100 resultados para Frozen orbit


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Microwave (MW) thawing of 2D frozen cylinders exposed to uniform plane waves from one face, is modeled using the effective heat capacity formulation with the MW power obtained from the electric field equations. Computations are illustrated for tylose (23% methyl cellulose gel) which melts over a range of temperatures giving rise to a mushy zone. Within the mushy region the dielectric properties are functions of the liquid volume fraction. The resulting coupled, time dependent non-linear equations are solved using the Galerkin finite element method with a fixed mesh. Our method efficiently captures the multiple connected thawed domains that arise due to the penetration of MWs in the sample. For a cylinder of diameter D, the two length scales that control the thawing dynamics are D/D-p and D/lambda(m), where D-p and lambda(m) are the penetration depth and wavelength of radiation in the sample respectively. For D/D-p, D/lambda(m) much less than 1 power absorption is uniform and thawing occurs almost simultaneously across the sample (Regime I). For D/D-p much greater than 1 thawing is seen to occur from the incident face, since the power decays exponentially into the sample (Regime III). At intermediate values, 0.2 < D/D-p, D/lambda(m) < 2.0 (Regime II) thawing occurs from the unexposed face at smaller diameters, from both faces at intermediate diameters and from the exposed and central regions at larger diameters. Average power absorption during thawing indicates a monotonic rise in Regime I and a monotonic decrease in Regime III. Local maxima in the average power observed for samples in Regime II are due to internal resonances within the sample. Thawing time increases monotonically with sample diameter and temperature gradients in the sample generally increase from Regime I to Regime III. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We compute the temperature profiles of accretion discs around rapidly rotating strange stars, using constant gravitational mass equilibrium sequences of these objects, considering the full effect of general relativity. Beyond a certain critical value of stellar angular momentum (J), we observe the radius ( $r_{\rm orb}$) of the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) to increase with J (a property seen neither in rotating black holes nor in rotating neutron stars). The reason for this is traced to the crucial dependence of ${\rm d}r_{\rm orb}/{\rm d}J$ on the rate of change of the radial gradient of the Keplerian angular velocity at $r_{\rm orb}$ with respect to J. The structure parameters and temperature profiles obtained are compared with those of neutron stars, as an attempt to provide signatures for distinguishing between the two. We show that when the full gamut of strange star equation of state models, with varying degrees of stiffness are considered, there exists a substantial overlap in properties of both neutron stars and strange stars. However, applying accretion disc model constraints to rule out stiff strange star equation of state models, we notice that neutron stars and strange stars exclusively occupy certain parameter spaces. This result implies the possibility of distinguishing these objects from each other by sensitive observations through future X-ray detectors.


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We investigate the ground state of interacting spin-1/2 fermions in three dimensions at a finite density (rho similar to k(F)(3)) in the presence of a uniform non-Abelian gauge field. The gauge-field configuration (GFC) described by a vector lambda equivalent to (lambda(x),lambda(y),lambda(z)), whose magnitude lambda determines the gauge coupling strength, generates a generalized Rashba spin-orbit interaction. For a weak attractive interaction in the singlet channel described by a small negative scattering length (k(F)vertical bar a(s)vertical bar less than or similar to 1), the ground state in the absence of the gauge field (lambda = 0) is a BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) superfluid with large overlapping pairs. With increasing gauge-coupling strength, a non-Abelian gauge field engenders a crossover of this BCS ground state to a BEC (Bose-Einstein condensate) of bosons even with a weak attractive interaction that fails to produce a two-body bound state in free vacuum (lambda = 0). For large gauge couplings (lambda/k(F) >> 1), the BEC attained is a condensate of bosons whose properties are solely determined by the Rashba gauge field (and not by the scattering length so long as it is nonzero)-we call these bosons ``rashbons.'' In the absence of interactions (a(s) = 0(-)), the shape of the Fermi surface of the system undergoes a topological transition at a critical gauge coupling lambda(T). For high-symmetry GFCs we show that the crossover from the BCS superfluid to the rashbon BEC occurs in the regime of lambda near lambda(T). In the context of cold atomic systems, these results make an interesting suggestion of obtaining BCS-BEC crossover through a route other than tuning the interaction between the fermions.


