238 resultados para unknown-input functional observability


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This paper reports the design of an input-triggered polymorphic ASIC for H.264 baseline decoder. Hardware polymorphism is achieved by selectively reusing hardware resources at system and module level. Complete design is done using ESL design tools following a methodology that maintains consistency in testing and verification throughout the design flow. The proposed design can support frame sizes from QCIF to 1080p.


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The recA locus of pathogenic mycobacteria differs from that of nonpathogenic species because it contains large intervening sequences nested in the RecA homology region that are excised by an unusual protein-splicing reaction. In vivo assays indicated that Mycobacterium tuberculosis recA partially complemented Escherichia coli recA mutants for recombination and mutagenesis. Further, splicing of the 85 kDa precursor to 38 kDa MtRecA protein was necessary for the display of its activity, in vivo. To gain insights into the molecular basis for partial and lack of complementation by MtRecA and 85 kDa proteins, respectively, we purified both of them to homogeneity. MtRecA protein, but not the 85 kDa form, bound stoichiometrically to single-stranded DNA in the presence of ATP. MtRecA protein was cross-linked to 8-azidoadenosine 5'-triphosphate with reduced efficiency, and kinetic analysis of ATPase activity suggested that it is due to decreased affinity for ATP. In contrast, the 85 kDa form was unable to bind ATP, in the presence or absence of ssDNA and, consequently, was entirely devoid of ATPase activity. Molecular modeling studies suggested that the decreased affinity of MtRecA protein for ATP and the reduced efficiency of its hydrolysis might be due to the widening of the cleft which alters the hydrogen bonds and the contact area between the enzyme and the substrate and changes in the disposition of the amino acid residues around the magnesium ion and the gamma-phosphate. The formation of joint molecules promoted by MtRecA protein was stimulated by SSB when the former was added first. The probability of an association between the lack and partial levels of biological activity of RecA protein(s) to that of illegitimate recombination in pathogenic mycobacteria is considered.


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The current explosion of DNA sequence information has generated increasing evidence for the claim that noncoding repetitive DNA sequences present within and around different genes could play an important role in genetic control processes, although the precise role and mechanism by which these sequences function are poorly understood. Several of the simple repetitive sequences which occur in a large number of loci throughout the human and other eukaryotic genomes satisfy the sequence criteria for forming non-B DNA structures in vitro. We have summarized some of the features of three different types of simple repeats that highlight the importance of repetitive DNA in the control of gene expression and chromatin organization. (i) (TG/CA)n repeats are widespread and conserved in many loci. These sequences are associated with nucleosomes of varying linker length and may play a role in chromatin organization. These Z-potential sequences can help absorb superhelical stress during transcription and aid in recombination. (ii) Human telomeric repeat (TTAGGG)n adopts a novel quadruplex structure and exhibits unusual chromatin organization. This unusual structural motif could explain chromosome pairing and stability. (iii) Intragenic amplification of (CTG)n/(CAG)n trinucleotide repeat, which is now known to be associated with several genetic disorders, could down-regulate gene expression in vivo. The overall implications of these findings vis-à-vis repetitive sequences in the genome are summarized.


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In the present work we report a rapid microwave irradiation-assisted chemical synthesis technique for the growth of nanoparticles, nanorods, and nanotubes of a variety of metal oxides in the presence of an appropriate surfactant (cationic, anionic, non ionic and polymeric), without the use of any templates. The method is simple, inexpensive, and helps one to prepare nanostructures in quick time, measured in seconds and minutes. This method has been applied successfully to synthesize nanostructures of a variety of binary and ternary metal oxides such as ZnO, CdO, Fe2O3, CuO, Ga2O3, Gd2O3, ZnFe2O4, etc. There is an observed variation in the morphology of the nanostructures with changes in different process parameters, such as microwave power, irradiation time, identity of solvent, type of surfactant, and its concentration.


