100 resultados para 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)


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The use of fac-[Mo(CO)(3)(MeCN)(eta(2)-L(1))] (1a) {L(1) = Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PPh(DMP)}(2) as a precursor to metalloligands and bimetallic, heterotrimetallic, and heptacoordinated complexes is reported. The reaction of 1a with diphosphazane, dppa, or a diphosphinoalkane such as dppm or dppe yields the fac-eta(1)-diphosphine substituted metalloligands, fac-[Mo(CO)(3)(eta(2)-L(1))(eta(1)-PXP)] {PXP = dppa (2), dppm (3), and dppe (4)}. These undergo isomerization to yield the corresponding mer-diphosphine complexes (5-7). Oxidation of the uncoordinated phosphorus atom of the mer-eta(1)-dppm-substituted complex eventually provides mer-[Mo(CO)(3)-(eta(2)-L(1)){eta(1)-Ph(2)PCH(2)P(O)Ph(2)}](8). The structure of the latter complex has been confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction {triclinic system, P ($) over bar 1; a = 11.994(3), b = 14.807(2), c = 15.855(3) Angstrom; alpha = 114.24(1), beta = 91.35(2), and gamma = 98.95(1)degrees; Z = 2, 4014 data (F-0 > 5 sigma(F-0)), R = 0.066, R(W) = 0.069}. Treatment of the dppe metalloligand 7 with [PtCl2(COD)] yields the heterotrimetallic complex cis-[PtCl2{mer-[Mo(CO)(3)(eta(2)-L(1))(eta(1)-dppe]}(2)] (9). Attempts to prepare a related trimetallic complex with the dppm-containing metalloligand were unsuccessful; only the tetracarbonyl complex cis-[Mo(CO)(4)(eta(2)-L(1))] (1b) and cis-[PtCl2(eta(2)-dppm)] were obtained. Reaction of la with dppe in the ratio 2:1 yields the mer-mer dinuclear complex [{mer-[Mo(CO)(3)(eta(2)-L(1))]}(2)(mu-dppe)] (10) bridged by dppe. Oxidation of 1a with iodine yields the Mo(II) heptacoordinated complex [MoI2(CO)(2)(eta(3)-L(1))] (11) with tridentate PPN coordination. The same Mo(II) complex 11 is also obtained by the direct oxidation of the tetracarbonyl complex cis-[Mo(CO)(4)(eta(2)-L(1))] (1b) with iodine. The structure of 11 has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction studies {monoclinic system, Cc; a = 10.471(2), b = 19.305(3), c = 17.325(3) Angstrom; beta = 95.47(2)degrees; Z = 4, 3153 data (F-0 > 5 sigma(F-0)), R = 0.049, R(W) = 0.051}. This complex exhibits an unusual capped-trigonal prismatic geometry around the metal. A similar heptacoordinated complex 12 with a chiral diphosphazane ligand {L(3) = (S,R)-P(h)2PN-(*CHMePh)*PPh(DMP)} has also been synthesized.


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2,2'-Binaphthol 1 reacts with 1,2 dibromoethane in the presence of potassium carbonate to give rise to a novel spirodienone system 3 and its structure has been confirmed by X-ray analysis.


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The molecular structure of 1,1'-bi(acenaphthen-1-ylidene)-2,2'-dione 1, a potential building-block for the synthesis of fullerene fragments, has been investigated by X-ray crystallography and semi-empirical (AM1 and PM3) calculations. There is a good agreement between the calculated and crystal structure which is essentially planar and has E-configuration. In the solid state, molecules of 1 pack in an interesting manner as corrugated sheets sustained by a network of C-H ... O hydrogen bonds and resulting in the formation of tetrameric loops. While steric factors limit the reactivity of the carbonyl groups in 1, the ene double bond of the ene-dione moiety present in it exhibits propensity toward [4 + 2]-cycloadditions to furnish novel and highly compressed polycycles 8-10.


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The quantum yield of I*((2)p(1/2)) production from CH3I photolysis at 236 nm in the gas phase has been measured as 0.69 +/- 0.03. The implication is that direct excitation to the (1)Q(1) excited state is significant at this wavelength. The dynamics of I* formation at other excitation energies covering the entire A-band of absorption of CH3I has been discussed in the light of this measurement.


