241 resultados para Ammonium compounds


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Single crystals of Sr14−xCaxCu24O41 (x=0 and 12) are grown by the travelling solvent floating zone technique using an image furnace. The grown crystals are characterized for their single crystallinity by the X-ray and Neutron Laue method. The magnetic susceptibility measurements in Sr14Cu24O41 show considerable anisotropy along the main crystallographic axes. Low-temperature specific heat measurement and DC susceptibility measurement in Ca-doped crystal showed antiferromagnetic ordering at 2.8 K at ambient pressure. High-pressure AC susceptibility measurement on Ca-doped crystal showed a sharp superconducting transition at 2 K under 40 kbars. Tc onset reached a maximum value of 9.9 K at 54 kbars. The bulk superconductivity of the sample is confirmed by the high-pressure AC calorimetry with Tc max=9.4 K and TN=5 K at 56 kbars.


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Formal charge distributions in, and the electric dipole moments of, a few simple organogermanium compounds have been evaluated by the method of R. P. Smith et al. [J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 73(1951) 2263]. The difference between the experimental and calculated moments in the case of alkylhalogermanes is explained in terms of the pπ—dπ back bonding effect outweighing the electron releasing effect. In unsaturated compounds, the differences are attributed to possible mesmeric effects involving the expansion of the germanium valence shell.


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Ammonium perchlorate-potassium perchlorate mixtures, upon pelletization, form a series of homogeneous solid solutions as manifested by X-ray powder diffractograms. Scanning electron microscopic studies throw light on the mechanism of the solid-solution formation. Solid solutions of ammonium perchlorate-potassium perchlorate have also been obtained by a modified cocrystallization technique. The thermal and combustion behavior of the solid solutions have also been studied, using the DTA technique and the Crawford strand burner.


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ALWIN, a new chemical notation system for organic compounds, based on the Wiswesser Line Notation, is described. Procedures and rules are given for constructing ALWIN for acyclic structures and cyclic structures, vi.?., benzene and Its derivatives, monocyclic, bicyclic, polycyclic, perifused, splro, bridged ring, and ring of rlngs systems. A new method called "tessellation" is introduced for the topological descrlptlon of fused and spiro ring systems. Also new concepts are introduced for describing bridged ring and ring of rlngs systems.


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The vibrationally corrected structure of 2,1,3-benzoselenadiazole is derived from the proton NMR spectrum including 13C-H and 77Se-H satellites, in a nematic solvent. The results indicate considerable bond-fixation in the 6-membered ring. References


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The incorporation of [2-14C]mevalonate into nonsaponifiable lipids by rat brain homogenates is inhibited by phenolic acids derived from tyrosine. The phenyl acids derived from phenylalanine are inhibitory only at very high concentrations compared with phenolic acids. The brain is more sensitive to inhibition by the phenolic acids than the liver. These studies indicate a possible role for phenolic acids in the impairment of cerebral sterol metabolism in phenylketonuria.


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Thermal behaviour of ammonium perchlorate-aluminium composites is studied using differential thermal analysis, thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry. Electrical resistivity studies throw light on the mechanism of ammonium perchlorate decomposition at different aluminium contents. The differences observed in burning behaviour by earlier authors is explained in terms of porosity and thermal conductivity of the composite.


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Differential scanning calorimetric studies on ammonium perchlorate have been carried out. The enthalpy values for the phase transition endotherm and the two exotherms have been reported in the present communication. A new method has been developed for the estimation of kinetic parameters from DSC the mograms. The values for activation energy as calculated by the above method for low temperature and high temperature exotherms are in close agreement with literature values. The present studies also confirm the presence of small exothermic peaks at the initial stages of high temperature exotherm. Explanation for the same has been given.


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The formal charge distributions in and the dipole moments of some organophosphines and arsines have been calculated, and the dipole moments of (p-chlorophenyl)dichlorophosphine (2.28 D) and (p-bromophenyl)dichlorophosphine (2.04 D) have been determined in benzene at 35° C. The differences between the observed and the calculated moments are explained in terms of dπ---pπ back-bonding and hyperconjugative effects in alkylhaloarsines. The mesomeric effects operating in the aromatic systems are evaluated by comparing the moments with those for the corresponding aliphatic systems. In unsaturated compounds the differences are attributed to mesomeric effects involving the expansion of arsenic valence shell.


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The thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate based solid composite propellant using carboxyl terminated polybutadiene as binder has been studied employing thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis techniques. The thermal decomposition characteristics of the propellant have been found to be quite similar to those of pure ammonium perchlorate with activation energy, 32 Kcal/mole and 60 Kcal/mole respectively in the low and high temperature regions. The effect of the sample size and shape on the thermal decomposition has also been evaluated.


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Hydrogenation of someα, β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds using potassium pentacyanocobaltate (II), K3Co(CN)5, as a homogeneous catalyst has been investigated. Thus, hydrogenation of 1-carvone (I), mesityl oxide (4), 2-cyclohexenone (8) and benzalacetone (6) afforded the corresponding dihydrocompounds. Hydrogenation ofβ-ionone (10) afforded a mixture of theα, β-dihydrocompounds (14) and (15). In all these cases, it was observed that the reaction proceeded to completion only in the presence of added base. Hydrogenation of 5α-androst-l-en-17β-ol-3-one acetate (19) afforded the saturated compound, 5α-androst-17β-ol-3-one (20) in 60% yield. It was found that other steroid enones and dienones were not reduced by this catalyst system.


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The ultraviolet induced photodecomposition of ammonium oxalate has been studied. The rate-time plots show an initial deceleration region which leads to a final constant value. The intensity dependence of the photorate can be represented by an equation of the type R = AI + BP. The photolysis was found to be sensitized by precompression and desensitized by ageing. Similarly the photolytic rate of ammonium oxalate crystallized from solutions containing phosphate ion and chloride ion impurity showed a sensitization and desensitization, respectively.


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The possible nonplanar distortions of the amide group in formamide, acetamide, N-methylacetamide, and N-ethylacetamide have been examined using CNDO/2 and INDO methods. The predictions from these methods are compared with the results obtained from X-ray and neutron diffraction studies on crystals of small open peptides, cyclic peptides, and amides. It is shown that the INDO results are in good agreement with observations, and that the dihedral angles N and defining the nonplanarity of the amide unit are correlated approximately by the relation N = -2, while C is small and uncorrelated with . The present study indicates that the nonplanar distortions at the nitrogen atom of the peptide unit may have to be taken into consideration, in addition to the variation in the dihedral angles (,), in working out polypeptide and protein structures.