86 resultados para Mach-Zehnder interferometers


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The drag and lift coefficients for a viscous optimized Mach 6 conical waverider has been measured using an accelerometer force balance system in the IISc hypersonic shock tunnel. A rubber bush placed in between the waverider model and the steel sting ensures unrestrained motion to the model during shock tunnel testing (500 mu s). Two accelerometers mounted on the model are used to measure the model accelerations in the axial and normal directions. The measured value of lift to drag ratio at zero angle of incidence for the IISc conical waverider with viscous optimized leading edge is 2.149, which compares well with the value reported in the open literature (Anderson et al 1991) for similar class of waveriders designed for a flight Mach number of 6. The details of the experimental study along with illustrative numerical results are discussed in this paper.


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A new six-component accelerometer force balance is developed and used in the HST2 shock tunnel of Indian Institute of Science. Aerodynamic forces and moments for a hypersonic slender body measured using this balance system at a free stream Mach number of 5.75 and Reynolds number of 1.5 million and stagnation enthalpy of 1.5 and 2 MJ/kg are presented. These measured values compare well with the theoretical values estimated using modified Newtonian theory.


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Reliable bench mark experimental database in the separated hypersonic flow regime is necessary to validate high resolution CFD codes. In this paper we report the surface pressure and heat transfer measurements carried out on double cones (first cone semi-apex angle = 15, 25 deg.; second cone semi-apex angle= 35, 68 deg.) at hypersonic speeds that will be useful for CFD code validation studies. The surface pressure measurements are carried out at nominal Mach number of 8.35 in the IISc hypersonic wind tunnel. On the other hand the surface heat transfer measurements are carried out at a nominal Mach number of 5.75 in the IISc hypersonic shock tunnel. The flow separation point on the first cone, flow reattachment on the second cone and the wild fluctuation of the transmitted shock on the second cone surface (25/68 deg. double cone) in the presence of severe adverse pressure gradient are some of the flow features captured in the measurements. The results from the CFD studies indicate good agreement with experiments in the attached flow regime while considerable differences are noticeable in the separated flow regime.


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In order to overcome the interference of the model mounting system with the external aerodynamics of the body during shock tunnel testing, a new free floating internally mountable balance system that ensures unrestrained model motion during testing has been designed, fabricated and tested. Minimal friction ball bearings are used for ensuring the free floating condition of the model during tunnel testing. The drag force acting on a blunt leading edge flat plate at hypersonic Mach number has been measured using the new balance system. Finite element model (FEM) and CFD are exhaustively used in the design as well as for calibrating the new balance system. The experimentally measured drag force on the blunt leading edge flat plate at stagnation enthalpy of 0.7 and 1.2 MJ/kg and nominal Mach number of 5.75 matches well with FEM results. The concept can also be extended for measuring all the three fundamental aerodynamic forces in short duration test facilities like free piston driven shock tunnels.


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In this article, an extension to the total variation diminishing finite volume formulation of the lattice Boltzmann equation method on unstructured meshes was presented. The quadratic least squares procedure is used for the estimation of first-order and second-order spatial gradients of the particle distribution functions. The distribution functions were extrapolated quadratically to the virtual upwind node. The time integration was performed using the fourth-order RungeKutta procedure. A grid convergence study was performed in order to demonstrate the order of accuracy of the present scheme. The formulation was validated for the benchmark two-dimensional, laminar, and unsteady flow past a single circular cylinder. These computations were then investigated for the low Mach number simulations. Further validation was performed for flow past two circular cylinders arranged in tandem and side-by-side. Results of these simulations were extensively compared with the previous numerical data. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The flow over a truncated cone is a classical and fundamental problem for aerodynamic research due to its three-dimensional and complicated characteristics. The flow is made more complex when examining high angles of incidence. Recently these types of flows have drawn more attention for the purposes of drag reduction in supersonic/hypersonic flows. In the present study the flow over a truncated cone at various incidences was experimentally investigated in a Mach 5 flow with a unit Reynolds number of 13.5�10 6m -1. The cone semi-apex angle is 15° and the truncation ratio (truncated length/cone length) is 0.5. The incidence of the model varied from -12° to 12° with 3° intervals relative to the freestream direction. The external flow around the truncated cone was visualised by colour Schlieren photography, while the surface flow pattern was revealed using the oil flow method. The surface pressure distribution was measured using the anodized aluminium pressure-sensitive paint (AA-PSP) technique. Both top and sideviews of the pressure distribution on the model surface were acquired at various incidences. AA-PSP showed high pressure sensitivity and captured the complicated flow structures which correlated well with the colour Schlieren and oil flow visualisation results. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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This article reports experimental results on supersonic combustion in a new facility. The facility is a combustion-driven shock tunnel, which is cheaper to build than the facilities in which such experiments are carried out conventionally. The observation region is a zone between two parallel flat plates with a 33 degrees wedge attached to the upstream end of the bottom plate. Gaseous hydrogen is injected at an angle of 45 degrees into an oncoming supersonic flow of Mach 2 (approximate) from a port on the bottom plate. The resulting flow field is visualized by a high speed camera in a dark background. Three different test gases, namely nitrogen, air, and oxygen-rich air are used, and the results are compared. A distinct luminosity due to combustion for oxygen-containing test gases is observed. Heat-transfer rates on a probe placed at the downstream end of the observation region and midway between the parallel plates are measured and compared for the three cases. Wall static pressure at 28 mm downstream of the injection port on the bottom plate is also presented.


