181 resultados para Mechanisms action


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DNA methyltransferases (MTases) are a group of enzymes that catalyze the methyl group transfer from S-adenosyl-L-methionine in a sequence-specific manner. Orthodox Type II DNA MTases usually recognize palindromic DNA sequences and add a methyl group to the target base (either adenine or cytosine) on both strands. However, there are a number of MTases that recognize asymmetric target sequences and differ in their subunit organization. In a bacterial cell, after each round of replication, the substrate for any MTase is hemimethylated DNA, and it therefore needs only a single methylation event to restore the fully methylated state. This is in consistent with the fact that most of the DNA MTases studied exist as monomers in solution. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that some DNA MTases function as dimers. Further, functional analysis of many restriction-modification systems showed the presence of more than one or fused MTase genes. It was proposed that presence of two MTases responsible for the recognition and methylation of asymmetric sequences would protect the nascent strands generated during DNA replication from cognate restriction endonuclease. In this review, MTases recognizing asymmetric sequences have been grouped into different subgroups based on their unique properties. Detailed characterization of these unusual MTases would help in better understanding of their specific biological roles and mechanisms of action. The rapid progress made by the genome sequencing of bacteria and archaea may accelerate the identification and study of species- and strain-specific MTases of host-adapted bacteria and their roles in pathogenic mechanisms.


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This paper presents a study of kinematic and force singularities in parallel manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms and their relationship to accessibility and controllability of such manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms, Parallel manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms are classified according to their degrees of freedom, number of output Cartesian variables used to describe their motion and the number of actuated joint inputs. The singularities in the workspace are obtained by considering the force transformation matrix which maps the forces and torques in joint space to output forces and torques ill Cartesian space. The regions in the workspace which violate the small time local controllability (STLC) and small time local accessibility (STLA) condition are obtained by deriving the equations of motion in terms of Cartesian variables and by using techniques from Lie algebra.We show that for fully actuated manipulators when the number ofactuated joint inputs is equal to the number of output Cartesian variables, and the force transformation matrix loses rank, the parallel manipulator does not meet the STLC requirement. For the case where the number of joint inputs is less than the number of output Cartesian variables, if the constraint forces and torques (represented by the Lagrange multipliers) become infinite, the force transformation matrix loses rank. Finally, we show that the singular and non-STLC regions in the workspace of a parallel manipulator and closed-loop mechanism can be reduced by adding redundant joint actuators and links. The results are illustrated with the help of numerical examples where we plot the singular and non-STLC/non-STLA regions of parallel manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms belonging to the above mentioned classes. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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DNA methyltransferases (MTases) are a group of enzymes that catalyze the methyl group transfer from S-adenosyl-L-methionine in a sequence-specific manner. Orthodox Type II DNA MTases usually recognize palindromic DNA sequences and add a methyl group to the target base (either adenine or cytosine) on both strands. However, there are a number of MTases that recognize asymmetric target sequences and differ in their subunit organization. In a bacterial cell, after each round of replication, the substrate for any MTase is hemimethylated DNA, and it therefore needs only a single methylation event to restore the fully methylated state. This is in consistent with the fact that most of the DNA MTases studied exist as monomers in solution. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that some DNA MTases function as dimers. Further, functional analysis of many restriction-modification systems showed the presence of more than one or fused MTase genes. It was proposed that presence of two MTases responsible for the recognition and methylation of asymmetric sequences would protect the nascent strands generated during DNA replication from cognate restriction endonuclease. In this review, MTases recognizing asymmetric sequences have been grouped into different subgroups based on their unique properties. Detailed characterization of these unusual MTases would help in better understanding of their specific biological roles and mechanisms of action. The rapid progress made by the genome sequencing of bacteria and archaea may accelerate the identification and study of species- and strain-specific MTases of host-adapted bacteria and their roles in pathogenic mechanisms.


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Test results of 24 reinforced concrete wall panels in one-way in-plane action are presented. The panels were loaded at a small eccentricity to reflect possible eccentric loading in practice. Influences of slenderness ratio, aspect ratio, vertical steel, and horizontal steel on the ultimate load are studied. An empirical equation modifying two existing methods is proposed for the prediction of ultimate load. The modified equation includes the effects of slenderness ratio, amount of vertical steel, and aspect ratio. The results predicted by the proposed modified method and five other available equations are compared with 48 test data. The proposed modified equation is found to be satisfactory and, additionally, includes the effect of aspect ratio which is not present in other methods.


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Gonadotropic hormones PMSG (15 IU/rat), FSH (3 mgrg/rat), LH (9 mgrg/rat) and hCG (3 mgrg/rat) were shown to decrease the free cytosolic lysosomal enzymes during the acute phase of hormone action in rat ovaries. When isolated cells from such rats were analyzed for the cathepsin-D activity, the granulosa cells of the ovary showed a reduction in the free as well as in the total lysosomal enzyme activities in response to FSH/PMSG; the stromal and thecal compartment of the ovary showed a reduction only in the free activity in response to hCG/PMSG. The results suggest the presence of two distinct, target cell specific, mechanisms by which the lysosmal activity of the ovary is regulated by gonadotropins.


