78 resultados para MCF-7 cells


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Background: The consumption of berry fruits, including strawberries, has been suggested to have beneficial effects against oxidative stress mediated diseases. Berries contain multiple phenolic compounds and secondary metabolites that contribute to their biological properties. Methodology/Principal Findings: Current study investigates the anticancer activity of the methanolic extract of strawberry (MESB) fruits in leukaemia (CEM) and breast cancer (T47D) cell lines ex vivo, and its cancer therapeutic and chemopreventive potential in mice models. Results of MTT, trypan blue and LDH assays suggested that MESB can induce cytotoxicity in cancer cells, irrespective of origin, in a concentration-and time-dependent manner. Treatment of mice bearing breast adenocarcinoma with MESB blocked the proliferation of tumor cells in a time-dependent manner and resulted in extended life span. Histological and immunohistochemical studies suggest that MESB treatment affected tumor cell proliferation by activating apoptosis and did not result in any side effects. Finally, we show that MESB can induce intrinsic pathway of apoptosis by activating p73 in breast cancer cells, when tumor suppressor gene p53 is mutated. Conclusions/Significance: The present study reveals that strawberry fruits possess both cancer preventive and therapeutic values and we discuss the mechanism by which it is achieved.


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The present research focused on determining the effect of hydroxyapatite-20 wt% mullite (H20M) particle eluates on apoptosis and differentiation of human fetal osteoblast (hFOB) cells. The H20M particles (257 +/- 37 nm) were prepared, starting with the production of a nanocomposite using a unique route of spark plasma sintering, followed by a repeated grinding-cryo treatment and elution process. Tetrazolium based cytotoxicity assay results showed a time-and dose-dependent effect of H20M particle eluates on hFOB cytotoxicity. In particular, the results revealed statistically reduced cell viability after hFOB were exposed to the above 10% H20M (257 +/- 37 nm) eluates for 48 h. The apoptotic cell death triggered by H20M treatment was proven by the analysis of molecular markers of apoptosis, that is, the Bcl-2 family of genes. hFOB expression of Bcl-xL and Bcl-xS significantly increased 25.6- and 25.2-fold for 50% of H20M concentrations, respectively. The ratio of Bcl-xL/Bax (4.01) decreased 2-fold for hFOB exposed to 100% of H20M eluates than that for 10% H20M eluate (7.94) treated hFOB cells. On the other hand, the Bcl-xS/Bax ratio for the 10% H20M eluate was 4.15-fold, whereas for 100% H20M eluates, it was 11.55-fold. Specifically, the anti-apoptotic effect of the H20M particle eluates was corroborated by the up-regulation of bone cell differentiation marker genes such as, collagen type I, cbfa, and osteocalcin. In summary, the present work clearly demonstrated that H20M submicron to nanometer composite particle eluates have a minimal effect on hFOB apoptosis and can even up-regulate the expression of bone cell markers at the molecular level.


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When stimulated by a point source of cyclic AMP, a starved amoeba of Dictyostelium discoideum responds by putting out a hollow balloon-like membrane extension followed by a pseudopod. The effect of the stimulus is to influence the position where either of these protrusions is made on the cell rather than to cause them to be made. Because the pseudopod forms perpendicular to the cell surface, its location is a measure of the precision with which the cell can locate the cAMP source. Cells beyond 1 h of starvation respond non-randomly with a precision that improves steadily thereafter. A cell that is starved for 1-2 h can locate the source accurately 43% of the time; and if starved for 6-7 h, 87% of the time. The response always has a high scatter; population-level heterogeneity reflects stochasticity in single cell behaviour. From the angular distribution of the response its maximum information content is estimated to be 2-3 bits. In summary, we quantitatively demonstrate the stochastic nature of the directional response and the increase in its accuracy over time.


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This article reports the intermittent pulse electric field stimulus mediated in vitro cellular response of L929 mouse fibroblast/SaOS2 osteoblast-like cells on austenitic steel substrates in reference to the field strength dependent behavior. The cellular density and morphometric analyses revealed that the optimal electric (E) fields for the maximum cell density of adhered L929 (similar to 270 % to that of untreated sample) and SaOS2 (similar to 280 % to that of untreated sample) cells are 1 V (0.33 V/cm) and 2 V (0.67 V/cm), respectively. The trend in aspect ratio of elongated SaOS2 cells did not indicate any significant difference among the untreated and treated (up to 3.33 V/cm) cells. The average cell and nucleus areas (for SaOS2 cells) were increased with an increase in the applied voltage up to 8 V (2.67 V/cm) and reduced thereafter. However, the ratio of nucleus to total cell area was increased significantly on the application of higher voltages (2-10 V), indicating the possible influence of E-field on cell growth. Further, the cell density results were compared with earlier results obtained with sintered Hydroxyapatite (HA) and HA-BaTiO3 composites and such comparison revealed that the enhanced cell density on steel sample occurs upon application of much lower field strength and stimulation time. This indicates the possible role of substrate conductivity towards cell growth in pulsed E-field mediated culture conditions.


