139 resultados para Electromagnetic transients


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In this study, a minimum, reflection loss of 70 a was achieved, for a 6 mm thick shield (at 17.1 GHz frequency) employing a unique approach. This was accomplished by engineering nanostructures through decoration of magnetic nanopartides (nickel, Ni) onto graphene oxide (GO) sheets. Enhanced electromagnetic (EM) shielding was derived by selectively, localizing the nanoscopic particles in a specific phase of polyethylene (PE)/poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) blends. By introduction of a conducting inclusion (like multiwall carbon nanotubes, MWNTs) together with the engineered nanostructures (nickel-decorated GO, (GO-Ni), the shielding efficiency can be enhanced significantly in contrast to physically mixing the particles in the blends. For instance, the composites showed a shielding efficiency >25 dB for a combination of MWNTS (3 wt %) and Ni nanoparticles (52 wt %) in PE/PEO blends. However, similar shielding effectiveness could be achieved for a combination of MWNTs (3 wt %) and 10 vol % of GO-Ni where in the effective concentration of Ni was only 19 wt %. The GO-Ni sheets facilitated in an efficient charge transfer as manifested from high electrical conductivity in the blends besides enhancing the permeability in the blends. It is envisioned that GO is simultaneously reduced in the process of synthesizing GO-Ni, and this facilitated in efficient charge transfer between the neighboring CNTs. More interestingly, the blends With MWNTs/GO-Ni attenuated the incoming EM radiation mostly by absorption. This study opens new avenues in designing polyolefin-based lightweight shielding materials by engineering nanostructures for numerous applications.


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This work attempts to bring critical insights into the electromagnetic shielding efficiency in polymeric nanocomposites with respect to the particle size of magnetic nanoparticles added along with or without a conductive inclusion. To gain insight, various Ni-Fe (NixFe1-x; x = 10, 20, 40; Ni: nickel, Fe: iron) alloys were prepared by a vacuum arc melting process and different particle sizes were then achieved by a controlled grinding process for different time scales. Poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF based composites involving different particle sizes of the Ni-Fe alloy were prepared with or without multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) by a wet grinding approach. The Ni-Fe particles were thoroughly characterized with respect to their microstructure and magnetization; and the electromagnetic (EM) shielding efficiency (SE) of the resulting composites was obtained from the scattering parameters using a vector network analyzer in a broad range of frequencies. The saturation magnetization of Ni-Fe nanoparticles and the bulk electrical conductivity of PVDF/Ni-Fe composites scaled with increasing particle size of NiFe. Interestingly, the PVDF/Ni-Fe/MWNT composites showed a different trend where the bulk electrical conductivity and SE scaled with decreasing particle size of the Ni-Fe alloy. A total SE of similar to 35 dB was achieved with 50 wt% of Ni60Fe40 and 3 wt% MWNTs. More interestingly, the PVDF/Ni-Fe composites shielded the EM waves mostly by reflection whereas, the PVDF/Ni-Fe/MWNT shielded mostly by absorption. A minimum reflection loss of similar to 58 dB was achieved in the PVDF/Ni-Fe/MWNT composites in the X-band (8-12 GHz) for a particular size of Ni-Fe alloy nanoparticles. This study brings new insights into the EM shielding efficiency in PVDF/magnetic nanoparticle based composites in the presence and absence of conducting inclusion.


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Engineering blend structure with tailor-made distribution of nanoparticles is the prime requisite to obtain materials with extraordinary properties. Herein, a unique strategy of distributing nanoparticles in different phases of a blend structure has resulted in >99% blocking of incoming electromagnetic (EM) radiation. This is accomplished by designing a ternary polymer blend structure using polycarbonate (PC), poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF), and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) to simultaneously improve the structural, electrical, and electromagnetic interference shielding (EMI). The blend structure was made conducting by preferentially localizing the multi-wall nanotubes (MWNTs) in the PVDF phase. By taking advantage of pp stacking MWNTs was noncovalently modified with an imidazolium based ionic liquid (IL). Interestingly, the enhanced dispersion of IL-MWNTs in PVDF improved the electrical conductivity of the blends significantly. While one key requisite to attenuate EM radiation (i.e., electrical conductivity) was achieved using MWNTs, the magnetic properties of the blend structure was tuned by introducing barium ferrite (BaFe) nanoparticles, which can interact with the incoming EM radiation. By suitably modifying the surface of BaFe nanoparticles, we can tailor their localization under the macroscopic processing condition. The precise localization of BaFe nanoparticles in the PC phase, due to nucleophilic substitution reaction, and the MWNTs in the PVDF phase not only improved the conductivity but also facilitated in absorption of the incoming microwave radiation due to synergetic effect from MWNT and BaFe. The shielding effectiveness (SE) was measured in X and K-u band, and an enhanced SE of -37 dB was noted at 18 GHz frequency. PMMA, which acted as an interfacial modifier in PC/PVDF blends further, resulting in a significant enhancement in the mechanical properties besides retaining high SE. This study opens a new avenue in designing mechanically strong microwave absorbers with a suitable combination of materials.


