98 resultados para CO2 REMOVAL


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In this paper a study on effect of different energization on removal of NOX in diesel engine exhaust has been presented. Here we made a detailed qualitative study of effect of pulsed/ac/dc voltage energizations on the NOX treatment of using conventional wire-cylinder reactor configuration. It was observed that amongst different energizations, pulse energization exhibits maximum NOX removal efficiency when compared to ac and dc energizations. For a given specific energy density, wire-cylinder reactor filled with BaTiO3 pellet gives higher NOX removal efficiency when compared to reactor without pellets under both pulse and ac energization. The dc energization does not have much impact on the removal processes. The paper further discusses the individual energization cases in detail.


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Red mud is a waste by-product generated during the processing of bauxite, the most common ore of aluminium. With the presence of ferric oxide, high surface area, resistance to poisoning and low cost, red mud made itself a good alternative to the existing commercial automobile catalyst. The cascading of dielectric barrier discharge plasma with red mud improved the NOX removal from diesel engine exhaust significantly. The DeNO(X) efficiency with discharge plasma was 74% and that with red mud was 31%. The efficiency increased to 92% when plasma was cascaded with red mud catalyst operating at a temperature of 400 degrees C. The NOX removal was dominated by NO2 removal. The studies were conducted at different temperatures and the results were discussed.


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This work is concerned with the removal of unwanted fluid through the source-sink pair. The source consists of fluid issuing out of a nozzle in the form of a jet and the sink is a pipe that is kept some distance from the source pipe. Of concern is the percentage of source fluid sucked through the sink. The experiments have been carried in a large glass water tank. The source nozzle diameter is 6Â mm and the sink pipe diameter is either 10 or 20Â mm. The horizontal and vertical separations and angles between these source and sink pipes are adjustable. The flow was visualized using KMnO 4 dye, planer laser induced fluorescence and particle streak photographs. To obtain the effectiveness (that is percentage of source fluid entering the sink pipe), titration method is used. The velocity profiles with and without the sink were obtained using particle image velocimetry. The sink flow rate to obtain a certain effectiveness increase dramatically with lateral separation. The sink diameter and the angle between source and the sink axes don't influence effectiveness as much as the lateral separation.


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Preferential oxidation of CO (CO-PROX) was carried out over Ni supported on CeO2 prepared by the co-precipitation method. The influence of metal loadings (2.5, 5 and 10 wt.% Ni) and the reaction conditions such as reaction temperature and feed composition on CO oxidation and oxidation selectivity were evaluated by using dry reformate gas. No other reactions like CO or CO2 methanation, coking, reverse water gas shift (RWGS) reaction is observed in the temperature range of 100-200 A degrees C on these catalysts. Hydrogen oxidation dominates over CO oxidation above the temperature of 200 A degrees C. An increase in oxygen leads to an increase in CO conversion but a simultaneous decrease in the O-2 selectivity. It has been noticed that 5 and 10 % Ni/CeO2 show better catalytic activity towards CO-PROX reaction. These catalysts were characterized by S-BET, XRD, TEM, XPS and H-2-TPR.