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A computational tool called ``Directional Diffusion Regulator (DDR)'' is proposed to bring forth real multidimensional physics into the upwind discretization in some numerical schemes of hyperbolic conservation laws. The direction based regulator when used with dimension splitting solvers, is set to moderate the excess multidimensional diffusion and hence cause genuine multidimensional upwinding like effect. The basic idea of this regulator driven method is to retain a full upwind scheme across local discontinuities, with the upwind bias decreasing smoothly to a minimum in the farthest direction. The discontinuous solutions are quantified as gradients and the regulator parameter across a typical finite volume interface or a finite difference interpolation point is formulated based on fractional local maximum gradient in any of the weak solution flow variables (say density, pressure, temperature, Mach number or even wave velocity etc.). DDR is applied to both the non-convective as well as whole unsplit dissipative flux terms of some numerical schemes, mainly of Local Lax-Friedrichs, to solve some benchmark problems describing inviscid compressible flow, shallow water dynamics and magneto-hydrodynamics. The first order solutions consistently improved depending on the extent of grid non-alignment to discontinuities, with the major influence due to regulation of non-convective diffusion. The application is also experimented on schemes such as Roe, Jameson-Schmidt-Turkel and some second order accurate methods. The consistent improvement in accuracy either at moderate or marked levels, for a variety of problems and with increasing grid size, reasonably indicate a scope for DDR as a regular tool to impart genuine multidimensional upwinding effect in a simpler framework. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The use of high-velocity sheet-forming techniques where the strain rates are in excess of 10(2)/s can help us solve many problems that are difficult to overcome with traditional metal-forming techniques. In this investigation, thin metallic plates/foils were subjected to shock wave loading in the newly developed diaphragmless shock tube. The conventional shock tube used in the aerodynamic applications uses a metal diaphragm for generating shock waves. This method of operation has its own disadvantages including the problems associated with repeatable and reliable generation of shock waves. Moreover, in industrial scenario, changing metal diaphragms after every shot is not desirable. Hence, a diaphragmless shock tube is calibrated and used in this study. Shock Mach numbers up to 3 can be generated with a high degree of repeatability (+/- 4 per cent) for the pressure jumps across the primary shock wave. The shock Mach number scatter is within +/- 1.5 per cent. Copper, brass, and aluminium plates of diameter 60 mm and thickness varying from 0.1 to 1 mm are used. The plate peak over-pressures ranging from 1 to 10 bar are used. The midpoint deflection, circumferential, radial, and thickness strains are measured and using these, the Von Mises strain is also calculated. The experimental results are compared with the numerical values obtained using finite element analysis. The experimental results match well with the numerical values. The plastic hinge effect was also observed in the finite element simulations. Analysis of the failed specimens shows that aluminium plates had mode I failure, whereas copper plates had mode II failure.


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A simple hand-operated shock tube capable of producing Mach 2 shock waves is described. Performance of this miniature shock tube using compressed high pressure air created by a manually operated piston in the driver section of the shock tube as driver gas with air at 1 atm pressure as the test gas in the driven tube is presented. The performance of the shock tube is found to match well with the theoretically estimated values using normal shock relations. Applications of this shock tube named Reddy tube, include study of blast-induced traumatic brain injuries and high temperature chemical kinetics.


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Analyses of the invariants of the velocity gradient ten- sor were performed on flow fields obtained by DNS of compressible plane mixing layers at convective Mach num- bers Mc=0:15 and 1.1. Joint pdfs of the 2nd and 3rd invariants were examined at turbulent/nonturbulent (T/NT) boundaries—defined as surfaces where the local vorticity first exceeds a threshold fraction of the maximum of the mean vorticity. By increasing the threshold from very small lev-els, the boundary points were moved closer into the turbulent region, and the effects on the pdfs of the invariants were ob-served. Generally, T/NT boundaries are in sheet-like regions at both Mach numbers. At the higher Mach number a distinct lobe appears in the joint pdf isolines which has not been ob-served/reported before. A connection to the delayed entrain-ment and reduced growth rate of the higher Mach number flow is proposed.


