94 resultados para tunable photodetector


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Organic/inorganic hybrid gels have been developed in order to control the three-dimensional structure of photoactive nanofibers and metallic nanoparticles (NPs). These materials are prepared by simultaneous self-assembly of the 2,3-didecyloxyanthracene (DDOA) gelator and of thiol-capped gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). TEM and fluorescence measurements show that alkane-thiol capped AuNPs are homogeneously dispersed and tightly attached to the thermoreversible fibrillar network formed by the organogelator in n-butanol or n-decanol. Rheology and thermal stability measurements reveal moreover that the mechanical and thermal stabilities of the DDOA organogels are not significantly altered and that they remain strong, viscoelastic materials. The hybrid materials display a variable absorbance in the visible range because of the AuNPs, whereas the strong luminescence of the DDOA nanofibers is efficiently quenched by micromolar amounts of AuNPs. Besides, we obtained hybrid aerogels using supercritical CO2. These arc very low-density porous materials showing fibrillar networks oil which fluorinated gold NPs arc dispersed. These hybrid materials are of high interest because of their tunable optical properties and are under investigation for efficient light scattering.


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Geometric and structural constraints greatly restrict the selection of folds adapted by protein backbones, and yet, folded proteins show an astounding diversity in functionality. For structure to have any bearing on function, it is thus imperative that, apart from the protein backbone, other tunable degrees of freedom be accountable. Here, we focus on side-chain interactions, which non-covalently link amino acids in folded proteins to form a network structure. At a coarse-grained level, we show that the network conforms remarkably well to realizations of random graphs and displays associated percolation behavior. Thus, within the rigid framework of the protein backbone that restricts the structure space, the side-chain interactions exhibit an element of randomness, which account for the functional flexibility and diversity shown by proteins. However, at a finer level, the network exhibits deviations from these random graphs which, as we demonstrate for a few specific examples, reflect the intrinsic uniqueness in the structure and stability, and perhaps specificity in the functioning of biological proteins.


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We show from conventional magnetization measurements that the charge order (CO) is completely suppressed in 10 nm Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 (PCMO 10) nanoparticles. Novel magnetization measurements, designed by a special high field measurement protocol, show that the dominant ground state magnetic phase is ferromagnetic-metallic (FM-M), which is an equilibrium phase, which coexists with the residual charge ordered anti-ferromagnetic phase (CO AFM) (an arrested phase) and exhibits the characteristic features of a `magnetic glassy state' at low temperatures. It is observed that there is a drastic reduction in the field required to induce the AFM to FM transition (similar to 5-6 T) compared to their bulk counterpart(similar to 27 T); this phase transition is of first order in nature, broad, irreversible and the coexisting phases are tunable with the cooling field. Temperature-dependent magneto-transport data indicate the occurrence of a size-induced insulator-metal transition (TM-I) and anomalous resistive hysteresis (R-H) loops, pointing out the presence of a mixture of the FM-M phase and AFM-I phase.


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In this work, using self-consistent tight-binding calculations. for the first time, we show that a direct to indirect band gap transition is possible in an armchair graphene nanoribbon by the application of an external bias along the width of the ribbon, opening up the possibility of new device applications. With the help of the Dirac equation, we qualitatively explain this band gap transition using the asymmetry in the spatial distribution of the perturbation potential produced inside the nanoribbon by the external bias. This is followed by the verification of the band gap trends with a numerical technique using Magnus expansion of matrix exponentials. Finally, we show that the carrier effective masses possess tunable sharp characters in the vicinity of the band gap transition points.


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We have developed a multipurpose high pressure gas cell which can be used to generate phase conjugate beams using various stimulated scattering processes. This high pressure cell can also be used as a tunable laser source using the process of stimulated Raman scattering. The phase conjugate nature of backward scattered Raman signals was investigated through distortion correction studies.


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We formulate a low energy effective Hamiltonian to study superlattices in bilayer graphene (BLG) using a minimal model which supports quadratic band touching points. We show that a one dimensional (1D) periodic modulation of the chemical potential or the electric field perpendicular to the layers leads to the generation of zero-energy anisotropic massless Dirac fermions and finite energy Dirac points with tunable velocities. The electric field superlattice maps onto a coupled chain model comprised of ``topological'' edge modes. 2D superlattice modulations are shown to lead to gaps on the mini-Brillouin zone boundary but do not, for certain symmetries, gap out the quadratic band touching point. Such potential variations, induced by impurities and rippling in biased BLG, could lead to subgap modes which are argued to be relevant to understanding transport measurements.