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Thermal decomposition of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCE) has been studied in the temperature range of 10501175 K behind reflected shock waves in a single pulse shock tube. The unimolecular elimination of HCl is found to be the major channel through which 1,2-DCE decomposes under these conditions. The rate constant for the unimolecular elimination of HCl from 1,2-dichloroethane is found to be 10(13.98+/-0.80) exp(-57.8+/-2.0/RT) s(-1), where the activation energy is given in kcal mol(-1) and is very close to that value for CH3CH2Cl (EC). Ab initio (HF and MP2) and DFT calculations have been carried out to find the activation barrier and the structure of the transition state for this reaction channel from both EC and 1,2-DCE. The preexponential factors calculated at various levels of theory (BF/6-311++G**, MP2/6-311++G**, and B3LYP/6-311++G**) are (approximate to10(15) s(-1)) significantly larger than the experimental results. If the torsional mode in the ground state is treated as free internal rotation the preexponential factors reduce significantly, giving excellent agreement with experimental values. The DFT results are in excellent (fortuitous?) agreement with the experimental value for activation energy for 1,2-DCE while the MP2 and HF results seem to overestimate the barrier. However, DFT results for EC is 4.5 kcal mol(-1) less than the previously reported experimental values. At all levels, theory predicts an increase in HCI elimination barrier on beta-Cl substitution on EC.


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A density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm is presented for the Bethe lattice with connectivity Z = 3 and antiferromagnetic exchange between nearest-neighbor spins s = 1/2 or 1 sites in successive generations g. The algorithm is accurate for s = 1 sites. The ground states are magnetic with spin S(g) = 2(g)s, staggered magnetization that persists for large g > 20, and short-range spin correlation functions that decrease exponentially. A finite energy gap to S > S(g) leads to a magnetization plateau in the extended lattice. Closely similar DMRG results for s = 1/2 and 1 are interpreted in terms of an analytical three-site model.


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The synthesis and DNA photocleavage studies of furano3,2-c]-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolines have been reported. Sm(III)nitrate was found to be an efficient for the Diels-Alder reaction of aryl amines with 2,3-dihydrofuran to offer the corresponding furano3,2-c]-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolines derivatives as a mixture of cis/trans stereoisomers in moderate yields. The aqueous solubility of acid catalyst can be recycled without significant loss of activity. The DNA photocleavage studies shows that, the cis/trans stereoisomers are good DNA cleavage mimic in terms of molecular structure. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study here different regions in phase diagrams of the spin-1/2, spin-1 and spin-3/2 one-dimensional antiferromagnetic Heisenberg systems with frustration (next-nearest-neighbor interaction J(2)) and dimerization (delta). In particular, we analyze the behaviors of the bipartite entanglement entropy and fidelity at the gapless to gapped phase transitions and across the lines separating different phases in the J(2)-delta plane. All the calculations in this work are based on numerical exact diagonalizations of finite systems.


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All triangulated d-manifolds satisfy the inequality ((f0-d-1)(2)) >= ((d+2)(2))beta(1) for d >= 3. A triangulated d-manifold is called tight neighborly if it attains equality in this bound. For each d >= 3, a (2d + 3)-vertex tight neighborly triangulation of the Sd-1-bundle over S-1 with beta(1) = 1 was constructed by Kuhnel in 1986. In this paper, it is shown that there does not exist a tight neighborly triangulated manifold with beta(1) = 2. In other words, there is no tight neighborly triangulation of (Sd-1 x S-1)(#2) or (Sd-1 (sic) S-1)(#2) for d >= 3. A short proof of the uniqueness of K hnel's complexes for d >= 4 under the assumption beta(1) not equal 0 is also presented.


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Friedel-Crafts arylation of a-hydroxy ketones such as 2-hydroxy- 1,2,2-triarylethanones has been achieved with a variety of arenes and heteroarenes in the presence of Lewis or Bronsted acids. Both sterically hindered and unhindered 1,2,2,2-tetrarylethanones are formed in good to excellent yields by using a stoichiometric amount of triflic acid. The intermediacy of an a-keto carbenium ion has been proposed.


