122 resultados para Algebraic lattices


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A key problem in helicopter aeroelastic analysis is the enormous computational time required for a numerical solution of the nonlinear system of algebraic equations required for trim, particularly when free wake models are used. Trim requires calculation of the main rotor and tail rotor controls and the vehicle attitude which leads to the six steady forces and moments about the helicopter center of gravity to be zero. An appropriate initial estimate of the trim state is needed for successful helicopter trim. This study aims to determine the control inputs that can have considerable effect on the convergence of trim solution in the aeroelastic analysis of helicopter rotors by investigating the basin of attraction of the nonlinear equations (set of initial guess points from which the nonlinear equations converge). It is illustrated that the three main rotor pitch controls of collective pitch, longitudinal cyclic pitch and lateral cyclic pitch have a significant contribution to the convergence of the trim solution. Trajectories of the Newton iterates are shown and some ideas for accelerating the convergence of a trim solution in the aeroelastic analysis of helicopters are proposed. It is found that the basins of attraction can have fractal boundaries. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider numerical solutions of nonlinear multiterm fractional integrodifferential equations, where the order of the highest derivative is fractional and positive but is otherwise arbitrary. Here, we extend and unify our previous work, where a Galerkin method was developed for efficiently approximating fractional order operators and where elements of the present differential algebraic equation (DAE) formulation were introduced. The DAE system developed here for arbitrary orders of the fractional derivative includes an added block of equations for each fractional order operator, as well as forcing terms arising from nonzero initial conditions. We motivate and explain the structure of the DAE in detail. We explain how nonzero initial conditions should be incorporated within the approximation. We point out that our approach approximates the system and not a specific solution. Consequently, some questions not easily accessible to solvers of initial value problems, such as stability analyses, can be tackled using our approach. Numerical examples show excellent accuracy. DOI: 10.1115/1.4002516]


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This paper describes the architecture of a multiprocessor system which we call the Broadcast Cube System (BCS) for solving important computation intensive problems such as systems of linear algebraic equations and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), and highlights its features. Further, this paper presents an analytical performance study of the BCS, and it describes the main details of the design and implementation of the simulator for the BCS.


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Even research models of helicopter dynamics often lead to a large number of equations of motion with periodic coefficients; and Floquet theory is a widely used mathematical tool for dynamic analysis. Presently, three approaches are used in generating the equations of motion. These are (1) general-purpose symbolic processors such as REDUCE and MACSYMA, (2) a special-purpose symbolic processor, DEHIM (Dynamic Equations for Helicopter Interpretive Models), and (3) completely numerical approaches. In this paper, comparative aspects of the first two purely algebraic approaches are studied by applying REDUCE and DEHIM to the same set of problems. These problems range from a linear model with one degree of freedom to a mildly non-linear multi-bladed rotor model with several degrees of freedom. Further, computational issues in applying Floquet theory are also studied, which refer to (1) the equilibrium solution for periodic forced response together with the transition matrix for perturbations about that response and (2) a small number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the unsymmetric transition matrix. The study showed the following: (1) compared to REDUCE, DEHIM is far more portable and economical, but it is also less user-friendly, particularly during learning phases; (2) the problems of finding the periodic response and eigenvalues are well conditioned.


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An efficient algorithm within the finite deformation framework is developed for finite element implementation of a recently proposed isotropic, Mohr-Coulomb type material model, which captures the elastic-viscoplastic, pressure sensitive and plastically dilatant response of bulk metallic glasses. The constitutive equations are first reformulated and implemented using an implicit numerical integration procedure based on the backward Euler method. The resulting system of nonlinear algebraic equations is solved by the Newton-Raphson procedure. This is achieved by developing the principal space return mapping technique for the present model which involves simultaneous shearing and dilatation on multiple potential slip systems. The complete stress update algorithm is presented and the expressions for viscoplastic consistent tangent moduli are derived. The stress update scheme and the viscoplastic consistent tangent are implemented in the commercial finite element code ABAQUS/Standard. The accuracy and performance of the numerical implementation are verified by considering several benchmark examples, which includes a simulation of multiple shear bands in a 3D prismatic bar under uniaxial compression.


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Exact traveling-wave solutions of time-dependent nonlinear inhomogeneous PDEs, describing several model systems in geophysical fluid dynamics, are found. The reduced nonlinear ODEs are treated as systems of linear algebraic equations in the derivatives. A variety of solutions are found, depending on the rank of the algebraic systems. The geophysical systems include acoustic gravity waves, inertial waves, and Rossby waves. The solutions describe waves which are, in general, either periodic or monoclinic. The present approach is compared with the earlier one due to Grundland (1974) for finding exact solutions of inhomogeneous systems of nonlinear PDEs.


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We predict the dynamic light scattering intensity S(q,t) for the L3 phase (anomalous isotropic phase) of dilute surfactant solutions. Our results are based on a Landau-Ginzburg approach, which was previously used to explain the observed static structure factor S(q, 0). In the extreme limit of small q, we find a monoexponential decay with marginal or irrelevant hydrodynamic interactions. In most other regimes the decay of S(q,t) is strongly nonexponential; in one case, it is purely algebraic at long times.


