157 resultados para NEUTRON REFLECTIVITY


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Single crystals of Sr14−xCaxCu24O41 (x=0 and 12) are grown by the travelling solvent floating zone technique using an image furnace. The grown crystals are characterized for their single crystallinity by the X-ray and Neutron Laue method. The magnetic susceptibility measurements in Sr14Cu24O41 show considerable anisotropy along the main crystallographic axes. Low-temperature specific heat measurement and DC susceptibility measurement in Ca-doped crystal showed antiferromagnetic ordering at 2.8 K at ambient pressure. High-pressure AC susceptibility measurement on Ca-doped crystal showed a sharp superconducting transition at 2 K under 40 kbars. Tc onset reached a maximum value of 9.9 K at 54 kbars. The bulk superconductivity of the sample is confirmed by the high-pressure AC calorimetry with Tc max=9.4 K and TN=5 K at 56 kbars.


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The metal to insulator transition in the charge-transfer NiS2-xSex compound has been investigated through infrared reflectivity. Measurements performed by applying pressure to pure NiS2 (lattice contraction) and by Se alloying (lattice expansion) reveal that in both cases an anomalous metallic state is obtained. We find that optical results are not compatible with the linear Se-alloying vs pressure-scaling relation previously established through transport, thus pointing out the substantially different microscopic origin of the two transitions.


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The possible nonplanar distortions of the amide group in formamide, acetamide, N-methylacetamide, and N-ethylacetamide have been examined using CNDO/2 and INDO methods. The predictions from these methods are compared with the results obtained from X-ray and neutron diffraction studies on crystals of small open peptides, cyclic peptides, and amides. It is shown that the INDO results are in good agreement with observations, and that the dihedral angles N and defining the nonplanarity of the amide unit are correlated approximately by the relation N = -2, while C is small and uncorrelated with . The present study indicates that the nonplanar distortions at the nitrogen atom of the peptide unit may have to be taken into consideration, in addition to the variation in the dihedral angles (,), in working out polypeptide and protein structures.


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Ab initio RHF/4-31G level molecular orbital calculations have been carried out on dimethoxymethane as a model compound for the acetal moiety in methyl pyranosides. The calculations are consistent with the predictions of the anomeric effect and the exo-anomeric effect. They reproduce very successfully the differences in molecular geometry observed by x-ray and neutron diffraction of single crystals of the methyl cy-D- and methyl 0-D-pyranosides. Calculations carried out at the 6-3 1G* level for methanediol confirm the earlier calculations at the 4-31G level, with smaller energy differences between the four staggered conformations.


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The system (1 - x)PbTiO3 - (x)BiAlO3 has been studied with regard to its structure and phase transition behaviour using x-ray, neutron and dielectric measurements. The structure is tetragonal within the solid solubility limit (x < 0.25). Interatomic distance analysis revealed that the Pb-O bond lengths remain unaffected and the only the Ti-O lengths are altered by BiAlO3 substitution. The results are suggestive of a crossover from and A-site & B site driven ferroelectric system for x = 0 to a dominant A-site driven ferroelectric system for higher x. This cross-over is brought about by (i) a reduction in the contribution to the ferroelectric stability from B-site cations due to dilution of the Ti-sublattice by Al and (ii) a reinforcement to the stability of the ferroelectric state by the A-site cations by the Bi+3 cations..


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The structures of (1 - x) Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-(x) CaTiO3 at room temperature have been investigated using neutron powder diffraction and dielectric studies. The system exhibits an orthorhombic (Pbnm) structure for x >= 0.15 and rhombohedral (R3c) for x <= 0.05. For x = 0.10, though the neutron diffraction pattern shows features of the orthorhombic (Pbnm) structure, Rietveld refinement using this structure shows a drastic reduction in the in-phase tilt angle (similar to 4 degrees) as compared to the corresponding value (similar to 8 degrees) for a neighbouring composition x = 0.15. The neutron diffraction pattern of x = 0.10 could be fitted equally well using a two-phase model (R3c + Pbnm) with orthorhombic as the minor phase (22%), without the need for a drastic decrease in the in-phase tilt angle. The dielectric studies of x = 0.10 revealed the presence of the polar R3c phase, thereby favouring the phase coexistence model, instead of a single-phase Pbnm structure, for this composition.


