104 resultados para Breaking


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The phase diagram of a hard-sphere fluid in the presence of a random pinning potential is studied analytically and numerically. In the analytic work, replicas are introduced for averaging over the quenched disorder, and the hypernetted chain approximation is used to calculate density correlations in the replicated liquid. The freezing transition of the liquid into a nearly crystalline state is studied using a density-functional approach, and the liquid to glass transition is studied using a phenomenological replica symmetry breaking approach. In the numerical work, local minima of a discretized version of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff free-energy functional are located and the phase diagram in the density-disorder plane is obtained from an analysis of the relative stability of these minima. Both approaches lead to similar results for the phase diagram. The first-order liquid to crystalline solid transition is found to change to a continuous liquid to glass transition as the strength of the disorder is increased above a threshold value.


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In this paper we propose a concept and report experimental results based on a circular array of Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors (PWASs) for rapid localization and parametric identification of corrosion type damage in metallic plates. Implementation of this circular array of PWASs combines the use of ultrasonic Lamb wave propagation technique and an algorithm based on symmetry breaking in the signal pattern to locate and monitor the growth of a corrosion pit on a metallic plate. Wavelet time-frequency maps of the sensor signals are employed to obtain an insight regarding the effect of corrosion growth on the Lamb wave transmission in time-frequency scale. We present here a method to eliminate the time scale, which helps in identifying easily the signature of damage in the measured signals. The proposed method becomes useful in determining the approximate location of the damage with respect to the location of three neighboring sensors in the circular array. A cumulative damage index is computed from the wavelet coefficients for varying damage sizes and the results appear promising. Damage index is plotted against the damage parameters for frequency sweep of the excitation signal (a windowed sine signal). Results of corrosion damage are compared with circular holes of various sizes to demonstrate the applicability of present method to different types of damage. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We show that under gravity the effective masses for neutrino and antineutrino are different which opens a possible window of neutrino-antineutrino oscillation even if the rest masses of the corresponding eigenstates are same. This is due to CPT violation and possible to demonstrate if the neutrino mass eigenstates are expressed as a combination of neutrino and antineutrino eigenstates, as of the neutral kaon system, with the plausible breaking of lepton number conservation. In early universe, in presence of various lepton number violating processes, this oscillation might lead to neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry which resulted baryogenesis from the B-L symmetry by electro-weak sphaleron processes. On the other hand, for Majorana neutrinos, this oscillation is expected to affect the inner edge of neutrino dominated accretion disks around a compact object by influencing the neutrino sphere which controls the accretion dynamics, and then the related type-II supernova evolution and the r-process nucleosynthesis.


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Wuttig and Suzuki's model on anelastic nonlinearities in solids in the vicinity of martensite transformations is analysed numerically. This model shows chaos even in the absence of applied forcing field as a function of a temperature dependent parameter. Even though the model exhibits sustained oscillations as a function of the amplitude of the forcing term, it does not exactly capture the features of the experimental time series. We have improved the model by adding a symmetry breaking term. The improved model shows period doubling bifurcation as a function of the amplitude of the forcing term. The solutions of our improved model shows good resemblance with the nonsymmetric period four oscillation seen in the experiment. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanoindentation and scratch experiments on 1:1 donor-acceptor complexes, 1 and 2, of 1,2,4,5-tetracyanobenzene with pyrene and phenanthrene, respectively, reveal long-range molecular layer gliding and large interaction anisotropy. Due to the layered arrangements in these crystals, these experiments that apply stress in particular directions result in the breaking of interlayer interactions, thus allowing molecular sheets to glide over one another with ease. Complex 1 has a layered crystal packing wherein the layers are 68° skew under the (002) face and the interlayer space is stabilized by van der Waals interactions. Upon indenting this surface with a Berkovich tip, pile-up of material was observed on just one side of the indenter due to the close angular alignment of the layers with the half angle of the indenter tip (65.35°). The interfacial differences in the elastic modulus (21 ) and hardness (16 ) demonstrate the anisotropic nature of crystal packing. In 2, the molecular stacks are arranged in a staggered manner; there is no layer arrangement, and the interlayer stabilization involves C-H�N hydrogen bonds and ��� interactions. This results in a higher modulus (20 ) for (020) as compared to (001), although the anisotropy in hardness is minimal (4 ). The anisotropy within a face was analyzed using AFM image scans and the coefficient of friction of four orthogonal nanoscratches on the cleavage planes of 1 and 2. A higher friction coefficient was obtained for 2 as compared to 1 even in the cleavage direction due to the presence of hydrogen bonds in the interlayer region making the tip movement more hindered. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Neutralino dark matter in supersymmetric models is revisited in the presence of flavor violation in the soft supersymmetry breaking sector. We focus on flavor violation the sleptonic sector and study the implications for the co-annihilation regions. Flavor is introduced by a single (mu) over tilde (R) - (T) over tilde (R) insertion in the slepton mass matrix. Limits on insertion from BR(tau -> mu + gamma) are weak in some regions of the parameter space where happen within the amplitudes. We look for overlaps in parameter space where the co-annihilation condition as well as the cancellations within the amplitudes occur. mSUGRA, such overlap regions are not existent, whereas they are present in models non-universal Higgs boundary conditions (NUHM). The effect of flavor violation is fold: (a) it shifts the co-annihilation regions towards lighter neutralino masses (b) co-annihilation cross sections would be modified with the inclusion of flavor violating which can contribute significantly. Even if flavor violation is within the presently limits, this is sufficient to modify the thermally averaged cross-sections by about 15)% in mSUGRA and (20{30)% in NUHM, depending on the parameter space. In overlap regions, the flavor violating cross sections become comparable and in some even dominant to the flavor conserving ones. A comparative study of the channels is for mSUGRA and NUHM cases.


