248 resultados para Granular materials


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Coherently moving flocks of birds, beasts, or bacteria are examples of living matter with spontaneous orientational order. How do these systems differ from thermal equilibrium systems with such liquid crystalline order? Working with a fluidized monolayer of macroscopic rods in the nematic liquid crystalline phase, we find giant number fluctuations consistent with a standard deviation growing linearly with the mean, in contrast to any situation where the central limit theorem applies. These fluctuations are long-lived, decaying only as a logarithmic function of time. This shows that flocking, coherent motion, and large-scale inhomogeneity can appear in a system in which particles do not communicate except by contact.


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The constitutive model for a magnetostrictive material and its effect on the structural response is presented in this article. The example of magnetostrictive material considered is the TERFENOL-D. As like the piezoelectric material, this material has two constitutive laws, one of which is the sensing law and the other is the actuation law, both of which are highly coupled and non-linear. For the purpose of analysis, the constitutive laws can be characterized as coupled or uncoupled and linear or non linear. Coupled model is studied without assuming any explicit direct relationship with magnetic field. In the linear coupled model, which is assumed to preserve the magnetic flux line continuity, the elastic modulus, the permeability and magneto-elastic constant are assumed as constant. In the nonlinear-coupled model, the nonlinearity is decoupled and solved separately for the magnetic domain and the mechanical domain using two nonlinear curves, namely the stress vs. strain curve and the magnetic flux density vs. magnetic field curve. This is performed by two different methods. In the first, the magnetic flux density is computed iteratively, while in the second, the artificial neural network is used, where in the trained network will give the necessary strain and magnetic flux density for a given magnetic field and stress level. The effect of nonlinearity is demonstrated on a simple magnetostrictive rod.


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We study the photoemission from quantum wire and quantum dot superlattices with graded interfaces of optoelectronic materials on the basis of newly formulated electron dispersion relations in the presence of external photo-excitation. Besides, the influence of a magnetic field on the photoemission from the aforementioned superlattices together with quantum well superlattices in the presence of a quantizing magnetic field has also been studied in this context. It has been observed taking into account HgTe/Hg1-xCdxTe and InxGa1-xAs/InP that the photoemission from these nanostructures increases with increasing photon energy in quantized steps and exhibits oscillatory dependences with the increase in carrier concentration. Besides, the photoemission decreases with increasing light intensity and wavelength, together with the fact that said emission decreases with increasing thickness exhibiting oscillatory spikes. The strong dependences of the photoemission on the light intensity reflects the direct signature of light waves on the carrier energy spectra. The content of this paper finds six applications in the fields of low dimensional systems in general. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Phase-singular solid solutions of La0.6Sr0.4Mn1-yMeyO3 (0 <= y <= 0.3) [Me=Li1+, Mg2+, Al3+, Ti4+, Nb5+, Mo6+ or W6+] [LSMey] perovskite of rhombohedral symmetry (space group: R (3) over barc) have been prepared wherein the valence of the diamagnetic substituent at Mn site ranged from 1 to 6. With increasing y-content in LSMey, the metal-insulator (TM-I) transition in resistivity-temperature rho(T) curves shifted to low temperatures. The magnetization studies M(H) as well as the M(T) indicated two groups for LSMey. (1) Group A with Me=Mg, Al, Ti, or Nb which are paramagnetic insulators (PIs) at room temperature with low values of M (< 0.5 mu(B)/Mn); the magnetic transition [ferromagnetic insulator (FMI)-PI] temperature (T-C) shifts to low temperatures and nearly coincides with that of TM-I and the maximum magnetoresistance (MR) of similar to 50% prevails near T-C (approximate to TM-I). (2) Group-B samples with Me=Li, Mo, or W which are FMIs with M-s=3.3-3.58 mu(B)/Mn and marginal reduction in T-C similar to 350 K as compared to the undoped LSMO (T-C similar to 378 K). The latter samples show large temperature differences Delta T=T-c-TM-I, reaching up to similar to 288 K. The maximum MR (similar to 60%) prevails at low temperatures corresponding to the M-I transition TM-I rather than around T-C. High resolution lattice images as well as microscopy analysis revealed the prevalence of inhomogeneous phase mixtures of randomly distributed charge ordered-insulating (COI) bistripes (similar to 3-5 nm width) within FMI charge-disordered regions, yet maintaining crystallographically single phase with no secondary precipitate formation. The averaged ionic radius < r(B)>, valency, or charge/radius ratio < CRR > cannot be correlated with that of large Delta T; hence cannot be used to parametrize the discrepancy between T-C and TM-I. The M-I transition is controlled by the charge conduction within the electronically heterogeneous mixtures (COI bistripes+FMI charge disordered); large MR at TM-I suggests that the spin-ordered FM-insulating regions assist the charge transport, whereas the T-C is associated with the bulk spin ordered regions corresponding to the FMI phase of higher volume fraction of which anchors the T-C to higher temperatures. The present analysis showed that the double-exchange model alone cannot account for the wide bifurcation of the magnetic and electric transitions, contributions from the charge as well as lattice degrees of freedom to be separated from spin/orbital ordering. The heterogeneous phase mixtures (COI+FMI) cannot be treated as of granular composite behavior. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Rapid granular flows are defined as flows in which the time scales for the particle interactions are small compared to the inverse of the strain rate, so that the particle interactions can be treated as instantaneous collisions. We first show, using Discrete Element simulations, that even very dense flows of sand or glass beads with volume fraction between 0.5 and 0.6 are rapid granular flows. Since collisions are instantaneous, a kinetic theory approach for the constitutive relations is most appropriate, and we present kinetic theory results for different microscopic models for particle interaction. The significant difference between granular flows and normal fluids is that energy is not conserved in a granular flow. The differences in the hydrodynamic modes caused by the non-conserved nature of energy are discussed. Going beyond the Boltzmann equation, the effect of correlations is studied using the ring kinetic approximation, and it is shown that the divergences in the viscometric coefficients, which are present for elastic fluids, are not present for granular flows because energy is not conserved. The hydrodynamic model is applied to the flow down an inclined plane. Since energy is not a conserved variable, the hydrodynamic fields in the bulk of a granular flow are obtained from the mass and momentum conservation equations alone. Energy becomes a relevant variable only in thin 'boundary layers' at the boundaries of the flow where there is a balance between the rates of conduction and dissipation. We show that such a hydrodynamic model can predict the salient features of a chute flow, including the flow initiation when the angle of inclination is increased above the 'friction angle', the striking lack of observable variation of the volume fraction with height, the observation of a steady flow only for certain restitution coefficients, and the density variations in the boundary layers.