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The polyamidoamide (PAMAM) class of dendrimers was one of the first dendrimers synthesized by Tomalia and co-workers at Dow. Since its discovery the PAMAMs have stimulated many discussions on the structure and dynamics of such hyperbranched polymers. Many questions remain open because the huge conformation disorder combined with very similar local symmetries have made it difficult to characterize experimentally at the atomistic level the structure and dynamics of PAMAM dendrimers. The higher generation dendrimers have also been difficult to characterize computationally because of the large size (294852 atoms for generation 11) and the huge number of conformations. To help provide a practical means of atomistic computational studies, we have developed an atomistically informed coarse-grained description for the PAMAM dendrimer. We find that a two-bead per monomer representation retains the accuracy of atomistic simulations for predicting size and conformational complexity, while reducing the degrees of freedom by tenfold. This mesoscale description has allowed us to study the structural properties of PAMAM dendrimer up to generation 11 for time scale of up to several nanoseconds. The gross properties such as the radius of gyration compare very well with those from full atomistic simulation and with available small angle x-ray experiment and small angle neutron scattering data. The radial monomer density shows very similar behavior with those obtained from the fully atomistic simulation. Our approach to deriving the coarse-grain model is general and straightforward to apply to other classes of dendrimers.


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An accretion flow is necessarily transonic around a black hole. However, around a neutron star it may or may not be transonic, depending on the inner disk boundary conditions influenced by the neutron star. I will discuss various transonic behavior of the disk fluid in general relativistic (or pseudo general relativistic) framework. I will address that there are four types of sonic/critical point. possible to form in an accretion disk. It will be shown that how the fluid properties including location of sonic point's vary with angular momentum of the compact object which controls the overall disk dynamics and outflows.


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Biogeochemical and hydrological cycles are currently studied on a small experimental forested watershed (4.5 km(2)) in the semi-humid South India. This paper presents one of the first data referring to the distribution and dynamics of a widespread red soil (Ferralsols and Chromic Luvisols) and black soil (Vertisols and Vertic intergrades) cover, and its possible relationship with the recent development of the erosion process. The soil map was established from the observation of isolated soil profiles and toposequences, and surveys of soil electromagnetic conductivity (EM31, Geonics Ltd), lithology and vegetation. The distribution of the different parts of the soil cover in relation to each other was used to establish the dynamics and chronological order of formation. Results indicate that both topography and lithology (gneiss and amphibolite) have influenced the distribution of the soils. At the downslope, the following parts of the soil covers were distinguished: i) red soil system, ii) black soil system, iii) bleached horizon at the top of the black soil and iv) bleached sandy saprolite at the base of the black soil. The red soil is currently transforming into black soil and the transformation front is moving upslope. In the bottom part of the slope, the chronology appears to be the following: black soil > bleached horizon at the top of the black soil > streambed > bleached horizon below the black soil. It appears that the development of the drainage network is a recent process, which was guided by the presence of thin black soil with a vertic horizon less than 2 in deep. Three distinctive types of erosional landforms have been identified: 1. rotational slips (Type 1); 2. a seepage erosion (Type 2) at the top of the black soil profile; 3. A combination of earthflow and sliding in the non-cohesive saprolite of the gneiss occurs at midslope (Type 3). Types 1 and 2 erosion are mainly occurring downslope and are always located at the intersection between the streambed and the red soil-black soil contact. Neutron probe monitoring, along an area vulnerable to erosion types 1 and 2, indicates that rotational slips are caused by a temporary watertable at the base of the black soil and within the sandy bleached saprolite, which behaves as a plane of weakness. The watertable is induced by the ephemeral watercourse. Erosion type 2 is caused by seepage of a perched watertable, which occurs after swelling and closing of the cracks of the vertic clay horizon and within a light textured and bleached horizon at the top of black soil. Type 3 erosion is not related to the red soil-black soil system but is caused by the seasonal seepage of saturated throughflow in the sandy saprolite of the gneiss occurring at midslope. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We establish a unified model to explain Quasi-Periodic-Oscillation (QPO) observed from black hole and neutron star systems globally. This is based on the accreting systems thought to be damped harmonic oscillators with higher order nonlinearity. The model explains multiple properties parallelly independent of the nature of the compact object. It describes QPOs successfully for several compact sources. Based on it, we predict the spin frequency of the neutron star Sco X-1 and the specific angular momentum of black holes GRO J1655-40, GRS 1915+105.


