123 resultados para Amino acid specificity


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Ferrocene-conjugated copper(II) complexes Cu(Fc-aa)(aip)](ClO4) (1-3) and (Cu(Fc-aa)(pyip)](ClO4) (4-6) of L-amino acid reduced Schiff bases (Fc-aa), 2-(9-anthryl)-1H-imidazo4,5-f]1,10]phenanthroline (aip) and 2-(1-pyrenyl)-1H-imidazo4,5-f] 1,10]phenanthroline (pyip), where Fc-aa is ferrocenylmethyl-L-tyrosine (Fc-Tyr in 1, 4), ferrocenylmethyl-L-tryptophan (Fc-Trp in 2, 5) and ferrocenylmethyl-L-methionine (Fc-Met in 3, 6), were prepared and characterized, and their photocytotoxicity was studied (Fc = ferrocenyl moiety). Phenyl analogues, viz. (Cu(Ph-Met)(aip)](ClO4) (7) and (Cu(Ph-Met)(pyip)](ClO4) (8), were prepared and used as control compounds. The bis-imidazophenanthroline copper(II) complexes, viz. (Cu(aip)(2)(NO3)](NO3) (9) and Cu(pyip)(2)(NO3)](NO3) (10), were also prepared and used as controls. Complexes 1-6 having a redox inactive cooper(II) center showed the Fc(+)-Fc redox couple at similar to 0.5 V vs. SCE in DMF-0.1 mol (Bu4N)-N-n](ClO4). The copper(II)-based d-d band was observed near 600 nm in DMF-Tris-HCl buffer (1 :1 v/v). The ferrocenyl complexes showed low dark toxicity, but remarkably high photocytotoxicity in human cervical HeLa and human breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cancer cells giving an excellent photo-dynamic effect while their phenyl analogues were inactive. The photo-exposure caused significant morphological changes in the cancer cells when compared to the non-irradiated ones. The photophysical processes were rationalized from the theoretical studies. Fluorescence microscopic images showed 3 and 6 localizing predominantly in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the cancer cells, thus minimizing any undesirable effects involving nuclear DNA.


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The current manuscript describes conformational analysis of 15-membered cyclic tetrapeptides (CTPs), with alpha 3 delta architecture, containing sugar amino acids (SAA) having variation in the stereocenter at C5 carbon. Conformational analyses of both the series, in protected and deprotected forms, were carried out in DMSO-d(6) using various NMR techniques, supported by restrained MD calculations. It was intriguing to notice that the alpha 3 delta macrocycles got stabilized by both 10-membered beta-turn as well as a seven-membered gamma-turn, fused within the same macrocycle. The presence of fused sub-structures within a 15-membered macrocycle is rare to see. Also, the stereocenter variation at C5 did not affect the fused turn structures and exhibited similar conformations in both the series. The design becomes highly advantageous as fused reverse turn structures are occurring in the cyclic structure with minimalistic size macrocycle and this can be applied to develop suitable pharmacophores in the drug development process. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report an unusual, isomer-selective gelation of aromatic solvents by a polymorph of a urea-linked bile acid-amino acid conjugate. The gelator showed selectivity towards gelation of 1,2-disubstituted aromatic solvents.


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Huntington's disease is a polyglutamine expansion disorder, characterized by mutant HTT-mediated aggregate formation and cytotoxicity. Many reports suggests roles of N-terminal 17 amino acid domain of HTT (HTT-N17) towards subcellular localization, aggregate formation and subsequent pathogenicity induced by N-terminal HTT harboring polyQ stretch in pathogenic range. HYPK is a HTT-interacting chaperone which can reduce N-terminal mutant HTT-mediated aggregate formation and cytotoxicity in neuronal cell lines. However, how HYPK interacts with N-terminal fragment of HTT remained unknown. Here we report that specific interaction of HYPK with HTT-N17 is crucial for the chaperone activity of HYPK. Deletion of HTT-N17 leads to formation of tinier, SDS-soluble nuclear aggregates formed by N-terminal mutant HTT. The increased cytotoxicity imparted by these tiny aggregates might be contributed due to loss of interaction with HYPK. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Gramicidin S (GS) is a cyclic cationic antimicrobial peptide (CAP) with a wide spectrum of antibiotic activities whose usage has been limited to topical applications owing to its cytotoxic side effects. We have synthesized tetrahydrofuran amino acid (Taa)-containing GS analogues, and we have carried out conformational analysis and explored their structure activity relationships by evaluating their antitubercular, antibacterial and cytotoxic properties. Two of these analogues showed impressive as well as selective activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) without toxicity towards mammalian Vero cells or human RBCs, and are promising as potential leads.


