284 resultados para Fuzzy K Nearest Neighbor


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First principles calculations were done to evaluate the lattice parameter, cohesive energy and stacking fault energies of ordered gamma' (Ll(2)) precipitates in superalloys as a function of composition. It was found that addition of Ti and Ta lead to an increase in lattice parameter and decrease in cohesive energy, while Ni antisites had the opposite effect. Ta and Ti addition to stoichiometric Ni3Al resulted in an initial increase in the energies of APB((111)), CSF(111), APB((001)) and SISF(111). However, at higher concentrations, the fault energies decreased. Addition of Ni antisites decreased the energy of all four faults monotonically. A model based on nearest neighbor bonding was used for Ni-3(Al, Ta), Ni-3(Al, Ti) and Ni-3(Al, Ni) pseudo-binary systems and extended to pseudo- ternary Ni-3(Al, Ta, Ni) and Ni-3(Al, Ti, Ni) systems. Recipes were developed for predicting lattice parameters, cohesive energies and fault energies in pseudo- ternary systems on the basis of coefficients derived from simpler pseudobinary systems. The model predictions were found to be in good agreement with first principles calculations for lattice parameters, cohesive energies, and energies of APB((111)) and CSF(111).


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We show how Majorana end modes can be generated in a one-dimensional system by varying some of the parameters in the Hamiltonian periodically in time. The specific model we consider is a chain containing spinless electrons with a nearest-neighbor hopping amplitude, a p-wave superconducting term, and a chemical potential; this is equivalent to a spin-1/2 chain with anisotropic XY couplings between nearest neighbors and a magnetic field applied in the (z) over cap direction. We show that varying the chemical potential (or magnetic field) periodically in time can produce Majorana modes at the ends of a long chain. We discuss two kinds of periodic driving, periodic delta-function kicks, and a simple harmonic variation with time. We discuss some distinctive features of the end modes such as the inverse participation ratio of their wave functions and their Floquet eigenvalues which are always equal to +/- 1 for time-reversal-symmetric systems. For the case of periodic delta-function kicks, we use the effective Hamiltonian of a system with periodic boundary conditions to define two topological invariants. The first invariant is a well-known winding number, while the second invariant has not appeared in the literature before. The second invariant is more powerful in that it always correctly predicts the numbers of end modes with Floquet eigenvalues equal to + 1 and -1, while the first invariant does not. We find that the number of end modes can become very large as the driving frequency decreases. We show that periodic delta-function kicks in the hopping and superconducting terms can also produce end modes. Finally, we study the effect of electron-phonon interactions (which are relevant at finite temperatures) and a random noise in the chemical potential on the Majorana modes.


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We study a system of hard-core bosons at half-filling in a one-dimensional optical superlattice. The bosons are allowed to hop to nearest-and next-nearest-neighbor sites. We obtain the ground-state phase diagram as a function of microscopic parameters using the finite-size density-matrix renormalization-group method. Depending on the sign of the next-nearest-neighbor hopping and the strength of the superlattice potential the system exhibits three different phases, namely the bond-order (BO) solid, the superlattice induced Mott insulator (SLMI), and the superfluid (SF) phase. When the signs of both hopping amplitudes are the same (the unfrustratedase), the system undergoes a transition from the SF to the SLMI at a nonzero value of the superlattice potential. On the other hand, when the two amplitudes differ in sign (the frustrated case), the SF is unstable to switching on a superlattice potential and also exists only up to a finite value of the next-nearest-neighbor hopping. This part of the phase diagram is dominated by the BO phase which breaks translation symmetry spontaneously even in the absence of the superlattice potential and can thus be characterized by a bond-order parameter. The transition from BO to SLMI appears to be first order.


