124 resultados para 25-hydroxyvitamin D-3-1-alpha-hydroxylase


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M r = 326.3, monoclinic, P21, a --= 6.510 (2), b=8.432 (2), c= 15.114 (2),a, /~= 101.42 (3) ° , Z = 2, V= 813.15 A 3, D x = 1-33 Mg m -3, F(000) = 172, 2(Cu Ka) = 1.5418/~,, g(Cu Ka) = 0.906 mm -~, final R = 6.4% for 1924 observed counter reflections. The conformation about the glycosidic bond is syn [torsion angle C(6)-N(1)-C(1')-O(4')=-103.9(3)°]. The sugar pucker is C(2')-exo,C(3')-endo (3Tz). The conformation about the C(4')-C(5') bond is gauche-trans. An uncommon intermolecular hydrogen bond involving the ribose-ring oxygen O(1') and the base-nitrogen N(3) stabilizes the crystal structure.


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Mr=300.33 , triclinic, P1, a=5.635 (2), b=11.077(2), c=11.582(2)A, a= 70.48 (1), fl= 88.16 (3), y=80.56(3) ° , V= 670.325 A3, Z=2, D x = 1.49 Mg m -3, Cu Ka, n= 1.54184 ,A, g = 2.308mm -1, F(000)=316, T=301K, R=0.054, R w = 0.093 for 1944 observed counter reflections. The sulphur position with respect to the dihydrouracil ring, which is of possible relevance to the action of thymidylate synthetase, is axial in molecule A and equatorial in B. Both molecules show the anti conformation about the glycosidic bond [torsion angle C(6)-N(1)-C(1')-O(4'), 2'CN = 21.6 (9) and 29.4 (10) °] and have the C(4')-endo, O(4')-exo (40T) sugar conformation. The dioxolane-ring conformation is O(2')-endo in A and C(7)-endo in B. The dihydrouracil rings show self base pairing with hydrogen bondsN(3A)...O(ZB) and N(3B)...O(ZA).


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Mr= 361.3, triclinic, P1, a = 6-239 (2), b=11.280(2), c=12-451(2)A, a=101.2 (1), B= 92.3 (1), 7=99.9(1)°, V=844.123 A3, Z=2, Dx= 1.42, D m = 1.42 (1) Mg m -3, n(Cu Ka) = 1.5418 ,A., g = 1-102 mm -1, F(000) = 376, T= 293 K. Final R = 0.064 for 2150 observed reflections. The niflumic acid anions consist essentially of three planar groupings, namely, two six-membered rings and a carboxylate group attached to one of them. The invariant common structural features observed in the crystal structures of fenamates, namely, the coplanarity of the carboxyl group and the six-membered ring bearing it, and the internal hydrogen bond between the carboxyl group and the imino N atom that bridges the two sixmembered rings, are retained in the complex. The amino N atom is gauche with respect to the terminal hydroxyl group in the ethanolamine cation. The complexation between the two molecules is achieved through ionic and hydrogen-bonded interactions involving the carboxylate group in niflumic acid.


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C13HlsN205 S, M r = 314.35, orthorhombic, P212121 with a = 39.526 (4), b = 6.607 (2), c = 5.661 (2) A, Z = 4, V = 1478.36 A 3, D c = 1.412 Mg m -3, Cu Ka radiation. Final R = 0.073 for 1154 observed counter reflections. The sulphur atom is in a pseudo-equatorial position with respect to the dihydrouracil ring. The sugar pucker is predominantly O(l')-exo unlike the C(3')-exo,C(4')-endo observed for 2',3'-O-isopropylideneuridine (ISPU). The fivemembered dioxolane ring has C(7) displaced by 0.497 (7)A from the best plane through atoms 0(2'), C(2'), C(3'), 0(3'), in contrast to ISPU where 0(3') shows the maximum deviation.


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M r = 438.45, trigonal, P32, a = b = 13.385 (4), c = 9.900 (5) A,, V = 1536.0 A 3, Z = 3, D x = 1.42, D m = 1.42 Mg m -3, 2(Cu Ka) = 1.5418 A,,g(CuKa) = .800mm -], T=290K, F(000)=690, R=6.0% for 1222 unique reflections with F o>_2o(Fo). This is the first 2',3'-O-isopropylidene pyrimidine nucleoside with the base in a syn orientation with respect to the ribose [Xcy= 116.0(7)°]. The ribose has a C(3')-endo conformation with the phase angle of pseudorotation P = 16.36 (2) °. The dioxolane ring assumes an envelope conformation with 0(2') displaced from the best four-atom plane by 0.50 (1) k. The crystal structure is possibly stabilized by a bifurcated hydrogen bond between N(3) and the 0(2) and 0(4) atoms of screw-related molecules.