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Diaminopropionate ammonialyase (DAPAL), a fold-typeII pyridoxal 5-phosphate-dependent enzyme, catalyzes the ,-elimination of diaminopropionate (DAP) to pyruvate and ammonia. DAPAL was able to utilize both d- and l-DAP as substrates with almost equal efficiency. Mutational analysis of functionally important residues such as Thr385, Asp125 and Asp194 was carried out to understand the mechanism by which the isomers are hydrolyzed. Further, the putative residues involved in the formation of disulfide bond Cys271 and Cys299 were also mutated. T385S, T385D sDAPAL were as active with dl-DAP as substrate as sDAPAL, whereas the later exhibited a threefold increase in catalytic efficiency with d-Ser as substrate. Further analysis of these mutants suggested that DAPAL might follow an anti-E-2 mechanism of catalysis that does not involve the formation of a quinonoid intermediate. Of the two mutants of Asp125, D125E showed complete loss of activity with d-DAP as substrate, whereas the reaction with l-DAP was not affected significantly, demonstrating that Asp125 was essential for abstraction of protons from the d-isomer. By contrast, mutational analysis of Asp194 showed that the residue may not be directly involved in proton abstraction from l-DAP. sDAPAL does not form a disulfide bond in solution, although the position of Cys299 and Cys271 in the modeled structure of sDAPAL favored the formation of a disulfide bond. Further, unlike eDAPAL, sDAPAL could be activated by monovalent cations. Mutation of the cysteine residues showed that Cys271 may be involved in coordinating the monovalent cation, as observed in the case of other fold-typeII enzymes.


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The water soluble carbodiimide mediated condensation of dipeptides of the general form Gly-X was carried out in the presence of mono- and poly-nucleotides. The observed yield of the tetrapeptide was found to be higher for peptide-nucleotide system of higher interaction specificity following mainly the anticodon-amino acid relationship (Basu, H.S. & Podder, S.K., 1981, Ind. J. Biochem. Biophys.,19, 251-253). The yield of the condensation product of L-peptide was more because of its higher interaction specificity. The extent of the racemization during the condensation of Gly-L-Phe, Gly-L-Tyr and Gly-D-Phe was found to be dependent on the specificity of the interaction -the higher the specificity, the lesser the racemization. The product formed was shown to have a catalytic effect on the condensation reaction. These data thus provide a mechanism showing how the specific interaction between amino acids/dipeptides and nucleic acids could lead to the formation of the lsquoprimitiversquo translation machinery.


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L-Serine-L-ascorbic acid, C3HTNOa. C6HsO6, a 1:1 complex between the amino acid serine and the vitamin ascorbic acid, crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2~2~2~ with four formula units in a cell of dimensions a = 5.335(3), b = 8.769(2), c = 25.782 (5) A. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by full-matrix least squares to an R of 0.036 for 951 observed reflections. Both molecules are neutral in the structure. The conformation of the serine molecule is different from that observed in the crystal structures of L-serine, DL-serine and L-serine monohydrate. The enediol group in the ascorbic acid molecule is planar, whereas significant departures from planarity are observed in the lactone group. The conformation of this molecule is similar to that observed in arginine ascorbate. The unlike molecules aggregate into separate columns in the crystal structure. The columns are held together by hydrogen bonds. Among these, a pair of hydrogen bonds between the enediol group of ascorbic acid and the carboxylate group of serine provides a possible model for a specific interaction between ascorbic acid and a carboxylate ion.


