107 resultados para 132-809F


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(I)Lantadene-B: C35H52O5,M r =552.80, MonoclinicC2,a=25.65(1),b=6.819(9),c=18.75(1) Å,beta=100.61(9),V=3223(5) Å3,Z=4,D x =1.14 g cm–3 CuKagr (lambda=1.5418A),mgr=5.5 cm–1,F(000)=1208,R=0.118,wR=0.132 for 1527 observed reflections withF o ge2sgr(F o ). (II)Lantadene-C: C35H54O5·CH3OH,Mr=586.85, Monoclinic,P21,a=9.822(3),b=10.909(3),c=16.120(8)Å,beta=99.82(4),V=1702(1)Å3,Z=2,D x =1.145 g cm–3, MoKagr (lambda=0.7107Å), mgr=0.708 cm–1 F(000)=644,R=0.098, wR=0.094 for 1073 observed reflections. The rings A, B, C, D, and E aretrans, trans, trans, cis fused and are in chair, chair, sofa, half-chair, chair conformations, respectively, in both the structures. In the unit cell the molecules are stabilized by O-HctdotO hydrogen bonds in both the structures, however an additional C-HctdotO interaction is observed in the case of Lantadene-C.


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Room-temperature Raman spectra of LiRbSO4 were studied as a function of pressure up to 170 kbar for two different orientations of the crystal. Four pressure-induced phase transitions at about 2, 17, 32 and 57 kbar were observed. The transitions at 17 and 57 kbar have slow kinetics, taking about 4 h for their completion. These phase transitions are associated with the orientations of the SO4 ions in the unit cell.


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Layered perovskite oxides of the formula ACa~,La,Nb3-,Ti,010 (A = K, Rb, Cs and 0 < x d 2) have been prepared. The members adopt the structures of the parent ACazNb3010. Interlayer alkali cations in the niobium-titanium oxide series can be ion-exchanged with Li+, Na+, NH4+, or H+ to give new derivatives. Intercalation of the protonated derivatives with organic bases reveals that the Bronsted acidity of the solid solution series, HC~ ~ , L ~ ,N~ ~ , T ~ ,dOep~eOnd, s on the titanium content. While the x = 1 member (HCaLaNbzTiOlo) is nearly as acidic as the parent HCazNb3010, the x = 2 member (HLazNbTizOlo) is a weak acid hardly intercalating organic bases with pKa - 11.3. The variation of acidity is probably due to an ordering of Nb/Ti atoms in the triple octahedral perovskite slabs, [Ca~,La,Nb~,Ti,0~0], such that protons are attached to NbO6 octahedra in the x = 1 member and to Ti06 octahedra in the x = 2 member.


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Single crystals (up to 1 cm size) of K, Rb and Cs periodates have been grown in silica gel. In general, good quality crystals were obtained in gel of specific gravity 1.04 and pH 4. The metal/iodine ratios were determined and compared with calculated values. Morphological studies were carried out using a bicircle optical goniometer. Other characterization methods include X-ray diffraction, optical absorption, differential scanning calorimetry and optical microscopy. Microscopic examination of CsIO4 crystals in particular has revealed the existence of ferroelastic domains in the crystal. The structural basis for the occurence of ferroelasticity in this crystal is discussed and the high temperature space group is predicted.


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We present the direct evidence of defective and disorder places on the surface of multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT), visualizing the presence of amorphous carbon at those sites. These defective surfaces being higher in energy are the key features of functionalization with different materials. The interaction of the pi orbital electrons of different carbon atoms of adjacent layers is more at the bent portion, than that of regular portion of the CNT. Hence the tubular structure of the bent portion of nanotubes is spaced more than that of regular portion of the nanotubes, minimizing the stress. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Earlier we have demonstrated the presence of internal ribosome entry site (IRES) within tumor suppressor p53 mRNA. Here we have mapped the putative secondary structure of p53-IRES RNA using information from chemical probing and nuclease mapping experiments. Additionally, the secondary structure of the IRES element of the wild-type RNA was compared with cancer-derived silent mutant p53 RNAs. These mutations might result in the conformational alterations of p53-IRES RNAs. The results also indicate decreased IRES activities of the mutants as compared to wild-type RNA. Further, it was observed that some of the cytoplasmic trans-acting factors, critical for enhancing IRES function, were unable to bind mutant RNAs as efficiently as to wild-type. Our results suggest that hnRNP C1/C2 binds to p53-IRES and siRNA mediated partial silencing of hnRNP C1/C2 showed appreciable decrease in IRES function and consequent decrease in the level of the corresponding p53 isoform. Interestingly mutant p53 IRES showed lesser binding with hnRNP C1/C2 protein. Finally, upon doxorubicin treatment, the mutant RNAs were unable to show enhanced p53 synthesis to similar extent compared to wild type. Taken together, these observations suggest that mutations occurring in the p53 IRES might have profound implications for de-regulation of its expression and activity.


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The complete amino acid sequence of two non identical subunits of the glucose/mannose-specific lectin from Dolichos lab lab (field bean) has been determined by sequential Edman analyses of the intact subunits and peptides derived by enzymatic and chemical cleavage. Peptides were purified by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography and ion pair chromatography. The D. lab lab lectin is a glycoprotein having two polypeptide chains of 132 and 105 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence of the D. Lab lab lectin is compared with the various lectins of the family Leguminosae. The D. lab lab lectin is the only species of the tribe Phaseoleae that contains two nonidentical subunits of almost equal size and that shows a specificity to glucose/ mannose. The lectin shows a greater homology to the glucose/mannose specific lectins, especially concanavalin A. The unique subunit architecture of the D. lab lab lectin indicates the presence of new post translational cleavage sites.


