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In situ EXAFS and X-ray diffraction investigations of Ni/TiO2 catalysts show that NiTiO3 is formed as an intermediate during calcination of catalyst precursors prepared by the wet-impregnation method; the intermediate is not formed when ion-exchange method is used for the preparation. On hydrogen reduction, NiTiO3 gives rise to Ni particles dispersed in the TiO2(rutile) matrix. The occurrence of the anatase-rutile transformation of the TiO2 support, the formation and subsequent decomposition/reduction of NiTiO3 as well as the unique interface properties of the Ni particles are all factors of importance in giving rise to metal-support interaction. Active TiO2(anatase) prepared from gel route gives an additional species involving Ni3+.


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Electrooxidation of methanol in sulphuric acid on carbon-supported electrodes containing Pt-Sn bimetal catalysts prepared by an in-situ route is reported, The catalysts have been characterized employing chemical analyses, XRD, and XANES data in conjunction with electrochemistry. This study suggests that the Sn content in Pt-Sn bimetals produces: (i) a charge transfer from Sn to Pt and (ii) an increase in the coverage of adsorbed methanolic residues with the Sn content. From the electrode-kinetics data, it is inferred that while the electrodes of (3:3) Pt-Sn/C catalyst involve a 2-electron rate-limiting step akin to Pt/C electrodes, it is shifted to only 1-electron on (3:2) Pt-Sn/C, (3:3) Pt-Sn/C, and (3:4) Pt-Sn/C electrodes.


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Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) films were irradiated with a 1.2MeV electron beam at varied doses over the range 0-270kGy in order to investigate the modifications induced in its optical, electrical and thermal properties. It was observed that optical band gap and activation energy of EVA films decreased upon electron irradiation, whereas the transition dipole moment, oscillator strength and number of carbon atoms per cluster were found to increase upon irradiation. Further, the dielectric constant, the dielectric loss, and the ac conductivity of EVA films were found to increase with an increase in the dose of electron radiation. The result further showed that the thermal stability of EVA film samples increased upon electron irradiation.


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A cross-linked polymer-gel soft matter electrolyte with superior electrochemical, thermal and mechanical properties obtained from free radical polymerization of vinyl monomers in a semi-solid organic nonionic plastic crystalline electrolyte for application in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries is discussed here.


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In order to study the efficiencies of catalytic moieties within and across dendrimer generations, partially and fully functionalized dendrimers were synthesized. Poly(alkyl aryl ether) dendrimers from zero to three generations, presenting 3 to 24 peripheral functionalities, were utilized to prepare as many as 12 catalysts. The dendrimer peripheries were partially and fully functionalized with triphenylphosphine in the first instance. A rhodium(I) metal complexation was performed subsequently to afford multivalent dendritic catalysts, both within and across generations. Upon synthesis, the dendritic catalysts were tested in the hydrogenation of styrene, in a substrate-to-catalyst ratio of 1:0.001. Turn-over-numbers were evaluated for each catalyst, from which significant increases in the catalytic activities were identified for multivalent catalysts than monovalent catalysts, both within and across generations. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) and temperature-programmed surface reaction (TPSR) of thiophene over a series of Co-Mo/gamma-Al2O3, hydrodesulfurization (HDS) catalysts with varying Co to Mo ratios have been studied with the objective of understanding the promotional role of Co in the HDS reaction. As part of the study, the desorptions (TPD) and hydrogenations (TPSR) of butane, butene, and butadiene over these catalysts have also been investigated. The TPD of the hydrocarbons over catalysts containing no Co showed a single desorption profile while incorporation of Co created an additional site, with higher heats of desorption, without significantly affecting desorption from the original site. The TPSR measurements showed that the two sites had separate and independent activity for the hydrogenation of the C-4 hydrocarbons. The TPD of thiophene over catalysts with varying Co to Mo ratios showed a single desorption profile with identical heats of desorption, implying that Co does not affect or influence the adsorption sites for thiophene. The TPSR of the HDS of thiophene, however, showed that, although the products of the HDS reaction-butane, butene, and H2S-are the same irrespective of the Co content, the temperature profiles and the activation barriers for the formation of these species show considerable change with the Co/Co+Mo ratio. The results are discussed in light of the existing models for the promotional role of Co in the HDS reaction.


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The temperature programmed-desorption (TPD) of butane, butene, butadiene and thiophene over a series of Co-MO/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts with varying Co to Mo ratio has been investigated. The TPD of butane, butene and butadiene over catalysts containing no Co showed a single desorption profile while incorporation of Co created an additional site without significantly affecting desorption from the original site. The TPD of thiophene over a series of catalysts with varying Co content showed identical desorption temperature as well as heat of desorption. It was concluded that thiophene was adsorbed on the ''Mo-S'' component of the catalyst and was unaffected by the presence of Co.


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Direct use of experimental eigenvalues of the vibrational secular equation on to the ab initio predicted eigenvector space is suggested as a means of obtaining a reliable set of intramolecular force constants. This method which we have termed RECOVES (recovery in the eigenvector space) is computationally simple and free from arbitrariness. The RECOVES force constants, by definition, reproduce the experimental vibrational frequencies of the parent molecule exactly. The ab initio calculations were carried out for ethylene as a test molecule and the force constants obtained by the present procedure also correctly predict the vibrational frequencies of the deuterated species. The RECOVES force constants for ethylene are compared with those obtained by using the SQM procedure.


