330 resultados para reverse characteristics


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A theorem termed the Geometrical Continuity Theorem is enunciated and proven. This theorem throws light on the aspects of the continuity of the proportional portion with the base weir portion. These two portions constitute the profile of a proportional weir. A weir of this type with circular bottom is designed. The theorem is used to establish the continuity at the junction of the proportional and the base weir portions of this weir. The coordinates of the weir profile are obtained by numerical methods and are furnished in tabular form for ready use by designers. The discharge passing through the weir is a linear function of the head. The verification of the assumed linear discharge-head relation is furnished for one of the three weirs with which experiments were conducted. The coefficient of discharge for this typical weir is found to be a constant with a value of 0.59.


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The paper deals with an exact analysis of standing waves in an impedance tube with mean flow. A method is offered for the experimental evaluation of the various wave parameters. Navier–Stokes equations have been solved for evaluating the volume velocity taking into account mean flow, viscosity, etc. The engine exhaust system has been characterized as an acoustic source with an acoustic pressure and internal impedance. A method is suggested for the evaluation of these hypothetical parameters using the exhaust pipe as an impedance tube.Subject Classification: [43]85.20; [43]20.40.


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Practical applications of vacuum as an insulator necessitated determining the low-pressure breakdown characteristics of long gap lengths of a point-plane electrode system. The breakdown voltage has been found to vary as the square root of the gap length. Further, with the point electrode as the anode, the values of the breakdown voltages obtained have been found to be larger than those obtained with a plane-parallel electrode system at a corresponding gap length. By applying the theory of the anode heating mechanism as the cause for breakdown, the results have been justified, and by utilizing a field efficiency factor which is the ratio of the average to maximum field, an empirical criterion has been developed. This criterion helps in calculating the breakdown voltage of a nonuniform gap system by the knowledge of the breakdown voltage of a plane-parallel electrode system.


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The role of thermal decomposition of the binder and the oxidiser in the thermal decomposition, ageing and combustion of composite solid-propellants has been investigated. The present study shows that the burning rate and ageing of polystyrene and ammonium perchlorate propellant are related to the thermal decomposition of the propellant itself and ammonium perchlorate.


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Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (isoniazid), one of the most potent antitubercular drugs, was recently shown, in our laboratory, to form two different complexes with copper, depending upon the oxidation state of the metal ion. Both the complexes have been shown to possess antiviral activity against Rous sarcoma virus, an RNA tumor virus. The antiviral activity of the complexes has been attributed to their ability to inhibit the endogenous reverse transcriptase activity of RSV. More recent studies in our laboratory indicate that both these complexes inhibit both endogenous and exogenous reactions. As low a final concentration as 50 μM of the cupric and the cuprous complexes inhibits the endogenous reaction to the extent of 93 and 75 per cent respectively. Inhibition of the exogenous reaction varies with the templates. The inhibition can be reversed by either β-mercaptoethanol or ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid. The specificity of this inhibition has been ascertained by using a synthetic primer-template, −(dG)not, vert, similar15−(rCm)n, which is highly specific for reverse transcriptases. The inhibition is found to be template specific. The studies carried out, using various synthetic primer-templates, show the inhibition of both the steps of reverse transcription by the copper complexes of isoniazid.


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The departures of the operational amplifiers (OA's) from the ideal performance and their effect on VCV's in the inverting and noninverting mode are discussed. It is found that for the same ideal gain, the bandwidths for the inverting and noninverting modes are different, the former being less. Complete equivalent circuits describing the frequency dependance of the input and output impedances for both modes are given. In particular, the output impedance is shown to be inductive for the frequencies of interest, and this is also confirmed by experimental results.


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Low-voltage and high-current switching delay characteristics of a simple triggered vacuum gap (TVG) are described using lead zirconate titanate as the dielectric material in the auxiliary gap. This TVG has superior performance at high currents (up to 14 kA was studied) with regard to delay, reliable firing and extended life as compared to the one using either supramica or silicon carbide. The total delay consists of three intervals: to break down the auxiliary gap, to propagate the trigger plasma and to break down the main gap. The data on the influence of the various parameters like the trigger voltage, current, energy and the main circuit energy are given. It has been found that the delay due to the first two intervals is small compared to the third.


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The problem of excitation of 11zultilayercd-graded-dielectric-coatedc onductor by a magnetic ring source is fornzulated in the ,form of a contour integrul which is rolved by using the method of steepest descent. Numerical evaluation of launching efiiency shows that high value of about 90 percent can be attained by choosing proper dimensions of the launcher with respect to the dimension of the surface wave line.