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Background: Cancer stem cells exhibit close resemblance to normal stem cells in phenotype as well as function. Hence, studying normal stem cell behavior is important in understanding cancer pathogenesis. It has recently been shown that human breast stem cells can be enriched in suspension cultures as mammospheres. However, little is known about the behavior of these cells in long-term cultures. Since extensive self-renewal potential is the hallmark of stem cells, we undertook a detailed phenotypic and functional characterization of human mammospheres over long-term passages. Methodology: Single cell suspensions derived from human breast `organoids' were seeded in ultra low attachment plates in serum free media. Resulting primary mammospheres after a week (termed T1 mammospheres) were subjected to passaging every 7th day leading to the generation of T2, T3, and T4 mammospheres. Principal Findings: We show that primary mammospheres contain a distinct side-population (SP) that displays a CD24(low)/CD44(low) phenotype, but fails to generate mammospheres. Instead, the mammosphere-initiating potential rests within the CD44(high)/CD24(low) cells, in keeping with the phenotype of breast cancer-initiating cells. In serial sphere formation assays we find that even though primary (T1) mammospheres show telomerase activity and fourth passage T4 spheres contain label-retaining cells, they fail to initiate new mammospheres beyond T5. With increasing passages, mammospheres showed an increase in smaller sized spheres, reduction in proliferation potential and sphere forming efficiency, and increased differentiation towards the myoepithelial lineage. Significantly, staining for senescence-associated beta-galactosidase activity revealed a dramatic increase in the number of senescent cells with passage, which might in part explain the inability to continuously generate mammospheres in culture. Conclusions: Thus, the self-renewal potential of human breast stem cells is exhausted within five in vitro passages of mammospheres, suggesting the need for further improvisation in culture conditions for their long-term maintenance.


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Background: Protein kinases are involved in diverse spectrum of cellular processes. Availability of draft version of the human genomic data in the year 2001 enabled recognition of repertoire of protein kinases. However, over the years the human genomic data is being refined and the current release of human genomic data has helped us to recognize a larger repertoire of over 900 human protein kinases represented mainly by splice variants. Results: Many of these identified protein kinases are alternatively spliced products. Interestingly, some of the human kinase splice variants appear to be significantly diverged in terms of their functional properties as represented by incorporation or absence of one or more domains. Many sets of protein kinase splice variants have substantially different domain organization and in a few sets of splice variants kinase domains belong to different subfamilies of kinases suggesting potential participation in different signal transduction pathways. Conclusions: Addition or deletion of a domain between splice variants of multi-domain kinases appears to be a means of generating differences in the functional features of otherwise similar kinases. It is intriguing that marked sequence diversity within the catalytic regions of some of the splice variant kinases result in kinases belonging to different subfamilies. These human kinase splice variants with different functions might contribute to diversity of eukaryotic cellular signaling.


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Mobile genetic elements constitute a remarkably diverse group of nonessential selfish genes that provide no apparent function to the host. These selfish genes have been implicated in host extinction, speciation and architecture of genetic systems. Homing endonucleases, encoded by the open reading frames embedded in introns or inteins of mobile genetic elements, possess double-stranded DNA-specific endonuclease activity. They inflict sequence-specific double-strand breaks at or near the homing site in intron- or intein-less allele. Subsequently, through nonreciprocal exchange the insertion sequence (intron or intein) is transferred from an intein- or intron-containing allele to an intein- or intron-less allele. The components of host double-strand break repair pathway are thought to finish the "homing" process. Several lines of evidence suggest that homing endonucleases are capable of promoting transposition into ectopic sites within or across genomes for their survival as well as dispersal in natural populations. The occurrence of inteins at high frequencies serves as instructive models for understanding the mechanistic aspects of the process of homing and its evolution. This review focuses on genetic, biochemical, structural, and phylogenetic aspects of homing endonucleases, and their comparison with restriction endonucleases.


