262 resultados para Gamma distribution


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Grewia tiliaefolia is widely used in traditional Indian medicines to cure jaundice, biliousness, dysentery and the diseases of blood. Bioassay-guided fractionation of methanolic extract of the G. tiliaefolia bark has resulted in the isolation of D-erythro-2-hexenoic acid gamma-lactone (EHGL) and gulonic acid gamma-lactone (GAGL). Hepatoprotective activity of the methanolic extract and the isolated constituents were evaluated against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. The treatment with methanolic extract, EHGL and GAGL at oral doses of 100, 150 and 60 mg/kg respectively with concomitant CCl4 intraperitoneal injection (I ml/kg) significantly reduced the elevated plasma levels of aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase and the incidence of liver necrosis compared with the CCl4-injected group without affecting the concentrations of serum bilirubin and hepatic markers. EHGL and GAGL significantly inhibited the elevated levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and glutathione in liver homogenates. Histology of the liver tissues of the extract and isolated constituents treated groups showed the presence of normal hepatic cords, absence of necrosis and fatty infiltration as similar to the normal control. The results revealed that the hepatoprotective activity of EHGL is significant as similar to the standard drug silymarin. To clarify the influence of the extract and isolated constituents on the protection of oxidative-hepatic damage, we examined in vitro antioxidant properties of the test compounds. The extract and the constituents showed significant free radical scavenging activity. These results suggest that the extract as well as the constituents could protect the hepatocytes from CCl4-induced liver damage perhaps, by their anti-oxidative effect on hepatocytes, hence eliminating the deleterious effects of toxic metabolites from CCl4, (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE. To understand the molecular features underlying autosomal dominant congenital cataracts caused by the deletion mutations W156X in human gamma D-crystallin and W157X in human gamma C-crystallin. METHODS. Normal and mutant cDNAs (with the enhanced green fluorescent protein [EGFP] tag in the front) were cloned into the pEGFP-C1 vector, transfected into various cell lines, and observed under a confocal microscope for EGFP fluorescence. Normal and W156X gamma D cDNAs were also cloned into the pET21a(+) vector, and the recombinant proteins were overexpressed in the BL-21(DE3) pLysS strain of Escherichia coli, purified, and isolated. The conformational features, structural stability, and solubility in aqueous solution of the mutant protein were compared with those of the wild type using spectroscopic methods. Comparative molecular modeling was performed to provide additional structural information. RESULTS. Transfection of the EGFP-tagged mutant cDNAs into several cell lines led to the visualization of aggregates, whereas that of wild-type cDNAs did not. Turning to the properties of the expressed proteins, the mutant molecules show remarkable reduction in solubility. They also seem to have a greater degree of surface hydrophobicity than the wild-type molecules, most likely accounting for self-aggregation. Molecular modeling studies support these features. CONCLUSIONS. The deletion of C-terminal 18 residues of human gamma C-and gamma D-crystallins exposes the side chains of several hydrophobic residues in the sequence to the solvent, causing the molecule to self-aggregate. This feature appears to be reflected in situ on the introduction of the mutants in human lens epithelial cells.


