84 resultados para International TV


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The classical approach to A/D conversion has been uniform sampling and we get perfect reconstruction for bandlimited signals by satisfying the Nyquist Sampling Theorem. We propose a non-uniform sampling scheme based on level crossing (LC) time information. We show stable reconstruction of bandpass signals with correct scale factor and hence a unique reconstruction from only the non-uniform time information. For reconstruction from the level crossings we make use of the sparse reconstruction based optimization by constraining the bandpass signal to be sparse in its frequency content. While overdetermined system of equations is resorted to in the literature we use an undetermined approach along with sparse reconstruction formulation. We could get a reconstruction SNR > 20dB and perfect support recovery with probability close to 1, in noise-less case and with lower probability in the noisy case. Random picking of LC from different levels over the same limited signal duration and for the same length of information, is seen to be advantageous for reconstruction.


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Compressive Sensing (CS) is a new sensing paradigm which permits sampling of a signal at its intrinsic information rate which could be much lower than Nyquist rate, while guaranteeing good quality reconstruction for signals sparse in a linear transform domain. We explore the application of CS formulation to music signals. Since music signals comprise of both tonal and transient nature, we examine several transforms such as discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT), Fourier basis and also non-orthogonal warped transforms to explore the effectiveness of CS theory and the reconstruction algorithms. We show that for a given sparsity level, DCT, overcomplete, and warped Fourier dictionaries result in better reconstruction, and warped Fourier dictionary gives perceptually better reconstruction. “MUSHRA” test results show that a moderate quality reconstruction is possible with about half the Nyquist sampling.


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Urban water bodies frequently receive untreated sewage and water levels in such water bodies are maintained by daily inputs of sewage. They function as “variable-zone” anaerobic-aerobic lagoons suffering several macrophyte, biotic and abiotic stresses. We have studied two such lakes in Bangalore (Bellandur-360 ha and Varthur-220 ha) to understand whether such an occurrence could be made beneficial (maintaining water levels as well as treatment). Such hypertrophic water body receives sewage at 180-250mg/L and is discharged at 25-80mg/L COD/BOD in different seasons. In an earlier study we reported macrophyte altering the purification function of the water body. In this paper we studied the impact of phytoplankton dynamics and macrophyte cover on the functions such as organic load removal. Algal community analysis, algal biomass, macrophyte cover, water quality, nutrient status was studied seasonally during 2009-2010. Oxygen deficiency and sometimes anoxia, recorded from surface samples resulted in high quantities of NH4+-N (30-40mg/L) and phosphate (0.5-4mg/L)-characteristics of anoxic hypertrophic urban lakes. The productiveness favoured high phytoplanktonic community characterized by small cells (<10μm; Chlorella sp. - highest numbers). The lake could be clearly demarcated into an initial anaerobic zone (40% area), a facultative zone (20%) and an aerobic zone (40%) based on redox values and GIS/bathymetry. During summer the lake is covered by floating macrophytes converting the lake into an anoxic/anaerobic water pool subduing the water purification function as well as aesthetics. When macrophytes are controlled such sewage fed water bodies can be used for treating urban wastewater while also maintaining water sustainability in these semi-arid ecosystems. This paper reports the community dynamics of phytoplankton, their function and competition with macrophytes.


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A circuit topology based on accumulate-and-use philosophy has been developed to harvest RF energy from ambient radiations such as those from cellular towers. Main functional units of this system are antenna, tuned rectifier, supercapacitor, a gated boost converter and the necessary power management circuits. Various RF aspects of the design philosophy for maximizing the conversion efficiency at an input power level of 15 mu W are presented here. The system is characterized in an anechoic chamber and it has been established that this topology can harvest RF power densities as low as 180 mu W/m(2) and can adaptively operate the load depending on the incident radiation levels. The output of this system can be easily configured at a desired voltage in the range 2.2-4.5 V. A practical CMOS load - a low power wireless radio module has been demonstrated to operate intermittently by this approach. This topology can be easily modified for driving other practical loads, from harvested RF energy at different frequencies and power levels.


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A joint analysis-synthesis framework is developed for the compressive sensing (CS) recovery of speech signals. The signal is assumed to be sparse in the residual domain with the linear prediction filter used as the sparse transformation. Importantly this transform is not known apriori, since estimating the predictor filter requires the knowledge of the signal. Two prediction filters, one comb filter for pitch and another all pole formant filter are needed to induce maximum sparsity. An iterative method is proposed for the estimation of both the prediction filters and the signal itself. Formant prediction filter is used as the synthesis transform, while the pitch filter is used to model the periodicity in the residual excitation signal, in the analysis mode. Significant improvement in the LLR measure is seen over the previously reported formant filter estimation.


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Latent variable methods, such as PLCA (Probabilistic Latent Component Analysis) have been successfully used for analysis of non-negative signal representations. In this paper, we formulate PLCS (Probabilistic Latent Component Segmentation), which models each time frame of a spectrogram as a spectral distribution. Given the signal spectrogram, the segmentation boundaries are estimated using a maximum-likelihood approach. For an efficient solution, the algorithm imposes a hard constraint that each segment is modelled by a single latent component. The hard constraint facilitates the solution of ML boundary estimation using dynamic programming. The PLCS framework does not impose a parametric assumption unlike earlier ML segmentation techniques. PLCS can be naturally extended to model coarticulation between successive phones. Experiments on the TIMIT corpus show that the proposed technique is promising compared to most state of the art speech segmentation algorithms.


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We address the problem of multi-instrument recognition in polyphonic music signals. Individual instruments are modeled within a stochastic framework using Student's-t Mixture Models (tMMs). We impose a mixture of these instrument models on the polyphonic signal model. No a priori knowledge is assumed about the number of instruments in the polyphony. The mixture weights are estimated in a latent variable framework from the polyphonic data using an Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm, derived for the proposed approach. The weights are shown to indicate instrument activity. The output of the algorithm is an Instrument Activity Graph (IAG), using which, it is possible to find out the instruments that are active at a given time. An average F-ratio of 0 : 7 5 is obtained for polyphonies containing 2-5 instruments, on a experimental test set of 8 instruments: clarinet, flute, guitar, harp, mandolin, piano, trombone and violin.


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Time-varying linear prediction has been studied in the context of speech signals, in which the auto-regressive (AR) coefficients of the system function are modeled as a linear combination of a set of known bases. Traditionally, least squares minimization is used for the estimation of model parameters of the system. Motivated by the sparse nature of the excitation signal for voiced sounds, we explore the time-varying linear prediction modeling of speech signals using sparsity constraints. Parameter estimation is posed as a 0-norm minimization problem. The re-weighted 1-norm minimization technique is used to estimate the model parameters. We show that for sparsely excited time-varying systems, the formulation models the underlying system function better than the least squares error minimization approach. Evaluation with synthetic and real speech examples show that the estimated model parameters track the formant trajectories closer than the least squares approach.