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Micro-blast waves emerging from the open end of a detonation transmission tube were experimentally visualized in this study. A commercially available detonation transmission tube was used (Nonel tube, M/s Dyno Nobel, Sweden), which is a small diameter tube coated with a thin layer of explosive mixture (HMX traces of Al) on its inner side. The typical explosive loading for this tube is of the order of 18 mg/m of tube length. The blast wave was visualized using a high speed digital camera (frame rate 1 MHz) to acquire time-resolved schlieren images of the resulting flow field. The visualization studies were complemented by computational fluid dynamic simulations. An analysis of the schlieren images showed that although the blast wave appears to be spherical, it propagates faster along the tube axis than along a direction perpendicular to the tube axis. Additionally, CFD analysis revealed the presence of a barrel shock and Mach disc, showing structures that are typical of an underexpanded jet. A theory in use for centered large-scale explosions of intermediate strength gave good agreement with the blast trajectory along the tube axis. The energy of these micro-blast waves was found to be J and the average TNT equivalent was found to be . The repeatability in generating these micro-blast waves using the Nonel tube was very good and this opens up the possibility of using this device for studying some of the phenomena associated with muzzle blasts in the near future.


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Measurement of temperature and pressure exerted on the leeward surface of a blunt cone specimen has been demonstrated in the present work in a hypersonic wind tunnel using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. The experiments were conducted on a 30 degrees apex-angle blunt cone with 51 mm base diameter at wind flow speeds of Mach 6.5 and 8.35 in a 300 mm hypersonic wind tunnel of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. A special pressure insensitive temperature sensor probe along with the conventional bare FBG sensors was used for explicit temperature and aerodynamic pressure measurement respectively on the leeward surface of the specimen. computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of the flow field around the blunt cone specimen has also been carried out to obtain the temperature and pressure at conditions analogous to experiments. The results obtained from FBG sensors and the CFD simulations are found to be in good agreement with each other.


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Heat transfer rates measured in front and to the side of a protrusion on an aluminum flat plate subjected to hypersonic flow at zero angle of attack are presented for two flow enthalpies of approximately 2 MJ/kg and 4.5 MJ/kg. Experiments were conducted in the hypersonic shock tunnel (HST2) and free piston driven HST3 at a freestream Mach number of 8. Heat transfer data was obtained for different geometries of the protrusion of a height of 4 mm, which is approximately the local boundary layer thickness. Comparatively high rates of heat transfer were obtained at regions of flow circulation in the separated region, with the hottest spot generally appearing in front of the protuberance. Experimental values showed moderate agreement with existing empirical correlations at higher enthalpy but not at all for the lower enthalpy condition, although the correlations were coined at enthalpy values nearer to the lower value. Schlieren visualization was also done to investigate the flow structures qualitatively.


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We study the conditions for disc galaxies to produce superbubbles that can break out of the disc and produce a galactic wind. We argue that the threshold surface density of supernovae rate for seeding a wind depends on the ability of superbubble energetics to compensate for radiative cooling. We first adapt Kompaneets formalism for expanding bubbles in a stratified medium to the case of continuous energy injection and include the effects of radiative cooling in the shell. With the help of hydrodynamic simulations, we then study the evolution of superbubbles evolving in stratified discs with typical disc parameters. We identify two crucial energy injection rates that differ in their effects, the corresponding breakout ranging from being gentle to a vigorous one. (a) Superbubbles that break out of the disc with a Mach number of the order of 2-3 correspond to an energy injection rate of the order of 10(-4) erg cm(-2) s(-1), which is relevant for disc galaxies with synchrotron emitting gas in the extra-planar regions. (b) A larger energy injection threshold, of the order of 10(-3) erg cm(-2) s(-1), or equivalently, a star formation surface density of similar to 0.1 M-circle dot yr(-1) kpc(-2), corresponds to superbubbles with a Mach number similar to 5-10. While the milder superbubbles can be produced by large OB associations, the latter kind requires super-starclusters. These derived conditions compare well with observations of disc galaxies with winds and the existence of multiphase halo gas. Furthermore, we find that contrary to the general belief that superbubbles fragment through Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability when they reach a vertical height of the order of the scaleheight, the superbubbles are first affected by thermal instability for typical disc parameters and that RT instability takes over when the shells reach a distance of approximately twice the scaleheight.