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Herein a facile strategy has been adopted to design epoxy based adhesive/coating materials that can shield electromagnetic radiation. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were non-covalently modified with an ionic liquid and 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-methoxyphenyl)-21H,23H-porphine cobalt(II) (Co-TPP). The dispersion state of modified MWNTs in the composites was assessed using a scanning electron microscope. The electrical conductivity of the composites was improved with the addition of IL and Co-TPP. The shielding effectiveness was studied as a function of thickness and intriguingly, composites with as thin as 0.5 mm thickness were observed to reflect 497% of the incoming radiation. Carbon fibre reinforced polymer substrates were used to demonstrate the adhesive properties of the designed epoxy composites. Although, the shielding effectiveness of epoxy/MWNT composites with or without IL and Co-TPP is nearly the same for 0.5 mm thick samples, the lap shear test under tensile loading revealed an extraordinary adhesive bond strength for the epoxy/IL-MWNT/Co-TPP composites in contrast to neat epoxy. For instance, the lap shear strength of epoxy/IL-MWNT/Co-TPP composites was enhanced by 100% as compared to neat epoxy. Furthermore, the composites were thermally stable for practical utility in electronic applications as inferred from thermogravimetric analysis.


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General propagation properties and universal curves are given for double clad single mode fibers with inner cladding index higher or lower than the outer cladding index, using the parameter: inner cladding/core radii ratio. Mode cut-off conditions are also examined for the cases. It is shown that dispersion properties largely differ from the single clad single mode fiber case, leading to large new possibilities for extension of single mode operation for large wavelength tange. Paper demonstrates that how substantially we can extend the single mode operation range by using the raised inner cladding fiber. Throughout we have applied our own computations technique to find out the eigenvalue for a given modes. Detail derivations with all trivial mathematics for eigenmode equation are derived for each case. Paper also demonstrates that there is not much use of using depressed inner cladding fiber. We have also concluded that using the large inner cladding/inner core radius we can significantly increase the single mode operation range for the large wavelength region. (C) 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A unique strategy was adopted to achieve an ultra-low electrical percolation threshold of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) (0.25 wt%) in a classical partially miscible blend of poly-alpha-methylstyrene-co-acrylonitrile and poly(methyl methacrylate) (P alpha MSAN/PMMA), with a lower critical solution temperature. The polymer blend nanocomposite was prepared by standard melt-mixing followed by annealing above the phase separation temperature. In a two-step mixing protocol, MWNTs were initially melt-mixed with a random PS-r-PMMA copolymer and subsequently diluted with 85/15 P alpha MSAN/PMMA blends in the next mixing step. Mediated by the PS-r-PMMA, the MWNTs were mostly localized at the interface and bridged the PMMA droplets. This strategy led to enhanced electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding effectiveness at 0.25 wt% MWNTs through multiple scattering from MWNT-covered droplets, as compared to the blends without the copolymer, which were transparent to electromagnetic radiation.


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Electromagnetic interference shielding (EMI) materials were designed using PC (polycarbonate)/SAN poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile)] blends containing few-layered graphene nanosheets decorated with nickel nanoparticles (G-Ni). The graphene nanosheets were decorated with nickel nanoparticles via the uniform nucleation of the metal salt precursor on graphene sheets as the substrate. In order to localize the nanoparticles in the PC phase of the PC/SAN blends, a two-step mixing protocol was adopted. In the first step, graphene sheets were mixed with PC in solution and casted into a film, followed by dilution of these PC master batch films with SAN in the subsequent melt extrusion step. The dynamic mechanical properties, ac electrical conductivity, EMI shielding effectiveness and thermal conductivity of the composites were evaluated. The G-Ni nanoparticles significantly improved the electrical and thermal conductivity in the blends. In addition, a total shielding effectiveness (SET) of -29.4 dB at 18 GHz was achieved with G-Ni nanoparticles. Moreover, the blends with G-Ni exhibited an impressive 276% higher thermal conductivity and 29.2% higher elastic modulus with respect to the neat blends.