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RATIONALE The ratio of the measured abundance of 13C18O bonding CO2 to its stochastic abundance, prescribed by the delta 13C and delta 18O values from a carbonate mineral, is sensitive to its growth temperature. Recently, clumped-isotope thermometry, which uses this ratio, has been adopted as a new tool to elucidate paleotemperatures quantitatively. METHODS Clumped isotopes in CO2 were measured with a small-sector isotope ratio mass spectrometer. CO2 samples digested from several kinds of calcium carbonates by phosphoric acid at 25 degrees C were purified using both cryogenic and gas-chromatographic separations, and their isotopic composition (delta 13C, delta 18O, Delta 47, Delta 48 and Delta 49 values) were then determined using a dual-inlet Delta XP mass spectrometer. RESULTS The internal precisions of the single gas Delta 47 measurements were 0.005 and 0.02 parts per thousand (1 SE) for the optimum and the routine analytical conditions, respectively, which are comparable with those obtained using a MAT 253 mass spectrometer. The long-term variations in the Delta 47 values for the in-house working standard and the heated CO2 gases since 2007 were close to the routine, single gas uncertainty while showing seasonal-like periodicities with a decreasing trend. Unlike the MAT 253, the Delta XP did not show any significant relationship between the Delta 47 and delta 47 values. CONCLUSIONS The Delta XP gave results that were approximately as precise as those of the MAT 253 for clumped-isotope analysis. The temporal stability of the Delta XP seemed to be lower, although an advantage of the Delta XP was that no dependency of delta 47 on Delta 47 was found. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This work is concerned with the removal of unwanted fluid through the source-sink pair. The source consists of fluid issuing out of a nozzle in the form of a jet and the sink is a pipe that is kept some distance from the source pipe. Of concern is the percentage of source fluid sucked through the sink. The experiments have been carried in a large glass water tank. The source nozzle diameter is 6 mm and the sink pipe diameter is either 10 or 20 mm. The horizontal and vertical separations and angles between these source and sink pipes are adjustable. The flow was visualized using KMnO4 dye, planer laser induced fluorescence and particle streak photographs. To obtain the effectiveness (that is percentage of source fluid entering the sink pipe), titration method is used. The velocity profiles with and without the sink were obtained using particle image velocimetry. The sink flow rate to obtain a certain effectiveness increase dramatically with lateral separation. The sink diameter and the angle between source and the sink axes don't influence effectiveness as much as the lateral separation.


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Recently nano scale zero valent iron particles (nZVI) have been considered as smart adsorbent for environmental and groundwater remediation. Although several synthetic methods are available for the preparation of nZVI, air stable nZVI are not available for remediation works. Further, challenges demand synthesis of nZVI without stabilizers and capping agents. A modified methodology for the synthesis of air stable nZVI has been developed without any capping agents and characterized by powder X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy Energy-dispersive X-Ray (SEM-EDS), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The results of the present study suggest that the synthetic nZVI are air-stable over a period of one year and consists of particles of 30-40 nm in diameter. Although a layer of less than 3 am thick oxide/hydroxide is observed by TEM and XPS, it appears to be due to oxidation of outer surface during analysis. Adsorption study has shown that the synthetic nZVI are more effective adsorbent than the commercial nZVI and can remove simultaneously arsenite As-III] and arsenate As-V] from water without prior reduction of As-V to As-III. The removal process is adsorptive rather than precipitative and the removal of As-III is greater than that of As-V.


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Assessment of chemistry of groundwater infiltrated by pit-toilet leachate and contaminant removal by vadose zone form the focus of this study. The study area is Mulbagal Town in Karnataka State, India. Groundwater level measurements and estimation of unsaturated permeability indicated that the leachate recharged the groundwater inside the town at the rate of 1 m/day. The average nitrate concentration of groundwater inside the town (148 mg/L) was three times larger than the permissible limit (45 mg/L), while the average nitrate concentration of groundwater outside the town (30 mg/L) was below the permissible limit. The groundwater inside the town exhibited E. coli contamination, while groundwater outside the town was free of pathogen contamination. Infiltration of alkalis (Na+, K+) and strong acids (Cl-, SO4 (2-)) caused the mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type (60 %) and Na-Cl type (28 %) facies to predominate groundwater inside the town, while, Ca-HCO3 (35 %), mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type (35 %) and mixed Ca-Na-HCO3 type (28 %) facies predominated groundwater outside/periphery of town. Reductions in E. coli and nitrate concentrations with vadose zone thickness indicated its participation in contaminant removal. A 4-m thickness of unsaturated sand + soft, disintegrated weathered rock deposit facilitates the removal of 1 log of E. coli pathogen. The anoxic conditions prevailing in the deeper layers of the vadose zone (> 19 m thickness) favor denitrification resulting in lower nitrate concentrations (28-96 mg/L) in deeper water tables (located at depths of -29 to -39 m).


