109 resultados para nucl-th


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An attempt to systematically investigate the effects of microstructural parameters in influencing the resistance to fatigue crack growth (FCG) in the near-threshold region under three different temper levels has been made for a high strength low alloy steel to observe in general, widely different trends in the dependence of both the total threshold stress intensity range, DELTA-K(th) and the intrinsic or effective threshold stress intensity range, DELTA-K(eff-th) on the prior austenitic grain size (PAGS). While a low strain hardening microstructure obtained by tempering at high temperatures exhibited strong dependence of DELTA-K(th) on the PAGS by virtue of strong interactions of crack tip slip with the grain boundary, a high strength, high strain hardening microstructure as a result of tempering at low temperature exhibited a weak dependence. The lack of a systematic variation of the near-threshold parameters with respect to grain size in temper embrittled structures appears to be related to the wide variations in the amount of intergranular fracture near threshold. Crack closure, to some extent provides a basis on which the increases in DELTA-K(th) at larger grain sizes can be rationalised. This study, in addition, provides a wide perspective on the relative roles of slip behaviour embrittlement and environment that result in the different trends observed in the grain size dependence of near-threshold fatigue parameters, based on which the inconsistency in the results reported in the literature can be clearly understood. Assessment of fracture modes through extensive fractography revealed that prior austenitic grain boundaries are effective barriers to cyclic crack growth compared to martensitic packet boundaries, especially at low stress intensities. Fracture morphologies comprising of low energy flat transgranular fracture can occur close to threshold depending on the combinations of strain hardening behaviour, yield strength and embrittlement effects. A detailed consideration is given to the discussion of cyclic stress strain behaviour, embrittlement and environmental effects and the implications of these phenomena on the crack growth behaviour near threshold.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis, an etiological agent of pulmonary tuberculosis, causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Pathogenic mycobacteria survive in the host by subverting host innate immunity. Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional antigen-presenting cells that are vital for eliciting immune responses to infectious agents, including pathogenic mycobacteria. DCs orchestrate distinct Th responses based on the signals they receive. In this perspective, deciphering the interactions of the proline-glutamic acid/proline-proline-glutamic acid (PE/PPE) family of proteins of M. tuberculosis with DCs assumes significant pathophysiological attributes. In this study, we demonstrate that Rv1917c (PPE34), a representative member of the proline-proline-glutamic-major polymorphic tandem repeat family, interacts with TLR2 and triggers functional maturation of human DCs. Signaling perturbations implicated a critical role for integrated cross-talk among PI3K-MAPK and NF-kappa B signaling cascades in Rv1917c-induced maturation of DCs. However, this maturation of DCs was associated with a secretion of high amounts of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, whereas Th1-polarizing cytokine IL-12 was not induced. Consistent with these results, Rv1917c-matured DCs favored secretion of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10 from CD4(+) T cells and contributed to Th2-skewed cytokine balance ex vivo in healthy individuals and in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Interestingly, the Rv1917c-skewed Th2 immune response involved induced expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in DCs. Taken together, these results indicate that Rv1917c facilitates a shift in the ensuing immunity toward the Th2 phenotype and could aid in immune evasion by mycobacteria.