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Interferon-gamma (IFN gamma) is a central regulator of the immune response and signals via the Janus Activated Kinase (JAK)-Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) pathway. Phosphorylated STAT1 homodimers translocate to the nucleus, bind to Gamma Activating Sequence (GAS) and recruit additional factors to modulate gene expression. A bioinformatics analysis revealed that greater number of putative promoters of immune related genes and also those not directly involved in immunity contain GAS compared to response elements (RE) for Interferon Regulatory Factor (IRF)1, Nuclear factor kappa B (NF kappa B) and Activator Protein (AP)1. GAS is present in putative promoters of well known IFN gamma-induced genes, IRF1, GBP1, CXCL10, and other genes identified were TLR3, VCAM1, CASP4, etc. Analysis of three microarray studies revealed that the expression of asubset of only GAS containing immune genes were modulated by IFN gamma. As a significant correlation exists between GAS containing immune genes and IFN gamma-regulated gene expression, this strategy may identify novel IFN gamma-responsive immune genes. This analysis is integrated with the literature on the roles of IFN gamma in mediating a plethoraof functions: anti-microbial responses, antigen processing,inflammation, growth suppression, cell death, tumor immunity and autoimmunity. Overall, this review summarizes our present knowledge onIFN gamma mediated signaling and functions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Resistin is a cysteine rich protein, mainly expressed and secreted by circulating human mononuclear cells. While several factors responsible for transcription of mouse resistin gene have been identified, not much is known about the factors responsible for the differential expression of human resistin.Methodology/Principal Finding: We show that the minimal promoter of human resistin lies within similar to 80 bp sequence upstream of the transcriptional start site (-240) whereas binding sites for cRel, CCAAT enhancer binding protein alpha (C/EBP-alpha), activating transcription factor 2 (ATF-2) and activator protein 1 (AP-1) transcription factors, important for induced expression, are present within sequences up to -619. Specificity Protein 1(Sp1) binding site (-276 to -295) is also present and an interaction of Sp1 with peroxisome proliferator activating receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) is necessary for constitutive expression in U937 cells. Indeed co-immunoprecipitation assay demonstrated a direct physical interaction of Sp1 with PPAR gamma in whole cell extracts of U937 cells. Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) upregulated the expression of resistin mRNA in U937 cells by increasing the recruitment of Sp1, ATF-2 and PPAR gamma on the resistin gene promoter. Furthermore, PMA stimulation of U937 cells resulted in the disruption of Sp1 and PPAR gamma interaction. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay confirmed the recruitment of transcription factors phospho ATF-2, Sp1, Sp3, PPAR gamma, chromatin modifier histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) and the acetylated form of histone H3 but not cRel, C/EBP-alpha and phospho c-Jun during resistingene transcription.Conclusion: Our findings suggest a complex interplay of Sp1 and PPAR gamma along with other transcription factors that drives the expression of resistin in human monocytic U937 cells.


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The effects of inserting unsubstituted omega-amino acids into the strand segments of model beta-hairpin peptides was investigated by using four synthetic decapeptides, Boc-Lcu-Val-Xxx-Val-D-Pro-Gly-Leu-Xxx-Val-Val- OMe: pepticle 1 (Xxx=Gly), pepticle 2 (Xxx=beta Gly=beta hGly=homoglycine, beta-glycine), pepticle 3 (Xxx=gamma Abu=gamma-aminobutyric acid), pepticle 4 (Xxx= delta Ava=delta-aminovaleric acid). H-1 NMR studies (500 MHz, methanol) reveal several critical cross-strand NOEs, providing evidence for P-hairpin conformations in peptides 2-4. In peptide 3, the NMR results support the formation of the nucleating turn, however, evidence for cross-strand registry is not detected. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies of peptide 3 reveal a beta-hairpin conformation for both molecules in the crystallographic asymmetric unit, stabilized by four cross-strand hydrogen bonds, with the gamma Abu residues accommodated within the strands. The D-Pro-Gly segment in both molecules (A,B) adopts a type II' beta-turn conformation. The circular dichroism spectrum for peptide 3 is characterized by a negative CD band at 229 rim, whereas for peptides 2 and 4, the negative band is centered at 225 nm, suggesting a correlation between the orientation of the amide units in the strand segments and the observed CD pattern.


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The conformational properties of foldamers generated from alpha gamma hybrid peptide sequences have been probed in the model sequence Boc-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-NHMe. The choice of alpha-aminoisobutyryl (Aib) and gabapentin (Gpn) residues greatly restricts sterically accessible coil formational space. This model sequence was anticipated to be a short segment of the alpha gamma C-12 helix, stabilized by three successive 4 -> 1 hydrogen bonds, corresponding to a backbone-expanded analogue of the alpha polypeptide 3(10)-helix. Unexpectedly, three distinct crystalline polymorphs were characterized in the solid state by X-ray diffraction. In one form, two successive C-12 hydrogen bonds were obtained at the N-terminus, while a novel C-17 hydrogen-bonded gamma alpha gamma turn was observed at the C-terminus. In the other two polymorphs, isolated C-9 and C-7 hydrogen-bonded turns were observed at Gpn (2) and Gpn (4). Isolated C-12 and C-9 turns were also crystallographically established in the peptides Boc-Aib-Gpn-Aib-OMe and Boc-Gpn-Aib-NHMe, respectively. Selective line broadening of NH resonances and the observation of medium range NH(i)<-> NH(i+2) NOEs established the presence of conformational heterogeneity for the tetrapeptide in CDCl3 solution. The NMR results are consistent with the limited population of the continuous C-12 helix conformation. Lengthening of the (alpha gamma)(n) sequences in the nonapeptides Boc-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Xxx (Xxx = Aib, Leu) resulted in the observation of all of the sequential NOEs characteristic of an alpha gamma C-12 helix. These results establish that conformational fragility is manifested in short hybrid alpha gamma sequences despite the choice of conformationally constrained residues, while stable helices are formed on chain extension.