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The cylindrical Couette device is commonly employed to study the rheology of fluids, but seldom used for dense granular materials. Plasticity theories used for granular flows predict a stress field that is independent of the shear rate, but otherwise similar to that in fluids. In this paper we report detailed measurements of the stress as a function of depth, and show that the stress profile differs fundamentally from that of fluids, from the predictions of plasticity theories, and from intuitive expectation. In the static state, a part of the weight of the material is transferred to the walls by a downward vertical shear stress, bringing about the well-known Janssen saturation of the stress in vertical columns. When the material is sheared, the vertical shear stress changes sign, and the magnitudes of all components of the stress rise rapidly with depth. These qualitative features are preserved over a range of the Couette gap and shear rate, for smooth and rough walls and two model granular materials. To explain the anomalous rheological response, we consider some hypotheses that seem plausibleapriori, but showthat none survive after careful analysis of the experimental observations. We argue that the anomalous stress is due to an anisotropic fabric caused by the combined actions of gravity, shear, and frictional walls, for which we present indirect evidence from our experiments. A general theoretical framework for anisotropic plasticity is then presented. The detailed mechanics of how an anisotropic fabric is brought about by the above-mentioned factors is not clear, and promises to be a challenging problem for future investigations. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Background: Due to the functional defects in apoptosis signaling molecules or deficient activation of apoptosis pathways, leukemia has become an aggressive disease with poor prognosis. Although the majority of leukemia patients initially respond to chemotherapy, relapse is still the leading cause of death. Hence targeting apoptosis pathway would be a promising strategy for the improved treatment of leukemia. Hydantoin derivatives possess a wide range of important biological and pharmacological properties including anticancer properties. Here we investigated the antileukemic activity and mechanism of action of one of the potent azaspiro hydantoin derivative, (ASHD). Materials and Methods: To investigate the antileukemic efficacy of ASHD, we have used MTT assay, cell cycle analysis by FACS, tritiated thymidine incorporation assay, Annexin V staining, JC1 staining and western blot analysis. Results: Results showed that ASHD was approximately 3-fold more potent than the parent compounds in inducing cytotoxicity. Tritiated thymidine assay in conjunction with cell cycle analysis suggests that ASHD inhibited the growth of leukemic cells. The limited effect of ASHD on cell viability of normal cells indicated that it may be specifically directed to cancer cells. Translocation of phosphatidyl serine, activation of caspase 3, caspase 9, PARP, alteration in the ratio of BCL2/BAD protein expression as well as the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential suggests activation of the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis. Conclusion: These results could facilitate the future development of novel hydantoin derivatives as chemotherapeutic agents for leukemia.


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Rapid and facile synthesis of similar to 7 nm and similar to 100-400 nm nano-structures of anatase titania is achieved by exploiting the chemical nature of solvents through a microwave based approach. After using these nanostructures as a photoanode in dye-sensitized solar cells, a modest yet appreciable efficiency of 6.5% was achieved under the illumination of AM 1.5 G one sun (100 mW cm(-2)).


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We present a photoanode for dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC) based on ZnO nanoshell deposited by atomic layer deposition at 150 degrees C on a mesoporous insulating template. An ultrathin layer of ZnO between. 3 and 6 nm, which exhibits quantum confinement effect, is found to be sufficient to transport the photogenerated electrons to the external contacts and exhibits near-unity collection efficiency. A 6 nm ZnO nanoshell on a 2.5 mu m mesoporous nanoparticle Al2O3 template yields photovoltaic power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 4.2% in liquid DSC. Perovskite absorber (CH3NH3PbI3) based solid state solar cells made with similar ZnO nanostructures lead to a high PCE of 7%.


