224 resultados para MAGNETIZATION


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Crystal growth, electrical and magnetic properties are reported for mixed valence manganite Pr1-xPbxMnO3 (x = 0.2, 0.23, and 0.3). The crystals with x = 0.2 and 0.23 are ferromagnetic and insulating, whereas that with x = 0.3 is ferromagnetic below 200 K and shows an insulator-metal transition at 235 K. This composition shows a magnetoresistance of 90% in a field of 5 T. In the paramagnetic region, the temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility of the crystals follows a Curie-Weiss behavior. The thermal evolution of magnetization in the ferromagnetic phase varies as T-3/2, in accordance with Bloch's law. The spin-stiffness constant D obtained from the Bloch constant is found to increase linearly with x. The magnetization does not reach complete saturation upto a field of 5 T. A possible contribution of the Pr spins to the total magnetic moment is discussed.


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Nanostructured ZnFe2O4 ferrites with different grain sizes were prepared by high energy ball milling for various milling times. Both the average grain size and the root mean square strain were estimated from the x-ray diffraction line broadening. The lattice parameter initially decreases slightly with milling and it increases with further milling. The magnetization is found to increase as the grain size decreases and its large value is attributed to the cation inversion associated with grain size reduction. The Fe-57 Mossbauer spectra were recorded at 300 K and 77 K for the samples with grain sizes of 22 and 11 nm. There is no evidence for the presence of the Fe2+ charge state. At 77 K the Mossbauer spectra consist of a magnetically ordered component along with a doublet due to the superparamagnetic behaviour of small crystalline grains with the superparamagnetic component decreasing with grain size reduction. At 4.2 K the sample with 11 nm grain size displays a magnetically blocked state as revealed by the Mossbauer spectrum. The Mossbauer spectrum of this sample recorded at 10 K in an external magnetic field of 6 T applied parallel to the direction of gamma rays clearly shows ferrimagnetic ordering of the sample. Also, the sample exhibits spin canting with a large canting angle, maybe due to a spin-glass-like surface layer or grain boundary anisotropies in the material.


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We study the properties of Dirac fermions on the surface of a topological insulator in the presence of crossed electric and magnetic fields. We provide an exact solution to this problem and demonstrate that, in contrast to their counterparts in graphene, these Dirac fermions allow relative tuning of the orbital and Zeeman effects of an applied magnetic field by a crossed electric field along the surface. We also elaborate and extend our earlier results on normal-metal-magnetic film-normal metal (NMN) and normal-metal-barrier-magnetic film (NBM) junctions of topological insulators [S. Mondal, D. Sen, K. Sengupta, and R. Shankar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 046403 (2010)]. For NMN junctions, we show that for Dirac fermions with Fermi velocity vF, the transport can be controlled using the exchange field J of a ferromagnetic film over a region of width d. The conductance of such a junction changes from oscillatory to a monotonically decreasing function of d beyond a critical J which leads to the possible realization of magnetic switches using these junctions. For NBM junctions with a potential barrier of width d and potential V-0, we find that beyond a critical J, the criteria of conductance maxima changes from chi=eV(0)d/h upsilon(F)=n pi to chi=(n+1/2)pi for integer n. Finally, we compute the subgap tunneling conductance of a normal-metal-magnetic film-superconductor junctions on the surface of a topological insulator and show that the position of the peaks of the zero-bias tunneling conductance can be tuned using the magnetization of the ferromagnetic film. We point out that these phenomena have no analogs in either conventional two-dimensional materials or Dirac electrons in graphene and suggest experiments to test our theory.


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Nanocrystalline Fe powders were synthesized by transmetallation reaction and embedded in silica to form Fe-SiO2 nanocomposite. Thermomagnetic study of the as-prepared Fe sample indicates the presence of Fe3O4 and Fe particles. Oxidation studies of Fe and Fe-SiO2 show an increased thermal stability of Fe-SiO2 nanocomposite over pure Fe. The Fe-SiO2 shows an enhanced oxidation temperature (i.e., 780 K) and a maximum saturation magnetization value of (135 emu/g) with 64 wt.% of Fe content in silica. Electrical and dielectric behaviour of the Fe-SiO2 nanocomposite has been investigated as a function of temperature and frequency. Low frequency ac conductivity and dielectric constants were found to be influenced by desorptions of chemisorbed moisture. High saturation magnetization, thermal stability, frequency-dependent conductivity and low power loss make Fe-silica a promising material for high frequency applications. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The nature of the low-temperature magnetic state of polycrystalline La0.67Ca0.33Mn0.9Fe0.1O3 has been studied by magnetization, neutron diffraction, and neutron depolarization measurements. Neutron depolarization measurements indicate the existence of ferromagnetic domains with low net magnetic moments below 108 K. The substitution of Mn3+ by Fe3+ reduces the number of available hopping sites for the Mn e(g) (up) electron and suppresses the double exchange, resulting in the reduction of ferromagnetic exchange. The competition between the ferromagnetic double-exchange interactions and the coexisting antiferromagnetic superexchange interactions and its randomness due to random substitutions of Mn3+ with Fe3+ drive the system into a randomly canted ferromagnetic state at low temperatures.


