404 resultados para Ferroelectric ordering


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A critical test has been presented to establish the nature of the kinetic pathways for the decomposition of Fe-12 at.% Si alloy below the metastable tricritical point. The results, based on the measurements of saturation magnetization, establish that a congruent ordering from B2 --> D0(3) precedes the development of a B2 + D0(3) two-phase field, consistent with the predictions in 1976 of Allen and Cahn.


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Multilayer lithium tantalate thin films were deposited on Pt-Si Si(111)/SiO2/TiO2/Pt(111)]substrates by sol-gel process. The films were annealed at different annealing temperatures (300, 450 and 650 degrees C) for 15 min. The films are polycrystalline at 650 degrees C and at other annealing conditions below 650 degrees C the films are in amorphous state. The films were characterized using X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Raman spectroscopy. The AFM of images show the formation of nanograins of uniform size (50 nm) at 650 degrees C. These polycrystalline films exhibit spontaneous polarization of 1.5 mu C/cm(2) at an application of 100 kV/cm. The dielectric constant of multilayer film is very small (6.4 at 10 kHz) as compared to that of single crystal. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fine powders of orthorhombic bismuth vandate (Bi2VO5.5) have been synthesized by coprecipitation method. Powder X-ray diffraction and electron microscopic techniques have been used to characterize these samples. The formation of the monophasic Bi2VO5.5 was confirmed. The compacted powders sintered at 1070 K have been characterized for their dielectric properties as a function of both temperature (300-900 K) and frequency (100 Hz-10 MHz) and found to be superior to those obtained by the conventional solid-state reaction route.


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Variable-temperature X-ray diffraction studies of C70 suggest the occurrence of two phase transitions around 350 and 280 K where the high-temperature phase is fcc and the low-temperature phase is monoclinic, best described as a distorted hcp structure with a doubled unit cell; two like-phases (possibly hcp) seem to coexist in the 280-350 K range. Application of pressure gives rise to three distinct transitions associated with characteristic pressure coefficients, the extrapolated values of the transition temperatures at ambient pressure being around 340, 325 and 270 K. Pressure delineates closely related phases Of C70 just as in the case Of C60 which exhibits two orientational phase transitions at high pressures.


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Photoluminescence and Raman scattering experiments have been carried out on single crystals of C70 up to 31 GPa to investigate the effect of pressure on the optical band gap, vibrational modes and stability of the molecule. The photoluminescence band shifts to lower energies and the pressure dependence of the band maxima yields the hydrostatic deformation potential to be 2.15 eV. The slope changes in the pressure dependence of peak positions and linewidths of the Raman modes associated with the intramolecular vibrations at 1 GPa mark the known face-centred cubic-->rhombohedral orientational ordering transition. The reversible amorphization in C70 at P > 20 GPa has been compared with the irreversible amorphization in C60 at P > 22 GPa in terms of carbon-carbon distance between the neighbouring molecules at the threshold transition pressures, in conjunction with the interplay between the intermolecular and intramolecular interactions.


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The perovskite structure in Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 can be stabilized by the addition of Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3 and PbTiO3.Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3 assists in lowering the sintering temperature and shifting the Curie temperature of ceramics while PbTiO3 helps to optimize the dielectric properties. The phase stability and dielectric properties of several compositions in the Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 ternary relaxor ferroelectric system were investigated for possible capacitor applications. The effect of calcining and sintering temperature on the stability of perovskite phase in PZN rich compositions was studied extensively as a function of composition. The boundary line separating perovskite and mixed phases was determined for compositions near PZN. Several compositions can be sintered below 1050°C. The dielectric properties of compositions near the mixed phase boundary showed strong dependence on the percentage of pyrochlore phase. Compositions with a dielectric constant of 12.500 at room temperature have been identified which meet Z5T and Y5U specifications for dielectric constant and tan δ.


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Electron microscopy and diffraction studies of ordering in stoichiometric Ni-20%W and off-stoichiometric Ni-15%W alloys have been carried out. The specimens of Ni-20%W were first disordered at 1398 K for 4 h and then quenched rapidly into water. Short range order (SRO) spots were observed at {1 1/2 0}* positions. Two hitherto unknown metastable phases: D-2h(25)-Ni2W and DO22-Ni3W were observed in the diffraction patterns. Long range order (LRO) transformations were studied at 1103 and 1213 K. Kinetics and mechanism of transformations have been identified. Ni-15%W specimens were solution treated at 1523 K for 1 h followed by quenching in water. SRO spots similar to those found in Ni-20%W were observed in this alloy as well. The transition to LRO was studied at 1093 K. Distinct Ni4W precipitates could be observed after 5 h of annealing at this temperature. After 100 h of annealing precipitates were found to grow into faceted shape coherent with the disordered matrix. After prolonged annealing for over 150 h the Ni4W precipitates began to lose coherency by the generation of misfit dislocations. The microstructural observations have been compared for the stoichiometric and off-stoichiometric alloys.