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The dipole moments of thioglycollic (2.28 D), β-mereaptopropionic (2.25 D), thiomalic (2.47 D), malic (3.12 D), and dithiodiacetic (3.17 D) acids have been measured in dioxan at 35° C. Using the scheme of Smith, Ree, Magee and Eyring, the formal charge distribution in and hence the electric moments of these acids have been evaluated, compared with the theoretical moments, and discussed in terms of their various possible structures. Infrared spectra of these acids (liquid and nujol mull) indicate association through hydrogen bonding. These bonds are broken in solution. © 1969.


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The dipole moments of thioglycollic (2.28 D), β-mereaptopropionic (2.25 D), thiomalic (2.47 D), malic (3.12 D), and dithiodiacetic (3.17 D) acids have been measured in dioxan at 35° C. Using the scheme of Smith, Ree, Magee and Eyring, the formal charge distribution in and hence the electric moments of these acids have been evaluated, compared with the theoretical moments, and discussed in terms of their various possible structures. Infrared spectra of these acids (liquid and nujol mull) indicate association through hydrogen bonding. These bonds are broken in solution.


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The electron temperature structure in a weakly ionized plasma is studied allowing the degree of ionization to vary across the shock wave. The values of the electron temperature and the downstream equilibrium temperature obtained with variable ionization are less than those for frozen ionization. The electron temperature rises sharply behind the shock for variable ionization while a gradual increase is predicted by frozen ionization.


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Using the treatment of Smith, et al.,1 charge distributions in several aliphatic alcohols and consequently their dipole moments have been evaluated. The dipole moments of trichloroethanol (2.04 D) and 1,3-dichloropropan-2-ol (2.11 D) have been measured in benzene solution at 35°. The results of evaluation and measurements are interpreted in terms of the occurrence of intramolecular interaction between the hydroxyl hydrogen and an acceptor atom X (halogen or oxygen) at the β-carbon atom.


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Using the treatment of Smith et al., charge distribution in and consequently the dipole moments of several aliphatic acids have been evaluated. The electric moments of chloro (2·86 D), bromo (2·90 D), iodo (2·06 D) and trichloro (3·00 D) acetic acids have been measured in dioxan solution at 35°. The experimental values are compared with those calculated theoretically and discussed in terms of the various possible structures.


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The formal charge distribution and hence the electric moments of a number of halosilanes and their methyl derivatives have been calculated by the method of Image and Image . The difference between the observed and the calculated values in simple halosilanes is attributed to a change in the hybridization of the terminal halogen atom and in methyl halosilanes to the enhanced electron release of the methyl group towards silicon compared with carbon.


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Coenzyme Q was found to be distributed in rat liver cell fractions. Mitochondria accounted for only 40–60% of the total. The presence of coenzyme Q in nuclei, isolated by several methods, could always be correlated with the presence of oxidative enzymes. It has been established that coenzyme Q is a constituent of microsomes. Administered coenzyme Q10-C14 was preferentially taken up by mitochondrial and microsomal fractions. Exogenous coenzyme Q appears to be rapidly metabolized.


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COENZYME Q (CoQ), which is widely distributed in animal, plant and microbial sources, has been implicated in electron transport1 and generally assumed to be associated with mitochondria. However, it has also been found in non-mitochondrial fractions of green leaves, although it appears to be concentrated in mitochondria2. A similar distribution has now been demonstrated in rat liver cell fractions.