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In the context of the role of multiple physical factors in dictating stem cell fate, the present paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the intermittently delivered external electric field stimulation towards switching the stem cell fate to specific lineage, when cultured in the absence of biochemical growth factors. In particular, our findings present the ability of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) to respond to the electric stimuli by adopting extended neural-like morphology on conducting polymeric substrates. Polyaniline (PANI) is selected as the model system to demonstrate this effect, as the electrical conductivity of the polymeric substrates can be systematically tailored over a broad range (10(-9) to 10 S/cm) from highly insulating to conducting by doping with varying concentrations (10(-5) to 1 M) of HCl. On the basis of the culture protocol involving the systematic delivery of intermittent electric field (dc) stimulation, the parametric window of substrate conductivity and electric field strength was established to promote significant morphological extensions, with minimal cellular damage. A time dependent morphological change in hMSCs with significant filopodial elongation was observed after 7 days of electrically stimulated culture. Concomitant with morphological changes, a commensurate increase in the expression of neural lineage commitment markers such as nestin and PI tubulin was recorded from hMSCs grown on highly conducting substrates, as revealed from the mRNA expression analysis using Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) as well as by immune-fluorescence imaging. Therefore, the present work establishes the key role of intermittent and systematic delivery of electric stimuli as guidance cues in promoting neural-like differentiation of hMSCs, when grown on electroconductive substrates. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A special morphological zinc oxide (ZnO) photoanode for dye-sensitized solar cell was fabricated by simple sol-gel drop casting technique. This film shows a wrinkled structure resembling the roots of banyan tree, which acts as an effective self scattering layer for harvesting more visible light and offers an easy transport path for photo-injected electrons. These ZnO electrode of low thickness (similar to 5 mu m) gained an enhanced short-circuit current density of 6.15 mA/cm(2), open-circuit voltage of 0.67 V, fill factor of 0.47 and overall conversion efficiency of 1.97 % under 1 sun illumination. This shows a high conversion efficiency and a superior performance than that of ZnO nanoparticle-based photoanode (eta similar to 1.13 %) of high thickness (similar to 8 mu m).


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Lipoplex nano-aggregates have been analyzed through biophysical characterization (electrostatics, structure, size and morphology), and biological studies (transfection efficiency and cell viability) in five cancer cell lines. Lipoplexes were prepared from pEGFP-C3 plasmid DNA (pDNA) and mixed liposomes, constituted by a zwitterionic lipid (DOPE) and a gemini cationic lipid (GCL) synthesized in this work, bis(hexadecyl dimethyl ammonium) oxyethylene], referred to as (C16Am)(2)(C2O)(n), (where n is the oxyethylene spacer length, n = 1, 2 or 3, between the ammonium heads). Cryo-TEM micrographs show nano-aggregates with two multilamellar structures, a cluster-type (at low-to-medium GCL composition) and a fingerprint-type that coexists with the cluster-type at medium GCL composition and appears alone at high GCL composition. SAXS diffractograms show that these lipoplexes present three lamellar structures, two of them coexisting at low and high GCL composition. The optimized transfection efficiency (TE) of pDNA was higher for lipoplexes containing GCLs with a longer (n = 3) or shorter (n = 1) polyoxyethylene spacer, at high GCL composition (alpha - 0.7) with low charge ratio (rho(eff) 2). In the all cancer cell lines studied, the TE of the optimized formulations was much better than those of both lipofectamine 2000 and lipoplexes with GCLs of the bis(hexadecyl dimethyl ammonium) alkane series recently reported. Probably, (a) the coexistence of two lamellar structures at high GCL composition synergizes the TE of these lipid vectors, (b) the orientation of the polyoxyethylene region in (C16Am)(2)(C2O)(3)/DOPE may occur in such a way that the spacing between two cationic heads becomes smaller than that in (C16Am)(2)(C2O)(2)/DOPE which is poor in terms of TE, and (c) the synergistic interactions between serum proteins and (C16Am)(2)(C2O)(n)/DOPE-pDNA lipoplexes containing a polyoxyethylene spacer improve TE, especially at high GCL content. Lipoplexes studied here show very low levels of toxicity, which confirm them as improved vectors of pDNA in gene therapy.


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Innovative bi-electrolyte solid-state cells incorporating single crystal CaF2 and composition-graded solid electrolyte (LaF3) y (CaF2) 1-y (y = 0 to 0.32) were used for measurement of the standard Gibbs energy of formation of hexagonal La0.885Al11.782O19 and cubic LaAlO3 from component binary oxides La2O3 and alpha-Al2O3 in the temperature range from 875 to 1175 K. The cells were designed based on experimentally verified relevant phase relations in the systems La2O3-Al2O3LaF3 and CaF2-LaF3. The results can be summarized as: 5.891 alpha-Al2O3 + 0.4425 La2O3 (A-rare earth)-> La0.885Al11.782O19 (hex), Delta G(f(ox))(degrees)(+/- 2005)/Jmol(-1) = -80982 + 7.313(T/K); 1/2 La2O3 (A-rare earth) + 1/2 a-Al2O3 -> LaAlO3 (cubic), Delta G(f(ox))(degrees)(+/- 2100)/Jmol(-1) = -59810 + 4.51(T/K). Electron probe microanalysis was used to ascertain the non-stoichiometric range of the hexaaluminate phase. The results are critically analyzed in the light of earlier electrochemical measurements. Several imperfections in the electrochemical cells used by former investigators are identified. Data obtained in the study for LaAlO3 are consistent with calorimetric enthalpy of formation and entropy derived from heat capacity data. Estimated are the standard entropy and the standard enthalpy of formation from elements of hexagonal La0.885Al11.782O19 and rhombohedral LaAlO3 at 298.15 K. c 2014 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.