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Ferroelectric bismuth vanadate Bi2VO5.5 (BVO) thin films have been grown on LaAlO3 (LAO) and SiO2/Si substrates with LaNiO3 (LNO) base electrodes by the pulsed laser deposition technique. The effect of substrate temperature on the ferroelectric properties of BVO thin films, has been studied by depositing the thin films at different temperatures. The BVO thin films grown on LNO/LAO were textured whereas the thin films grown on LNO/SiO2/Si were polycrystalline. The BVO thin films grown at 450?°C exhibited good ferroelectric properties indicating that LNO acts as a good electrode material. The remanent polarization Pr and coercive field Ec obtained for the BVO thin films grown at 450?°C on LNO/LAO and LNO/SiO2/Si were 2.5 ?C/cm2, 37 kV/cm and 4.6?C/cm2, 93 kV/cm, respectively. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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Nebulized spray pyrolysis provides a good low?temperature chemical route for preparing thin films of PbTiO3, (Pb0.9,La0.1)TiO3 and Pb(Zr0.52,Ti0.48)O3. The films are a? or c? axis oriented, with spherical grains of ?30 nm and give satisfactory P?E hysteresis loops. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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Diamond like carbon films deposited by RF magnetron sputter deposition technique contain both SP2 and SP3 hybridized carbons. These films are structurally disordered and inhomogeneous. By the application of electric field across the film, these films are transformed to a more orderly structured diamond like carbon, bringing homogenity in the film. This transformation has resulted in the increase of the reflectivity of the metal(Aluminum), which is used as one of the electrodes for applying the electric field, by 5 times.


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Ordering of Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions occurs in the rare earth manganates of the general composition Ln(1-x)A(x)MnO(3) (Ln rare earth, A = Ca, Sr). Such charge-ordering is associated with antiferromagnetic and insulating properties. This phenomenon is to be contrasted with the ferromagnetic metallic behavior that occurs when double-exchange between the Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions predominates. Two distinct types of charge-ordering can be delineated. In one, a ferromagnetic metallic (FMM) state transforms to the charge-ordered (CO) state on cooling. In the other scenario, the CO state is found in the paramagnetic ground stale and there is no ferromagnetism down to the lowest temperatures. Magnetic fields transform the CO state to the FMM state, when the average radius of the A-site cations is sufficiently large ([r(A)] > 1.17 Angstrom). Chemical melting of the CO state by Cr3+ substitution in the Mn site is also found only when [r(A)] greater than or similar to 1.17 Angstrom. The effect of the size of the A-cations on the Mn-O-Mn angle is not enough to explain the observed variations of the charge-ordering temperature as well as the ferromagnetic Curie temperature T-c. An explanation based on a competition between the Mn and A-cation orbitals for sigma-bonding with the oxygen rho(sigma) orbitals is considered to account for the large changes in T-c and hence the true bandwidth, with [r(A]). Effects of radiation, electric field, and other factors on the CO state are discussed along with charge-ordering in other manganate systems. Complex phase transitions, accompanied by changes in electronic and magnetic properties, occur in manganates with critical values of(rA) Or bandwidth. Charge-ordering is found in layered manganates, BixCa1-xMnO3 and CaMnO3-delta.


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We examine the magnetic and structural properties of the lanthanum manganite-based double-exchange magnets exhibiting colossal magnetoresistance. A model Hamiltonian containing the double-exchange, superexchange, and the Hubbard terms, with parameters obtained from density–functional calculations (Ref. 1), is studied within a mean-field approximation both at temperature T=0 and T>0 and with the effects of the magnetic field included. The phase diagrams we obtain with magnetic and charge-ordered phases enable us to examine the competition between the double- and superexchange terms as functions of doping and temperature. Our theoretical study provides a qualitative understanding of the phase diagram observed in the experiments. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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The symmetrized density-matrix renormalization-group approach is applied within the extended Hubbard-Peierls model (with parameters U/t, V/t, and bond alternation delta) to study the ordering of the lowest one-photon (1(1)B(u)(-)) and two-photon (2(1)A(g)(+)) states in one-dimensional conjugated systems with chain lengths N up to N = 80 sites. Three different types of crossovers are studied, as a function of U/t, delta, and N. The ''U crossover'' emphasizes the larger ionic character of the 2A(g) state compared to the lowest triplet excitation. The ''delta crossover'' shows strong dependence on both N and U/t. the ''N crossover'' illustrates the more localized nature of the 2A(g) excitation relative to the 1B(u) excitation at intermediate correlation strengths.


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Charge ordering in rare earth manganates of the type Ln(0.5)A(0.5)MnO(3) (Ln = rare earth, A = alkaline earth) is highly sensitive to the average radius of the A-site cations, [r(A)]. Tn the small [r(A)] regime (e.g., Y0.5Ca0.5MnO3), charge ordering occurs in the paramagnetic state, the transformation to an antiferromagnetic state occurring at still lower temperatures. At moderate [r(A)] values (e.g., Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3), a ferromagnetic metallic state transforms to a charge-ordered antiferromagnetic state with cooling. These two distinct types of charge ordering and associated properties are explained in terms of the variation of the exchange couplings J(FM) and J(AFM) with [r(A)] and the invariance of the single-ion Jahn-Teller energy with [r(A)]. A qualitative temperature-[r(A)] phase diagram, consistent with the experimental observations, has been constructed to describe the properties of the manganates in the different [r(A)] regimes. (C) 1997 Academic Press.