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Electron and x-ray diffraction experiments on the metlt-spun Al100−x Fe x (x=14, 18, 25) alloys are carried out. It is observed that all the melt-spun alloys possessing the quasi-crystalline phases have icosahedral point-group symmetry.


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Electronic excitation in H2O, H2S, H2Se and H2Te molecules has been studied by the EELS technique. Spectra of H2S and H2Se are remarkably similar with the 1b1-nd transition most intense. The intensity of the first transition 1b1-nsa1 decreases through H2O to H2Se and this transition is absent in H2Te. Transitions observed by EELS have been compared with optical absorption studies. A correlation diagram of the occupied and the excited states has been provided for these four molecules by making use of UVPES and EELS.


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Complexes of I2 with diethyl ether and triethylamine and of Br, with diethyl ether have been investigated in the vapor phase for the first time by employing electron energy loss spectroscopy. Besides the CT bands, blue-shifted vacuum-UV bands of the halogens have been assigned; the amine-I, system appears to exhibit two CT bands,associated with two different excited states of the complex.


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An indigenous electron energy loss spectrometer has been designed and fabricated for the study of free molecules. The spectrometer enables the recording of low-resolution electronic spectra of molecules inthe vapour phase with ready access to the vacuum ultraviolet region. Electron energy loss spectra of aliphatic alcohols and carbonyl compounds as wellas of benzene derivatives have been recorded with the indigenous spectrometer and the electronic transitions in these molecules discussed.


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In this paper, for the first time, the effects of energy quantization on single electron transistor (SET) inverter performance are analyzed through analytical modeling and Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that energy quantization mainly changes the Coulomb blockade region and drain current of SET devices and thus affects the noise margin, power dissipation, and the propagation delay of SET inverter. A new analytical model for the noise margin of SET inverter is proposed which includes the energy quantization effects. Using the noise margin as a metric, the robustness of SET inverter is studied against the effects of energy quantization. A compact expression is developed for a novel parameter quantization threshold which is introduced for the first time in this paper. Quantization threshold explicitly defines the maximum energy quantization that an SET inverter logic circuit can withstand before its noise margin falls below a specified tolerance level. It is found that SET inverter designed with CT:CG=1/3 (where CT and CG are tunnel junction and gate capacitances, respectively) offers maximum robustness against energy quantization.


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Adsorption of CO has been investigated on the surfaces of polycrystalline transition metals as well as alloys by employing electron energy loss spectroscopy (eels) and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (ups). CO adsorbs on polycrystalline transition metal surfaces with a multiplicity of sites, each being associated with a characteristic CO stretching frequency; the relative intensities vary with temperature as well as coverage. Whilst at low temperatures (80- 120 K), low coordination sites are stabilized, the higher coordination sites are stabilized at higher temperatures (270-300 K). Adsorption on surfaces of polycrystalline alloys gives characteristic stretching frequencies due to the constituent metal sites. Alloying, however, causes a shift in the stretching frequencies, indicating the effect of the band structure on the nature of adsorption. The up spectra provide confirmatory evidence for the existence of separate metal sites in the alloys as well as for the high-temperature and low-temperature phases of adsorbed CO.


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Using the concept of energy-dependent effective field intensity, electron transport coefficients in nitrogen have been determined in E times B fields (E = electric field intensity, B = magnetic flux density) by the numerical solution of the Boltzmann transport equation for the energy distribution of electrons. It has been observed that as the value of B/p (p = gas pressure) is increased from zero, the perpendicular drift velocity increased linearly at first, reaches a maximum value, and then decreases with increasing B/p. In general, the electron mean energy is found to be a function of Eavet/p( Eavet = averaged effective electric field intensity) only, but the other transport coefficients, such as transverse drift velocity, perpendicular drift velocity, and the Townsend ionization coefficient, are functions of both E/p and B/p.