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Ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) granulites of the central Highland Complex, Sri Lanka, underwent some of the highest known peak temperatures of crustal metamorphism. Zircon and monazite U-Pb systems in granulites near Kandy, the highest grade region (similar to 1050 degrees C; 0.9 GPa), preserve both a record of the timing of prograde and retrograde phases of UHT metamorphism and evidence for the ages of older protolith components. Zircon grains from a quartz-saturated granulite containing relics of the peak UHT assemblage have remnant detrital cores with dates of ca. 2.5-0.83 Ga. Date clusters of ca. 1.7 and 1.04-0.83 Ga record episodes of zircon growth in the source region of the protolith sediment. Two generations of overgrowths with contrasting Th/U record metamorphic zircon growth at 569 +/- 5 and 551 +/- 7 Ma, probably in the absence and presence of monazite, respectively. The age of coexisting metamorphic monazite (547 +/- 7 Ma) is indistinguishable from that of the younger, low-Th/U zircon overgrowths. Zircon from a quartz-undersaturated monazite-absent UHT granulite with a mainly retrograde assemblage is mostly metamorphic (551 +/- 5 Ma). The ca. 570 Ma zircon overgrowths in the quartz-saturated granulite probably record partial melting just before or at the metamorphic peak. The ca. 550 Ma zircon in both rocks, and the ca. 550 Ma monazite in the quartz-saturated sample, record post-peak isothermal decompression. A possible model for this pressure-temperature-time evolution is ultrahot collisional orogeny during the assembly of Gondwana, locally superheated by basaltic underplating, followed by fast extensional exhumation.


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A key step in the triacylglycerol (TAG) biosynthetic pathway is the final acylation of diacylglycerol (DAG) by DAG acyltransferase. In silico analysis has revealed that the DCR (defective in cuticular ridges) (At5g23940) gene has a typical HX4D acyltransferase motif at the N-terminal end and a lipid binding motif VX(2)GF at the middle of the sequence. To understand the biochemical function, the gene was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and the purified recombinant protein was found to acylate DAG specifically in an acyl-CoA-dependent manner. Overexpression of At5g23940 in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae quadruple mutant deficient in DAG acyltransferases resulted in TAG accumulation. At5g23940 rescued the growth of this quadruple mutant in the oleate-containing medium, whereas empty vector control did not. Lipid particles were localized in the cytosol of At5g23940-transformed quadruple mutant cells, as observed by oil red O staining. There was an incorporation of 16-hydroxyhexadecanoic acid into TAG in At5g23940-transformed cells of quadruple mutant. Here we report a soluble acyl-CoA-dependent DAG acyltransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana. Taken together, these data suggest that a broad specific DAG acyltransferase may be involved in the cutin as well as in the TAG biosynthesis by supplying hydroxy fatty acid.


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We have analyzed the set of inter and intra base pair parameters for each dinucleotide step in single crystal structures of dodecamers, solved at high and medium resolution and all crystallized in P2(1)2(1)2(1) space group. The objective was to identify whether all the structures which have either the Drew-Dickerson (DD) sequence d[CGCGAATTCGCG] with some base modification or related sequence (non-DD), would display the same sequence dependent structural variability about its palindromic sequence, despite the molecule being bent at one end because of similar crystal lattice packing effect. Most of the local doublet parameters for base pairs steps G2-C3 and G10-C11 positions, symmetrically situated about the lateral twofold, were significantly correlated between themselves. In non-DD sequences, significant correlations between these positional parameters were absent. The different range of local step parameter values at each sequence position contributed to the gross feature of smooth helix axis bending in all structures. The base pair parameters in some of the positions, for medium resolution DD sequence, were quite unlike the high-resolution set and encompassed a higher range of values. Twist and slide are the two main parameters that show wider conformational range for the middle region of non-DD sequence structures in comparison to DD sequence structures. On the contrary, the minor and major groove features bear good resemblance between DD and non-DD sequence crystal structure datasets. The sugar-phosphate backbone torsion angles are similar in all structures, in sharp contrast to base pair parameter variation for high and low resolution DD and non-DD sequence structures, consisting of unusual (epsilon =g(-), xi =t) B-II conformation at the 10(th) position of the dodecamer sequence. Thus examining DD and non-DD sequence structures packed in the same crystal lattice arrangement, we infer that inter and intra base pair parameters are as symmetrically equivalent in its value as the symmetry related step for the palindromic DD sequence about lateral two-fold axis. This feature would lead us to agree with the conclusion that DNA conformation is not substantially affected by end-to-end or lateral inter-molecular interaction due to crystal lattice packing effect. Non-DD sequence structures acquire step parameter values which reflect the altered sequence at each of the dodecamer sequence position in the orthorhombic lattice while showing similar gross features of DD sequence structures


