93 resultados para Arquitectura teoría s.I a.C.-I


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Three different complexes of copper (I) with bridging 1, 2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane (dppe), namely [Cu2 (mu-dppe) (CH3CN)6] (ClO4)2 (1), [Cu2 (mu-dppe)2 (CH3 CN)2] (ClO4)2 (2), and [Cu2 (mu-dppe) (dppe)2 (CH3CN)2] (ClO4)2 (3) have been prepared. The structure of [Cu2 (mu-dppe) (dPPe)2 (CH3CH)2] (ClO4)2 has been determined by X-ray crystallography. It crystallizes in the space group PT with a=12.984(6) angstrom, b=13.180(6) angstrom, c=14.001(3) angstrom, alpha=105.23(3), beta=105.60(2), gamma=112.53 (4), V=1944 (3) angstrom3, and Z=1. The structure was refined by least-squares method with R=0.0365; R(w)=0.0451 for 6321 reflections with F0 greater-than-or-equal-to 3 sigma (F0). The CP/MAS P-31 and IR spectra of the complexes have been analysed in the light of available crystallographic data. IR spectroscopy is particularly helpful in identifying the presence of chelating dppe. P-31 chemical shifts observed in solid state are very different from those observed in solution, and change significantly with slight changes in structure. In solution, complex 1 remains undissociated but complexes 2 and 3 undergo extensive dissociation. With a combination of room temperature H-1, Cu-63, and variable temperature P-31 NMR spectra, it is possible to understand the various processes occurring in solution.


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A general procedure for arriving at 3-D models of disulphiderich olypeptide systems based on the covalent cross-link constraints has been developed. The procedure, which has been coded as a computer program, RANMOD, assigns a large number of random, permitted backbone conformations to the polypeptide and identifies stereochemically acceptable structures as plausible models based on strainless disulphide bridge modelling. Disulphide bond modelling is performed using the procedure MODIP developed earlier, in connection with the choice of suitable sites where disulphide bonds could be engineered in proteins (Sowdhamini,R., Srinivasan,N., Shoichet,B., Santi,D.V., Ramakrishnan,C. and Balaram,P. (1989) Protein Engng, 3, 95-103). The method RANMOD has been tested on small disulphide loops and the structures compared against preferred backbone conformations derived from an analysis of putative disulphide subdatabase and model calculations. RANMOD has been applied to disulphiderich peptides and found to give rise to several stereochemically acceptable structures. The results obtained on the modelling of two test cases, a-conotoxin GI and endothelin I, are presented. Available NMR data suggest that such small systems exhibit conformational heterogeneity in solution. Hence, this approach for obtaining several distinct models is particularly attractive for the study of conformational excursions.


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The constitutive behaviour of agr — nickel silver in the temperature range 700–950 °C and strain rate range 0.001–100 s–1 was characterized with the help of a processing map generated on the basis of the principles of the ldquodynamic materials modelrdquo of Prasadet al Using the flow stress data, processing maps showing the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation (given by 2m/(m+1) wherem is the strain-rate sensitivity) with temperature and strain rate were obtained, agr-nickel silver exhibits a single domain at temperatures greater than 750 °C and at strain rates lower than 1s–1, with a maximum efficiency of 38% occurring at about 950 °C and at a strain rate of 0.1 s–1. In the domain the material undergoes dynamic recrystallization (DRX). On the basis of a model, it is shown that the DRX is controlled by the rate of interface formation (nucleation) which depends on the diffusion-controlled process of thermal recovery by climb. At high strain rates (10 and 100s–1) the material undergoes microstructural instabilities, the manifestations of which are in the form of adiabatic shear bands and strain markings.