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The RecA-like proteins constitute a group of DNA strand transfer proteins ubiquitous in eubacteria, eukarya, and archaea. However, the functional relationship among RecA proteins is poorly understood. For instance, Mycobacterium tuberculosis RecA is synthesized as a large precursor, which undergoes an unusual protein-splicing reaction to generate an active form. Whereas the precursor was inactive, the active form promoted DNA strand transfer less efficiently compared to EcRecA. Furthermore, gene disruption studies have indicated that the frequencies of allele exchange are relatively lower in Mycobacterium tuberculosis compared to Mycobacterium smegmatis. The mechanistic basis and the factors that contribute to differences in allele exchange remain to be understood. Here, we show that the extent of DNA strand transfer promoted by the M. smegmatis RecA in vitro differs significantly from that of M. tuberculosis RecA. Importantly, M. smegmatis RecA by itself was unable to promote strand transfer, but cognate or noncognate SSBs rendered it efficient even when added prior to RecA. In the presence of SSB, MsRecA or MtRecA catalyzed strand transfer between ssDNA and varying lengths of linear duplex DNA with distinctly different pH profiles. The factors that were able to suppress the formation of DNA networks greatly stimulated strand transfer reactions promoted by MsRecA or MtRecA. Although the rate and pH profiles of dATP hydrolysis catalyzed by MtRecA and MsRecA were similar, only MsRecA was able to couple dATP hydrolysis to DNA strand transfer. Together, these results provide insights into the functional diversity in DNA strand transfer promoted by RecA proteins of pathogenic and nonpathogenic species of mycobacteria.


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The type III secretion system (T3SS) encoded by the Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI2) has a central role in systemic infections by Salmonella enterica and for the intracellular phenotype. Intracellular S. enterica uses the SPI2-encoded T3SS to translocate a set of effector proteins into the host cell, which modify host cell functions, enabling intracellular survival and replication of the bacteria. We sought to determine whether specific functions of the SPI2-encoded T3SS can be transferred to heterologous hosts Salmonella bongori and Escherichia coli Mutaflor, species that lack the SPI2 locus and loci encoding effector proteins. The SPI2 virulence locus was cloned and functionally expressed in S. bongori and E. coli. Here, we demonstrate that S. bongori harboring the SPI2 locus is capable of secretion of SPI2 substrate proteins under culture conditions, as well as of translocation of effector proteins under intracellular conditions. An SPI2-mediated cellular phenotype was induced by S. bongori harboring the SPI2 if the sifA locus was cotransferred. An interference with the host cell microtubule cytoskeleton, a novel SPI2-dependent phenotype, was observed in epithelial cells infected with S. bongori harboring SPI2 without additional effector genes. S. bongori harboring SPI2 showed increased intracellular persistence in a cell culture model, but SPI2 transfer was not sufficient to confer to S. bongori systemic pathogenicity in a murine model. Transfer of SPI2 to heterologous hosts offers a new tool for the study of SPI2 functions and the phenotypes of individual effectors.


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DNA topoisomerases are ubiquitous nuclear enzymes that govern the topological interconversions of DNA by transiently breaking/rejoining the phosphodiester backbone of one (type I) or both (type II) strands of the double helix. Consistent with these functions, topoisomerases play key roles in many aspects of DNA metabolism. Type II DNA topoisomerase (topo II) is vital for various nuclear processes, including DNA replication, chromosome segregation, and maintenance of chromosome structure. Topo II expression is regulated at multiple stages, including transcriptional, posttranscriptional, and posttranslational levels, by a multitude of signaling factors. Topo II is also the cellular target for a variety of clinically relevant anti-tumor drugs. Despite significant progress in our understanding of the role of topo II in diverse nuclear processes, several important aspects of topo II function, expression, and regulation are poorly understood. We have focused this review specifically on eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase II, with an emphasis on functional and regulatory characteristics.


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The β-phase aging response of Cu–Al–Ni single crystal shape memory alloys (SMAs) within the temperature range of 473–573 K has been investigated. Alloys in austenitic (Cu–14.1Al–4Ni wt.%, alloy A) and martensitic (Cu–13.4Al–4Ni wt.%, alloy M) conditions at room temperature were considered. Aged samples show presence of β1′ and γ1′ martensites in both the alloys and formation of γ2 precipitates in the alloy A. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermograms of the aged samples show increase in transformation temperatures as well as transformation hysteresis with aging. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) was conducted on both the alloys to ascertain the role of precipitates and martensitic transition on tan δ, which characterizes the damping behaviour of the material. With aging, a steady decrease in tan δ value was observed in both the alloys, which was attributed to the decrease in the number of interfaces per unit area with increasing aging temperature. Moreover, in alloy A, as the volume fraction of precipitate increases with aging, the movement of martensitic interfaces is restricted causing a decreased tan δ.