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The effect of nonmagnetic Ti4+ substitution for Mn4+ on magnetic ordering of La1-xPbxMn1-yTiyO3 (x = 0.15,0.26, and 0.4; 0 less than or equal to y less than or equal to x )has been studied. The ferromagnetic transition temperature and the magnetization decrease with increasing amount of titanium. Complete substitution of Mn4+ by Ti4+, for x = y, excludes the Mn3+-O-Mn4+ double exchange. However, these compounds still show ferromagnetism if the dilution of the Mn sublattice by Ti is small enough (y less than or equal to 0.2). This ferromagnetism probably originates from a ferromagnetic Mn3+-O-Mn3+ superexchange. A thorough study of magnetic properties including AC magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, temperature dependence of coercivity and relaxation of remanent magnetization has been carried out and gives evidence of cluster spin glass behaviour for La0.6Pb0.4Mn0.6Ti0.4O3. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electrical and magnetic properties of several oxide systems of K2NiF4 structure have been compared to those of the corresponding perovskites. Members of the La1−xSr1+xCoO4 system are all semiconductors with a high activation energy for conduction unlike La1−xSrxCoO3 (x ≥ 0.3) which is metallic; the latter oxides are ferromagnetic. La0.5Sr1.5CoO4 shows a magnetization of 0.5 μB at 0 K (compared to 1.5 μB of La0.5Sr0.5CoO3), but the high-temperature susceptibilities of the two systems are comparable. In SrO · (La0.5Sr0.5MnO3)n, both magnetization and electrical conductivity increase with the increase in n approaching the value of the perovskite La0.5Sr0.5MnO3. LaSrMn0.5Ni0.5(Co0.5)O4 shows no evidence of long-range ferromagnetic ordering unlike the perovskite LaMn0.5Ni0.5(Co0.5)O3; high-temperature susceptibility behavior of these two insulating systems is, however, similar. LaSr1−xBaxNiO4 exhibits high electrical resistivity with the resistivity increasing proportionately with the magnetic susceptibility (note that LaNiO3 is a Pauli-paramagnetic metal). High-temperature susceptibility of LaSrNiO4 and LaNiO3 are comparable. Susceptibility measurements show no evidence for long-range ordering in LaSrFe1−xNixO4 unlike in LaFe1−xNixO3 (x ≤ 0.35) and the electrical resistivity of the former is considerably higher. Electrical resistivity of Sr2RuO4 is more than an order of magnitude higher than that of SrRuO3. Some generalizations of the properties of two- and three-dimensional oxide systems have emerged from these experimental observations.


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Double perovskite oxides Sr2FeMoO6 have attracted a great interest for their peculiar magneto-transport properties, and, ill particular, for the large values of low-field magneto-resistance (MR) which remains elevated even at room temperature, thanks to their high Curie temperature (T-c > 400 K). These properties are strongly influenced by chemical cation disorder, that is by the relative arrangement of Fe and Mo on their sublattices: the regular alternation of Fe and Mo enhances the M R and saturation magnetization. On the contrary the disorder generally depresses the magnetization and worsen the MR response. In this work the X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) technique has been employed in order to probe the cation order from a local point of view. XAFS spectra were collected at the Fe and Mo K edges on Sr2FeMoO6 samples with different degree of long-range chemical order. The XAFS results prove that a high degree of short-range cation order is preserved, despite the different long-range order: the Fe-Mo correlations are always preferred over the Fe-Fe and Mo-Mo ones in the perfectly ordered as well as in highly disordered samples.


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Geometric phases have been used in NMR to implement controlled phase shift gates for quantum-information processing, only in weakly coupled systems in which the individual spins can be identified as qubits. In this work, we implement controlled phase shift gates in strongly coupled systems by using nonadiabatic geometric phases, obtained by evolving the magnetization of fictitious spin-1/2 subspaces, over a closed loop on the Bloch sphere. The dynamical phase accumulated during the evolution of the subspaces is refocused by a spin echo pulse sequence and by setting the delay of transition selective pulses such that the evolution under the homonuclear coupling makes a complete 2 pi rotation. A detailed theoretical explanation of nonadiabatic geometric phases in NMR is given by using single transition operators. Controlled phase shift gates, two qubit Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, and parity algorithm in a qubit-qutrit system have been implemented in various strongly dipolar coupled systems obtained by orienting the molecules in liquid crystal media.