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The Maitra group has explored a variety of chemistry with bile acids during the past 15 years and these experiments have covered a wide variety of chemistry - asymmetric synthesis, molecular recognition, ion receptors/sensors, dendrimers, low molecular mass organo and hydrogelators, gel-nanoparticle composites, etc. Some of what excites us in this field is highlighted in this perspective article.


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In this paper, an attempt is made to study the influence of external light waves on the thermoelectric power under strong magnetic field (TPSM) in ultrathin films (UFs), quantum wires (QWs) and quantum dots (QDs) of optoelectronic materials whose unperturbed dispersion relation of the conduction electrons are defined by three and two band models of Kane together with parabolic energy bands on the basis of newly formulated electron dispersion laws in each case. We have plotted the TPSM as functions of film thickness, electron concentration, light intensity and wavelength for UFs, QWs and ODs of InSb, GaAs, Hg1-xCdxTe and In1-xGaxAsyP1-y respectively. It appears from the figures that for UFs, the TPSM increases with increasing thickness in quantum steps, decreases with increasing electron degeneracy exhibiting entirely different types of oscillations and changes with both light intensity and wavelength and these two latter types of plots are the direct signature of light waves on opto-TPSM. For QWs, the opto-TPSM exhibits rectangular oscillations with increasing thickness and shows enhanced spiky oscillations with electron concentration per unit length. For QDs, the opto-TPSM increases with increasing film thickness exhibiting trapezoidal variations which occurs during quantum jumps and the length and breadth of the trapezoids are totally dependent on energy band constants. Under the condition of non-degeneracy, the results of opto-TPSM gets simplified into the well-known form of classical TPSM equation which the function of three constants only and being invariant of the signature of band structure.


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A theoretical solution has been obtained for the state of stress in a rectangular plate under a pair of symmetrically placed rigid indenters. The stress distributions along the two central axes have been calculated for a square plate assuming the pressure distribution under the indenters as uniform, parabolic and one resulting from 'constant displacement' on a semiinfinite boundary, for different ratios of indenter-width to side of square. The results are compared with those of photoelastic analysis of Berenbaum and Brodie and the validity of the solution is discussed. The solution has been extended to orthotropic materials and numerical results for one type of coal are given.