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The study of reaction mechanisms involves systematic investigations of the correlation between structure, reactivity, and time. The challenge is to be able to observe the chemical changes undergone by reactants as they change into products via one or several intermediates such as electronic excited states (singlet and triplet), radicals, radical ions, carbocations, carbanions, carbenes, nitrenes, nitrinium ions, etc. The vast array of intermediates and timescales means there is no single ``do-it-all'' technique. The simultaneous advances in contemporary time-resolved Raman spectroscopic techniques and computational methods have done much towards visualizing molecular fingerprint snapshots of the reactive intermediates in the microsecond to femtosecond time domain. Raman spectroscopy and its sensitive counterpart resonance Raman spectroscopy have been well proven as means for determining molecular structure, chemical bonding, reactivity, and dynamics of short-lived intermediates in solution phase and are advantageous in comparison to commonly used time-resolved absorption and emission spectroscopy. Today time-resolved Raman spectroscopy is a mature technique; its development owes much to the advent of pulsed tunable lasers, highly efficient spectrometers, and high speed, highly sensitive multichannel detectors able to collect a complete spectrum. This review article will provide a brief chronological development of the experimental setup and demonstrate how experimentalists have conquered numerous challenges to obtain background-free (removing fluorescence), intense, and highly spectrally resolved Raman spectra in the nanosecond to microsecond (ns-mu s) and picosecond (ps) time domains and, perhaps surprisingly, laid the foundations for new techniques such as spatially offset Raman spectroscopy.


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Insertion of just a few impurity atoms in a host semiconductor nanocrystal can drastically alter its phase, shape, and physical properties. Such doped nanomaterials now constitute an important class of optical materials that can provide efficient, stable, and tunable dopant emission in visible and NIR spectral windows. Selecting proper dopants and inserting them in appropriate hosts can generate many new series of such doped nanocrystals with several unique and attractive properties in order to meet current challenges in the versatile field of luminescent materials. However, the synthesis of such doped nanomaterials with a specific dopant in a predetermined host at a desired site leading to targeted optical properties requires fundamental understanding of both the doping process as well as the resulting photophysical properties. Summarizing up to date literature reports, in this Perspective we discuss important advances in synthesis methods and in-depth understanding of the optical properties, with an emphasis on the most widely investigated Mn-doped semiconductor nanocrystals.


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Three-component ferroelectric superlattices consisting of alternating layers of SrTiO3, BaTiO3, and CaTiO3 (SBC) with variable interlayer thickness were fabricated on Pt(111)/TiO2/SiO2/Si (100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. The presence of satellite reflections in x-ray-diffraction analysis and a periodic concentration of Sr, Ba, and Ca throughout the film in depth profile of secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis confirm the fabrication of superlattice structures. The Pr (remnant polarization) and Ps (saturation polarization) of SBC superlattice with 16.4-nm individual layer thickness (SBC16.4) were found to be around 4.96 and 34 μC/cm2, respectively. The dependence of polarization on individual layer thickness and lattice strain were studied in order to investigate the size dependence of the dielectric properties. The dielectric constant of these superlattices was found to be much higher than the individual component layers present in the superlattice configuration. The relatively higher tunability ( ∼ 55%) obtained around 300 K indicates that the superlattice is a potential electrically tunable material for microwave applications at room temperature. The enhanced dielectric properties were thus discussed in terms of the interfacial strain driven polar region due to high lattice mismatch and electrostatic coupling due to polarization mismatch between individual layers.