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A direct borohydride-hydrogen peroxide fuel cell employing carbon-supported Prussian Blue (PB) as mediated electron-transfer cathode catalyst is reported. While operating at 30 °C, the direct borohydride-hydrogen peroxide fuel cell employing carbon-supported PB cathode catalyst shows superior performance with the maximum output power density of 68 mW cm−2 at an operating voltage of 1.1 V compared to direct borohydride-hydrogen peroxide fuel cell employing the conventional gold-based cathode with the maximum output power density of 47 mW cm−2 at an operating voltage of 0.7 V. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX) suggest that anchoring of Cetyl-Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) as a surfactant moiety on carbon-supported PB affects the catalyst morphology. Polarization studies on direct borohydride-hydrogen peroxide fuel cell with carbon-supported CTAB-anchored PB cathode exhibit better performance with the maximum output power density of 50 mW cm−2 at an operating voltage of 1 V than the direct borohydride-hydrogen peroxide fuel cell with carbon-supported Prussian Blue without CTAB with the maximum output power density of 29 mW cm−2 at an operating voltage of 1 V.


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In this paper, the effects of energy quantization on different single-electron transistor (SET) circuits (logic inverter, current-biased circuits, and hybrid MOS-SET circuits) are analyzed through analytical modeling and Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that energy quantizationmainly increases the Coulomb blockade area and Coulomb blockade oscillation periodicity, and thus, affects the SET circuit performance. A new model for the noise margin of the SET inverter is proposed, which includes the energy quantization effects. Using the noise margin as a metric, the robustness of the SET inverter is studied against the effects of energy quantization. An analytical expression is developed, which explicitly defines the maximum energy quantization (termed as ``quantization threshold'') that an SET inverter can withstand before its noise margin falls below a specified tolerance level. The effects of energy quantization are further studiedfor the current-biased negative differential resistance (NDR) circuitand hybrid SETMOS circuit. A new model for the conductance of NDR characteristics is also formulated that explains the energy quantization effects.


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The electron-energy equation for an atomic radiating plasma is considered in this work. Using the atomic model of Bates, Kingston and McWhirter, the radiation loss-term valid for all optical thicknesses is obtained. A study of the energy gained by electrons in inelastic collisions shows that the radiation loss term can be neglected only for rapidly-decaying or fast-growing plasmas. Emission from optically thin plasmas is considered next and an exact expression is given for the total radiation loss in a recombination continuum. A derivation of the Kramers-Unsöld approximation is presented and the error involved in estimating the total emitted recombination radiation by this approximation is shown to be small.


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Energy loss spectra of superconducting YBa2Cu3O6.9' Bi1.5Pb0.5Ca2.5Sr1.5Cu3O10+δ and Tl2CaBa2Cu3O8 obtained at primary electron energies in the 170–310 eV range show features reflecting the commonalities in their electronic structures. The relative intensity of the plasmon peak shows a marked drop across the transition temperature. Secondary electron emission spectra of the cuprates also reveal some features of the electronic structure.


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An electron energy loss spectroscopic study of the formic acid dimer has shown bands centred around 7.2, 8.5, 9.8, and 11.1 eV, of which the first and the third bands are assigned to n- rc* transitions and the other two to n-n* transitions; similar transitions are found in the acetic acid dimer.


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The existence of icosahedral twins has been established in Al-10at.% Mn alloy. By a stereographic approach a close resemblance to the decagonal phase is pointed out. The simulation of twin diffraction patterns has been done based on the projection formalism. The physical significance of twinning in terms of hyperdimensional projection is discussed.


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For the first time, the impact of energy quantisation in single electron transistor (SET) island on the performance of hybrid complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)-SET transistor circuits has been studied. It has been shown through simple analytical models that energy quantisation primarily increases the Coulomb Blockade area and Coulomb Blockade oscillation periodicity of the SET device and thus influences the performance of hybrid CMOS-SET circuits. A novel computer aided design (CAD) framework has been developed for hybrid CMOS-SET co-simulation, which uses Monte Carlo (MC) simulator for SET devices along with conventional SPICE for metal oxide semiconductor devices. Using this co-simulation framework, the effects of energy quantisation have been studied for some hybrid circuits, namely, SETMOS, multiband voltage filter and multiple valued logic circuits. Although energy quantisation immensely deteriorates the performance of the hybrid circuits, it has been shown that the performance degradation because of energy quantisation can be compensated by properly tuning the bias current of the current-biased SET devices within the hybrid CMOS-SET circuits. Although this study is primarily done by exhaustive MC simulation, effort has also been put to develop first-order compact model for SET that includes energy quantisation effects. Finally, it has been demonstrated that one can predict the SET behaviour under energy quantisation with reasonable accuracy by slightly modifying the existing SET compact models that are valid for metallic devices having continuous energy states.