186 resultados para neutron emission width


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Energy loss spectra of superconducting YBa2Cu3O6.9' Bi1.5Pb0.5Ca2.5Sr1.5Cu3O10+δ and Tl2CaBa2Cu3O8 obtained at primary electron energies in the 170–310 eV range show features reflecting the commonalities in their electronic structures. The relative intensity of the plasmon peak shows a marked drop across the transition temperature. Secondary electron emission spectra of the cuprates also reveal some features of the electronic structure.


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This paper discusses a successful application of the Acoustic Emission Technique (AET) for the detection and location of leak paths present on an inaccessible side of an end shield of a Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR). The methodology was based on the fact that air- and water-leak AE signals have different characteristic features. Baseline data was generated from a sound end shield of a PHWR for characterising the background noise. A mock-up end shield system with saw-cut leak paths was used to verify the validity of the methodology. It was found that air-leak signals under pressurisation (as low as 3 psi) could be detected by frequency domain analysis. Signals due to air leaks from various locations of defective end shield were acquired and analysed. It was possible to detect and locate leak paths. The presence of detected leak paths was further confirmed by an alternative test.


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Acoustic emission (AE) technique was used to characterise drilling of composite laminates. Uni-directional glass fibre reinforced plastic (GFRP) laminates consisting of 12-layers and 16-layers (0/90)(s) were drilled using a twist drill and the generated AE was monitored. Results of the investigations reveal that the complexion of the acoustic emission root mean square (AE-RMS) signal response changes from the drill entry to the exit thus giving an overall understanding about the different events that take place during drilling. Also, AE-RMS signal level increases with an increase in the applied thrust and further reveals that it is possible to evaluate the drill induced damages in composites through AE signal characterisation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A comparative neutron diffraction study of Bi2CaSr2Cu2O8+δ, Bi2Ca2SrCu2O8+δ and Bi2Ca1.5Y0.5SrCu2O8+δ has not only shown the presence of considerable oxygen excess in the Bi layers, but also evidence for oxygen pairing giving rise to O1−2 or O2−2 type species, probably the latter. The proportion of the paired species increases when Y partly replaces Ca. Furthermore, the Tc decreases with an increase in paired species.


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The correlation between structure and oxygen content in the LaBa2Cu3O7+δ was investigated by neutron powder diffraction. It is shown that the structure is orthorhombic (Pmmm) when δ = −0.04 and tetragonal (P4/mmm) when δ = −0.06. Such a change in structure accompanying a very small variation in oxygen stoichiometry is remarkable. In the orthorhombic structure of the δ = −0.04 sample, there is 70% oxygen occupancy for the linear chain site Image and 34% for the Image site. The La sites have 13.6% Ba when δ = −0.04 and 11.2% Ba when δ = −0.06; the Ba sites have 10% La in both cases.


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Body-centered-tetragonal (BCT) ZnS nanocrystals have been synthesized, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, by using the chemical coprecipitation method at higher synthesis temperatures of 65 and 95 degrees C. It is confirmed from X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies that in the high-temperature-synthesized samples, cubic and BCT phases coexist, in contrast to the room-temperature-synthesized sample, which consists of only cubic phase with sizes of the particles lying between 2 and 3 nm. The sizes of BCT phase nanocrystals are bigger than those of cubic phase of ZnS. The presence of BCT phase of ZnS in the samples is increased from 40 to 90% when the temperature of synthesis is increased from 65 to 95 degrees C. The nanocrystalline nature and UV-Vis absorption characteristics of the prepared samples have been studied with a transmission electron microscope (TEM) and a UV-Visible pectrophotometer, respectively. The room-temperature-synthesized ZnS sample shows photoluminescence (PL) emission in the blue region with multiple peaks, whereas the high-temperature-synthesized samples show PL emissions in the visible region. The Gaussian fittings of the measured PL spectra shows that three PL peaks at 429, 477, and 525 nm are appeared in the 65 degrees C sample and two peaks at 491 and 540 nm appear in the 95 degrees C sample with the enhanced PL intensity of the green peak at 540 nm. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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A broad numerical survey of relativistic rotating neutron star structures was compiled using an exhaustive list of presently available equation of state models for neutron star matter. The structure parameters (spherical deformations in mass and radii, the moment of inertia and quadrupole moment, oblateness, and free precession) are calculated using the formalism proposed by Hartle and Thorne (1968). The results are discussed in relation to the relevant observational information. Binary pulsar data and X-ray burst sources provide information on the bulk properties of neutron stars, enabling the derivation of constraints that can be put on the structure of neutron stars and equation of state models.


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The influence of concentration and size of sp (2) cluster on the transport properties and electron field emissions of amorphous carbon films have been investigated. The observed insulating to metallic behaviour from reduced activation energy derived from transport measurement and threshold field for electron emission of a-C films can be explained in terms of improvements in the connectivity between sp (2) clusters. The connectivity is resulted by the cluster concentration and size. The concentration and size of sp (2) content cluster is regulated by the coalescence of carbon globules into clusters, which evolves with deposition conditions.


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Starting from the exact general relativistic expression for the total energy of selfgravitating spherically distributed matter and using the minimum energy priciple, we calculate the upper mass limit for a neutron star to be 3.1 solar masses.


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The structures of TlSr(2−x)LaxCuO(5+δ), with x=0.5, 0.75 and 1, and Tl.5Pb0.5Sr2CuO(5+δ) have been examined with X-ray and neutron powder Rietveld refinement. They are isostructural (P4/mmm) with the corresponding thallium-barium cuprate having one Cu-O layer with Cu3+ ions in octahedral coordination with oxygen (structure type 1201). The influence of cation substitution and disorder on the structure and superconducting properties of these phases have been investigated. La3+ substitution for Sr2+ stabilises the structure and reduces Cu3+, permitting superconductivity, while Pb2+ substitution for Tl3+ only stabilises the structure, without reducing Cu3+.


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We show that the characteristic Mn2+ d emission color from Mn2+-doped CdS nanocrystals can be tuned over as much as 40 nm, in contrast to what should be expected from such a nearly localized d-d transition. This is achieved surprisingly by a fine-tuning of the host particle diameter from 1.9 to 2.6 nm, thereby changing the overall emission color from red to yellow. Systematic experiments in conjunction with state-of-the-art ab initio calculations with full geometry optimization establish that Mn2+ ions residing at surface/subsurface regions have a distorted tetrahedral coordination resulting in a larger ligand field splitting. Consequently, these near-surface Mn2+ species exhibit a lower Mn2+ d emission energy, compared to those residing at the core of the nanocrystal with an undisturbed tetrahedral coordination. The origin of the tunability of the observed Mn2+ emission is the variation of emission contributions arising from Mn2+ doped at the core, subsurface, and surface of the host. Our findings provide a unique and easy method to identify the location of an emitting Mn2+ ion in the nanocrystal, which would be otherwise very difficult to decipher.


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Electronic absorption spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy have been used to investigate the interaction of the fullerenes C60 and C70 with diethylaniline, and with aromatic solvents such as benzene. C60 interacts weakly with aromatic amines in the ground state while C70 does not interact at all. Steady state fluorescence emission and lifetime measurements show that both C60 and C70 form excited state complexes (exciplexes) with the amines in non-aromatic solvents such as methylcyclohexane, but not in benzene. In benzene, only fluorescence quenching is observed due to the interaction between the π systems of the aromatic solvent and the fullerene in the ground state. This is also borne out by the systematic study of solvent effects on the absorption and emission spectra of the fullerenes.