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The mixed alkali metal effect is a long-standing problem in glasses. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is used by several researchers to study the mixed alkali metal effect, but a detailed analysis of the nearest neighbor environment of the glass former using spin-Hamiltonian parameters was elusive. In this study we have prepared a series of vanadate glasses having general formula (mol %) 40 V2O5-30BaF(2)-(30 - x)LiF-xRbF with x = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30. Spin-Hamiltonian parameters of V4+ ions were extracted by simulating and fitting to the experimental spectra using EasySpin. From the analysis of these parameters it is observed that the replacement of lithium ions by rubidium ions follows a ``preferential substitution model''. Using this proposed model, we were able to account for the observed variation in the ratio of the g parameter, which goes through a maximum. This reflects an asymmetric to symmetric changeover of. the alkali metal ion environment around the vanadium site. Further, this model also accounts for the variation in oxidation state of vanadium ion, which was confirmed from the variation in signal intensity of EPR spectra.


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We study a system of hard-core boson on a one-dimensional lattice with frustrated next-nearest-neighbor hopping and nearest-neighbor interaction. At half filling, for equal magnitude of nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor hopping, the ground state of this system exhibits a first-order phase transition from a bond-ordered solid to a charge-density-wave solid as a function of the nearest- neighbor interaction. Moving away from half filling we investigate the system at incommensurate densities, where we find a supersolid phase which has concurrent off-diagonal long-range order and density-wave order which is unusual in a system of hard-core bosons in one dimension. Using the finite-size density-matrix renormalization group method, we obtain the complete phase diagram for this model.


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Lattice reduction (LR) aided detection algorithms are known to achieve the same diversity order as that of maximum-likelihood (ML) detection at low complexity. However, they suffer SNR loss compared to ML performance. The SNR loss is mainly due to imperfect orthogonalization and imperfect nearest neighbor quantization. In this paper, we propose an improved LR-aided (ILR) detection algorithm, where we specifically target to reduce the effects of both imperfect orthogonalization and imperfect nearest neighbor quantization. The proposed ILR detection algorithm is shown to achieve near-ML performance in large-MIMO systems and outperform other LR-aided detection algorithms in the literature. Specifically, the SNR loss incurred by the proposed ILR algorithm compared to ML performance is just 0.1 dB for 4-QAM and < 0.5 dB for 16-QAM in 16 x 16 V-BLAST MIMO system. This performance is superior compared to those of other LR-aided detection algorithms, whose SNR losses are in the 2 dB to 9 dB range.


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This paper investigates a novel approach for point matching of multi-sensor satellite imagery. The feature (corner) points extracted using an improved version of the Harris Corner Detector (HCD) is matched using multi-objective optimization based on a Genetic Algorithm (GA). An objective switching approach to optimization that incorporates an angle criterion, distance condition and point matching condition in the multi-objective fitness function is applied to match corresponding corner-points between the reference image and the sensed image. The matched points obtained in this way are used to align the sensed image with a reference image by applying an affine transformation. From the results obtained, the performance of the image registration is evaluated and compared with existing methods, namely Nearest Neighbor-Random SAmple Consensus (NN-Ran-SAC) and multi-objective Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO). From the performed experiments it can be concluded that the proposed approach is an accurate method for registration of multi-sensor satellite imagery. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Climate change impact assessment studies involve downscaling large-scale atmospheric predictor variables (LSAPVs) simulated by general circulation models (GCMs) to site-scale meteorological variables. This article presents a least-square support vector machine (LS-SVM)-based methodology for multi-site downscaling of maximum and minimum daily temperature series. The methodology involves (1) delineation of sites in the study area into clusters based on correlation structure of predictands, (2) downscaling LSAPVs to monthly time series of predictands at a representative site identified in each of the clusters, (3) translation of the downscaled information in each cluster from the representative site to that at other sites using LS-SVM inter-site regression relationships, and (4) disaggregation of the information at each site from monthly to daily time scale using k-nearest neighbour disaggregation methodology. Effectiveness of the methodology is demonstrated by application to data pertaining to four sites in the catchment of Beas river basin, India. Simulations of Canadian coupled global climate model (CGCM3.1/T63) for four IPCC SRES scenarios namely A1B, A2, B1 and COMMIT were downscaled to future projections of the predictands in the study area. Comparison of results with those based on recently proposed multivariate multiple linear regression (MMLR) based downscaling method and multi-site multivariate statistical downscaling (MMSD) method indicate that the proposed method is promising and it can be considered as a feasible choice in statistical downscaling studies. The performance of the method in downscaling daily minimum temperature was found to be better when compared with that in downscaling daily maximum temperature. Results indicate an increase in annual average maximum and minimum temperatures at all the sites for A1B, A2 and B1 scenarios. The projected increment is high for A2 scenario, and it is followed by that for A1B, B1 and COMMIT scenarios. Projections, in general, indicated an increase in mean monthly maximum and minimum temperatures during January to February and October to December.