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The effect of host glass composition on the optical absorption and fluorescence spectra of Nd3+ has been studied in mixed alkali borate glasses of the type xNa(2)O-(30-x)K2O-69.5B(2)O(3)-0.5Nd(2)O(3) (X = 5,10,15,20 and 25). Various spectroscopic parameters such as Racah (E-1, E-2 and E-3), spin-orbit (xi(4f)) and configuration interaction (alpha, beta) parameters have been calculated. The Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters (Omega(lambda)) have been calculated and the radiative transition probabilities (A(rad)), radiative lifetimes (tau(r)), branching ratios (beta) and integrated absorption cross sections (Sigma) have been obtained for certain excited states of the Nd3+, ion and are discussed with respect to x. From the fluorescence spectra, the effective fluorescence line widths (Deltalambda(eff)) and stimulated emission cross sections (sigma(p)) have been obtained for the three transitions F-4(3/2) --> I-4(9/2), F-4(3/2) --> I-4(11/2) and F-4(3/2) --> I-4(13/2) of Nd3+. The stimulated emission cross section (sigma(p)) values are found to be in the range (2.0-4.8) x 10(-2)0 cm(2) and they are large enough to indicate that the mixed alkali borate glasses could be potential laser host materials.


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First systematic spin probe ESR study of water freezing has been conducted using TEMPOL and TEMPO as the probes. The spin probe signature of the water freezing has been described in terms of the collapse of narrow triplet spectrum into a single broad line. This spin probe signature of freezing has been observed at an anomalously low temperature when a milimoler solution of TEMPOL is slowly cooled from room temperature. A systematic observation has revealed a spin probe concentration dependence of these freezing and respective melting points. These results can be explained in terms of localization of spin probe and liquid water,most probably in the interstices of ice grains, in an ice matrix. The lowering of spin probe freezing point, along with the secondary evidences, like spin probe concentration dependence of peak-to-peak width in frozen limit signal, indicates a possible size dependence of these localizations/entrapments with spin probe concentration. A weak concentration dependence of spin probe assisted freezing and melting points, which has been observed for TEMPO in comparison to TEMPOL, indicates different natures of interactions with water of these two probes. This view is also supported by the relaxation behavior of the two probes.


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With the introduction of 2D flat-panel X-ray detectors, 3D image reconstruction using helical cone-beam tomography is fast replacing the conventional 2D reconstruction techniques. In 3D image reconstruction, the source orbit or scanning geometry should satisfy the data sufficiency or completeness condition for exact reconstruction. The helical scan geometry satisfies this condition and hence can give exact reconstruction. The theoretically exact helical cone-beam reconstruction algorithm proposed by Katsevich is a breakthrough and has attracted interest in the 3D reconstruction using helical cone-beam Computed Tomography.In many practical situations, the available projection data is incomplete. One such case is where the detector plane does not completely cover the full extent of the object being imaged in lateral direction resulting in truncated projections. This result in artifacts that mask small features near to the periphery of the ROI when reconstructed using the convolution back projection (CBP) method assuming that the projection data is complete. A number of techniques exist which deal with completion of missing data followed by the CBP reconstruction. In 2D, linear prediction (LP)extrapolation has been shown to be efficient for data completion, involving minimal assumptions on the nature of the data, producing smooth extensions of the missing projection data.In this paper, we propose to extend the LP approach for extrapolating helical cone beam truncated data. The projection on the multi row flat panel detectors has missing columns towards either ends in the lateral direction in truncated data situation. The available data from each detector row is modeled using a linear predictor. The available data is extrapolated and this completed projection data is backprojected using the Katsevich algorithm. Simulation results show the efficacy of the proposed method.


