104 resultados para COMB GENERATOR


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In this paper, a method of tracking the peak power in a wind energy conversion system (WECS) is proposed, which is independent of the turbine parameters and air density. The algorithm searches for the peak power by varying the speed in the desired direction. The generator is operated in the speed control mode with the speed reference being dynamically modified in accordance with the magnitude and direction of change of active power. The peak power points in the P-omega curve correspond to dP/domega = 0. This fact is made use of in the optimum point search algorithm. The generator considered is a wound rotor induction machine whose stator is connected directly to the grid and the rotor is fed through back-to-back pulse-width-modulation (PWM) converters. Stator flux-oriented vector control is applied to control the active and reactive current loops independently. The turbine characteristics are generated by a dc motor fed from a commercial dc drive. All of the control loops are executed by a single-chip digital signal processor (DSP) controller TMS320F240. Experimental results show that the performance of the control algorithm compares well with the conventional torque control method.


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This paper makes an attempt to assess the benefits of replacing a conventional generator excitation system (AVR + PSS) with a nonlinear voltage regulator using the concepts of synchronizing and damping torque components in a single machine infinite bus (SMIB) system. In recent years, there has been considerable interest in designing nonlinear excitation controllers, which are expected to give better dynamic performance over a wider range of system and operating conditions. The performance of these controllers is often justified by simulation studies on few test cases which may not adequately represent the diverse operating conditions of a typical power system. The performance of two such nonlinear controllers which are designed based on feedback linearization and include automatic voltage regulation with good dynamic performance have been analyzed using an SMIB model. Linearizing the nonlinear control laws along with the SMIB system equations, a Heffron Phillip's type of a model has been derived. Concepts of synchronizing and damping torque components have been used to show that such controllers can impair the small signal stability under certain operating conditions. This paper shows the possibility of negative damping contribution due to nonlinear voltage regulators and gives a new insight on understanding the physical impact of complex nonlinear control laws on power system dynamics.


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This paper proposes a nonlinear voltage regulator with one tunable parameter for multimachine power systems. Based on output feedback linearization, this regulator can achieve simultaneous voltage regulation and small-signal performance objectives. Conventionally output feedback linearization has been used for voltage regulator design by taking infinite bus voltage as reference. Unfortunately, this controller has poor small-signal performance and cannot be applied to multimachine systems without the estimation of the equivalent external reactance seen from the generator. This paper proposes a voltage regulator design by redefining the rotor angle at each generator with respect to the secondary voltage of the step-up transformer as reference instead of a common synchronously rotating reference frame. Using synchronizing and damping torques analysis, we show that the proposed voltage regulator achieves simultaneous voltage regulation and damping performance over a range of system and operating conditions by controlling the relative angle between the generator internal voltage angle delta and the secondary voltage of the step up transformer. The performance of the proposed voltage regulator is evaluated on a single machine infinite bus system and two widely used multimachine test systems.


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Regular Expressions are generic representations for a string or a collection of strings. This paper focuses on implementation of a regular expression matching architecture on reconfigurable fabric like FPGA. We present a Nondeterministic Finite Automata based implementation with extended regular expression syntax set compared to previous approaches. We also describe a dynamically reconfigurable generic block that implements the supported regular expression syntax. This enables formation of the regular expression hardware by a simple cascade of generic blocks as well as a possibility for reconfiguring the generic blocks to change the regular expression being matched. Further,we have developed an HDL code generator to obtain the VHDL description of the hardware for any regular expression set. Our optimized regular expression engine achieves a throughput of 2.45 Gbps. Our dynamically reconfigurable regular expression engine achieves a throughput of 0.8 Gbps using 12 FPGA slices per generic block on Xilinx Virtex2Pro FPGA.


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Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) assist in strategic decision-making activities considering spatial and temporal variables, which help in Regional planning. WEPA is a SDSS designed for assessment of wind potential spatially. A wind energy system transforms the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical or electrical energy that can be harnessed for practical use. Wind energy can diversify the economies of rural communities, adding to the tax base and providing new types of income. Wind turbines can add a new source of property value in rural areas that have a hard time attracting new industry. Wind speed is extremely important parameter for assessing the amount of energy a wind turbine can convert to electricity: The energy content of the wind varies with the cube (the third power) of the average wind speed. Estimation of the wind power potential for a site is the most important requirement for selecting a site for the installation of a wind electric generator and evaluating projects in economic terms. It is based on data of the wind frequency distribution at the site, which are collected from a meteorological mast consisting of wind anemometer and a wind vane and spatial parameters (like area available for setting up wind farm, landscape, etc.). The wind resource is governed by the climatology of the region concerned and has large variability with reference to space (spatial expanse) and time (season) at any fixed location. Hence the need to conduct wind resource surveys and spatial analysis constitute vital components in programs for exploiting wind energy. SDSS for assessing wind potential of a region / location is designed with user friendly GUI’s (Graphic User Interface) using VB as front end with MS Access database (backend). Validation and pilot testing of WEPA SDSS has been done with the data collected for 45 locations in Karnataka based on primary data at selected locations and data collected from the meteorological observatories of the India Meteorological Department (IMD). Wind energy and its characteristics have been analysed for these locations to generate user-friendly reports and spatial maps. Energy Pattern Factor (EPF) and Power Densities are computed for sites with hourly wind data. With the knowledge of EPF and mean wind speed, mean power density is computed for the locations with only monthly data. Wind energy conversion systems would be most effective in these locations during May to August. The analyses show that coastal and dry arid zones in Karnataka have good wind potential, which if exploited would help local industries, coconut and areca plantations, and agriculture. Pre-monsoon availability of wind energy would help in irrigating these orchards, making wind energy a desirable alternative.


