. Structures, as well as mechanism of formation of1c,7c and10 obtained from1b,1e and2b respectively on standing at room temperature are also discussed.


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Pin joints in structures are designed for interference, push or clearance fits. That is, the diameter of the pin is made greater than, equal to or less than the hole diameter. Consider an interference fit pin in a plate subjected to a continuously increasing in-plane load.


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We develop a two stage split vector quantization method with optimum bit allocation, for achieving minimum computational complexity. This also results in much lower memory requirement than the recently proposed switched split vector quantization method. To improve the rate-distortion performance further, a region specific normalization is introduced, which results in 1 bit/vector improvement over the typical two stage split vector quantizer, for wide-band LSF quantization.


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Effects of cochannel interference and synchronization error of the carrier phase on the probability of error in binary communications are considered. Several bounds on the probability of error are proposed. The bounds are easy to compute and do not require complete statistical characterization of the errors. They turn out to be simple linear combinations of error probabilities with no cochannel interferences and no phase errors. Several illustrative examples are given which show that the bounds can be tight.


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The paper furnishes a review and air ovendepr "f radio noise *om lightning as rr so~irce of interference to analogue and digital Corn?tunicatioiz. The parameters of fhe different fornls < f, noise necessary .for pssessigth e interfering effect of the rloise are described. 4railublr irfjrncroiun thrr tndevstor71zs, thunder-clouds, convecrion cells and lightning are er ieveadn d their liizitatimsp ointed oui. Thew fol101r.s a descripiicn of how the source, popugafiona nd receiver chaacteristidse termine the sfrticture qf a/rnosplro.ic noise as receiwd at a point of observation. The tratrrral unit for this noise i.s the mise burst rtrising from o w complete lightning.flas4. The pmuneters of the nrise birrst as a 11.hole and its structure ctetennine the inrqfflrrence enrirnniient. A hisforic reriel$. qf t2sophericii oke .studies sho1(5 that it i. wrreirt(v of importance oldy in thc ropicarl egions of' the wr ldf i>rs hichf hc neailable data are wry defective. New data are ficnrished. The contribution of atmospheric noise for backgrouzd interference even in remote places ,for r.adicj astronomy at VHF is firrnished. The imporlance of aimcspizeric nctise cceurring ;vporadiea@ in high values fur slzort inier.als at VHF and higher frequencies in the tropics is brought out.


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Relative band strengths of diatomic molecules for which the product of Franck-Condon factor and r-centroid is approximately equal to 1 for (0,0) band can be determined by a simple method which will be in good agreement with the smoothed array of experimental values.


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This paper presents a generalized approach to design an electromagnetically coupled microstrip ring antenna for dual-band operation. By widening two opposite sides of a square ring antenna, its fractional bandwidth at the primary resonance mode can be increased significantly so that it may be used for practical applications. By attaching a stub to the inner edge of the side opposite to the feed arm, some of the losses in electrical length caused by widening can be regained. More importantly, this addition also alters the current distribution on the antenna and directs radiations at the second resonant frequency towards boresight. It has also been observed that for the dual frequency configurations studied, the ratio of the resonant frequencies (center dot r(2)center dot center dot r(1)) can range between 1.55 and 2.01. This shows flexibility in designing dual frequency antennas with a desired pair of resonant frequencies.