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Disordered Sr2FeMoO6 shows a drastic reduction in saturation magnetization compared to highly ordered samples, moreover magnetization as a function of the temperature for different disordered samples shows qualitatively different behaviours. We investigate the origin of such diversity by performing spatially resolved photoemission spectroscopy on various disordered samples. Our results establish that extensive electronic inhomogeneity, arising most probably from an underlying chemical inhomogeneity in disordered samples, is responsible for the observed magnetic inhomogeneity. It is further pointed out that these inhomogeneities are connected with composition fluctuations of the type Sr2Fe1+xMo1-xO6 with Fe-rich (x > 0) and Mo-rich (x < 0) regions.


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Static magnetization for single crystals of insulating Nd0.85Pb0.15MnO3 and marginally conducting Nd0.70Pb0.30MnO3 has been studied around the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition temperature T-C. Results of measurements carried out in the critical range vertical bar(T - T-C)/T-C vertical bar <= 0.1 are reported. Critical exponents beta and gamma for the thermal behaviour of magnetization and susceptibility have been obtained both by modified Arrott plots and the Kouvel-Fisher method. The exponent delta independently obtained from the critical isotherm was found to satisfy the Widom scaling relation delta = gamma/beta + 1. For both compositions the values of exponents are consistent with those expected for isotropic magnets belonging to the Heisenberg universality class with short-range exchange in three dimensions. Correspondingly, the specific heat displays only a cusp-like anomaly at the critical temperature of these crystals which is consistent with an exponent alpha < 0. The results show that the ferromagnetic ordering transition in Nd1-xPbxMnO3 in the composition range 0.15 <= x <= 0.40 is continuous. This mixed-valent manganite displays the conventional properties of a Heisenberg-like ferromagnet, irrespective of the differing transport properties and in spite of low ordering temperatures T-C = 109 and 147.2 K for x = 0.15 and 0.30, respectively.


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We have performed a series of magnetic aging experiments on single crystals of Dy0.5Sr0.5MnO3. The results demonstrate striking memory and chaos-like effects in this insulating half-doped perovskite manganite and suggest the existence of strong magnetic relaxation mechanisms of a clustered magnetic state. The spin-glass-like state established below a temperature T-sg approximate to 34 K originates from quenched disorder arising due to the ionic-radii mismatch at the rare earth site. However, deviations from the typical behavior seen in canonical spin glass materials are observed which indicate that the glassy magnetic properties are due to cooperative and frustrated dynamics in a heterogeneous or clustered magnetic state. In particular, the microscopic spin flip time obtained from dynamical scaling near the spin glass freezing temperature is four orders of magnitude larger than microscopic times found in atomic spin glasses. The magnetic viscosity deduced from the time dependence of the zero-field-cooled magnetization exhibits a peak at a temperature T < T-sg and displays a marked dependence on waiting time in zero field.


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Strained epitaxial La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 films are grown on LaAlO3 substrate. Structural, electrical,and magnetic measurements were carried out. Out of plane lattice parameter of the film undergoes compressive strain and the coercivity is enhanced. The zero field cooled (ZFC) magnetization curve for a field applied parallel to the film plane shows a jump, which suggests a spin reorientation transition (SRT), while ZFC magnetization for a field applied perpendicular to the film plane is featureless. This jump in magnetization is shifted to higher temperatures when the magnetic field is reduced. The SRT is attributed to the strain in the film. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ground-state properties of the spin-(1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice are studied by using a simple variational wave function that interpolates continuously between the Néel state and short-range resonating-valence-bond states. Exact calculations of the variational energy for small systems show that the state with the lowest energy has long-range antiferromagnetic order. The staggered magnetization in this state is approximately 70% of its maximum possible value. The variational estimate of the ground-state energy is substantially lower than the value obtained for the nearest-neighbor resonating-valence-bond wave function.


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The signatures of the coexistence of para and ferromagnetic phases for the Fe3+ charge state of iron have been identified in the low temperature electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra in undoped CdZnTe (Zn similar to 4%) crystals and independently verified by superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) and AC susceptibility measurements. In the paramagnetic phase the inverse of AC susceptibility follows the Curie-Weiss law. In the ferromagnetic phase the thermal evolution of magnetization follows the well-known Bloch T-3/2 law. This is further supported by the appearance of hysteresis in the SQUID measurements at 2 K below T-c which is expected to lie in between 2 and 2.5 K. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.