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On increasing the coupling strength (lambda) of a non-Abelian gauge field that induces a generalized Rashba spin-orbit interaction, the topology of the Fermi surface of a homogeneous gas of noninteracting fermions of density rho similar to k(F)(3) undergoes a change at a critical value, lambda(T) approximate to k(F) [Phys. Rev. B 84, 014512 ( 2011)]. In this paper we analyze how this phenomenon affects the size and shape of a cloud of spin-1/2 fermions trapped in a harmonic potential such as those used in cold atom experiments. We develop an adiabatic formulation, including the concomitant Pancharatnam-Berry phase effects, for the one-particle states in the presence of a trapping potential and the gauge field, obtaining approximate analytical formulas for the energy levels for some high symmetry gauge field configurations of interest. An analysis based on the local density approximation reveals that, for a given number of particles, the cloud shrinks in a characteristic fashion with increasing.. We explain the physical origins of this effect by a study of the stress tensor of the system. For an isotropic harmonic trap, the local density approximation predicts a spherical cloud even for anisotropic gauge field configurations. We show, via a calculation of the cloud shape using exact eigenstates, that for certain gauge field configurations there is a systematic and observable anisotropy in the cloud shape that increases with increasing gauge coupling lambda. The reasons for this anisotropy are explained using the analytical energy levels obtained via the adiabatic approximation. These results should be useful in the design of cold atom experiments with fermions in non-Abelian gauge fields. An important spin-off of our adiabatic formulation is that it reveals exciting possibilities for the cold-atom realization of interesting condensed matter Hamiltonians by using a non-Abelian gauge field in conjunction with another potential. In particular, we show that the use of a spherical non-Abelian gauge field with a harmonic trapping potential produces a monopole field giving rise to a spherical geometry quantum Hall-like Hamiltonian in the momentum representation.


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By means of N-body simulations we investigate the impact of minor mergers on the angular momentum and dynamical properties of the merger remnant. Our simulations cover a range of initial orbital characteristics and gas-to-stellar mass fractions (from 0 to 20%), and include star formation and supernova feedback. We confirm and extend previous results by showing that the specific angular momentum of the stellar component always decreases independently of the orbital parameters or morphology of the satellite, and that the decrease in the rotation velocity of the primary galaxy is accompanied by a change in the anisotropy of the orbits. However, the decrease affects only the old stellar population, and not the new population formed from gas during the merging process. This means that the merging process induces an increasing difference in the rotational support of the old and young stellar components, with the old one lagging with respect to the new. Even if our models are not intended specifically to reproduce the Milky Way and its accretion history, we find that, under certain conditions, the modeled rotational lag found is compatible with that observed in the Milky Way disk, thus indicating that minor mergers can be a viable way to produce it. The lag can increase with the vertical distance from the disk midplane, but only if the satellite is accreted along a direct orbit, and in all cases the main contribution to the lag comes from stars originally in the primary disk rather than from stars in the satellite galaxy. We also discuss the possibility of creating counter-rotating stars in the remnant disk, their fraction as a function of the vertical distance from the galaxy midplane, and the cumulative effect of multiple mergers on their creation.


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Anisotropic emission of gravitational waves (GWs) from inspiralling compact binaries leads to the loss of linear momentum and hence gravitational recoil of the system. The loss rate of linear momentum in the far-zone of the source (a nonspinning binary system of black holes in quasicircular orbit) is investigated at the 2.5 post-Newtonian (PN) order and used to provide an analytical expression in harmonic coordinates for the 2.5PN accurate recoil velocity of the binary accumulated in the inspiral phase. The maximum recoil velocity of the binary system at the end of its inspiral phase (i.e at the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO)) estimated by the 2.5PN formula is of the order of 4 km s(-1) which is smaller than the 2PN estimate of 22 km s(-1). Going beyond inspiral, we also provide an estimate of the more important contribution to the recoil velocity from the plunge phase. The maximum recoil velocity at the end of the plunge, involving contributions both from inspiral and plunge phase, for a binary with symmetric mass ratio nu = 0.2 is of the order of 182 km s(-1).


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We present numerical studies of a model for CO oxidation on the surface of Pt(110) proposed in Ref. 1. The model shows several interesting regimes, some of which exhibit spatiotemporal chaos. The time series of the CO concentration at a given point consists of a sequence of pulses. We concentrate on interpulse intervals theta and show that their distribution P(theta) approaches a delta function continuously as the system goes from a state M, with meandering spirals, to a state S, with spatially frozen spiral cores. This should be verifiable experimentally.