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The growth rates of the hydrodynamic modes in the homogeneous sheared state of a granular material are determined by solving the Boltzmann equation. The steady velocity distribution is considered to be the product of the Maxwell Boltzmann distribution and a Hermite polynomial expansion in the velocity components; this form is inserted into them Boltzmann equation and solved to obtain the coeificients of the terms in the expansion. The solution is obtained using an expansion in the parameter epsilon =(1 - e)(1/2), and terms correct to epsilon(4) are retained to obtain an approximate solution; the error due to the neglect of higher terms is estimated at about 5% for e = 0.7. A small perturbation is placed on the distribution function in the form of a Hermite polynomial expansion for the velocity variations and a Fourier expansion in the spatial coordinates: this is inserted into the Boltzmann equation and the growth rate of the Fourier modes is determined. It is found that in the hydrodynamic limit, the growth rates of the hydrodynamic modes in the flow direction have unusual characteristics. The growth rate of the momentum diffusion mode is positive, indicating that density variations are unstable in the limit k--> 0, and the growth rate increases proportional to kslash} k kslash}(2/3) in the limit k --> 0 (in contrast to the k(2) increase in elastic systems), where k is the wave vector in the flow direction. The real and imaginary parts of the growth rate corresponding to the propagating also increase proportional to kslash k kslash(2/3) (in contrast to the k(2) and k increase in elastic systems). The energy mode is damped due to inelastic collisions between particles. The scaling of the growth rates of the hydrodynamic modes with the wave vector I in the gradient direction is similar to that in elastic systems. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The phase equilibrium studies of organic system, involving resorcinol (R) and p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (DMAB), reveal the formation of a 1:1 molecular complex with two eutectics. The heat of mixing, entropy of fusion, roughness parameter, interfacial energy, and the excess thermodynamic functions were calculated based on enthalpy of fusion data determined via differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) method. X-ray powder diffraction studies confirm that the eutectics are not simple mechanical mixture of the components under investigation. The spectroscopic investigations (IR and NMR) suggest the occurrence of hydrogen bonding between the components forming the molecular complex. The dielectric measurements, carried out on hot-pressed addition compound (molecular complex), show higher dielectric constant at 320 K than that of individual components. The microstructural investigations of eutectic and addition compound indicate dendritic and faceted morphological features. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A formal way of deriving fluctuation-correlation relations in dense sheared granular media, starting with the Enskog approximation for the collision integral in the Chapman-Enskog theory, is discussed. The correlation correction to the viscosity is obtained using the ring-kinetic equation, in terms of the correlations in the hydrodynamic modes of the linearised Enskog equation. It is shown that the Green-Kubo formula for the shear viscosity emerges from the two-body correlation function obtained from the ring-kinetic equation.


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Perfectly hard particles are those which experience an infinite repulsive force when they overlap, and no force when they do not overlap. In the hard-particle model, the only static state is the isostatic state where the forces between particles are statically determinate. In the flowing state, the interactions between particles are instantaneous because the time of contact approaches zero in the limit of infinite particle stiffness. Here, we discuss the development of a hard particle model for a realistic granular flow down an inclined plane, and examine its utility for predicting the salient features both qualitatively and quantitatively. We first discuss Discrete Element simulations, that even very dense flows of sand or glass beads with volume fraction between 0.5 and 0.58 are in the rapid flow regime, due to the very high particle stiffness. An important length scale in the shear flow of inelastic particles is the `conduction length' delta = (d/(1 - e(2))(1/2)), where d is the particle diameter and e is the coefficient of restitution. When the macroscopic scale h (height of the flowing layer) is larger than the conduction length, the rates of shear production and inelastic dissipation are nearly equal in the bulk of the flow, while the rate of conduction of energy is O((delta/h)(2)) smaller than the rate of dissipation of energy. Energy conduction is important in boundary layers of thickness delta at the top and bottom. The flow in the boundary layer at the top and bottom is examined using asymptotic analysis. We derive an exact relationship showing that the a boundary layer solution exists only if the volume fraction in the bulk decreases as the angle of inclination is increased. In the opposite case, where the volume fraction increases as the angle of inclination is increased, there is no boundary layer solution. The boundary layer theory also provides us with a way of understanding the cessation of flow when at a given angle of inclination when the height of the layer is decreased below a value h(stop), which is a function of the angle of inclination. There is dissipation of energy due to particle collisions in the flow as well as due to particle collisions with the base, and the fraction of energy dissipation in the base increases as the thickness decreases. When the shear production in the flow cannot compensate for the additional energy drawn out of the flow due to the wall collisions, the temperature decreases to zero and the flow stops. Scaling relations can be derived for h(stop) as a function of angle of inclination.


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We report measurements of the wall stress in a granular material sheared in a cylindrical Couette cell, as a function of the distance from the free surface. Our results shows that when the material is static, all components of the stress saturate to constant values within a short distance from the free surface, in conformity with earlier experiments and theoretical predictions. When the material is sheared by rotating the inner cylinder at a constant rate, the stresses are remarkably altered. The radial normal stress does not saturate, and increases even more rapidly with depth than the linear hydrostatic pressure profile. The axial shear stress changes sign on shearing, and its magnitude increases with depth. These results are discussed in the context of the predictions of the classical and Cosserat plasticity theories.