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Silver nanoparticles-anchored reduced graphene oxide (Ag-RGO) is prepared by simultaneous reduction of graphene oxide and Ag+ ions in an aqueous medium by ethylene glycol as the reducing agent. Ag particles of average size of 4.7 nm were uniformly distributed on the RGO sheets. Oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is studied on Ag-RGO catalyst in both aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes by using cyclic voltammetry and rotating disk electrode techniques. As the interest in non-aqueous electrolyte is to study the catalytic performance of Ag-RGO for rechargeable Li-O-2 cells, these cells are assembled and characterized. Li-O-2 cells with Ag-RGO as the oxygen electrode catalyst are subjected to charge-discharge cycling at several current densities. A discharge capacity of 11 950 mA h g(-1) (11.29 mA h cm(-2)) is obtained initially at low current density. Although there is a decrease in the capacity on repeated discharge-charge cycling initially, a stable capacity is observed for about 30 cycles. The results indicate that Ag-RGO is a suitable catalyst for rechargeable Li-O-2 cells.


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Six new mixed-ligand cobalt(III) complexes of formulation Co(N-N)(2)(O-O)](ClO4)(2) (1-6), where N-N is a N,N-donor phenanthroline base, namely, 1,10-phenanthroline (phen in 1, 2), dipyrido3,2-d:2',3'-f] quinoxaline (dpq in 3, 4), and dipyrido3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppz in 5, 6), O-O is acetylacetonate (acac in 1, 3, 5) or curcumin (bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6-diene-3,5-dione, cur in 2, 4, 6), have been synthesized and characterized. The X-ray crystal structures of complex 1 (as PF6- salt, 1a) and 3 show distorted octahedral geometries formed by the CoN4O2 core. The complexes 1, 3 and 5 having the simple acac ligand are prepared as control species to understand the role of curcumin. The optimized geometries and the frontier orbitals of the curcumin complexes 2, 4, and 6 are obtained from the DFT calculations. The complexes 2, 4, and 6 having the photoactive curcumin moiety display an absorption band in the visible region near 420 nm and show remarkable photocytotoxicity in HeLa cancer cells with respective IC50 values of 7.4 mu M, 5.1 mu M and 1.6 mu M while being much less toxic in dark. MTT assay using complex 6 shows that it is not significantly photocytotoxic to MCF-10A normal cells. The control complexes having the acac ligand are non-toxic both in the presence and absence of light. The cell death is apoptotic in nature and triggered by the photogeneration of reactive oxygen species. Fluorescence imaging experiments on HeLa cells reveals that complex 6 accumulated primarily inside the mitochondria. Human serum albumin (HSA) binding experiments show that the complexes bind HSA with good affinity, but 6 binds with the highest affinity, with a K-b value of 9.8 x 10(5) M-1. Thus, complex 6 with its negligible toxicity in the dark and in normal cells but remarkable toxicity in visible light holds significant photochemotherapeutic potential.


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Thin films of conducting palladium selenide phases (Pd17Se15 and Pd7Se4) are prepared using a single source molecular precursor by thermolysis. Varying the mole ratios of palladium and selenium precursors results in palladium organo-selenolate complexes which on thermolysis at different temperatures yield Pd17Se15 and Pd7Se4 phases that are very stable and adherent to the substrate. The organo-selenolate complexes are characterized using small angle XRD, Se-77 NMR and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The palladium selenide films are characterized by various techniques such as XRD, XPS, TEM and SEM. Electrical conductivities of the films are determined using the four probe method. The strong adherence of the films to glass substrates coupled with high corrosion resistant behavior towards strong acid and alkaline environments render them to be very effective as electrocatalysts. The catalytic activity towards the I-3(-)/I- redox couple, which is an important reaction in the regeneration of the dye in a dye-sensitized solar cell, is studied. Between the two phases, the Pd17Se15 film shows superior activity as the counter electrode for dye sensitized solar cells with a photocurrent conversion efficiency of 7.45%.