70 resultados para pathogens


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The intestine is the primary site of nutrient absorption, fluid-ion secretion, and home to trillions of symbiotic microbiota. The high turnover of the intestinal epithelia also renders it susceptible to neoplastic growth. These diverse processes are carefully regulated by an intricate signaling network. Among the myriad molecules involved in intestinal epithelial cell homeostasis are the second messengers, cyclic AMP (cAMP) and cyclic GMP (cGMP). These cyclic nucleotides are synthesized by nucleotidyl cyclases whose activities are regulated by extrinsic and intrinsic cues. Downstream effectors of cAMP and cGMP include protein kinases, cyclic nucleotide gated ion channels, and transcription factors, which modulate key processes such as ion-balance, immune response, and cell proliferation. The web of interaction involving the major signaling pathways of cAMP and cGMP in the intestinal epithelial cell, and possible cross-talk among the pathways, are highlighted in this review. Deregulation of these pathways occurs during infection by pathogens, intestinal inflammation, and cancer. Thus, an appreciation of the importance of cyclic nucleotide signaling in the intestine furthers our understanding of bowel disease, thereby aiding in the development of therapeutic approaches.


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While phosphotyrosine modification is an established regulatory mechanism in eukaryotes, it is less well characterized in bacteria due to low prevalence. To gain insight into the extent and biological importance of tyrosine phosphorylation in Escherichia coli, we used immunoaffinity-based phosphotyrosine peptide enrichment combined with high resolution mass spectrometry analysis to comprehensively identify tyrosine phosphorylated proteins and accurately map phosphotyrosine sites. We identified a total of 512 unique phosphotyrosine sites on 342 proteins in E. coli K12 and the human pathogen enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) O157:H7, representing the largest phosphotyrosine proteome reported to date in bacteria. This large number of tyrosine phosphorylation sites allowed us to define five phosphotyrosine site motifs. Tyrosine phosphorylated proteins belong to various functional classes such as metabolism, gene expression and virulence. We demonstrate for the first time that proteins of a type III secretion system (T3SS), required for the attaching and effacing (A/E) lesion phenotype characteristic for intestinal colonization by certain EHEC strains, are tyrosine phosphorylated by bacterial kinases. Yet, A/E lesion and metabolic phenotypes were unaffected by the mutation of the two currently known tyrosine kinases, Etk and Wzc. Substantial residual tyrosine phosphorylation present in an etk wzc double mutant strongly indicated the presence of hitherto unknown tyrosine kinases in E. coli. We assess the functional importance of tyrosine phosphorylation and demonstrate that the phosphorylated tyrosine residue of the regulator SspA positively affects expression and secretion of T3SS proteins and formation of A/E lesions. Altogether, our study reveals that tyrosine phosphorylation in bacteria is more prevalent than previously recognized, and suggests the involvement of phosphotyrosine-mediated signaling in a broad range of cellular functions and virulence.


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Heme metabolism is central to malaria parasite biology. The parasite acquires heme from host hemoglobin in the intraerythrocytic stages and stores it as hemozoin to prevent free heme toxicity. The parasite can also synthesize heme de novo, and all the enzymes in the pathway are characterized. To study the role of the dual heme sources in malaria parasite growth and development, we knocked out the first enzyme, d-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS), and the last enzyme, ferrochelatase (FC), in the heme-biosynthetic pathway of Plasmodium berghei (Pb). The wild-type and knockout (KO) parasites had similar intraerythrocytic growth patterns in mice. We carried out in vitro radiolabeling of heme in Pb-infected mouse reticulocytes and Plasmodium falciparum-infected human RBCs using 4-(14) C] aminolevulinic acid (ALA). We found that the parasites incorporated both host hemoglobin-heme and parasite-synthesized heme into hemozoin and mitochondrial cytochromes. The similar fates of the two heme sources suggest that they may serve as backup mechanisms to provide heme in the intraerythrocytic stages. Nevertheless, the de novo pathway is absolutely essential for parasite development in the mosquito and liver stages. PbKO parasites formed drastically reduced oocysts and did not form sporozoites in the salivary glands. Oocyst production in PbALASKO parasites recovered when mosquitoes received an ALA supplement. PbALASKO sporozoites could infect mice only when the mice received an ALA supplement. Our results indicate the potential for new therapeutic interventions targeting the heme-biosynthetic pathway in the parasite during the mosquito and liver stages.