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An attempt has been made to systematically investigate the effects of microstructural parameters, such as the prior austenite grain size (PAGS), in influencing the resistance to fatigue crack growth (FCG) in the near-threshold region under three different temper levels in a quenched and tempered high-strength steel. By austenitizing at various temperatures, the PAGS was varied from about 0.7 to 96 μm. The microstructures with these grain sizes were tempered at 200 °C, 400 °C, and 530 °C and tested for fatigue thresholds and crack closure. It has been found that, in general, three different trends in the dependence of both the total threshold stress intensity range, ΔK th , and the intrinsic threshold stress intensity range, ΔK eff, th , on the PAGS are observable. By considering in detail the factors such as cyclic stress-strain behavior, environmental effects on FCG, and embrittlement during tempering, the present observations could be rationalized. The strong dependence of ΔK th and ΔK eff, th on PAGS in microstructures tempered at 530 °C has been primarily attributed to cyclic softening and thereby the strong interaction of the crack tip deformation field with the grain boundary. On the other hand, a less strong dependence of ΔK th and ΔK eff, th on PAGS is suggested to be caused by the cyclic hardening behavior of lightly tempered microstructures occurring in 200 °C temper. In both microstructures, crack closure influenced near-threshold FCG (NTFCG) to a significant extent, and its magnitude was large at large grain sizes. Microstructures tempered at the intermediate temperatures failed to show a systematic variation of ΔKth and ΔKeff, th with PAGS. The mechanisms of intergranular fracture vary between grain sizes in this temper. A transition from “microstructure-sensitive” to “microstructure-insensitive” crack growth has been found to occur when the zone of cyclic deformation at the crack tip becomes more or less equal to PAGS. Detailed observations on fracture morphology and crack paths corroborate the grain size effects on fatigue thresholds and crack closure.


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Bulk, melt quenched Ge18Te82-xBix glasses (1 <= x <= 4) have been found to exhibit memory type electrical switching behavior, which is in agreement with the lower thermal diffusivity values of Ge-Te-Bi samples. A linear variation in switching voltages (V-th) has been found in these samples with increase in thickness which is consistent with the memory type electrical switching. Also, the switching voltages have been found to decrease with an increase in temperature which happens due to the decrease in the activation energy for crystallization at higher temperatures. Further. V-th of Ge18Te82-xBix glasses have been found to decrease with the increase in Bi content, indicating that in the Ge-Te-Bi system, the resistivity of the additive has a stronger role to play in the composition dependence of V-th, in comparison with the network connectivity and rigidity factors. In addition, the composition dependence of crystallization activation energy has been found to show a decrease with an increase in Bi content, which is consistent with the observed decrease in the switching voltages. X-ray diffraction studies on thermally crystallized samples reveal the presence of hexagonal Te, GeTe, Bi2Te3 phases, suggesting that bismuth is not taking part in network formation to a greater extent, as reflected in the variation of switching voltages with the addition of Bi. SEM studies on switched and un-switched regions of Ge-Te-Bi samples indicate that there are morphological changes in the switched region, which can be attributed to the formation of the crystalline channel between two electrodes during switching. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The system gain of two CCD systems in regular use at the Vainu Bappu Observatory, Kavalur, is determined at a few gain settings. The procedure used for the determination of system gain and base-level noise is described in detail. The Photometrics CCD system at the 1-m reflector uses a Thomson-CSF TH 7882 CDA chip coated for increased ultraviolet sensitivity. The gain is programme-selected through the parameter 'cgain' varying between 0 and 4095 in steps of 1. The inverse system gain for this system varies almost linearly from 27.7 electrons DN-1 at cgain = 0 to 1.5 electrons DN-1 at cgain = 500. The readout noise is less than or similar 11 electrons at cgain = 66. The Astromed CCD system at 2.3-m Vainu Bappu Telescope uses a GEC P8603 chip which is also coated for enhanced ultraviolet sensitivity. The amplifier gain is selected in discrete steps using switches in the controller. The inverse system gain is 4.15 electrons DN-1 at the gain setting of 9.2, and the readout noise approximately 8 electrons.