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O-Acetylsalicylamide (Ia), C9H9NO3, M r =179.18, monoclinic, P2Jc, a=8.155(5), b=8.571 (2), c= 13.092 (3)A, fl=99.54 (5) ° , V= 902.4(6)A 3, Z=4, Dm=l.31, Dx=l.319gcm -3, 2(Mo Ka) = 0.71069 A,/~ = 1.08 cm -1, F(000) = 376, T = 295 K, R = 0.076 for 1604 reflections. O-Benzoylsalicylamide (Ib), C14HtlNO 3, M,=241.2, monoclinic, P2t/e, a=9.423(1), b=5.116(1), e= 26.424 (2) A, fl= 103.97 (1)% V= 1236.2 (3)/~3, Z= 4, D~ = 1.28, D x = 1.296 gcm -3, ,;L(Cu Ks) = 1.5418 A, p = 7.71 cm-', F(000) = 504, T= 295 K, R =0.050 for 2115 reflections. The dihedral angles between the amide group and the benzene ring are 39.9 ° (Ia) and 37.9 ° (Ib), whereas between the acyl group and the benzene ring they are 78.1 ° (Ia) and 93.4 ° (Ib). The differences in the packing of the two structures are brought out in terms of the observed hydrogen-bonding patterns. Based on the crystallographic results, an intramolecular mechanism for the migration of the acyl group from the O to the N position is suggested in both compounds.


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The diffusion coefficient, D, and the ionic mobility, μ, in the protonic conductor ammonium ferrocyanide hydrate have been determined by the isothermal transient ionic current method. D is also determined from the time dependence of the build up of potential across the samples and theretical expressions describing this build up in terms of double exponential dependence on time are obtained. The values obtained are D=3.875×10−11m2s−1 and μ=1.65×10−9 m2V−1s−1.


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The enzyme carnitine acetyltransferase (acetyl-CoA:carnitine O-acetyltransferase, EC has been purified to homogeneity from hepatic mitochondria of clofibrate-fed rats. It is a protein of molecular weight 56 000 composed of two non-identical subunits of molecular weight 34 000 and 25 000. The enzyme is inhibited by palmityl-CoA as well as acetyl carnitine. The inhibition by fatty acyl-CoA is competitive with respect to both the substrates, carnitine and acetyl-CoA. The inhibition by acetylcarnitine is reversed by carnitine but not by acetyl-CoA.


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The phase behavior of the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in the presence of the strongly binding counterion p-toluidine hydrochloride (PTHC) has been examined using small-angle X-ray diffraction and polarizing microscopy. A hexagonal-to-lamellar transition on varying the PTHC to SDS molar ratio (alpha) occurs through a nematic phase of rodlike micelles (N-C) -> isotropic (I) -> nematic of disklike micelles (N-D) at a fixed surfactant concentration (phi). The lamellar phase is found to coexist with an isotropic phase (l') over a large region of the phase diagram. Deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance investigations of the phase behavior at phi = 0.4 confirm the transition from N-C to N-D on varying alpha. The viscoelastic and flow behaviors of the different phases were examined. A decrease in the steady shear viscosity across the different phases with increasing alpha suggests a decrease in the aspect ratio of the micellar aggregates. From the transient shear stress response of the N-C and N-D nematic phases in step shear experiments, they were characterized to be tumbling and now aligning, respectively. Our studies reveal that by tuning the morphology of the surfactant micelles strongly binding counterions modify the phase behavior and rheological properties of concentrated surfactant solutions.


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C13HlsN205 S, M r = 314.35, orthorhombic, P212121 with a = 39.526 (4), b = 6.607 (2), c = 5.661 (2) A, Z = 4, V = 1478.36 A 3, D c = 1.412 Mg m -3, Cu Ka radiation. Final R = 0.073 for 1154 observed counter reflections. The sulphur atom is in a pseudo-equatorial position with respect to the dihydrouracil ring. The sugar pucker is predominantly O(l')-exo unlike the C(3')-exo,C(4')-endo observed for 2',3' O-isopropylideneuridine (ISPU). The fivemembered dioxolane ring has C(7) displaced by 0.497 (7)A from the best plane through atoms 0(2'), C(2'), C(3'), 0(3'), in contrast to ISPU where 0(3') shows the maximum deviation.