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The pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is associated with its ability to survive inside the human host and the bacteria use a variety of mechanism to evade the host's defence. A clearer understanding of the host pathogen interaction is needed to follow the pathogenicity and virulence. Recent advances in the study of inter and intra-cellular communication in bacteria had prompted us to study the role of quorum sensing in bacterial survival and pathogenicity. The cell cell communication in bacteria (quorum sensing) is mediated through the exchange of small molecules called as autoinducers that allow bacteria to modulate their gene expression in response to change in cell-population density. It is a coordinated response that confers multicellularity to a bacterial population in response to stress from external environment. Quorum sensing molecules are the global regulators and regulate a wide range of physiological processes including biofilm formation, motility, cell differentiation, long-term survival and many others. Many bacterial pathogens require quorum sensing to produce the virulence factors in response to host pathogen interaction. Here, we summarize our current understanding on small molecule signalling and their role in the bacterial persistence. New discoveries in these areas have enriched our knowledge on intracellular signalling and their role in the long-term survival of mycobacteria under nutrient starvation.


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Objectives: The ability to target conventional drugs efficiently inside cells to kill intraphagosomal bacteria has been a major hurdle in treatment of infective diseases. We aimed to develop an efficient drug delivery system for combating infection caused by Salmonella, a well-known intracellular and intraphagosomal pathogen. Chitosan dextran sulphate (CD) nanocapsules were assessed for their efficiency in delivering drugs against Salmonella. Methods: The CD nanocapsules were prepared using the layer-by-layer method and loaded with ciprofloxacin or ceftriaxone. Antibiotic-loaded nanocapsules were analysed in vitro for their ability to enter epithelial and macrophage cells to kill Salmonella. In vivo pharmacokinetics and organ distribution studies were performed to check the efficiency of the delivery system. The in vivo antibacterial activity of free antibiotic and antibiotic loaded into nanocapsules was tested in a murine salmonellosis model. Results: In vitro and in vivo experiments showed that this delivery system can be used effectively to clear Salmonella infection, CD nanocapsules were successfully employed for efficient targeting and killing of the intracellular pathogen at a dosage significantly lower than that of the free antibiotic. The increased retention time of ciprofloxacin in the blood and organs when it was delivered by CD nanocapsules compared with the conventional routes of administration may be the reason underlying the requirement for a reduced dosage and frequency of antibiotic administration. Conclusions: CD nanocapsules can be used as an efficient drug delivery system to treat intraphagosomal pathogens, especially Salmonella infection, This delivery system might be used effectively for other vacuolar pathogens including Mycobacteria, Brucella and Legionella.


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In the present study, we report the synthesis, characterization of new series of thiazolo3,2-a]pyrimidine-6-carboxylate derivatives 3a-f and 4a-f. The newly synthesized compounds were screened for in vitro antimicrobial and antiviral activities. The probable mode of action of these active compounds was determined through in silico docking study by docking the receptor methionyl-tRNA synthetase and human inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) for antibacterial and antiviral activities, respectively. Among the compounds, 4c exhibited excellent in vitro antimicrobial activity against all tested strains with binding and docking energies -35.6 and -12.4 kcal/mol, respectively. The antiviral studies were carried out for the selected compounds in which 4a exhibited 73.69 and 54.42 % of inhibition of buffalopox and camelpox viruses, respectively. Furthermore, compound 4a showed minimum docking and binding energy along with the maximum hydrogen/hydrophobic interaction with IMPDH. The study contributes towards identification and screening of potential antimicrobial and antiviral agent's against the pathogens.