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We consider the problem of matching people to items, where each person ranks a subset of items in an order of preference, possibly involving ties. There are several notions of optimality about how to best match a person to an item; in particular, popularity is a natural and appealing notion of optimality. A matching M* is popular if there is no matching M such that the number of people who prefer M to M* exceeds the number who prefer M* to M. However, popular matchings do not always provide an answer to the problem of determining an optimal matching since there are simple instances that do not admit popular matchings. This motivates the following extension of the popular matchings problem: Given a graph G = (A U 3, E) where A is the set of people and 2 is the set of items, and a list < c(1),...., c(vertical bar B vertical bar)> denoting upper bounds on the number of copies of each item, does there exist < x(1),...., x(vertical bar B vertical bar)> such that for each i, having x(i) copies of the i-th item, where 1 <= xi <= c(i), enables the resulting graph to admit a popular matching? In this paper we show that the above problem is NP-hard. We show that the problem is NP-hard even when each c(i) is 1 or 2. We show a polynomial time algorithm for a variant of the above problem where the total increase in copies is bounded by an integer k. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bulk Ge(17)Te83_,JI glasses (05x.5_13), have been found to exhibit memory type electrical switching. The switching voltages (also known as threshold voltage V-th) of Ge17Te83-xTlx glasses are found to decrease with increasing thallium content. The rate of decrease of Vtry is greater at lower concentrations and \textbackslashid, falls at a slower rate for higher thallium concentrations (x 6). The addition of thallium to the Ge-Te network fragments the covalent network and introduces ionic nature to it; the reduction in network connectivity leads to the decrease in switching voltages with thallium content. The decrease in the glass transition temperatures of Ge17Te83-xTlx glasses with increasing thallium concentration supports the idea of decrease in network connectivity with TI addition. The more metallic nature of TI also contributes to the observed reduction in the switching voltages of Ge17Te83-xTlx glasses with TI content. Further, there is an interesting correlation seen between the threshold voltage V-th and the average bond energy, as a function of TI content. In addition, the switching voltages of Ge17Te83-xTlx glasses have been found to decrease with sample thickness almost linearly. The set-reset studies indicate that the Ge17Te83-xTl2 sample can be switched for more than 10 cycles, whereas other glasses could not be reset beyond two switching cycles. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the structural, magnetic, and specific heat behavior of the hexagonal manganite Dy0.5Y0.5MnO3 in order to understand the effect of dilution of Dy magnetism with nonmagnetic yttrium. In this compound, the triangular Mn lattice orders antiferromagnetic at T-N(Mn) approximate to 68 K observed experimentally in the derivative of magnetic susceptibility as well as in specific heat. In addition, a low-temperature peak at T-N(Dy) similar to 3 K is observed in specific heat which is attributed to rare earth order. The T-N(Mn) increases by 9 K compared to that of hexagonal (h) DyMnO3 while T-N(Dy) is unchanged. A change in slope of thermal evolution of lattice parameters is observed to occur at temperature close to T-N(Mn). This hints at strong magnetoelastic coupling in this geometric multiferroic. In magnetization measurements, steplike features are observed when the magnetic field is applied along the c axis which shift to higher fields with temperature and vanish completely above 40 K. The presence of different magnetic phases at low temperature and strong magnetoelastic effects can lead to such field-induced transitions which resemble metamagnetic transitions. This indicates the possibility of strong field-induced effects in dielectric properties of this material, which is unexplored to date.