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The infra-red and Raman spectra of ordinary and deuterated barium chloride dihydrate have been studied to throw light on the intramolecular hydrogen bonds in these two crystals. The frequencies of the stretching, bending and librational modes observed in infra-red and Raman spectra exclude the possibility of at least one of the OH.... Cl hydrogen bonds, contrary to the results of NMR and neutron diffraction studies.


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A correlation of the structural data on IS hydrates obtained by x-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, and proton magnetic resonance reveals that when a water molecule is hydrogen bonded into a crystal structure and the angle subtended at the donor water oxygen by the acceptor atoms deviates from the vapor H-O-H angle, bent hydrogen bonds are formed in preference to distortion of the H-O-H angle. Theoretical justification for this result is obtained from energy considerations by calculating the energy of formation of bent hydrogen bonds on the basis of the Lippincott-Schroeder potential function model for the hydrogen bond and the energy of deformation of the H-O-H angle from spectroscopic force constants.


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We describe an investigation of the structure and dielectric properties of MM'O-4 and MTiM'O-6 rutile-type oxides for M = Cr, Fe, Ga and M' = Nb. Ta and Sb. All the oxides adopt a disordered rutile structure (P4(2)/mnm) at ambient temperature. A partial ordered trirutile-type structure is confirmed for FeTaO4 from the low temperature (17 K) neutron diffraction studies While both the MM'O-4 oxides (CrTaO4 and FeTaO4) investigated show a normal dielectric property MTiM'O-6 oxides for M = Fe, Cr and M' = Nb/Ta/Sb display a distinct relaxor/relaxor-like response. Significantly the corresponding gallium analogs, GaTiNbO6 and GaTiTaO6, do not show a relaxor response at T<500K (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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Many transition metal oxide materials of high chemical purity are not necessarily monophasic. Thus, single crystals of chemically pure rare earth manganites and cobaltates of the general formula Ln1-xAxMO3 (Ln=rare earth metal, A=alkaline earth metal, M=Mn, Co) exhibit the phenomenon of electronic phase separation wherein phases of different electronic and magnetic properties coexist. Such phase separation, the length scale of which can vary anywhere between a few nanometers to microns, gives distinct signatures in X-ray and neutron diffraction patterns, electrical and magnetic properties, as well as in NMR and other spectroscopies. While the probe one employs to investigate electronic phase separation depends on the length scale, it is noteworthy that direct imaging of the inhomogeneities has been accomplished. Some understanding of this phenomenon has been possible on the basis of some of the theoretical models, but we are far from unraveling the varied aspects of this new phenomenon. Herein, we present the highlights of experimental techniques and theoretical approaches, and comment on the future outlook for this fascinating phenomenon


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The nature of the low-temperature magnetic state of polycrystalline La0.67Ca0.33Mn0.9Fe0.1O3 has been studied by magnetization, neutron diffraction, and neutron depolarization measurements. Neutron depolarization measurements indicate the existence of ferromagnetic domains with low net magnetic moments below 108 K. The substitution of Mn3+ by Fe3+ reduces the number of available hopping sites for the Mn e(g) (up) electron and suppresses the double exchange, resulting in the reduction of ferromagnetic exchange. The competition between the ferromagnetic double-exchange interactions and the coexisting antiferromagnetic superexchange interactions and its randomness due to random substitutions of Mn3+ with Fe3+ drive the system into a randomly canted ferromagnetic state at low temperatures.