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The healing times for the growth of thin films on patterned substrates are studied using simulations of two discrete models of surface growth: the Family model and the Das Sarma-Tamborenea (DT) model. The healing time, defined as the time at which the characteristics of the growing interface are ``healed'' to those obtained in growth on a flat substrate, is determined via the study of the nearest-neighbor height difference correlation function. Two different initial patterns are considered in this work: a relatively smooth tent-shaped triangular substrate and an atomically rough substrate with singlesite pillars or grooves. We find that the healing time of the Family and DT models on aL x L triangular substrate is proportional to L-z, where z is the dynamical exponent of the models. For the Family model, we also analyze theoretically, using a continuum description based on the linear Edwards-Wilkinson equation, the time evolution of the nearest-neighbor height difference correlation function in this system. The correlation functions obtained from continuum theory and simulation are found to be consistent with each other for the relatively smooth triangular substrate. For substrates with periodic and random distributions of pillars or grooves of varying size, the healing time is found to increase linearly with the height (depth) of pillars (grooves). We show explicitly that the simulation data for the Family model grown on a substrate with pillars or grooves do not agree with results of a calculation based on the continuum Edwards-Wilkinson equation. This result implies that a continuum description does not work when the initial pattern is atomically rough. The observed dependence of the healing time on the substrate size and the initial height (depth) of pillars (grooves) can be understood from the details of the diffusion rule of the atomistic model. The healing time of both models for pillars is larger than that for grooves with depth equal to the height of the pillars. The calculated healing time for both Family and DT models is found to depend on how the pillars and grooves are distributed over the substrate. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study Heisenberg spin-1/2 and spin-1 chains with alternating ferromagnetic (J(1)(F)) and antiferromagnetic (J(1)(A)) nearest-neighbor interactions and a ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbor interaction (J(2)(F)). In this model frustration is present due to the non-zero J(2)(F). The model with site spin s behaves like a Haldane spin chain, with site spin 2s in the limit of vanishing J(2)(F) and large J(1)(F)/J(1)(A). We show that the exact ground state of the model can be found along a line in the parameter space. For fixed J(1)(F), the phase diagram in the space of J(1)(A)-J(2)(F) is determined using numerical techniques complemented by analytical calculations. A number of quantities, including the structure factor, energy gap, entanglement entropy and zero temperature magnetization, are studied to understand the complete phase diagram. An interesting and potentially important feature of this model is that it can exhibit a macroscopic magnetization jump in the presence of a magnetic field; we study this using an effective Hamiltonian.


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Image inpainting is the process of filling the unwanted region in an image marked by the user. It is used for restoring old paintings and photographs, removal of red eyes from pictures, etc. In this paper, we propose an efficient inpainting algorithm which takes care of false edge propagation. We use the classical exemplar based technique to find out the priority term for each patch. To ensure that the edge content of the nearest neighbor patch found by minimizing L-2 distance between patches, we impose an additional constraint that the entropy of the patches be similar. Entropy of the patch acts as a good measure of edge content. Additionally, we fill the image by considering overlapping patches to ensure smoothness in the output. We use structural similarity index as the measure of similarity between ground truth and inpainted image. The results of the proposed approach on a number of examples on real and synthetic images show the effectiveness of our algorithm in removing objects and thin scratches or text written on image. It is also shown that the proposed approach is robust to the shape of the manually selected target. Our results compare favorably to those obtained by existing techniques