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The program SuSeFLAV is introduced for computing supersymmetric mass spectra with flavour violation in various supersymmetric breaking scenarios with/without see-saw mechanism. A short user guide summarizing the compilation, executables and the input files is provided.


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We interpret the recent discovery of a 125 GeV Higgs-like state in the context of a two-Higgs-doublet model with a heavy fourth sequential generation of fermions, in which one Higgs doublet couples only to the fourth-generation fermions, while the second doublet couples to the lighter fermions of the first three families. This model is designed to accommodate the apparent heaviness of the fourth-generation fermions and to effectively address the low-energy phenomenology of a dynamical electroweak-symmetry-breaking scenario. The physical Higgs states of the model are, therefore, viewed as composites primarily of the fourth-generation fermions. We find that the lightest Higgs, h, is a good candidate for the recently discovered 125 GeV spin-zero particle, when tan beta similar to O(1), for typical fourth-generation fermion masses of M-4G = 400-600 GeV, and with a large t-t' mixing in the right-handed quark sector. This, in turn, leads to BR(t' -> th) similar to O(1), which drastically changes the t' decay pattern. We also find that, based on the current Higgs data, this two-Higgs-doublet model generically predicts an enhanced production rate (compared to the Standard Model) in the pp -> h -> tau tau channel, and reduced rates in the VV -> h -> gamma gamma and p (p) over bar /pp -> V -> hV -> Vbb channels. Finally, the heavier CP-even Higgs is excluded by the current data up to m(H) similar to 500 GeV, while the pseudoscalar state, A, can be as light as 130 GeV. These heavier Higgs states and the expected deviations from the Standard Model din some of the Higgs production channels can be further excluded or discovered with more data.


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We revisit the issue of considering stochasticity of Grassmannian coordinates in N = 1 superspace, which was analyzed previously by Kobakhidze et al. In this stochastic supersymmetry (SUSY) framework, the soft SUSY breaking terms of the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) such as the bilinear Higgs mixing, trilinear coupling, as well as the gaugino mass parameters are all proportional to a single mass parameter xi, a measure of supersymmetry breaking arising out of stochasticity. While a nonvanishing trilinear coupling at the high scale is a natural outcome of the framework, a favorable signature for obtaining the lighter Higgs boson mass m(h) at 125 GeV, the model produces tachyonic sleptons or staus turning to be too light. The previous analyses took Lambda, the scale at which input parameters are given, to be larger than the gauge coupling unification scale M-G in order to generate acceptable scalar masses radiatively at the electroweak scale. Still, this was inadequate for obtaining m(h) at 125 GeV. We find that Higgs at 125 GeV is highly achievable, provided we are ready to accommodate a nonvanishing scalar mass soft SUSY breaking term similar to what is done in minimal anomaly mediated SUSY breaking (AMSB) in contrast to a pure AMSB setup. Thus, the model can easily accommodate Higgs data, LHC limits of squark masses, WMAP data for dark matter relic density, flavor physics constraints, and XENON100 data. In contrast to the previous analyses, we consider Lambda = M-G, thus avoiding any ambiguities of a post-grand unified theory physics. The idea of stochastic superspace can easily be generalized to various scenarios beyond the MSSM. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.035022