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Earlier studies have indicated that variability in size, surface texture and charge greatly influence the contaminant removal process in granular media. Based on surface characteristics of montmorillonite, it is anticipated that small addition of this clay would increase adhesion sites for bacterial growth and extracellular polymer production in the slow sand filter and thereby enhance its contaminant removal ability. Experiments were performed by permeating groundwater contaminated with pathogens (total coliform and E. Coli) and inorganic contaminants through the bentonite amended slow sand filter (BASSF). Surprisingly, the BASSF retained inorganic contaminants besides pathogens. Water-leach tests (pH of water leachate ranged from 2 to 9) with spent BASSF specimen indicated that the inorganic contaminants are irreversibly adsorbed to a large extent. It is considered that the combined effects of enhanced-organic matter mediated adhesion sites and increased hydraulic retention time enables the BASSF specimen to retain inorganic contaminants. It is envisaged that BASSF filters could find use in treating contaminated groundwater for potable needs at household and community level.


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Cells and metabolic products of Bacillus subtilis were used in microbially-induced flocculation and flotation to separate pyrite from galena. Enhanced selective affinity of bacterial cells towards pyrite was observed when compared to galena through adsorption studies. Both extracellular (EP) and intracellular (IP) bacterial proteins were isolated from B. subtilis before and after interaction with the minerals and their profiles established through SDS-PAGE. Protein fractions exhibited significant surface affinity towards galena when compared to pyrite. Presence of galena during bacterial growth promoted increased generation of extracellular proteins, while that of pyrite resulted in enhanced production of exopolysaccharides. Galena surfaces were rendered hydrophobic after bacterial interaction.


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We present here, an experimental set-up developed for the first time in India for the determination of mixing ratio and carbon isotopic ratio of air-CO2. The set-up includes traps for collection and extraction of CO2 from air samples using cryogenic procedures, followed by the measurement of CO2 mixing ratio using an MKS Baratron gauge and analysis of isotopic ratios using the dual inlet peripheral of a high sensitivity isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) MAT 253. The internal reproducibility (precision) for the PC measurement is established based on repeat analyses of CO2 +/- 0.03 parts per thousand. The set-up is calibrated with international carbonate and air-CO2 standards. An in-house air-CO2 mixture, `OASIS AIRMIX' is prepared mixing CO2 from a high purity cylinder with O-2 and N-2 and an aliquot of this mixture is routinely analyzed together with the air samples. The external reproducibility for the measurement of the CO2 mixing ratio and carbon isotopic ratios are +/- 7 (n = 169) mu mol.mol(-1) and +/- 0.05 (n = 169) parts per thousand based on the mean of the difference between two aliquots of reference air mixture analyzed during daily operation carried out during November 2009-December 2011. The correction due to the isobaric interference of N2O on air-CO2 samples is determined separately by analyzing mixture of CO2 (of known isotopic composition) and N2O in varying proportions. A +0.2 parts per thousand correction in the delta C-13 value for a N2O concentration of 329 ppb is determined. As an application, we present results from an experiment conducted during solar eclipse of 2010. The isotopic ratio in CO2 and the carbon dioxide mixing ratio in the air samples collected during the event are different from neighbouring samples, suggesting the role of atmospheric inversion in trapping the emitted CO2 from the urban atmosphere during the eclipse.


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The sensing of carbon dioxide (CO2) at room temperature, which has potential applications in environmental monitoring, healthcare, mining, biotechnology, food industry, etc., is a challenge for the scientific community due to the relative inertness of CO2. Here, we propose a novel gas sensor based on clad-etched Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) with polyallylamine-amino-carbon nanotube coated on the surface of the core for detecting the concentrations of CO2 gas at room temperature, in ppm levels over a wide range (1000 ppm-4000 ppm). The limit of detection observed in polyallylamine-amino-carbon nanotube coated core-FBG has been found to be about 75 ppm. In this approach, when CO2 gas molecules interact with the polyallylamine-amino-carbon nanotube coated FBG, the effective refractive index of the fiber core changes, resulting in a shift in Bragg wavelength. The experimental data show a linear response of Bragg wavelength shift for increase in concentration of CO2 gas. Besides being reproducible and repeatable, the technique is fast, compact, and highly sensitive. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.