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We describe the use of poly(alpha-methylstyrene peroxide) (P alpha MSP), an alternating copolymer of alpha-methylstyrene and oxygen, as initiator for the radical polymerization of vinyl monomers. Thermal decomposition of P alpha MSP in 1,4-dioxane follows first-order kinetics with an activation energy (E(a)) of 34.6 kcal/mol. Polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and styrene using P alpha MSP as an initiator was carried out in the temperature range 60-90 degrees C. The kinetic order with respect to the initiator and the monomer was close to 0.5 and 1.0, respectively, for both monomers. The E(a) for the polymerization was 20.6 and 22.9 kcal/mol for MMA and styrene, respectively. The efficiency of P alpha MSP was found to be in the range 0.02-0.04. The low efficiency of P alpha MSP was explained in terms of the unimolecular decomposition of the alkoxy radicals which competes with primary radical initiation. The presence of peroxy segments in the main chain of PMMA and polystyrene was confirmed from spectroscopic and DSC studies. R(i)'/2I values for P alpha MSP compared to that of BPO at 80 degrees C indicate that P alpha MSP can be used as an effective high-temperature initiator.


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In-situ EXAFS investigations have been carried out on Ni/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts with different metal loadings and prepared from different precursors. When the calcined precursors are reduced in hydrogen, the proportion of nickel metal formed varies with the nature of the precursor employed; NiAl2O4 is the unreduced product. The metal loading does not have any significant effect on the proportion of metal formed except in the case of the catalyst prepared by wet-impregnation, where appreciable metal is obtained only when the loading is greater than 10wt%. Ni/AlPO4 catalysts do not show the formation of NiAl2O4 and reduction to metal is complate, unlike with the Ni/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts which show only partial reduction to metal.


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Hydrolytic polymerization of caprolactam to Nylon 6 in a semibatch reactor is carried out by heating a mixture of water and caprolactam. Evaporation of volatiles caused by heating results in a pressure build-up. After the pressure reaches a predetermined value, vapors are vented to keep the pressure constant for some time, and thereafter, to lower the pressure to a value slightly above atmospheric in a preprogrammed manner. The characteristics of the polymer are determined by the chemical reactions and the vaporization of water and caprolactam. The semibatch operation has been simulated and the predictions have been compared with industria data. The observed temperature and pressure histories were predicted with a fair degree of accuracy. It was found that the predictions of the degree of polymerization however are sensitive to the vapor-liquid equilibrium relations. A comparison with an earlier model, which neglected mass transfer resistance, indicates that simulation using the VLE data of Giori and Hayes and accounting for mass transfer resistance is more reliable.


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Epoxy-terminated polystyrene has been synthesized by radical polymerization using alpha-(t-butylperoxymethyl) styrene (TPMS) as the chain transfer agent. The chain transfer constants were found to be 0.66 and 0.80 at 60 and 70 degrees C, respectively. The presence of epoxy end groups was confirmed by functional group modification of epoxide to aldehyde by treatment with BF3.Et(2)O. Thermal stability of TPMS was followed by differential scanning calorimetry and iodimetry. Thermal decomposition of TPMS in toluene follows first order kinetics with an activation energy of 23 kcal/mol. (C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Scanning tunneling microscopy of solid films of C-60 and C-70 clearly demonstrate the occurrence of photochemical polymerization of these fullerenes in the solid state. X-ray diffraction studies show that such a polymerization is accompanied by contraction of the unit-cell volume in the case of C-60 and expansion in the case of C-70. This is also evidenced from the STM images. These observations help to understand the differences in the amorphization behavior of C-60 and C-70 under pressure. Amorphization of C-60 under pressure is irreversible because it is accompanied by polymerization associated with a contraction of the unit cell volume. Monte Carlo simulations show how pressure-induced polymerization is favored in C-60 because of proper orientation as well as the required proximity of the molecules. Amorphization of C-70, on the other hand, is reversible because C-70 is less compressible and polymerization is not favored under pressure.


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Thermal oxidative polymerization of alpha-methylstyrene (AMS) has been studied at various temperatures(45-70 degrees C) and pressures (50-400 psi). Due to its high electron dense double bond, it undergoes thermal oxidative polymerization even at low temperatures fairly easily. The major products are poly(alpha-methylstyrene peroxide) (PMSP), and its decomposition products are acetophenone and formaldehyde. Above 45 degrees C the rate of polymerization increases sharply at a particular instant showing an ''autoacceleration'' with the formation of a knee point. The ''autoacceleration'' is supported from the fact that the plot, of R-p vs T shows a rapid rise, and the plot of ln R-p vs 1/T is non-Arrhenius. The occurrence of autoacceleration is explained on the basis of acetophenone-induced cleavage of PMSP during polymerization, generating more initiating alkoxy radicals, which subsequently leads to the rapid rise in the rate of polymerization. The mechanism of autoacceleration is supported by the change in. order, activation energy, and activation volume before and after the knee point.


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Interaction of CH3OH with Cu clusters deposited on ZnO films grown on a Zn foil as well as on a ZnO(0001)Zn crystal, has been examined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. On clean Cu clusters, reversible molecular adsorption or formation of CH3O is observed. However if the Cu clusters are pretreated with oxygen, both CH3O and HCOO- species are produced. Model Cu/ZnO catalyst surfaces, containing both Cu1+ and Cu-0 species, show interesting oxidation properties. On a Cu-0-rich catalyst surface, only CH3O species is formed on interaction with CH3OH. On a Cu1+-rich surface, however, HCOO- ion is the predominant species.