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We propose a distributed sequential algorithm for quick detection of spectral holes in a Cognitive Radio set up. Two or more local nodes make decisions and inform the fusion centre (FC) over a reporting Multiple Access Channel (MAC), which then makes the final decision. The local nodes use energy detection and the FC uses mean detection in the presence of fading, heavy-tailed electromagnetic interference (EMI) and outliers. The statistics of the primary signal, channel gain and the EMI is not known. Different nonparametric sequential algorithms are compared to choose appropriate algorithms to be used at the local nodes and the Fe. Modification of a recently developed random walk test is selected for the local nodes for energy detection as well as at the fusion centre for mean detection. We show via simulations and analysis that the nonparametric distributed algorithm developed performs well in the presence of fading, EMI and outliers. The algorithm is iterative in nature making the computation and storage requirements minimal.


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Electromagnetic shielding has become important for various electrical systems because of the electromagnetic pollution caused by the large scale use of electronic devices operating at different frequencies and power levels. Traditionally used metallic shields lack flexibility and hence may not be the right choice for certain applications. In such situations, filled polymer composites provide a good alternative for electromagnetic shielding applications. Being polymer based, they are easy to manufacture and can be molded into the required geometry and shape. In this study, the shielding properties of multiwalled carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers filled silicone rubber are studied. The conductivity and the shielding effectiveness of the composites were measured at different filler loadings. Both the fillers are able to make the base polymer conducting even at very low filler loadings. The conductivity and the shielding effectiveness improved when the filler loading was above the percolation threshold.


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The aim of this study is to propose a method to assess the long-term chemical weathering mass balance for a regolith developed on a heterogeneous silicate substratum at the small experimental watershed scale by adopting a combined approach of geophysics, geochemistry and mineralogy. We initiated in 2003 a study of the steep climatic gradient and associated geomorphologic features of the edge of the rifted continental passive margin of the Karnataka Plateau, Peninsular India. In the transition sub-humid zone of this climatic gradient we have studied the pristine forested small watershed of Mule Hole (4.3 km(2)) mainly developed on gneissic substratum. Mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical investigations were carried out (i) in characteristic red soil profiles and (ii) in boreholes up to 60 m deep in order to take into account the effect of the weathering mantle roots. In addition, 12 Electrical Resistivity Tomography profiles (ERT), with an investigation depth of 30 m, were generated at the watershed scale to spatially characterize the information gathered in boreholes and soil profiles. The location of the ERT profiles is based on a previous electromagnetic survey, with an investigation depth of about 6 m. The soil cover thickness was inferred from the electromagnetic survey combined with a geological/pedological survey. Taking into account the parent rock heterogeneity, the degree of weathering of each of the regolith samples has been defined using both the mineralogical composition and the geochemical indices (Loss on Ignition, Weathering Index of Parker, Chemical Index of Alteration). Comparing these indices with electrical resistivity logs, it has been found that a value of 400 Ohm m delineates clearly the parent rocks and the weathered materials, Then the 12 inverted ERT profiles were constrained with this value after verifying the uncertainty due to the inversion procedure. Synthetic models based on the field data were used for this purpose. The estimated average regolith thickness at the watershed scale is 17.2 m, including 15.2 m of saprolite and 2 m of soil cover. Finally, using these estimations of the thicknesses, the long-term mass balance is calculated for the average gneiss-derived saprolite and red soil. In the saprolite, the open-system mass-transport function T indicates that all the major elements except Ca are depleted. The chlorite and biotite crystals, the chief sources for Mg (95%), Fe (84%), Mn (86%) and K (57%, biotite only), are the first to undergo weathering and the oligoclase crystals are relatively intact within the saprolite with a loss of only 18%. The Ca accumulation can be attributed to the precipitation of CaCO3 from the percolating solution due to the current and/or the paleoclimatic conditions. Overall, the most important losses occur for Si, Mg and Na with -286 x 10(6) mol/ha (62% of the total mass loss), -67 x 10(6) mol/ha (15% of the total mass loss) and -39 x 10(6) mol/ha (9% of the total mass loss), respectively. Al, Fe and K account for 7%, 4% and 3% of the total mass loss, respectively. In the red soil profiles, the open-system mass-transport functions point out that all major elements except Mn are depleted. Most of the oligoclase crystals have broken down with a loss of 90%. The most important losses occur for Si, Na and Mg with -55 x 10(6) mol/ha (47% of the total mass loss), -22 x 10(6) mol/ha (19% of the total mass loss) and -16 x 10(6) mol/ha (14% of the total mass loss), respectively. Ca, Al, K and Fe account for 8%, 6%, 4% and 2% of the total mass loss, respectively. Overall these findings confirm the immaturity of the saprolite at the watershed scale. The soil profiles are more evolved than saprolite but still contain primary minerals that can further undergo weathering and hence consume atmospheric CO2.