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Accurate supersymmetric spectra are required to confront data from direct and indirect searches of supersymmetry. SuSeFLAV is a numerical tool capable of computing supersymmetric spectra precisely for various supersymmetric breaking scenarios applicable even in the presence of flavor violation. The program solves MSSM RGEs with complete 3 x 3 flavor mixing at 2-loop level and one loop finite threshold corrections to all MSSM parameters by incorporating radiative electroweak symmetry breaking conditions. The program also incorporates the Type-I seesaw mechanism with three massive right handed neutrinos at user defined mass scales and mixing. It also computes branching ratios of flavor violating processes such as l(j) -> l(i)gamma, l(j) -> 3 l(i), b -> s gamma and supersymmetric contributions to flavor conserving quantities such as (g(mu) - 2). A large choice of executables suitable for various operations of the program are provided. Program summary Program title: SuSeFLAV Catalogue identifier: AEOD_v1_0 Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEOD_v1_0.html Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: GNU General Public License No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 76552 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 582787 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: Fortran 95. Computer: Personal Computer, Work-Station. Operating system: Linux, Unix. Classification: 11.6. Nature of problem: Determination of masses and mixing of supersymmetric particles within the context of MSSM with conserved R-parity with and without the presence of Type-I seesaw. Inter-generational mixing is considered while calculating the mass spectrum. Supersymmetry breaking parameters are taken as inputs at a high scale specified by the mechanism of supersymmetry breaking. RG equations including full inter-generational mixing are then used to evolve these parameters up to the electroweak breaking scale. The low energy supersymmetric spectrum is calculated at the scale where successful radiative electroweak symmetry breaking occurs. At weak scale standard model fermion masses, gauge couplings are determined including the supersymmetric radiative corrections. Once the spectrum is computed, the program proceeds to various lepton flavor violating observables (e.g., BR(mu -> e gamma), BR(tau -> mu gamma) etc.) at the weak scale. Solution method: Two loop RGEs with full 3 x 3 flavor mixing for all supersymmetry breaking parameters are used to compute the low energy supersymmetric mass spectrum. An adaptive step size Runge-Kutta method is used to solve the RGEs numerically between the high scale and the electroweak breaking scale. Iterative procedure is employed to get the consistent radiative electroweak symmetry breaking condition. The masses of the supersymmetric particles are computed at 1-loop order. The third generation SM particles and the gauge couplings are evaluated at the 1-loop order including supersymmetric corrections. A further iteration of the full program is employed such that the SM masses and couplings are consistent with the supersymmetric particle spectrum. Additional comments: Several executables are presented for the user. Running time: 0.2 s on a Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 with 3.20 GHz. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider the Randall-Sundrum (RS) setup to be a theory of flavor, as an alternative to Froggatt-Nielsen models instead of as a solution to the hierarchy problem. The RS framework is modified by taking the low-energy brane to be at the grand unified theory (GUT) scale. This also alleviates constraints from flavor physics. Fermion masses and mixing angles are fit at the GUT scale. The ranges of the bulk mass parameters are determined using a chi(2) fit taking into consideration the variation in O(1) parameters. In the hadronic sector, the heavy top quark requires large bulk mass parameters localizing the right-handed top quark close to the IR brane. Two cases of neutrino masses are considered: (a) Planck scale lepton number violation and (b) Dirac neutrino masses. Contrary to the case of weak scale RS models, both these cases give reasonable fits to the data, with the Planck scale lepton number violation fitting slightly better compared to the Dirac case. In the supersymmetric version, the fits are not significantly different except for the variation in tan beta. If the Higgs superfields and the supersymmetry breaking spurion are localized on the same brane, then the structure of the sfermion masses are determined by the profiles of the zero modes of the hypermultiplets in the bulk. Trilinear terms have the same structure as the Yukawa matrices. The resultant squark spectrum is around similar to 2-3 TeV required by the light Higgs mass to be around 125 GeV and to satisfy the flavor violating constraints.