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Background: The set of indispensable genes that are required by an organism to grow and sustain life are termed as essential genes. There is a strong interest in identification of the set of essential genes, particularly in pathogens, not only for a better understanding of the pathogen biology, but also for identifying drug targets and the minimal gene set for the organism. Essentiality is inherently a systems property and requires consideration of the system as a whole for their identification. The available experimental approaches capture some aspects but each method comes with its own limitations. Moreover, they do not explain the basis for essentiality in most cases. A powerful prediction method to recognize this gene pool including rationalization of the known essential genes in a given organism would be very useful. Here we describe a multi-level multi-scale approach to identify the essential gene pool in a deadly pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Results: The multi-level workflow analyses the bacterial cell by studying (a) genome-wide gene expression profiles to identify the set of genes which show consistent and significant levels of expression in multiple samples of the same condition, (b) indispensability for growth by using gene expression integrated flux balance analysis of a genome-scale metabolic model, (c) importance for maintaining the integrity and flow in a protein-protein interaction network and (d) evolutionary conservation in a set of genomes of the same ecological niche. In the gene pool identified, the functional basis for essentiality has been addressed by studying residue level conservation and the sub-structure at the ligand binding pockets, from which essential amino acid residues in that pocket have also been identified. 283 genes were identified as essential genes with high-confidence. An agreement of about 73.5% is observed with that obtained from the experimental transposon mutagenesis technique. A large proportion of the identified genes belong to the class of intermediary metabolism and respiration. Conclusions: The multi-scale, multi-level approach described can be generally applied to other pathogens as well. The essential gene pool identified form a basis for designing experiments to probe their finer functional roles and also serve as a ready shortlist for identifying drug targets.


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Autophagy is one of the major immune mechanisms engaged to clear intracellular infectious agents. However, several pathogens have evolved strategies to evade autophagy. Here, we demonstrated that Mycobacteria, Shigella, and Listeria but not Klebsiella, Staphylococcus, and Escherichia inhibit IFNG-induced autophagy in macrophages by evoking selective and robust activation of WNT and SHH pathways via MTOR. Utilization of gain- or loss-of-function analyses as well as mir155-null macrophages emphasized the role of MTOR-responsive epigenetic modifications in the induction of Mir155 and Mir31. Importantly, cellular levels of PP2A, a phosphatase, were regulated by Mir155 and Mir31 to fine-tune autophagy. Diminished expression of PP2A led to inhibition of GSK3B, thus facilitating the prolonged activation of WNT and SHH signaling pathways. Sustained WNT and SHH signaling effectuated the expression of anti-inflammatory lipoxygenases, which in tandem inhibited IFNG-induced JAK-STAT signaling and contributed to evasion of autophagy. Altogether, these results established a role for new host factors and inhibitory mechanisms employed by the pathogens to limit autophagy, which could be targeted for therapeutic interventions.


