106 resultados para 185-801


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Compressive stress-strain curves have been generated over a range of temperatures (900-1100-degrees-C and strain rates (0.001-100 s-1) for two starting structures consisting of lath alpha2 and equiaxed alpha2 in a Ti-24Al-11Nb alloy. The data from these tests have been analysed in terms of a dynamic model for processing. The results define domains of strain rate and temperature in which dynamic recrystallization of alpha2 occurs for both starting structures. The rate controlling process for dynamic recrystallization is suggested to be cross-slip in the alpha2 phase. A region of processing instability has also been defined within which shear bands form in the lath structure. Recrystallization of the beta phase is shown to occur for different combinations of strain rate and temperature from those in which the alpha2 phase recrystallizes dynamically


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The direct intratesticular injection of [P-32]phosphate resulted in 4-9 times more labelling of rat testis proteins compared to the conventional method of in vitro incubation. Moreover this is a simple technique requiring minimum (7-10 times less) radioactive phosphate and is less hazardous.


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Lithium phosphorus oxynitride (LiPON), the widely used solid electrolyte for thin film microbatteries, is not compatible with the ambient humid temperatures. The reasons for reduction in ionic conductivity of LiPON thin films from 2.8 x 10(-6) Scm(-1) to 9.9 x 10(-10) Scm(-1) when exposed to air are analyzed with the aid of AC impedance measurements, SEM, XPS and stylus profilometry. Initially, particulate-free film surfaces obtained soon after rf sputter deposition in N-2 ambient conditions becomes covered with microstructures, forming pores in the film when exposed to air. LiPON films are deposited on Ti coated silicon in addition to bare silicon, ruling out the possibility of stress-related rupturing from the LiPON/Si interface. The reduction of nitrogen, phosphorus, and increased presence of lithium, oxygen and carbon over the film surface lowers the ionic conductivity of LiPON films when exposed to air. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction was used to study the phase diagrams and determine the compressibilities of the pyrochlore rare-earth titanates Ho2Ti2O7, Y2Ti2O7 and Tb2Ti2O7 to 50GPa. The bulk moduli of the cubic phase of these materials were calculated to be 213 +/- 2, 204 +/- 3 and 199 +/- 1GPa, respectively. The onset of a structural phase change from cubic to monoclinic was observed near 37, 42 and 39GPa, respectively. The bulk modulus for the high pressure monoclinic phase of Y2Ti2O7 has been determined to be 185 +/- 3GPa.


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Three-dimensional structures of the complexes of concanavalin A (ConA) with alpha(1-2) linked mannobiose, triose and tetraose have been generated with the X-ray crystal structure data on native ConA using the CCEM (contact criteria and energy minimization) method. All the constituting mannose residues of the oligosaccharide can reach the primary binding site of ConA (where methyl-alpha-D-mannopyranose binds). However, in all the energetically favoured complexes, either the non-reducing end or middle mannose residues of the oligosaccharide occupy the primary binding site. The middle mannose residues have marginally higher preference over the non-reducing end residue. The sugar binding site of ConA is extended and accommodates at least three alpha(1-2) linked mannose residues. Based on the present calculations two mechanisms have been proposed for the binding of alpha(1-2) linked mannotriose and tetraose to ConA.


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Using the multifractal formalism, we discuss the results obtained to characterized the morphology of polymer alloys and granular discontinuous metallic thin films. In the first case we have found a correlation between the multifractality and the mechanical properties of the alloys. In the second case, we have found that it is possible to measure the differences between the morphology of thin films induced by a growth process on a subtrate and that of percolation clusters of the classical theory of percolation.


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Current-potential characteristics are obtained numerically for a lone-adsorbate-mediated anodic charge transfer at the electrode-solution interface. An increase in the overpotential leads to the appearance of maxima in the anodic current-potential plots instead of the extended activationless region (i.e. a saturation current at large positive overpotentials) predicted by the direct heterogeneous outer-sphere anodic charge transfer process. A detailed analysis of the dependence of current-potential profiles and other kinetic parameters on various system parameters is also presented.


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C-70 films deposited on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), Ag(110), Ag(111) and Pt(110) substrates have been investigated by scanning tunnelling microscopy. Interesting observations on novel molecular arrangements, as well as orientational disorder, are presented. Solid solutions of C-60 and C-70 show interesting packing of these molecules when deposited on HOPG.