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The purpose of this article is to consider two themes, both of which emanate from and involve the Kobayashi and the Carath,odory metric. First, we study the biholomorphic invariant introduced by B. Fridman on strongly pseudoconvex domains, on weakly pseudoconvex domains of finite type in C (2), and on convex finite type domains in C (n) using the scaling method. Applications include an alternate proof of the Wong-Rosay theorem, a characterization of analytic polyhedra with noncompact automorphism group when the orbit accumulates at a singular boundary point, and a description of the Kobayashi balls on weakly pseudoconvex domains of finite type in C (2) and convex finite type domains in C (n) in terms of Euclidean parameters. Second, a version of Vitushkin's theorem about the uniform extendability of a compact subgroup of automorphisms of a real analytic strongly pseudoconvex domain is proved for C (1)-isometries of the Kobayashi and Carath,odory metrics on a smoothly bounded strongly pseudoconvex domain.


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The present report illustrates the phenomenon of phase separation leading to the splitting of solid solution structured Ag-Co nanoparticles into pure Ag and pure Co nanoparticles upon isothermal annealing inside a transmission electron microscope. In bulk, Ag-Co system shows negligible mutual solubility into a single phase solid solution structure upto a very high temperature. The Ag-Co nanoparticle splitting revealed that room temperature, solid solution atomic configuration, between bulk immiscible Ag and Co atoms coexisting in a nano-sized particle, is a kinetically frozen atomic arrangement and not a thermodynamically stable structure. The observed phase separation behavior resulting in particle splitting at high temperatures can be used to produce devices for sensor applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study provides an electrodeposition based synthesis method for producing solid solution structured Ag-Ni nanoparticles. It was also observed that the room temperature stable solid solution configuration for the electrodeposited Ag-Ni nanoparticle was a kinetically frozen atomic arrangement and not a thermodynamically stable structure as upon annealing of the Ag-Ni nanoparticles in the ambient atmosphere the solid solution structure decomposed producing phases that were oxides of Ag and Ni. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.esl120008] All rights reserved.


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In the presence of a synthetic non-Abelian gauge field that produces a Rashba-like spin-orbit interaction, a collection of weakly interacting fermions undergoes a crossover from a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) ground state to a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) ground state when the strength of the gauge field is increased (Vyasanakere et al 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 014512). The BEC that is obtained at large gauge coupling strengths is a condensate of tightly bound bosonic fermion pairs. The properties of these bosons are solely determined by the Rashba gauge field-hence called rashbons. In this paper, we conduct a systematic study of the properties of rashbons and their dispersion. This study reveals a new qualitative aspect of the problem of interacting fermions in non-Abelian gauge fields, i.e. that the rashbon state ceases to exist when the center-of-mass momentum of the fermions exceeds a critical value that is of the order of the gauge coupling strength. The study allows us to estimate the transition temperature of the rashbon BEC and suggests a route to enhance the exponentially small transition temperature of the system with a fixed weak attraction to the order of the Fermi temperature by tuning the strength of the non-Abelian gauge field. The nature of the rashbon dispersion, and in particular the absence of the rashbon states at large momenta, suggests a regime in parameter space where the normal state of the system will be a dynamical mixture of uncondensed rashbons and unpaired helical fermions. Such a state should show many novel features including pseudogap physics.


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Density distribution, fluid structure and solvation forces for fluids confined in Janus slit-shaped pores are investigated using grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations. By varying the degree of asymmetry between the two smooth surfaces that make up the slit pores, a wide variety of adsorption situations are observed. The presence of one moderately attractive surface in the asymmetric pore is sufficient to disrupt the formation of frozen phases observed in the symmetric case. In the extreme case of asymmetry in which one wall is repulsive, the pore fluid can consist of a frozen contact layer at the attractive surface for smaller surface separations (H) or a frozen contact layer with liquid-like and gas-like regions as the pore width is increased. The superposition approximation, wherein the solvation pressure and number density in the asymmetric pores can be obtained from the results on symmetric pores, is found to be accurate for H > 4 sigma(ff), where sigma(ff) is the Lennard-Jones fluid diameter and within 10% accuracy for smaller surface separations. Our study has implications in controlling stick slip and overcoming static friction `stiction' in micro and nanofluidic devices.