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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the major cell wall constituent of Gram-negative bacteria, evokes a multitude of biological effects in mammals including pyrogenicity and toxic shock syndrome. Polymyxin B (PmB), a polycationic cyclic peptide, is known to neutralize most of its activities. The nature of the interaction of PmB with LPS and lipid A was investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry. PmB binds to LPS as well as lipid A stoichiometrically and non-co-operatively with micromolar affinity. These interactions are driven primarily by a favourable change in entropy (delta S) and are endothermic in nature. These positive changes in enthalpies decrease with increasing temperature, yielding a heat capacity change, delta Cp, of -2385 J.mol-1.degree-1 for PmB-LPS interactions while the binding of PmB to lipid A displays a delta Cp of -2259 J.mol-1.degree-1. The negative heat capacity changes provide strong evidence for the role of hydrophobic interactions as the driving force for the association of PmB with LPS and lipid A. A correlation of the energetics of these interactions with analyses of the molecular models of PmB suggests that a cluster of solvent-exposed non-polar amino acid side-chains that line one surface of the molecule, together with a ring of positively charged residues on its other surface, are responsible for its strong and stoichiometric binding to LPS.


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The colour reaction between 3-phenyl-2-thiohydantoin and ammonia is studied quantitatively. Determinations of 0.1–0.6 μmoles of 3-phenyl-2-thiohydantoin are possible with a precision close to 2%. In analyses of amino acid mixtures for glycine after conversion to 3-phenyl-2-thiohydantoin, only derivatives of serine and threonine interfere to a slight extent. The specificity of the primary colour reaction with ammonia, and the structural requirements for it are discussed; a structure for the pigment species is proposed.


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In an epidemiological study of symptomatic human rotaviruses in Mysore, India during 1993 and 1994, isolates MP409 and MP480 were isolated from two children suffering from severe, acute dehydrating diarrhea. Both isolates exhibited 'long' RNA pattern and subgroup I specificity suggesting the likelihood of their animal origin. Both isolates did not react with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for serotypes G1 to G6 as well as CIO. To determine the genetic origin of these isolates, complete nucleotide sequences of genes encoding the outer capsid proteins VP4 and VP7, nonstructural proteins NSP1 and NSP3 and viral enterotoxin protein NSP4 from MP409 and partial sequences of genes from MP480 were determined. Comparison of the 5' and 3' terminal sequences of 250 nucleotides revealed complete identity of the gene sequences in both strains suggesting that MP409 and MP480 are two different isolates of a single strain. Comparison of the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of VP4, VP7, NSP1 and NSP3 of MP409 with published sequences of strains belonging to different serotypes revealed that both outer capsid proteins VP4 and VP7 and NSP1 are highly related to the respective proteins from the P6[1], G8 type bovine rotavirus A5 isolated from a calf with diarrhoea in Thailand and that the NSP3 is highly homologous to that of bovine rotaviruses. The NSP 1 protein showed greatest sequence identity with NSP4s belonging to the KUN genetic group to which NSP4s from human G2 type strains and bovine rotaviruses belong. MP409 and MP480 likely signify interspecies transmission of P6[1], G8 type strains from cattle to humans and represent the first P6[1] type rotaviruses isolated in humans. These and our previous studies on the asymptomatic neonatal strain I321 are of evolutionary and epidemiological significance in the context of close association of majority of the Indian population with cattle.


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Kinetic measurements of enzyme activity indicate that type I pantothenate kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis has dual substrate specificity for ATP and GTP, unlike the enzyme from Escherichia coli, which shows a higher specificity for ATP. A molecular explanation for the difference in the specificities of the two homologous enzymes is provided by the crystal structures of the complexes of the M. tuberculosis enzyme with (1) GMPPCP and pantothenate, (2) GDP and phosphopantothenate, (3) GDP, (4) GDP and pantothenate, (5) AMPPCP, and (6) GMPPCP, reported here, and the structures of the complexes of the two enzymes involving coenzyme A and different adenyl nucleotides reported earlier. The explanation is substantially based on two critical substitutions in the amino acid sequence and the local conformational change resulting from them. The structures also provide a rationale for the movement of ligands during the action of the mycobacterial enzyme. Dual specificity of the type exhibited by this enzyme is rare. The change in locations of ligands during action,observed in the case of the M. tuberculosis enzyme, is unusual, so is the striking difference between two homologous enzymes in the geometryof the binding site, locations of ligands, and specificity. Furthermore, the dual specificity of the mycobacterial enzyme appears to have been caused by a biological necessity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.