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The absolute yields of gaseous oxyfluorides SOF2, SO2F2, and SOF4 from negative, point-plane corona discharges in pressurized gas mixtures of SF6 with O2 and H2O enriched with18O2 and H2 18O have been measured using a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. The predominant SF6 oxidation mechanisms have been revealed from a determination of the relative18O and16O isotope content of the observed oxyfluoride by-product. The results are consistent with previously proposed production mechanisms and indicate that SOF2 and SO2F2 derive oxygen predominantly from H2O and O2, respectively, in slow, gas-phase reactions involving SF4, SF3, and SF2 that occur outside of the discharge region. The species SOF4 derives oxygen from both H2O and O2 through fast reactions in the active discharge region involving free radicals or ions such as OH and O, with SF5 and SF4.


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We present an interactive map-based technique for designing single-input-single-output compliant mechanisms that meet the requirements of practical applications. Our map juxtaposes user-specifications with the attributes of real compliant mechanisms stored in a database so that not only the practical feasibility of the specifications can be discerned quickly but also modifications can be done interactively to the existing compliant mechanisms. The practical utility of the method presented here exceeds that of shape and size optimizations because it accounts for manufacturing considerations, stress limits, and material selection. The premise for the method is the spring-leverage (SL) model, which characterizes the kinematic and elastostatic behavior of compliant mechanisms with only three SL constants. The user-specifications are met interactively using the beam-based 2D models of compliant mechanisms by changing their attributes such as: (i) overall size in two planar orthogonal directions, separately and together, (ii) uniform resizing of the in-plane widths of all the beam elements, (iii) uniform resizing of the out-of-plane thick-nesses of the beam elements, and (iv) the material. We present a design software program with a graphical user interface for interactive design. A case-study that describes the design procedure in detail is also presented while additional case-studies are posted on a website. DOI:10.1115/1.4001877].


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The binding characteristics of the antibiotics to nuclei and their effect on the permeability of nuclear membrane with respect to histones and ribonucleic acids have been investigated. The binding constant for chromomycin A3 was found to be 1.4 × 104M?1 and number of binding sites was equal to 3.48 ± 1.08 × 1012 molecules/nuclei. The antibiotic chromomycin A3 enhanced the uptake of lysine-rich histone, actinomycin D decreased the uptake and ethidium bromide had no effect. Chromomycin A3 also enhanced the release of acid insoluble fraction containing RNA from the nuclei, actinomycin D and ethidium bromide inhibited the release of acid insoluble fraction containing RNA. The relevance of this finding to the role of nuclear envelope in understanding the mechanism of action of the antibiotic has been discussed.


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The mechanism of action of ribonuclease (RNase) T1 is still a matter of considerable debate as the results of x-ray, 2-D nmr and site-directed mutagenesis studies disagree regarding the role of the catalytically important residues. Hence computer modelling studies were carried out by energy minimisation of the complexes of RNase T1 and some of its mutants (His40Ala, His40Lys, and Glu58Ala) with the substrate guanyl cytosine (GpC), and of native RNase T1 with the reaction intermediate guanosine 2',3'-cyclic phosphate (G greater than p). The puckering of the guanosine ribose moiety in the minimum energy conformer of the RNase T1-GpC (substrate) complex was found to be O4'-endo and not C3'-endo as in the RNase T1-3'-guanylic acid (inhibitor/product) complex. A possible scheme for the mechanism of action of RNase T1 has been proposed on the basis of the arrangement of the catalytically important amino acid residues His40, Glu58, Arg77, and His92 around the guanosine ribose and the phosphate moiety in the RNase T1-GpC and RNase T1-G greater than p complexes. In this scheme, Glu58 serves as the general base group and His92 as the general acid group in the transphosphorylation step. His40 may be essential for stabilising the negatively charged phosphate moiety in the enzyme-transition state complex.


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Heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence relaxation rate are calculated for the individual transitions of the S spin in an AIS nuclear spin system assuming that the heteronucleus (S spin) has relaxation contributions from both intramolecular dipole-dipole and chemical shift anisotropy relaxation. The individual multiplet components of the heteronuclear zero- and double-quantum coherences are shown to have different transverse relaxation rates. The cross-correlation between the two relaxation mechanisms is shown to be the dominant cause of the calculated differential line broadening. Experimental data are presented using as an example a uniformly 15N labelled sample of human epidermal growth factor.


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Biomimetics involves transfer from one or more biological examples to a technical system. This study addresses four questions. What are the essential steps in a biomimetic process? What is transferred? How can the transferred knowledge be structured in a way useful for biologists and engineers? Which guidelines can be given to support transfer in biomimetic design processes? In order to identify the essential steps involved in carrying out biomimetics, several procedures found in the literature were summarized, and four essential steps that are common across these procedures were identified. For identification of mechanisms for transfer, 20 biomimetic examples were collected and modeled according to a model. of causality called the SAPPhIRE model. These examples were then analyzed for identifying the underlying similarity between each biological and corresponding analogue technical system. Based on the SAPPhIRE model, four levels of abstraction at which transfer takes place were identified. Taking into account similarity, the biomimetic examples were assigned to the appropriate levels of abstraction of transfer. Based on the essential steps and the levels of transfer, guidelines for supporting transfer in biomimetic design were proposed and evaluated using design experiments. The 20 biological and analogue technical systems that were analyzed were similar in the physical effects used and at the most abstract levels of description of their functionality, but they were the least similar at the lowest levels of abstraction: the parts involved. Transfer most often was carried out at the physical effect level of abstraction. Compared to a generic set of guidelines based on the literature, the proposed guidelines improved design performance by about 60%. Further, the SAPPhIRE model turned out to be a useful representation for modeling complex biological systems and their functionality. Databases of biological systems, which are structured using the SAPPhIRE model, have the potential to aid biomimetic concept generation.