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Experiments in spintronics necessarily involve the detection of spin polarization. The sensitivity of this detection becomes an important factor to consider when extending the low temperature studies on semiconductor spintronic devices to room temperature, where the spin signal is weaker. In pump-probe experiments, which optically inject and detect spins, the sensitivity is often improved by using a photoelastic modulator (PEM) for lock-in detection. However, spurious signals can arise if diode lasers are used as optical sources in such experiments, along with a PEM. In this work, we eliminated the spurious electromagnetic coupling of the PEM onto the probe diode laser, by the double modulation technique. We also developed a test for spurious modulated interference in the pump-probe signal, due to the PEM. Besides, an order of magnitude enhancement in the sensitivity of detection of spin polarization by Kerr rotation, to 3x10(-8) rad was obtained by using the concept of Allan variance to optimally average the time series data over a period of 416 s. With these improvements, we are able to experimentally demonstrate at room temperature, photoinduced steady-state spin polarization in bulk GaAs. Thus, the advances reported here facilitate the use of diode lasers with a PEM for sensitive pump-probe experiments. They also constitute a step toward detection of spin-injection in Si at room temperature.


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A simple equivalent circuit model for the analysis of dispersion and interaction impedance characteristics of serpentine folded-waveguide slow-wave structure was developed by considering the straight and curved portions of structure supporting the dominant TE10-mode of the rectangular waveguide. Expressions for the lumped capacitance and inductance per period of the slow-wave structure were derived in terms of the physical dimensions of the structure, incorporating the effects of the beam-hole in the lumped parameters. The lumped parameters were subsequently interpreted for obtaining the dispersion and interaction impedance characteristics of the structure. The analysis was simple yet accurate in predicting the dispersion and interaction impedance behaviour at millimeter-wave frequencies. The analysis was benchmarked against measurement as well as with 3D electromagnetic modeling using MAFIA for two typical slow-wave structures (one at the Ka-band and the other at the W-band) and close agreement observed.


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An analysis of rectangular folded-waveguide slow-wave structure was developed using conformal mapping technique through Schwarz's polygon transformation and closed form expressions for the lumped capacitance and inductance per period of the slow-wave structure were derived in terms of the physical dimensions of the structure, incorporating the effects of the beam hole in the lumped parameters. The lumped parameters were subsequently interpreted for obtaining the dispersion and interaction impedance characteristics of the structure. The analysis was benchmarked for two typical millimeter-wave structures, one operating in Ka-band and the other operating in Q-band, against measurement and 3D electromagnetic modeling using MAFIA.


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he induced current and voltage on the skin of an airborne vehicle due to the coupling of external electromagnetic field could be altered in the presence of ionized exhaust plume. So in the present work, a theoretical analysis is done to estimate the electrical parameters such as electrical conductivity and permittivity and their distribution in the axial and radial directions of the exhaust plume of an airborne vehicle. The electrical conductivity depends on the distribution of the major ionic species produced from the propellant combustion. In addition it also depends on temperature and pressure distribution of the exhaust plume as well as the generated shock wave. The chemically reactive rocket exhaust flow is modeled in two stages. The first part is simulated from the combustion chamber to the throat of the supersonic nozzle by using NASA Chemical Equilibrium with Application (CEA) package and the second part is simulated from the nozzle throat to the downstream of the plume by using a commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver. The contour plots of the exhaust parameters are presented. Eight barrel shocks which influence the distribution of the vehicle exhaust parameters are obtained in this simulation. The computed peak value of the electrical conductivity of the plume is 0.123 S/m and the relative permittivity varies from 0.89 to 0.99. The attenuation of the microwave when it is passing through the conducting exhaust plume has also been presented.


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Fluctuation of field emission current from carbon nanotubes (CNTs) poses certain difficulties for their use in nanobiomedical X-ray devices and imaging probes. This problem arises due to deformation of the CNTs due to electrodynamic force field and electron-phonon interaction. It is of great importance to have precise control of emitted electron beams very near the CNT tips. In this paper, a new array configuration with stacked array of CNTs is analysed and it is shown that the current density distribution is greatly localised at the middle of the array, that the scatter due to electrodynamic force field is minimised and that the temperature transients are much smaller compared to those in an array with random height distribution.