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Crickets have two tympanal membranes on the tibiae of each foreleg. Among several field cricket species of the genus Gryllus (Gryllinae), the posterior tympanal membrane (PTM) is significantly larger than the anterior membrane (ATM). Laser Doppler vibrometric measurements have shown that the smaller ATM does not respond as much as the PTM to sound. Hence the PTM has been suggested to be the principal tympanal acoustic input to the auditory organ. In tree crickets (Oecanthinae), the ATM is slightly larger than the PTM. Both membranes are structurally complex, presenting a series of transverse folds on their surface, which are more pronounced on the ATM than on the PTM. The mechanical response of both membranes to acoustic stimulation was investigated using microscanning laser Doppler vibrometry. Only a small portion of the membrane surface deflects in response to sound. Both membranes exhibit similar frequency responses, and move out of phase with each other, producing compressions and rarefactions of the tracheal volume backing the tympanum. Therefore, unlike field crickets, tree crickets may have four instead of two functional tympanal membranes. This is interesting in the context of the outstanding question of the role of spiracular inputs in the auditory system of tree crickets.


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The photocatalytic degradation of five anionic, eight cationic and three solvent dyes using combustion-synthesized nano-TiO2 (CSTiO2) and commercial Degussa P-25 TiO2 (DP-25) were evaluated to determine the effect of the functional group in the dye. The degradation of the dyes was quantified using the initial rate of decolorization and mineralization. The decolorization of the anionic dyes with CSTiO2 followed the order: indigo carmine > eosin Y > amido black 10B > alizarin cyanine green > orange G. The decolorization of the cationic dyes with DP-25 followed the order: malachite green > pyronin Y > rhodamine 6G > azure B > nile blue sulfate > auramine O approximate to acriflavine P approximate to safranin O. CSTiO2 showed higher rates of decolorization and mineralization for all the anionic dyes compared to DP-25, while DP-25 was better in terms of decolorization for most of the cationic dyes. The solvent dyes exhibited adsorption dependent decolorization. The order of decolorization and mineralization of the anionic and cationic dyes (a) with CS TiO2 and DP-25 was different and correlated with the surface properties of these catalysts (b) were rationalized with the molecular structure of the dye and the degradation pathway of the dye. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) catalyzes the oxidation of o-diphenols to their respective quinones. The quinones autopolymerize to form dark pigments, an undesired effect. PPO is therefore the target for the development of antibrowning and antimelanization agents. A series of phenolic compounds experimentally evaluated for their binding affinity and inhibition constants were computationally docked to the active site of catechol oxidase. Docking studies suggested two distinct modes of binding, dividing the docked ligands into two groups. Remarkably, the first group corresponds to ligands determined to be substrates and the second group corresponds to reversible inhibitors. Analyses of the complexes provide structural explanations for correlating subtle changes in the position and nature of the substitutions on o-diphenols to their functional properties as substrates and inhibitors. Higher reaction rates and binding are reckoned by additional interactions of the substrates with key residues that line the hydrophobic cavity. The docking results suggest that inhibition of oxidation stems from an interaction between the aromatic carboxylic acid group and the apical His 109 of the four coordinates of the trigonal pyramidal coordination polyhedron of CuA. The spatial orientation of the hydroxyl in relation to the carboxylic group either allows a perfect fit in the substrate cavity, leading to inhibition, or because of a steric clash flips the molecule vertically, facilitating oxidation. This is the first study to explain, at the molecular level, the determinants Of substrate and inhibitor specificity of a catechol oxidase, thereby providing a platform for the design of selective inhibitors useful to both the food and pharmaceutical industries.


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In the current era of high-throughput sequencing and structure determination, functional annotation has become a bottleneck in biomedical science. Here, we show that automated inference of molecular function using functional linkages among genes increases the accuracy of functional assignments by >= 8% and enriches functional descriptions in >= 34% of top assignments. Furthermore, biochemical literature supports >80% of automated inferences for previously unannotated proteins. These results emphasize the benefit of incorporating functional linkages in protein annotation.