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The preparation of five different copper(I) complexes [CuSC(=NPh)(OAr)}L(n)]m (1-5) formed by the insertion of PhNCS into the Cu-OAr bond and the crystal structure analyses of three of them have been carried out. A monomeric species 1 (OAr = 2,6-dimethylphenoxide) is formed in the presence of excess PPh3 (n = 2, m = 1) and crystallizes as triclinic crystals with a = 12.419(4) angstrom, b = 13.298(7) angstrom, c = 15.936(3) angstrom, alpha = 67.09(3)-degrees, beta = 81.63(2)-degrees, gamma = 66.54(3)-degrees, V = 2224(2) angstrom3, and Z = 2. The structure was refined by the least-squares method to final R and R(w) values of 0.038 and 0.044, respectively, for 7186 unique reflections. Copper(I) 2,5-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenoxide results in the formation of a dimeric species 2 in the presence of P(OMe)3 (n = 1, m = 2), where the coordination around Cu is trigonal. Crystals of 2 were found to be orthorhombic with a = 15.691(2) angstrom, b = 18.216(3) angstrom, c = 39.198(5) angstrom, v = 11204(3) angstrom3, and Z = 8. Least-squares refinement gave final residuals of R = 0.05 and R(w) = 0.057 with 6866 unique reflections. A tetrameric species 3 results when PPh3 is replaced by P(OMe)3 in the coordination sphere of copper(I) 2,6-dimethylphenoxide. It crystallizes in the space group P1BAR with a = 11.681 (1) angstrom, b = 13.373(2) angstrom, c = 20.127(1) angstrom, a = 88.55(l)-degrees, beta = 89.65(l)-degrees, gamma = 69.28(1)-degrees, V = 2940(l) angstrom3, and Z = 2. Least-squares refinement of the structure gave final values of 0.043 and 0.05 for R and R(w) respectively using 12214 unique reflections. In addition, a dimeric species 4 is formed when 1 equiv of PPh3 is added to the copper(I) 4-methylphenoxide, while with an excess of PPh3 a monomeric species 5 is isolated. Some interconversions among these complexes are also reported.


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In order to study the efficiencies of catalytic moieties within and across dendrimer generations, partially and fully functionalized dendrimers were synthesized. Poly(alkyl aryl ether) dendrimers from zero to three generations, presenting 3 to 24 peripheral functionalities, were utilized to prepare as many as 12 catalysts. The dendrimer peripheries were partially and fully functionalized with triphenylphosphine in the first instance. A rhodium(I) metal complexation was performed subsequently to afford multivalent dendritic catalysts, both within and across generations. Upon synthesis, the dendritic catalysts were tested in the hydrogenation of styrene, in a substrate-to-catalyst ratio of 1:0.001. Turn-over-numbers were evaluated for each catalyst, from which significant increases in the catalytic activities were identified for multivalent catalysts than monovalent catalysts, both within and across generations. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present observations of the C270alpha carbon recombination line, 21 cm neutral hydrogen line and (CO)-C-12 (J = 1 --> 0) molecular line toward Cas A. A comparison of the distribution of recombination line optical depths over the face of Cas A with that of H I optical depths and molecular line emission favors the association of C270alpha regions with H I rather than molecular clouds. The association makes it possible to self-consistently determine several physical parameters of the clouds by combining the recombination line and 21 cm H I measurements.


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During experiments carried out to find out a suitable contact metal for electronic components based on high-T(c) superconductor films (Y-Ba-Cu-O), it is observed that there is an asymmetry in the U-I characteristics if the two contacts are made of different metals. The asymmetry is more pronounced if one of the contact metals is aluminium. The asymmetry is lowest if one of the contact metals is silver and the other gold.


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The charge-transfer complexes of I-2 with the n-donors diethyl ether and diethyl sulfide were studied at the Hartree-Fock and MP2 levels. The structures were fully optimized using the 3-21G((*)) basis set as well as with effective core potentials. The calculations consistently yield a C-2v structure for the ether-I-2 complex, but an unsymmetrical form for the sulfide-I-2 complex. A natural bond orbital analysis and the BSSE-corrected complexation energies reveal stronger interactions in the sulfide complex. The computed orbital energies of the monomers and complexes reproduce the trends in experimentally observed vertical ionization potentials.


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The He I photoelectron spectrum of the diethyl ether-ICl complex has been obtained. The oxygen orbitals are shifted to higher binding energies and that of ICl to lower binding energies owing to complex formation. Ab initio molecular orbital (MO) calculations of the complex molecule showed that the bonding is between the sigma-type lone pair of oxygen and the I atom and that the complex has C-2v symmetry. The binding energy of the complex is computed to be 8.06 kcal mol(-1) at the MP2/3-21G* level. The orbital energies obtained from the photoelectron spectra of the complex are compared and assigned with orbital energies obtained by MO calculations. Natural bond orbital analysis (NBO) shows that charge transfer is from the sigma-type oxygen lone pair to the iodine atom and the magnitude of charge transfer is 0.0744 e.