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Cytosolic heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) has been shown to be essential for many infectious pathogens and is considered a potential target for drug development. In this study, we have carried out biochemical characterization of Hsp90 from a poorly studied protozoan parasite of clinical importance, Entamoeba histolytica. We have shown that Entamoeba Hsp90 can bind to both ATP and its pharmacological inhibitor, 17-AAG (17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin), with K-d values of 365.2 and 10.77 mu M, respectively, and it has a weak ATPase activity with a catalytic efficiency of 4.12 x 10(-4) min(-1) mu M-1. Using inhibitor 17-AAG, we have shown dependence of Entamoeba on Hsp90 for its growth and survival. Hsp90 function is regulated by various co-chaperones. Previous studies suggest a lack of several important co-chaperones in E. histolytica. In this study, we describe the presence of a novel homologue of co-chaperone Aha1 (activator of Hsp90 ATPase), EhAha1c, lacking a canonical Aha1 N-terminal domain. We also show that EhAha1c is capable of binding and stimulating ATPase activity of EhHsp90. In addition to highlighting the potential of Hsp90 inhibitors as drugs against amoebiasis, our study highlights the importance of E. histolytica in understanding the evolution of Hsp90 and its co-chaperone repertoire. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Topoisomerases are an important class of enzymes for regulating the DNA transaction processes. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is one of the most formidable pathogens also posing serious challenges for therapeutic interventions. The organism contains only one type IA topoisomerase (Rv3646c), offering an opportunity to test its potential as a candidate drug target. To validate the essentiality of M.tuberculosis topoisomerase I (TopoI(Mt)) for bacterial growth and survival, we have generated a conditionally regulated strain of topoI in Mtb. The conditional knockdown mutant exhibited delayed growth on agar plate. In liquid culture, the growth was drastically impaired when TopoI expression was suppressed. Additionally, novobiocin and isoniazid showed enhanced inhibitory potential against the conditional mutant. Analysis of the nucleoid revealed its altered architecture upon TopoI depletion. These studies establish the essentiality of TopoI for the M.tuberculosis growth and open up new avenues for targeting the enzyme.


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Detection of pathogens from infected biological samples through conventional process involves cell lysis and purification. The main objective of this work is to minimize the time and sample loss, as well as to increase the efficiency of detection of biomolecules. Electrical lysis of medical sample is performed in a closed microfluidic channel in a single integrated platform where the downstream analysis of the sample is possible. The device functions involve, in a sequence, flow of lysate from lysis chamber passed through a thermal denaturation counter where dsDNA is denatured to ssDNA, which is controlled by heater unit. A functionalized binding chamber of ssDNA is prepared by using ZnO nanorods as the matrix and functionalized with bifunctional carboxylic acid, 16-(2-pyridyldithiol) hexadecanoic acid (PDHA) which is further attached to a linker molecule 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) (EDC). Linker moeity is then covalently bound to photoreactive protoporphyrin (PPP) molecule. The photolabile molecule protoporphyrin interacts with -NH2 labeled single stranded DNA (ssDNA) which thus acts as a probe to detect complimentary ssDNA from target organisms. Thereafter the bound DNA with protoporphyrin is exposed to an LED of particular wavelength for a definite period of time and DNA was eluted and analyzed. UV/Vis spectroscopic analysis at 260/280 nm wavelength confirms the purity and peak at 260 nm is reconfirmed for the elution of target DNA. Quantitative and qualitative data obtained from the current experiments show highly selective detection of biomolecule such as DNA which have large number of future applications in Point-of-Care devices.


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We previously reported interferon gamma secretion by human CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in response to recombinant E. coli-expressed Rv1860 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) as well as protection of guinea pigs against a challenge with virulent MTB following prime-boost immunization with DNA vaccine and poxvirus expressing Rv1860. In contrast, a Statens Serum Institute Mycobacterium bovis BCG (BCG-SSI) recombinant expressing MTB Rv1860 (BCG-TB1860) showed loss of protective ability compared to the parent BCG strain expressing the control GFP protein (BCG-GFP). Since Rv1860 is a secreted mannosylated protein of MTB and BCG, we investigated the effect of BCG-TB1860 on innate immunity. Relative to BCG-GFP, BCG-TB1860 effected a significant near total reduction both in secretion of cytokines IL-2, IL-12p40, IL-12p70, TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-10, and up regulation of co-stimulatory molecules MHC-II, CD40, CD54, CD80 and CD86 by infected bone marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDC), while leaving secreted levels of TGF-beta unchanged. These effects were mimicked by BCG-TB1860His which carried a 6-Histidine tag at the C-terminus of Rv1860, killed sonicated preparations of BCG-TB1860 and purified H37Rv-derived Rv1860 glycoprotein added to BCG-GFP, but not by E. coli-expressed recombinant Rv1860. Most importantly, BMDC exposed to BCG-TB1860 failed to polarize allogeneic as well as syngeneic T cells to secrete IFN-gamma and IL-17 relative to BCG-GFP. Splenocytes from mice infected with BCG-SSI showed significantly less proliferation and secretion of IL-2, IFN-gamma and IL-17, but secreted higher levels of IL-10 in response to in vitro restimulation with BCG-TB1860 compared to BCG-GFP. Spleens from mice infected with BCG-TB1860 also harboured significantly fewer DC expressing MHC-II, IL-12, IL-2 and TNF-alpha compared to mice infected with BCG-GFP. Glycoproteins of MTB, through their deleterious effects on DC may thus contribute to suppress the generation of a TH1- and TH17-dominated adaptive immune response that is vital for protection against tuberculosis.