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Dielectric materials with high tunability, low loss, and desired range of permittivity are an attractive class of materials for a variety of applications in microwave components such as tunable filters, phase shifters, antennas, etc. In this article, we have investigated the low frequency dielectric properties of BaZrO3/BaTiO3 and SrTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices of varying modulation periods for the potential application toward electrically tunable devices. The dielectric response of the superlattices as a function of temperature revealed remarkable stability for both types of superlattices, with no observed dielectric anomalies within that range. Dielectric losses were also nominally low with minimal variation within the measured temperature range. Sufficiently high tunability of ∼ 40% was observed for the BaZrO3/BaTiO3 superlattices at the lowest individual layer thicknesses. In comparison, the SrTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices showed a minimum tunability for lowest period structures. It showed maximum tunability of ∼ 20% at 10 kHz and room temperature at an intermediate dimension of 3.85 nm periodicity superlattice. The tunability value degraded with increasing as well as decreasing periodicities for the SrTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices. The dielectric response has been explained on the basis of size effects, interlayer coupling between dissimilar materials, domain contribution, and depolarizing electric fields.


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We report on exchange bias effects in 10 nm particles of Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 which appear as a result of competing interactions between the ferromagnetic (FM)/anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) phases. The fascinating new observation is the demonstration of the temperature dependence of oscillatory exchange bias (OEB) and is tunable as a function of cooling field strength below the SG phase, may be attributable to the presence of charge/spin density wave (CDW/SDW) in the AFM core of PCMO10. The pronounced training effect is noticed at 5 K from the variation of the EB field as a function of number of field cycles (n) upon the field cooling (FC) process. For n > 1, power-law behavior describes the experimental data well; however, the breakdown of spin configuration model is noticed at n >= 1. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3696033]


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We calculate the thermopower of monolayer graphene in various circumstances. We consider acoustic phonon scattering which might be the operative scattering mechanism in freestanding films and predict that the thermopower will be linear in any induced gap in the system. Further, the thermopower peaks at the same value of chemical potential (tunable by gate voltage) independent of the gap. We show that in the semiclassical approximation, the thermopower in a magnetic field saturates at high field to a value which can be calculated exactly and is independent of the details of the scattering. This effect might be observable experimentally. We also note that a Yukawa scattering potential can be used to fit experimental data for the thermopower for reasonable values of the screening length parameter.


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We report here a multiple-nitrile based lithium-salt liquid electrolyte. The ionic conductivity of poly (propyl ether imine) (abbreviated as PETIM) lithium salt dendrimer liquid electrolyte was observed to be a function of dendrimer generation number, n=0 (monomer)-3. While the highest room temperature ionic conductivity value (similar to 10(-1) Sm-1) was recorded for the bis-2cyanoethyl ether monomer (i.e. zeroth generation; G(0)-CN), conductivity decreased progressively to lower values (similar to 10(-3) Sm-1) with increase in generation number (G(1)-CN -> G(3)-CN). The G(0)-CN and higher dendrimer generations showed high thermal stability (approximate to 150 to 200 degrees C), low moisture sensitivity and tunable viscosity (similar to 10(-2) (G(0)-CN) to 3 (G(3)-CN) Pa s). The linker ether group was found to be crucial for ion transport and also eliminated a large number of detrimental features, chiefly moisture sensitivity, chemical instability associated typically with prevalent molecular liquid solvents. Based on the combination of several beneficial physicochemical properties, we presently envisage that the PETIM dendrimers especially the G(0)-CN electrolytes hold promise as electrolytes in electrochemical devices such as lithium-ion batteries.


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In this work, we observe gate tunable negative differential conductance (NDC) and current saturation in single layer and bilayer graphene transistor at high source-drain field, which arise due to the interplay among (1) self-heating, (2) hot carrier injection, and (3) drain induced minority carrier injection. The magnitude of the NDC is found to be reduced for a bilayer, in agreement with its weaker carrier-optical phonon coupling and less efficient hot carrier injection. The contributions of different mechanisms to the observed results are decoupled through fast transient measurements with nanosecond resolution. The findings provide insights into high field transport in graphene. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4754103]


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In graphene, the valleys represent spinlike quantities and can act as a physical resource in valley-based electronics to produce novel quantum computation schemes. Here we demonstrate a direct route to tune and read the valley quantum states of disordered graphene by measuring the mesoscopic conductance fluctuations. We show that the conductance fluctuations in graphene at low temperatures are reduced by a factor of 4 when valley triplet states are gapped in the presence of short-range potential scatterers at high carrier densities. We also show that this implies a gate tunable universal symmetry class that outlines a fundamental feature arising from graphene's unique crystal structure.