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C14Ht0F3NO2, P2.Jc, a = 12.523 (4), b = 7.868(6), c = 12.874 (3)A, fl = 95.2 (2) ° , O,,, = 1.47 (4), D e = 1.47 Mg m -3, Z = 4. Final R = 0.074 for 2255 observed reflections. The carboxyl group and the phenyl ring bearing the carboxyl group are nearly coplanar whereas the two phenyl rings are inclined with respect to each other at 52.8 ° . The difference between the two polymorphs of flufenamic acid lies in the geometrical disposition of the [3-(trifluoromethyl)- phenyl]amino moiety with respect to the benzoic acid moiety. As in other fenamate structures, the carboxyl group and the imino N atom are connected through an intramolecular hydrogen bond; also, pairs of centrosymmetrically related molecules are connected through hydrogen bonds involving carboxyl groups.


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C18H2204, orthorhombic, P212~21, a = 7.343 (4), b = 11.251 (4), c = 19.357 (4)A, Z = 4, Dr, ' = 1.20, D e = 1.254 g cm -3, F(000) = 648, p(Mo Ka) = 0.94 cm -~. X-ray intensity data were collected on a Nonius CAD-4 diffractometer and the structure was solved by direct methods. Full-matrix least-squares refinement gave R = 0.052 (R w = 0.045) for 1053 observed reflections. The stereochemical configuration at C(2) has been shown to be 2-exo-methyl-2-endo- (2,6-dimethoxyphenyl), i.e. (3) in contrast to the structure (2) assigned earlier based on its ~H NMR data.


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M r=275.8, monoclinic, P21/a, a= 12.356 (5), b=9.054 (4), c= 14.043 (4) A, t= 100.34 (3) ° , V=1545.5A 3, Z=4, D,,,= 1.14, D x = 1.185 Mg m -3, p(Mo Ka, /l = 0.7107 ]k) = 2.77 mm -1, F(000) = 584.0, T= 293 K, R = 0.053 for 1088 reflections. The four-membered ring is buckled 13.0 ° (0= 167.0°). The azetidinium moiety is linked to the C1- ion through a hydrogen bond [O-H...C1 = 3.166 (5) A].


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Crystal structures of the title compounds, (I) and (II), have been determined by three-dimensional diffraction methods. Crystals of CsHIoN 4 (I) are monoclinic, space group P21/a with Z = 4, Mr= 162, a = 7.965 (1), b = 16.232 (2), c = 7.343 (1) A, fl = 113.54 (1) °, V = 890.7 A 3, D,n = 1.218, D x = 1.208 gcm -3, g(Cu Ka, 2 = 1.5418/~) = 6.47 em -1, F(000) = 344. The crystals of C9H12N4 (II) are orthorhombic, space group P21en, with Z = 4, Mr = 176, a = 7.983 (3), b = 8.075 (2), c = 14.652 (3) ./k, V = 44.43/~3, Dm= 1.219, D x = 1.237 g cm -3, #(Mo Ka, ). = 0.7107 ,/k) = 0.868 cm -1, F(000) = 376. Both structures were solved by direct methods and refined to R = 5.8% for (I) and 5.3 % for (II). The C-C double-bond distances are 1.407 (3) in (I) and 1.429 (6)/~ in (II), appreciably longer than normal. The steric and push-pull effects result in rotation about the C=C bond, the rotation angles being 20.2 (3) in (I) and 31.5 (6) o in (II).


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C14Ht0F3NO2, P2.Jc, a = 12.523 (4), b = 7.868(6), c = 12.874 (3)A, fl = 95.2 (2) ° , O,,, = 1.47 (4), D e = 1.47 Mg m -3, Z = 4. Final R = 0.074 for 2255 observed reflections. The carboxyl group and the phenyl ring bearing the carboxyl group are nearly coplanar whereas the two phenyl rings are inclined with respect to each other at 52.8 ° . The difference between the two polymorphs of flufenamic acid lies in the geometrical disposition of the [3-(trifluoromethyl)- phenyl]amino moiety with respect to the benzoic acid moiety. As in other fenamate structures, the carboxyl group and the imino N atom are connected through an intramolecular hydrogen bond; also, pairs of centrosymmetrically related molecules are connected through hydrogen bonds involving carboxyl groups.