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Unsymmetrical diphosphazanes Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PYY' [YY' = O2C12H8 (L(1)), O2C20H12 (L(2)); Y = Ph and Y' = OC6H4Br-4 (L(3)), OC(6)H(4)Me-4 (L(4)), OC(6)H(3)Me(2)-3,5 (L(5)), N(2)C(3)HMe(2)-3,5 (L(6))] react with cis-[PdCl2(COD)] (COD = cycloocta-1,5-diene) giving the chelate complexes of the type cis-[PdCl2{eta(2)-Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PYY'}] [YY' = O2C12H8 (1), O2C20H12 (2), Y = Ph and Y' = OC6H4Br-4 (3), OC(6)H(4)Me-4 (4), OC(6)H(3)Me(2)-3,5 (5), N(2)C(3)HMe(2)-3,5 (6)]. The P-N bond in 3 and 5 undergoes a facile cleavage in methanol solution to give cis-[PdCl2{eta(1)Ph(2)P(OMe)}{eta(1)-PhP(NHPri)(Y')}] [Y' = OC6H4Br-4 (7), OC(6)H(3)Me(2)-3,5 (8)]. Reactions of Pd-2(dba)(3) . CHCl3 (dba = dibenzylideneacetone) with the diphosphazanes Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PPhY' [Y' = OC(6)H(4)Me-4 (L(4)), N(2)C(3)HMe(2)-3,5 (L(6)), N2C3H3 (L(7))] in the presence of MeI yields cis-[PdI2{eta(2)-Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PPhMe}] (9); the P-O or P-N(pyrazolyl) bond of the starting ligands is cleaved and a p-C(Me) bond is formed. An analogous oxidative addition reaction in the presence of Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PPh(2) (L(8)) yields cis-[PdI(Me)(eta(2)-L(8))] (10) and cis-[PdI2(eta 2-L(8))] (11). The structures of 8 and 9 have been determined by X-ray diffraction. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


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Three new complexes of Cu(I) have been synthesized using ancillary ligands like thiopyrimidine (tp) a modified nucleobase, and nicotinamide (nie) or vitamin B3, and characterized by spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. In vitro cytotoxicity studies of the complexes on various human cancer cell lines such as Colo295, H226, HOP62, K562, MCF7 and T24 show that Cu(PPh3)(2)(tp)Cl] and Cu(PPh3)(2)(tp)ClO4 (2) have in vitro cytotoxicity comparable to cisplatin. Complex Cu(nic)(3)PPh3]ClO4 (3) is non-toxic and increases the life span by about 55 % in spontaneous breast tumor model. DNA binding and cleavage studies show that complex (3) binds to calf thymus DNA with an apparent binding constant of 5.9 x 10(5)M and completely cleaves super-coiled DNA at a concentration of 400 mu M, whereas complexes (1) and (2) do not bind DNA and do not show any cleavage even at 1200 mu M. Thus, complex (3) may exhibit cytotoxicity Via DNA cleavage whereas the mechanism of cytotoxicity of (1) and (2) probably involves a different pathway.


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The ligand bis(diphenylphosphino)aniline (dppan) has been shown to be a versatile ligand sporting different coordination modes and geometries as dictated by copper(I) and the counter ion. The molecular structures of its Cu(I) complexes were characterized by X-ray crystallography. The ligand was found in a chelating mode and monomeric complexes were formed when the ligand to copper ratio was 2: 1 and the anion was non-coordinating. However, with thiocyanate as the counter anion, the ligand was found to adopt two different modes, with one ligand chelating and the other acting as a monodentate ligand. With CuX (X = Cl, Br), dppan formed a tetrameric complex when the ligand and metal were reacted in the ratio of 1:1. But reactions containing ligand and metal in the ratios of 1: 2 or 2: 1, resulted in the formation of a mixture of species in solution. Crystallization however, led to the isolation of the tetrameric complex. Variable temperature P-31{H-1} NMR spectra of the isolated tetramers did not show the presence of chelated structures in solution. Tetra-alkylammonium salts were added to solutions of various complexes of dppan and studied by P-31{H-1} NMR to probe the effect of anions on the stability of complexes in solution. The Cu-dppan complexes were robust and did not interconvert with other structures in solution unlike the bis(diphenylphosphino) isopropylamine complexes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of halogen-substituted benzanilides have been synthesized and characterized, and crystallization studies directed toward generation of polymorphs have been performed to delineate the importance of interactions involving halogens. The effect of halogen substitution on the molecular conformation and supramolecular packing has been investigated. The N-H center dot center dot center dot O H-bond is a key structure-directing element acting in conjunction with C-H center dot center dot center dot O and C-H center dot center dot center dot pi interactions. In addition, it is of importance to note that organic fluorine prefers Type I F center dot center dot center dot F contacts, whereas Cl, Br, and I prefer Type II contacts. Hetero-halogen center dot center dot center dot halogen interactions on the other hand are predominately of Type II geometry, and this is due to the greater polarizability of the electron density associated with the heavier halogens. It is of importance to evaluate the contributing role of these interactions in crystal structure packing and the co-operativity associated with such interactions in the solid state.