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Three new aluminoborates having the composition MAl3BO7, where M = Ca,Sr or Ba, have been prepared. X-ray diffraction data indicate that all the phases are monoclinic, with close structural similarity to the meta stable aluminate, SrAl4O7. These aluminoborates are good host lattices for Eu2+ luminescence. The emission spectra show multiple bands in the blue region, corresponding to two inequivalent sites in each case, with one of them having quantum efficiency greater-than or equivalent to 75%. In the case of SrAl3BO7:Eu2+, the d–f band emission dominates at 300 K whereas at 77 K both d–f band and f–f line emissions are observed. Efficient Eu2+→Mn2+ energy transfer is observed in MAl3BO7 leading to strong green emission of Mn2+in the tetrahedral sites.aluminoborates; europium


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The ‘‘extended’’ ARS (Ablowitz, Ramani, and Segur) algorithm is introduced to characterize a dynamical system as Painlevé or otherwise; to that end, it is required that the formal series—the Laurent series, logarithmic, algebraic psi series about a movable singularity—are shown to converge in the deleted neighborhood of the singularity. The determinations thus obtained are compared with those following from the α method of Painlevé. An attempt is made to relate the structure of solutions about a movable singularity with that of first integrals (when they exist). All these ideas are illustrated by a comprehensive analysis of the general two‐dimensional predator‐prey system.


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Let O be a monomial curve in the affine algebraic e-space over a field K and P be the relation ideal of O. If O is defined by a sequence of e positive integers some e - 1 of which form an arithmetic sequence then we construct a minimal set of generators for P and write an explicit formula for mu(P).


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A new finite element method is developed to analyse non-conservative structures with more than one parameter behaving in a stochastic manner. As a generalization, this paper treats the subsequent non-self-adjoint random eigenvalue problem that arises when the material property values of the non-conservative structural system have stochastic fluctuations resulting from manufacturing and measurement errors. The free vibration problems of stochastic Beck's column and stochastic Leipholz column whose Young's modulus and mass density are distributed stochastically are considered. The stochastic finite element method that is developed, is implemented to arrive at a random non-self-adjoint algebraic eigenvalue problem. The stochastic characteristics of eigensolutions are derived in terms of the stochastic material property variations. Numerical examples are given. It is demonstrated that, through this formulation, the finite element discretization need not be dependent on the characteristics of stochastic processes of the fluctuations in material property value.


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A new linear algebraic approach for identification of a nonminimum phase FIR system of known order using only higher order (>2) cumulants of the output process is proposed. It is first shown that a matrix formed from a set of cumulants of arbitrary order can be expressed as a product of structured matrices. The subspaces of this matrix are then used to obtain the parameters of the FIR system using a set of linear equations. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation studies are presented to characterize the performance of the proposed methods.


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We give a simple linear algebraic proof of the following conjecture of Frankl and Furedi [7, 9, 13]. (Frankl-Furedi Conjecture) if F is a hypergraph on X = {1, 2, 3,..., n} such that 1 less than or equal to /E boolean AND F/ less than or equal to k For All E, F is an element of F, E not equal F, then /F/ less than or equal to (i=0)Sigma(k) ((i) (n-1)). We generalise a method of Palisse and our proof-technique can be viewed as a variant of the technique used by Tverberg to prove a result of Graham and Pollak [10, 11, 14]. Our proof-technique is easily described. First, we derive an identity satisfied by a hypergraph F using its intersection properties. From this identity, we obtain a set of homogeneous linear equations. We then show that this defines the zero subspace of R-/F/. Finally, the desired bound on /F/ is obtained from the bound on the number of linearly independent equations. This proof-technique can also be used to prove a more general theorem (Theorem 2). We conclude by indicating how this technique can be generalised to uniform hypergraphs by proving the uniform Ray-Chaudhuri-Wilson theorem. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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A distinctive characteristic of silver in oxygen incorporation of oxide thin films during pulsed laser ablation has been discovered. Optical emission spectroscopy studies of laser-induced plume of Ag-target indicates the presence of AgO species whose concentration increases with an increase in oxygen partial pressure. The formation of AgO in laser-plume has been found to be very useful for the realization of high temperature superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-delta (YBCO) and giant magnetoresistive La0.7MnO3-delta (LMO) thin films with dramatically superior quality if the target materials contained a small amount of silver. The improvement in the quality of these films is brought about by the supply of atomic oxygen to oxide lattices during their formation. This becomes possible due to the fact that Ag, after it is ablated with other constituent materials in the target, gets moderately oxidized in an oxygen atmosphere and the oxidized species dissociate back into Ag and nascent O at the substrate surface. The nascent oxygen is very highly reactive and is easily assimilated into the lattice of these compounds. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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We give an elementary treatment of the defining representation and Lie algebra of the three-dimensional unitary unimodular group SU(3). The geometrical properties of the Lie algebra, which is an eight dimensional real Linear vector space, are developed in an SU(3) covariant manner. The f and d symbols of SU(3) lead to two ways of 'multiplying' two vectors to produce a third, and several useful geometric and algebraic identities are derived. The axis-angle parametrization of SU(3) is developed as a generalization of that for SU(2), and the specifically new features are brought out. Application to the dynamics of three-level systems is outlined.