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Mr=300.33 , triclinic, P1, a=5.635 (2), b=11.077(2), c=11.582(2)A, a= 70.48 (1), fl= 88.16 (3), y=80.56(3) ° , V= 670.325 A3, Z=2, D x = 1.49 Mg m -3, Cu Ka, n= 1.54184 ,A, g = 2.308mm -1, F(000)=316, T=301K, R=0.054, R w = 0.093 for 1944 observed counter reflections. The sulphur position with respect to the dihydrouracil ring, which is of possible relevance to the action of thymidylate synthetase, is axial in molecule A and equatorial in B. Both molecules show the anti conformation about the glycosidic bond [torsion angle C(6)-N(1)-C(1')-O(4'), 2'CN = 21.6 (9) and 29.4 (10) °] and have the C(4')-endo, O(4')-exo (40T) sugar conformation. The dioxolane-ring conformation is O(2')-endo in A and C(7)-endo in B. The dihydrouracil rings show self base pairing with hydrogen bondsN(3A)...O(ZB) and N(3B)...O(ZA).


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C14Ht0F3NO2, P2.Jc, a = 12.523 (4), b = 7.868(6), c = 12.874 (3)A, fl = 95.2 (2) ° , O,,, = 1.47 (4), D e = 1.47 Mg m -3, Z = 4. Final R = 0.074 for 2255 observed reflections. The carboxyl group and the phenyl ring bearing the carboxyl group are nearly coplanar whereas the two phenyl rings are inclined with respect to each other at 52.8 ° . The difference between the two polymorphs of flufenamic acid lies in the geometrical disposition of the [3-(trifluoromethyl)- phenyl]amino moiety with respect to the benzoic acid moiety. As in other fenamate structures, the carboxyl group and the imino N atom are connected through an intramolecular hydrogen bond; also, pairs of centrosymmetrically related molecules are connected through hydrogen bonds involving carboxyl groups.


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Complexes of lanthanide perchlorates with 4-cyano pyridine-1-oxide, 4-chloro 2-picoline-1-oxide and 4-dimethyl-amino 2-picoline-1-oxide have been isolated for the first time and characterized by analysis, conductance, infrared, NMR and electronic spectra. The complexes of 4-cyano pyridine-1-oxides have the composition Ln(CyPO)6(ClO4)3. 2H2O (Ln=La, Sm, Dy and Ho); Ln(CyPO)7 (ClO4)3. 2H2O (Ln=Pr, Nd, Er and Yb); and Ln(CyPO)5 (ClO4)3. 2H2O (Ln=Gd and Tb). The complexes of 4-chloro 2-picoline-1-oxide analyse for the formulae Ln(CpicO)6 (ClO4)3 (Ln=La, Pr, Nd and Ho); and Ln (CpicO)5 (ClO4)3 (Ln=Er and Yb), and those of 4-dimethylamino 2-picoline-1-oxide for Ln(DMPicO)6 (ClO4)3 (Ln=La and Nd); Ln(DMPicO)7 (ClO4)3 (Ln=Gd, Er and Yb); and Ln(DMPicO)8 (ClO4)3 (Ln=Dy and Ho).


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C14Ht0F3NO2, P2.Jc, a = 12.523 (4), b = 7.868(6), c = 12.874 (3)A, fl = 95.2 (2) ° , O,,, = 1.47 (4), D e = 1.47 Mg m -3, Z = 4. Final R = 0.074 for 2255 observed reflections. The carboxyl group and the phenyl ring bearing the carboxyl group are nearly coplanar whereas the two phenyl rings are inclined with respect to each other at 52.8 ° . The difference between the two polymorphs of flufenamic acid lies in the geometrical disposition of the [3-(trifluoromethyl)- phenyl]amino moiety with respect to the benzoic acid moiety. As in other fenamate structures, the carboxyl group and the imino N atom are connected through an intramolecular hydrogen bond; also, pairs of centrosymmetrically related molecules are connected through hydrogen bonds involving carboxyl groups.


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Complexes of lanthanide perchlorates with 4-cyano pyridine-1-oxide, 4-chloro 2-picoline-1-oxide and 4-dimethyl amino 2-picoline-1-oxide have been isolated for the first time and characterized by analysis, conductance, infrared, NMR and electronic spectra.