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In a quantum system, there may be many density matrices associated with a state on an algebra of observables. For each density matrix, one can compute its entropy. These are, in general, different. Therefore, one reaches the remarkable possibility that there may be many entropies for a given state R. Sorkin (private communication)]. This ambiguity in entropy can often be traced to a gauge symmetry emergent from the nontrivial topological character of the configuration space of the underlying system. It can also happen in finite-dimensional matrix models. In the present work, we discuss this entropy ambiguity and its consequences for an ethylene molecule. This is a very simple and well-known system, where these notions can be put to tests. Of particular interest in this discussion is the fact that the change of the density matrix with the corresponding entropy increase drives the system towards the maximally disordered state with maximum entropy, where Boltzman's formula applies. Besides its intrinsic conceptual interest, the simplicity of this model can serve as an introduction to a similar discussion of systems such as colored monopoles and the breaking of color symmetry.


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In this paper, we present the molecular density distribution measurement in turbulent nitrogen jet (Re approximate to 3 x 10(3)), using acetone as molecular tracer. The tracer was seeded in the nitrogen jet by purging through the liquid acetone at ambient temperature. Planar laser sheet of 266 nm wavelength from frequency quadrupled, Q-switched, Nd:YAG laser was used as an excitation source. Emitted fluorescence images of jet flow field were recorded on CMOS camera. The dependence of planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) intensity on acetone vapor density was used to convert PLIF image of nitrogen jet into the density image on pixel-by-pixel basis. Instantaneous quantitative density image of nitrogen jet, seeded with acetone, was obtained. The arrowhead-shaped coherent turbulent structures were observed in the present work. It was found that coherent structures were non-overlapping with separate boundaries. Breaking of coherent structures into turbulence was clearly observed above four times jet width.


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Rapid diagnostics and virtual imaging of damages in complex structures like folded plate can help reduce the inspection time for guided wave based NDE and integrated SHM. Folded plate or box structure is one of the major structural components for increasing the structural strength. Damage in the folded plate, mostly in the form of surface breaking cracks in the inaccessible zone is a usual problem in aerospace structures. One side of the folded plate is attached (either riveted or bonded) to adjacent structure which is not accessible for immediate inspection. The sensor-actuator network in the form of a circular array is placed on the accessible side of the folded plate. In the present work, a circular array is employed for scanning the entire folded plate type structure for damage diagnosis and wave field visualization of entire structural panel. The method employs guided wave with relatively low frequency bandwidth of 100-300 kHz. Change in the response signal with respect to a baseline signal is used to construct a quantitative relationship with damage size parameters. Detecting damage in the folded plate by using this technique has significant potential for off-line and on-line SHM technologies. By employing this technique, surface breaking cracks on inaccessible face of the folded plate are detected without disassembly of structure in a realistic environment.


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We present a comprehensive study of two of the most experimentally relevant extensions of Kitaev's spinless model of a one-dimensional p-wave superconductor: those involving (i) longer-range hopping and superconductivity and (ii) inhomogeneous potentials. We commence with a pedagogical review of the spinless model and, as a means of characterizing topological phases exhibited by the systems studied here, we introduce bulk topological invariants as well as those derived from an explicit consideration of boundary modes. In time-reversal symmetric systems, we find that the longer range hopping leads to topological phases characterized by multiple Majorana modes. In particular, we investigate a spin model that respects a duality and maps to a fermionic model with multiple Majorana modes; we highlight the connection between these topological phases and the broken symmetry phases in the original spin model. In the presence of time-reversal symmetry breaking terms, we show that the topological phase diagram is characterized by an extended gapless regime. For the case of inhomogeneous potentials, we explore phase diagrams of periodic, quasiperiodic, and disordered systems. We present a detailed mapping between normal state localization properties of such systems and the topological phases of the corresponding superconducting systems. This powerful tool allows us to leverage the analyses of Hofstadter's butterfly and the vast literature on Anderson localization to the question of Majorana modes in superconducting quasiperiodic and disordered systems, respectively. We briefly touch upon the synergistic effects that can be expected in cases where long-range hopping and disorder are both present.