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The thermoacoustic prime mover (TAPM) is an attractive alternative as a pressure wave generator to drive Pulse Tube Cryocoolers (PTCs), by the absence of moving parts, construction simplicity, reasonable efficiency, and environmental friendly. Decreasing the resonance frequency and improving the efficiency of the TAPM are important to drive the PTCs. These are controlled by the working gas parameters other than the dimensions of TAPM. In this technical note, the experimental studies carried out to evaluate the influence of different working fluids on the performances of a twin standing wave TAPM at various operating pressures have been compared with the simulation studies of the same system using DeltaEc wherever possible. The reasonably good agreement between them indicates the utility of DeltaEc for the optimal design of TAPM with the right working fluids for practical applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A galactose-specific seed lectin from Spatholobous parviflorus (SPL) has been purified, crystallized and its X-ray structure solved. It is the first lectin purified and crystallized from the genus Spatholobus (family: Fabaceae). The crystals belong to the space group P1, with a = 60.792 angstrom, b = 60.998 angstrom, c = 78.179 angstrom, alpha = 78.68 degrees, beta = 88.62 degrees, gamma = 104.32 degrees. The data were collected at 2.04 angstrom resolution under cryocondition, on a MAR image-plate detector system, mounted on a rotating anode X-ray generator. The coordinates of Dolichos biflorus lectin (1lu1) were successfully used for the structure solution by molecular replacement method. The primary structure of the SPL was not known earlier and it was unambiguously visible in the electron density. S. parviflorus lectin is a hetero-dimeric-tetramer with two alpha and two beta chains of 251 and 239 residues respectively. SPL has two metal ions, Ca(2+) and Mn(2+), bound to a loop region of each chain. The SPL monomers are in jelly roll form. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Acetate kinase (AckA) catalyzes the reversible transfer of a phosphate group from acetyl phosphate to ADP, generating acetate and ATP, and plays a central role in carbon metabolism. In the present work, the gene corresponding to AckA from Salmonella typhimurium (StAckA) was cloned in the IPTG-inducible pRSET C vector, resulting in the attachment of a hexahistidine tag to the N-terminus of the expressed enzyme. The recombinant protein was overexpressed, purified and crystallized in two different crystal forms using the microbatch-under-oil method. Form I crystals diffracted to 2.70 angstrom resolution when examined using X-rays from a rotating-anode X-ray generator and belonged to the monoclinic space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 283.16, b = 62.17, c = 91.69 angstrom, beta = 93.57 degrees. Form II crystals, which diffracted to a higher resolution of 2.35 angstrom on the rotating-anode X-ray generator and to 1.90 angstrom on beamline BM14 of the ESRF, Grenoble, also belonged to space group C2 but with smaller unit-cell parameters (a = 151.01, b = 78.50, c = 97.48 angstrom, beta = 116.37 degrees). Calculation of Matthews coefficients for the two crystal forms suggested the presence of four and two protomers of StAckA in the asymmetric units of forms I and II, respectively. Initial phases for the form I diffraction data were obtained by molecular replacement using the coordinates of Thermotoga maritima AckA (TmAckA) as the search model. The form II structure was phased using a monomer of form I as the phasing model. Inspection of the initial electron-density maps suggests dramatic conformational differences between residues 230 and 300 of the two crystal forms and warrants further investigation.


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Charts relating the capacitance to the width, spacing, thickness and height above the ground plane of coupled microstrips have been obtained. These are used to design hairpin line and hybrid hairpin line filters as well as multiplexers using microstrip comb line filters. The experimental results agree reasonably well with the design specifications. Getsinger's original charts for parallel coupled bars between parallel plates have been formulated for the microstrip case. Corresponding charts relating the capacitances to the width, spacing, thickness and height above the ground plane of coupled microstrips have been obtained. Examples of the use of these charts are shown in the design of hairpin lines and hybrid hairpin line filters as well as multiplexers using comb line filters. The hairpin line/hybrid hairpin line filters were designed to operate at a central frequency of 9÷5 GHz with 11 per cent bandwidth and 0÷5 dB ripple. The three filters constituting the comb line filters have center frequencies of 2÷4, 3÷0 and 3÷6 GHz. The components so designed were fabricated and tested. The dielectric used for the microstrip was teflon. Experimental curves for the attenuation (insertion loss) and VSWR are given. The design specifications arc satisfied quite well.