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Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) plays an important role, in presenting foreign pathogens to our immune system, there by eliciting early immune responses. HLA genes are highly polymorphic, giving rise to diverse antigen presentation capability. An important factor contributing to enormous variations in individual responses to diseases is differences in their HLA profiles. The heterogeneity in allele specific disease responses decides the overall disease epidemiological outcome. Here we propose an agent based computational framework, capable of incorporating allele specific information, to analyze disease epidemiology. This framework assumes a SIR model to estimate average disease transmission and recovery rate. Using epitope prediction tool, it performs sequence based epitope detection for a given the pathogenic genome and derives an allele specific disease susceptibility index depending on the epitope detection efficiency. The allele specific disease transmission rate, that follows, is then fed to the agent based epidemiology model, to analyze the disease outcome. The methodology presented here has a potential use in understanding how a disease spreads and effective measures to control the disease.


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Vaccines provide the most cost effective defense against pathogens. Although vaccines have been designed for a number of viral diseases, a vaccine against HIV-1 still remains elusive. In contrast while there are excellent influenza vaccines, these need to be changed every few years because of antigenic drift and shift The recent discovery of a large number of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) and structural characterization of the conserved epitopes targeted by them presents an opportunity for structure based HIV-1 and influenza A vaccine design. We discuss strategies to design immunogens either targeting a particular antigenic region or focusing on native structure stabilization. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Recent advances in molecular engineering of antibody. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Intracellular pathogens such as Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) manipulate their host cells through the interplay of various virulence factors. A multitude of such virulence factors are encoded on the genome of S. Typhimurium and are usually organized in pathogenicity islands. The virulence-associated genomic stretch of STM3117-3120 has structural features of pathogenicity islands and is present exclusively in non-typhoidal serovars of Salmonella. It encodes metabolic enzymes predicted to be involved in methylglyoxal metabolism. STM3117-encoded lactoylglutathione lyase significantly impacts the proliferation of intracellular Salmonella. The deletion mutant of STM3117 (Delta lgl) fails to grow in epithelial cells but hyper-replicates in macrophages. This difference in proliferation outcome was the consequence of failure to detoxify methylglyoxal by Delta lgl, which was also reflected in the form of oxidative DNA damage and upregulation of kefB in the mutant. Within macrophages, the toxicity of methylglyoxal adducts elicits the potassium efflux channel (KefB) in the mutant which subsequently modulates the acidification of mutant-containing vacuoles (MCVs). The perturbation in the pH of the MCV milieu and bacterial cytosol enhances the Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 translocation in Delta lgl, increasing its net growth within macrophages. In epithelial cells, however, the maturation of Delta lgl-containing vacuoles were affected as these non-phagocytic cells maintain less acidic vacuoles compared to those in macrophages. Remarkably, ectopic expression of Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 on epithelial cells partially restored the survival of Delta lgl. This study identified a novel metabolic enzyme in S. Typhimurium whose activity during intracellular infection within a given host cell type differentially affected the virulence of the bacteria.