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We report here an easily reversible set-reset process in a new Ge15Te83Si2 glass that could be a promising candidate for phase change random access memory applications. The I-V characteristics of the studied sample show a comparatively low threshold electric field (E-th) of 7.3 kV/cm. Distinct differences in the type of switching behavior are achieved by means of controlling the on state current. It enables the observation of a threshold type for less than 0.7 mA beyond memory type (set) switching. The set and reset processes have been achieved with a similar magnitude of 1 mA, and with a triangular current pulse for the set process and a short duration rectangular pulse of 10 msec width for the reset operation. Further, a self-resetting effect is seen in this material upon excitation with a saw-tooth/square pulse, and their response of leading and trailing edges are discussed. About 6.5 x 10(4) set-reset cycles have been undertaken without any damage to the device. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3574659]


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Co-ordination complexes of the diphosphazane dioxides Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)Ph(2) L(1). Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)Ph(OC(6)H(4)Me-4) L(2) and Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)(O2C12H8) L(3) with UO22+ or Th4+ ions have been synthesised and characterised by IR and NMR spectroscopy. The structures of [UO2(NO3)(2)L(1)] and [Th(NO3)(2)L(3)(1)][Th(NO3)(6)] are established by X-ray crystallography. In the former, the uranyl ion is bonded to two bidentate nitrate groups and the two phosphoryl groups of the ligand L(1); the co-ordination polyhedron around the metal is a hexagonal bipyramid. The cationic moiety in the thorium complex contains three bidentate diphosphazane dioxide ligands and two bidentate nitrate groups around the ten-co-ordinated metal.


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Levamisole, the imidazo2,1-b]thiazole derivative has been reported as a potential antitumor agent. In the present study, we synthesized, characterized and evaluated biological activity of its novel analogues with substitution in the aralkyl group and on imidazothiadiazole molecules with same chemical backbone but different side chains namely 2-aralkyl-6-(4'-fluorophenyl)-imidazo2,1-b]1,3,4]thiadiazoles (SCR1), 2-aralkyl-5-bromo-6-(4'-fluorophenyl)-imidazo2,1-b]1,3,4]-thiadiaz oles (SCR2), 2-aralkyl-5-formyl-6-(4'-fluorophenyl)-imidazo2,1-b]1,3,4]-thiadia zoles (SCR3) and 2-aralkyl-5-thiocyanato-6-(4'-fluorophenyl)-imidazo2,1-b]1,3,4]-th iadiazoles (SCR4) on leukemia cells. The cytotoxic studies showed that 3a, 4a, and 4c exhibited strong cytotoxicity while others had moderate cytotoxicity. Among these we chose 4a (IC50, 8 mu M) for understanding its mechanism of cytotoxicity. FACS analysis in conjunction with mitochondrial membrane potential and DNA fragmentation studies indicated that 4a induced apoptosis without cell cycle arrest suggesting that it could be used as a potential chemotherapeutic agent. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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In order to understand the translational and rotational motion in dense molecular liquids, detailed molecular dynamics simulations of Lennard-Jones ellipsoids have been carried out for three different values of the aspect ratio kappa. For ellipsoids with an aspect ratio equal to 2, the product of the translational diffusion coefficient (D-T) and the average orientational correlation time of the l-th rank harmonics (tau(lR)), converges to a nearly constant value at high density. Surprisingly, this density independent value of D-T tau(lR) is within 5% of the hydrodynamic prediction with the slip boundary condition. This is despite the fact that both D-T and tau(lR) themselves change nearly by an order of magnitude in the density range considered, and the rotational correlation function itself is strongly nonexponential. For small aspect ratios (kappa less than or equal to 1.5), the rotational correlation function remains largely Gaussian even at a very large density, while for a large aspect ratio (kappa greater than or equal to 3), the transition to the nematic liquid-crystalline phase precludes the hydrodynamic regime. Thus, the rotational dynamics of ellipsoids show great sensitivity to the aspect ratio. At low density, tau(lR) goes through a minimum value, indicating the role of interactions in enhancing the rate of orientational relaxation. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(97)50142-5].