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A modal analysis and near-field study for a dielectric-coated conducting sphere excited by a delta function electric field source has been made. The structure can support an infinite number of modes theoretically. For equatorial excitation only odd order modes are excited, whereas for non-equatorial excitation both even and odd order modes are excited. The variation of the amplitude coefficients both internal and external exhibit a different nature of variation with respect to the various structure parameters for different modes. The field distributions both in the r and theta directions for non-equatorial excitation show good agreement between theory and experiment for the strongest mode.


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Sensing characteristics of few-layer graphenes for NO2 and humidity have been investigated with graphene samples prepared by the thermal exfoliation of graphitic oxide, conversion of nanodiamond (DG) and arc-discharge of graphite in hydrogen (HG). The sensitivity for NO2 is found to be highest with DG. Nitrogen-doped HG (n-type) shows increased sensitivity for NO2 compared with pure HG. The highest sensitivity for humidity is observed with HG. Sensing characteristics of graphene have been examined for different aliphatic alcohols and the sensitivity is found to vary with the chain length and branching.


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X-ray powder diffraction along with differential thermal analysis carried out on the as-quenched samples in the 3BaO-3TiO(2)-B2O3 system confirmed their amorphous and glassy nature, respectively. The dielectric constants in the 1 kHz-1 MHz frequency range were measured as a function of temperature (323-748 K). The dielectric constant and loss were found to be frequency independent in the 323-473 K temperature range. The temperature coefficient of dielectric constant was estimated using Havinga's formula and found to be 16 ppm K-1. The electrical relaxation was rationalized using the electric modulus formalism. The dielectric constant and loss were 17 +/- 0.5 and 0.005 +/- 0.001, respectively at 323 K in the 1 kHz-1 MHz frequency range which may be of considerable interest to capacitor industry.


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Extensive measurements of aerosol radiative and microphysical properties were made at an island location, Minicoy (8.3 degrees N, 73.04 degrees E) in the southern Arabian Sea. A large variability in aerosol characteristics associated with changes in air mass and precipitation characteristics was observed. Six distinct transport pathways were identified on the basis of cluster analysis. The Indo-Gangetic Plain, along with the northern Arabian Sea and west Asia (NWA), was identified to be the region having the highest potential for aerosol mass loading at the island. This estimate is based on the concentration weighted trajectory as well as cluster analysis. Dust transport from the NWA region was found to make a substantial contribution to the supermicron mass fraction. The black carbon mass mixing ratios observed were the lowest compared to previous measurements over this region. Consequently, the atmospheric radiative forcing efficiency was low and was in the range 10-28 W m(-2).


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Mobile genetic elements constitute a remarkably diverse group of nonessential selfish genes that provide no apparent function to the host. These selfish genes have been implicated in host extinction, speciation and architecture of genetic systems. Homing endonucleases, encoded by the open reading frames embedded in introns or inteins of mobile genetic elements, possess double-stranded DNA-specific endonuclease activity. They inflict sequence-specific double-strand breaks at or near the homing site in intron- or intein-less allele. Subsequently, through nonreciprocal exchange the insertion sequence (intron or intein) is transferred from an intein- or intron-containing allele to an intein- or intron-less allele. The components of host double-strand break repair pathway are thought to finish the "homing" process. Several lines of evidence suggest that homing endonucleases are capable of promoting transposition into ectopic sites within or across genomes for their survival as well as dispersal in natural populations. The occurrence of inteins at high frequencies serves as instructive models for understanding the mechanistic aspects of the process of homing and its evolution. This review focuses on genetic, biochemical, structural, and phylogenetic aspects of homing endonucleases, and their comparison with restriction endonucleases.


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DNA topoisomerases are ubiquitous nuclear enzymes that govern the topological interconversions of DNA by transiently breaking/rejoining the phosphodiester backbone of one (type I) or both (type II) strands of the double helix. Consistent with these functions, topoisomerases play key roles in many aspects of DNA metabolism. Type II DNA topoisomerase (topo II) is vital for various nuclear processes, including DNA replication, chromosome segregation, and maintenance of chromosome structure. Topo II expression is regulated at multiple stages, including transcriptional, posttranscriptional, and posttranslational levels, by a multitude of signaling factors. Topo II is also the cellular target for a variety of clinically relevant anti-tumor drugs. Despite significant progress in our understanding of the role of topo II in diverse nuclear processes, several important aspects of topo II function, expression, and regulation are poorly understood. We have focused this review specifically on eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase II, with an emphasis on functional and regulatory characteristics.