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Studies of Indian thermophilic fungi have yielded several isolations of Myceliophthora fergusii, anamorph of the heterothallic ascomycete Corynascus thermophilus (Thielaviaceae). Identification was confirmed by matings. Chrysosporium fermentotritici is a synonym of M. fergusii.


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Using a combination of a logarithmic spiral and a straight line as a failure surface, comprehensive charts have been developed to determine the passive earth pressure coefficients and the positions of the critical failure surface for positive as well as negative wall friction angles. Translational movement of the wall has been examined in detail, considering the soil as either an associated flow dilatant material or a non-dilatant material, to determine the kinematic admissibility of the limit equilibrium solutions.


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A study of 140 days duration was performed to examine if human male volunteers (n = 5) respond to ovine follicle stimulating hormone (oFSH) immunization (administered adsorbed on Alugel on days 1, 20, 40 and 70) by producing antibodies capable of both binding and neutralizing bioactivity of human FSH. The kinetics of antibody production for both the immunogen (oFSH) and the cross-reactive antigen (hFSH) were essentially similar, The volunteers responded only to the first two immunizations, The boosters given on days 40 and 70 were ineffective, probably because of the presence of substantial amounts of circulating antibody to oFSH. Of the antibodies generated to oFSH, 25-45% bound hFSH with a mean binding affinity of 0.65 x 10(9) +/- 0.53 M(-1). The binding capacities at the time of high (30-80 days of immunization) and low (>110 days) titres were 346 +/- 185 and 10.5 +/- 5.8 ng hFSH/ml respectively, During the period of high titre, free serum FSH (value in normal males 1-5 ng/ml) was not monitorable, A 50 mu l aliquot of the antiserum obtained from different volunteers between days 30 and 80 and on day 140 blocked binding of I-125-labelled hFSH to its receptor by 82 +/- 9.7 and 53 +/- 12.2% respectively, The antibody produced was specific for FSH, and no significant change in the values of related glycoprotein hormones (luteinizing hormone/testosterone and thyroid stimulating hormone/thyroxine) were recorded, Seminal plasma transferrin, a marker of Sertoli cell as well as of seminiferous tubular function, showed marked reduction (30-90%) following immunization with oFSH. Considering that endogenous FSH remained neutralized for approximately one sperm cycle only (65 days), the reduction in sperm counts (30-74%) exhibited by some volunteers is encouraging, Immunization with oFSH did not result in any significant changes in haematology, serum biochemistry or hormonal profiles, There was no production of antibodies capable of interacting with non-specific tissues, It is concluded that it should be possible to obtain a sustained long-term blockade of endogenous FSH action in men by using oFSH as an immunogen, This is a prerequisite for obtaining significant reduction in the quality and quantity of spermatozoa produced, thus leading to infertility.


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The results of an X-ray reflectivity study of thick AlAs-AlGaAs and thin GeSi-Ge multilayers grown using metal-organic vapour-phase epitaxy and ion-beam sputtering deposition techniques, respectively, are presented. Asymmetry in interfaces is observed in both of these semiconductor multilayers. It is also observed that although the Si-on-Ge interface is sharp, an Si0.4Ge0.6 alloy is formed at the Ge-on-Si interface. In the case of the III-V semiconductor, the AlAs-on-AlGaAs interface shows much greater roughness than that observed in the AlGaAs-on-AlAs interface. For thin multilayers it is demonstrated that the compositional profile as a function of depth can be obtained directly from the X-ray reflectivity data.


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OFHC copper pins with 10 ppm oxygen were slid against alumina at a load of 50 N and sliding speeds of 0.1 ms(-1) to 4.0 ms(-1) The wear characteristics of copper were related to the strain rate response of copper under uniaxial compression between strain rates of 0.1 s(-1) and 100 s(-1) and temperatures in the range of 298 K to 673 K. It is seen that copper undergoes flow banding at strain rates of 1 s(-1) up to a temperature of 523 K, which is the major instability in the region tested. These flow bands are regions of crack nucleation. The strain rates and temperatures existing in the subsurface of copper slid against alumina are estimated and superimposed on the strain rate response map of copper. The superposition shows that the subsurface of copper slid at low velocities is likely to exhibit flow band instability induced cracking. It is suggested that this is the,reason for the observed high wear rate at low velocities. The subsurface deformation with increasing velocity becomes more homogeneous. This reduces the wear rate. At velocities >2 ms(-1) there is homogenous flow and extrusion of thin (10 mu m) bands of material out of the trailing edge. This results in the gradual increase of wear rate with increasing velocity above 2.0 ms(-1).