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Oligomeric copper(I) clusters are formed by the insertion reaction of copper(I) aryloxides into heterocumulenes. The effect of varying the steric demands of the heterocumulene and the aryloxy group on the nuclearity of the oligomers formed has been probed. Reactions with copper(I)2-methoxyphenoxide and copper(I)2-methylphenoxide with PhNCS result in the formation of hexameric complexes hexakis[N-phenylimino(aryloxy)methanethiolato copper(I)] 3 and 4 respectively. Single crystal X-ray data confirmed the structure of 3. Similar insertion reactions of CS2 with the copper(I) aryloxides formed by 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol and 2,6-dimethylphenol result in oligomeric copper(I) complexes 7 and 8 having the (aryloxy)thioxanthate ligand. Complex 7 was confirmed to be a tetramer from single crystal X-ray crystallography. Reactions carried out with 2-mercaptopyrimidine, which has ligating properties similar to N-alkylimino(aryloxy)methanethiolate, result in the formation of an insoluble polymeric complex 11. The fluorescence spectra of oligomeric complexes are helpful in determining their nuclearity. Ir has been shown that a decrease in the steric requirements of either the heterocumulene or aryloxy parts of the ligand can compensate for steric constraints acid facilitate oligomerization. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Copper(I)-dppm complexes encapsulating the oxyanions ClO4-, NO3-, CH3C6H4CO2-, SO42-, and WO42- have been synthesized either by reduction of the corresponding Cu(II) salts and treatment with dppm, or by treating the complex [Cu-2(dppm)(2)(dmcn)(3)](BF4)(2) (1) (dmcn = dimethyl cyanamide) with the respective anion. The isolated complexes [Cu-2(dppm)(2)(dmcn)(2)(ClO4)] (ClO4) (2), [Cu-2(dppm)(2)(dmcn)(2)(NO3)] (NO3) (3), Cu-2(dppm)(2)(NO3)(2) (4), [Cu-2(dppm)(2)(CH3C6H4CO2)(2)]dmcn.2THF (5), Cu-2(dppm)(2)(SO4) (6), and [Cu-3(dppm)(3)(Cl)(WO4)] 0.5H(2)O (7) have been characterized by IR, H-1 and P-31{H-1} NMR, UV-vis, and emission spectroscopy. The solid-state molecular structure of complexes 1, 2, 4, and 7 were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Pertinent crystal data are as follows: for 1, monoclinic P2(1)/c, a = 11.376(10) Angstrom, b = 42.503(7) Angstrom, c = 13.530(6) Angstrom, beta = 108.08(2)degrees, V = 6219(3) Angstrom(3), Z = 4; for 2, monoclinic P2(1)/c, a = 21.600(3) Angstrom, b = 12.968(3) Angstrom, c = 23.050(3) Angstrom, beta = 115.97(2)degrees, V = 5804(17) Angstrom(3), Z = 4; for 4, triclinic , a = 10.560(4) Angstrom, b = 10.553(3) Angstrom, c = 22.698(3) Angstrom, alpha = 96.08(2)degrees, beta = 96.03(2)degrees, gamma = 108.31(2)degrees, V = 2362(12) Angstrom(3), Z = 2; and for 7, orthorhombic P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 14.407(4) Angstrom, b = 20.573(7) Angstrom, c = 24.176(6) Angstrom, V = 7166(4) Angstrom(3), Z = 4. Analyses of the crystallographic and spectroscopic data of these complexes reveal the nature of interactions between the Cu-I-dppm core and oxyanion. The anchoring of the oxyanion to the Cu-n(dppm)(n) unit is primarily through coordination to the metal, but the noncovalent C-H ... O interactions between the methylene and phenyl protons of the dppm and oxygen atoms of the oxyanion play a significant role. The solid-state emission spectra for complexes 1-6 are very similar but different from 7. In CDCl3 solution, addition of ClO4- or NO3- (as their tetrabutylammonium salts) to 1 establishes a rapid equilibrium between the anion-complexed and uncomplexed forms. The association constant values for ClO4- and NO3- have been estimated from the P-31{H-1} NMR spectra.