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Background: HU a small, basic, histone like protein is a major component of the bacterial nucleoid. E. coli has two subunits of HU coded by hupA and hupB genes whereas Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) has only one subunit of HU coded by ORF Rv2986c (hupB gene). One noticeable feature regarding Mtb HupB, based on sequence alignment of HU orthologs from different bacteria, was that HupB(Mtb) bears at its C-terminal end, a highly basic extension and this prompted an examination of its role in Mtb HupB function. Methodology/Principal Findings: With this objective two clones of Mtb HupB were generated; one expressing full length HupB protein (HupB(Mtb)) and another which expresses only the N terminal region (first 95 amino acid) of hupB (HupB(MtbN)). Gel retardation assays revealed that HupBMtbN is almost like E. coli HU (heat stable nucleoid protein) in terms of its DNA binding, with a binding constant (K-d) for linear dsDNA greater than 1000 nM, a value comparable to that obtained for the HU alpha alpha and HU alpha beta forms. However CTR (C-terminal Region) of HupB(Mtb) imparts greater specificity in DNA binding. HupB(Mtb) protein binds more strongly to supercoiled plasmid DNA than to linear DNA, also this binding is very stable as it provides DNase I protection even up to 5 minutes. Similar results were obtained when the abilities of both proteins to mediate protection against DNA strand cleavage by hydroxyl radicals generated by the Fenton's reaction, were compared. It was also observed that both the proteins have DNA binding preference for A: T rich DNA which may occur at the regulatory regions of ORFs and the oriC region of Mtb. Conclusions/Significance: These data thus point that HupB(Mtb) may participate in chromosome organization in-vivo, it may also play a passive, possibly an architectural role.


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The modes of binding of Gp(2',5')A, Gp(2',5')C, Gp(2',5')G and Gp(2',5')U to RNase T1 have been determined by computer modelling studies. All these dinucleoside phosphates assume extended conformations in the active site leading to better interactions with the enzyme. The 5'-terminal guanine of all these ligands is placed in the primary base binding site of the enzyme in an orientation similar to that of 2'-GMP in the RNase T1-2'-GMP complex. The 2'-terminal purines are placed close to the hydrophobic pocket formed by the residues Gly71, Ser72, Pro73 and Gly74 which occur in a loop region. However, the orientation of the 2'-terminal pyrimidines is different from that of 2'-terminal purines. This perhaps explains the higher binding affinity of the 2',5'-linked guanine dinucleoside phosphates with 2'-terminal purines than those with 2'-terminal pyrimidines. A comparison of the binding of the guanine dinucleoside phosphates with 2',5'- and 3',5'-linkages suggests significant differences in the ribose pucker and hydrogen bonding interactions between the catalytic residues and the bound nucleoside phosphate implying that 2',5'-linked dinucleoside phosphates may not be the ideal ligands to probe the role of the catalytic amino acid residues. A change in the amino acid sequence in the surface loop region formed by the residues Gly71 to Gly74 drastically affects the conformation of the base binding subsite, and this may account for the inactivity of the enzyme with altered sequence i.e., with Pro, Gly and Ser at positions 71 to 73 respectively. These results thus suggest that in addition to recognition and catalytic sites, interactions at the loop regions which constitute the subsite for base binding are also crucial in determining the substrate specificity.


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An enzyme which cleaves the benzene ring of 3,5-dichiorocatechol has been purified to homogeneity from Pseudomonas cepacia CSV90, grown with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) as the sole carbon source. The enzyme was a nonheme ferric dioxygenase and catalyzed the intradiol cleavage of all the examined catechol derivatives, 3,5-dichlorocatechol having the highest specificity constant of 7.3 μM−1 s−1 in an air-saturated buffer. No extradiol-cleaving activity was observed. Thus, the enzyme was designated as 3,5-dichlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was ascertained to be 56,000 by light scattering method, while the Mr value of the enzyme denatured with 6 M guanidine-HCl or sodium dodecyl sulfate was 29,000 or 31,600, respectively, suggesting that the enzyme was a homodimer. The iron content was estimated to be 0.89 mol per mole of enzyme. The enzyme was deep red and exhibited a broad absorption spectrum with a maximum at around 425 nm, which was bleached by sodium dithionite, and shifted to 515 nm upon anaerobic 3,5-dichlorocatechol binding. The catalytic constant and the Km values for 3,5-dichlorocatechol and oxygen were 34.7 s−1 and 4.4 and 652 μM, respectively, at pH 8 and 25°C. Some heavy metal ions, chelating agents and sulfhydryl reagents inhibited the activity. The NH2-terminal sequence was determined up to 44 amino acid residues and compared with those of the other catechol dioxygenases previously reported.