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An efficient density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm is presented and applied to Y junctions, systems with three arms of n sites that meet at a central site. The accuracy is comparable to DMRG of chains. As in chains, new sites are always bonded to the most recently added sites and the superblock Hamiltonian contains only new or once renormalized operators. Junctions of up to N = 3n + 1 approximate to 500 sites are studied with antiferromagnetic (AF) Heisenberg exchange J between nearest-neighbor spins S or electron transfer t between nearest neighbors in half-filled Hubbard models. Exchange or electron transfer is exclusively between sites in two sublattices with N-A not equal N-B. The ground state (GS) and spin densities rho(r) = < S-r(z)> at site r are quite different for junctions with S = 1/2, 1, 3/2, and 2. The GS has finite total spin S-G = 2S(S) for even (odd) N and for M-G = S-G in the S-G spin manifold, rho(r) > 0(< 0) at sites of the larger (smaller) sublattice. S = 1/2 junctions have delocalized states and decreasing spin densities with increasing N. S = 1 junctions have four localized S-z = 1/2 states at the end of each arm and centered on the junction, consistent with localized states in S = 1 chains with finite Haldane gap. The GS of S = 3/2 or 2 junctions of up to 500 spins is a spin density wave with increased amplitude at the ends of arms or near the junction. Quantum fluctuations completely suppress AF order in S = 1/2 or 1 junctions, as well as in half-filled Hubbard junctions, but reduce rather than suppress AF order in S = 3/2 or 2 junctions.


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The utility of canonical correlation analysis (CCA) for domain adaptation (DA) in the context of multi-view head pose estimation is examined in this work. We consider the three problems studied in 1], where different DA approaches are explored to transfer head pose-related knowledge from an extensively labeled source dataset to a sparsely labeled target set, whose attributes are vastly different from the source. CCA is found to benefit DA for all the three problems, and the use of a covariance profile-based diagonality score (DS) also improves classification performance with respect to a nearest neighbor (NN) classifier.


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A fuzzy waste-load allocation model, FWLAM, is developed for water quality management of a river system using fuzzy multiple-objective optimization. An important feature of this model is its capability to incorporate the aspirations and conflicting objectives of the pollution control agency and dischargers. The vagueness associated with specifying the water quality criteria and fraction removal levels is modeled in a fuzzy framework. The goals related to the pollution control agency and dischargers are expressed as fuzzy sets. The membership functions of these fuzzy sets are considered to represent the variation of satisfaction levels of the pollution control agency and dischargers in attaining their respective goals. Two formulations—namely, the MAX-MIN and MAX-BIAS formulations—are proposed for FWLAM. The MAX-MIN formulation maximizes the minimum satisfaction level in the system. The MAX-BIAS formulation maximizes a bias measure, giving a solution that favors the dischargers. Maximization of the bias measure attempts to keep the satisfaction levels of the dischargers away from the minimum satisfaction level and that of the pollution control agency close to the minimum satisfaction level. Most of the conventional water quality management models use waste treatment cost curves that are uncertain and nonlinear. Unlike such models, FWLAM avoids the use of cost curves. Further, the model provides the flexibility for the pollution control agency and dischargers to specify their aspirations independently.


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Contraction of an edge e merges its end points into a new single vertex, and each neighbor of one of the end points of e is a neighbor of the new vertex. An edge in a k-connected graph is contractible if its contraction does not result in a graph with lesser connectivity; otherwise the edge is called non-contractible. In this paper, we present results on the structure of contractible edges in k-trees and k-connected partial k-trees. Firstly, we show that an edge e in a k-tree is contractible if and only if e belongs to exactly one (k + 1) clique. We use this characterization to show that the graph formed by contractible edges is a 2-connected graph. We also show that there are at least |V(G)| + k - 2 contractible edges in a k-tree. Secondly, we show that if an edge e in a partial k-tree is contractible then e is contractible in any k-tree which contains the partial k-tree as an edge subgraph. We also construct a class of contraction critical 2k-connected partial 2k-trees.