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The virus epizootics which occurred in seals in both Europe and Siberia during 1987/1988 were caused by two different morbillivirus, referred to as phocid distemper virus (PDV) 1 and 2, respectively. Molecular and serological studies have shown that the European virus is quite distinct from canine distemper virus (CDV), its closest relative in the morbillivirus group. Analysis of tissues obtained from infected seals from a wide geographical distrubution over Northern Europe showed that the infectious agent (PDV 1) was identical in all cases. Nucleotide sequence analysis of one of the virus genes suggested that this virus has evolved away from CDV over a long time period and is most probably an enzootic virus of marine mammals. In contrast, the virus (PDV 2) which caused the deaths of many Siberian seals was indistinguishable, both serologically and at the molecular level, from CDV and must have originated from a land source.


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1. Habitat fragmentation, anthropogenic disturbance and the introduction of invasive species are factors thought to structure ant assemblages. To understand responses of the ant community to changes in the environment, ants are commonly categorised into functional groups, a scheme developed and based on Australian ants. 2. Behaviourally dominant and aggressive ants of the dominant dolichoderinae functional group have been suggested to structure the ant assemblages in arid and semi-arid habitats of these regions. Given the limited geographical distribution of dominant dolichoderinae, it is crucial to determine the responses of the ant community to changes in the environment in their absence. 3. This study addresses this less studied aspect by considering the associations of ants of Western Ghats, India, with habitat, anthropogenic disturbance and introduced ants. We determined how ant functional groups respond to these factors in this region, where dominant dolichoderines are naturally absent, and whether responses are consistent with predictions derived from the ant functional group scheme. 4. This study provides new information on ant assemblages in a little-studied region. As in other parts of the world, ant assemblages in Western Ghats were strongly influenced by habitat and disturbance, with different functional groups associated with different habitats and levels of disturbance. 5. No functional group showed evidence of being influenced by the abundance of introduced species. In addition, predictions of negative interactions between functional groups were not supported. Our findings suggest that abiotic factors are universal determinants of ant assemblage structure, but that competitive interactions may not be.


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NSP3, an acidic nonstructural protein, encoded by gene 7 has been implicated as the key player in the assembly of the 11 viral plus-strand RNAs into the early replication intermediates during rotavirus morphogenesis. To date, the sequence or NSP3 from only three animal rotaviruses (SA11, SA114F, and bovine UK) has been determined and that from a human strain has not been reported. To determine the genetic diversity among gene 7 alleles from group A rotaviruses, the nucleotide sequence of the NSP3 gene from 13 strains belonging to nine different G serotypes, from both humans and animals, has been determined. Based on the amino acid sequence identity as well as phylogenetic analysis, NSP3 from group A rotaviruses falls into three evolutionarily related groups, i.e., the SA11 group, the Wa group, and the S2 group. The SA 11/SA114F gene appears to have a distant ancestral origin from that of the others and codes for a polypeptide of 315 amino acids (aa) in length. NSP3 from all other group A rotaviruses is only 313 aa in length because of a 2-amino-acid deletion near the carboxy-terminus, While the SA114F gene has the longest 3' untranslated region (UTR) of 132 nucleotides, that from other strains suffered deletions of varying lengths at two positions downstream of the translational termination codon. In spite of the divergence of the nucleotide (nt) sequence in the protein coding region, a stretch of about 80 nt in the 3' UTR is highly conserved in the NSP3 gene from all the strains. This conserved sequence in the 3' UTR might play an important role in the regulation of expression of the NSP3 gene. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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A new range of programmable logic devices are revolutionizing the way complex digital hardware is designed and built all over the world. Being able to test these devices in order to validate and dynamically improve on the design is crucial. This paper describes a low-cost FPGA tester that can test SRAM based FPGAs in the laboratory.


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Administration of Tamoxifen via the Alzet pump at a rate of 50 mu g hr(-1) for 90 days in the adult male bonnet monkeys Macaca radiata had no effect on the serum testosterone concentration determined at 10 AM and 10 PM as well as total sperm count determined at 15-day intervals over a period of 260 days. However, a significant reduction in sperm motility was observed beyond 90 days up until the 225th day. Breeding studies conducted from day 90 to 260 revealed that these males were infertile.


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Stress induced premature senescence (SIPS) in mammalian cells is an accelerated ageing response and experimentally obtained on treatment of cells with high concentrations of H(2)O(2), albeit at sub-lethal doses, because H(2)O(2) gets depleted by abundant cellular catalase. In the present study diperoxovanadate (DPV) was used as it is known to be stable at physiological pH, to be catalase-resistant and to substitute for H(2)O(2) in its activities at concentrations order of magnitudes lower. On treating NIH3T3 cells with DPV, SIPS-like morphology was observed along with an immediate response of rounding of the cells by disruption of actin cytoskeleton and transient G2/M arrest. DPV could bring about growth arrest and senescence associated features at 25 mu M dose, which were not seen with similar doses of either H(2)O(2) or vanadate. A minimal dose of 150 mu M of H(2)O(2) was required to induce similar affects as 25 mu M DPV. Increase in senescent associated markers such as p21, HMGA2 and PAI-1 was more prominent in DPV treated cells compared to similar dose of H(2)O(2). DPV-treated cells showed marked relocalization of Cyclin D1 from nucleus to cytoplasm. These results indicate that DPV, stable inorganic peroxide, is more efficient in inducing SIPS at lower concentrations compared to H(2)O(2). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.