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This paper reports improved performance of advantages when compared to its counterpart as it is cost discharge plasma in filtered engine exhaust treatment. Our effective, low capital and operation costs, salable by- paper deals about the removal of NOX emissions from the diesel products, and integration with the existing systems. In this exhaust by electric discharge plasma. For the treatment of diesel paper we describe an alternate reactor geometry referred to exhaust a new type of reactor referred to as cross-flow dielectric as cross-flow DBD reactor, where the exhaust gas flow barrier discharge reactor has been used, where the gas flow is perpendicular to the wire-cylinder reaction chamber. This perpendicular to the corona electrode. Experiments were reactor is used to treat the actual exhaust of a 3.75 kW diesel- conducted at different flow rates ranging from 2 l/min to 10 l/ generator set. The main emphasis is laid on the NOX treatment min. The discharge plasma assisted barrier discharge reactor of diesel engine exhaust. Experiments were carried out at has shown promising results in NOX removal at high flow rates.


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This paper presents a method for minimizing the sum of the square of voltage deviations by a least-square minimization technique, and thus improving the voltage profile in a given system by adjusting control variables, such as tap position of transformers, reactive power injection of VAR sources and generator excitations. The control variables and dependent variables are related by a matrix J whose elements are computed as the sensitivity matrix. Linear programming is used to calculate voltage increments that minimize transmission losses. The active and reactive power optimization sub-problems are solved separately taking advantage of the loose coupling between the two problems. The proposed algorithm is applied to IEEE 14-and 30-bus systems and numerical results are presented. The method is computationally fast and promises to be suitable for implementation in real-time dispatch centres.


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The development of a neural network based power system damping controller (PSDC) for a static VAr compensator (SVC), designed to enhance the damping characteristics of a power system network representing a part of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) system is presented. The proposed stabilising controller scheme of the SVC consists of a neuro-identifier and a neuro-controller which have been developed based on a functional link network (FLN) model. A recursive online training algorithm has been utilised to train the two networks. The simulation results have been obtained under various operating conditions and disturbance cases to show that the proposed stabilising controller can provide a better damping to the low frequency oscillations, as compared to the conventional controllers. The effectiveness of the proposed stabilising controller has also been compared with a conventional power system stabiliser provided in the generator excitation system


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The development of a neural network based power system damping controller (PSDC) for a static Var compensator (SVC), designed to enhance the damping characteristics of a power system network representing a part of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) system is presented. The proposed stabilising controller scheme of the SVC consists of a neuro-identifier and a neuro-controller which have been developed based on a functional link network (FLN) model. A recursive online training algorithm has been utilised to train the two networks. The simulation results have been obtained under various operating conditions and disturbance cases to show that the proposed stabilising controller can provide a better damping to the low frequency oscillations, as compared to the conventional controllers. The effectiveness of the proposed stabilising controller has also been compared with a conventional power system stabiliser provided in the generator excitation system.


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This paper addresses the problem of curtailing the number of control actions using fuzzy expert approach for voltage/reactive power dispatch. It presents an approach using fuzzy set theory for reactive power control with the purpose of improving the voltage profile of a power system. To minimize the voltage deviations from pre-desired values of all the load buses, using the sensitivities with respect to reactive power control variables form the basis of the proposed Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC). Control variables considered are switchable VAR compensators, On Load Tap Changing (OLTC) transformers and generator excitations. Voltage deviations and controlling variables are translated into fuzzy set notations to formulate the relation between voltage deviations and controlling ability of controlling devices. The developed fuzzy system is tested on a few simulated practical Indian power systems and modified IEEE-30 bus system. The performance of the fuzzy system is compared with conventional optimization technique and results obtained are encouraging. Results obtained for a modified IEEE-30 bus test system and a 205-node equivalent EHV system a part of Indian southern grid are presented for illustration purposes. The proposed fuzzy-expert technique is found suitable for on-line applications in energy control centre as the solution is obtained fast with significant speedups with few number of controllers.


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In developing countries, a high rate of growth in the demand for electric energy is felt, and so the addition of new generating units becomes inevitable. In deregulated power systems, private generating stations are encouraged to add new generations. Some of the factors considered while placing a new generating unit are: availability of esources, ease of transmitting power, distance from the load centre, etc. Finding the most appropriate locations for generation expansion can be done by running repeated power flows and carrying system studies like analyzing the voltage profile, voltage stability, loss analysis, etc. In this paper a new methodology is proposed which will mainly consider the existing network topology. A concept of T-index is introduced in this paper, which considers the electrical distances between generator and load nodes. This index is used for ranking the most significant new generation expansion locations and also indicates the amount of permissible generations that can be installed at these new locations. This concept facilitates for the medium and long term planning of power generation expansions within the available transmission corridors. Studies carried out on an EHV equivalent 10-bus system and IEEE 30 bus systems are presented for illustration purposes.