126 resultados para implicit categorization


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An analysis of large deformations of flexible membrane structures within the tension field theory is considered. A modification-of the finite element procedure by Roddeman et al. (Roddeman, D. G., Drukker J., Oomens, C. W J., Janssen, J. D., 1987, ASME J. Appl. Mech. 54, pp. 884-892) is proposed to study the wrinkling behavior of a membrane element. The state of stress in the element is determined through a modified deformation gradient corresponding to a fictive nonwrinkled surface. The new model uses a continuously modified deformation gradient to capture the location orientation of wrinkles more precisely. It is argued that the fictive nonwrinkled surface may be looked upon as an everywhere-taut surface in the limit as the minor (tensile) principal stresses over the wrinkled portions go to zero. Accordingly, the modified deformation gradient is thought of as the limit of a sequence of everywhere-differentiable tensors. Under dynamic excitations, the governing equations are weakly projected to arrive at a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations that is solved using different integration schemes. It is concluded that, implicit integrators work much better than explicit ones in the present context.


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The unsteady mixed convection flow of an incompressible laminar electrically conducting fluid over an impulsively stretched permeable vertical surface in an unbounded quiescent fluid in the presence of a transverse magnetic field has been investigated. At the same time, the surface temperature is suddenly increased from the surrounding fluid temperature or a constant heat flux is suddenly imposed on the surface. The problem is formulated in such a way that for small time it is governed by Rayleigh type of equation and for large time by Crane type of equation. The non-linear coupled parabolic partial differential equations governing the unsteady mixed convection flow under boundary layer approximations have been solved analytically by using the homotopy analysis method as well as numerically by an implicit finite difference scheme. The local skin friction coefficient and the local Nusselt number are found to decrease rapidly with time in a small time interval and they tend to steady-state values for t* >= 5. They also increase with the buoyancy force and suction, but decrease with injection rate. The local skin friction coefficient increases with the magnetic field, but the local Nusselt number decreases. There is a smooth transition from the unsteady state to the steady state. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An analysis is performed to study the unsteady combined forced and free convection flow (mixed convection flow) of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid in the vicinity of an axisymmetric stagnation point adjacent to a heated vertical surface. The unsteadiness in the flow and temperature fields is due to the free stream velocity, which varies arbitrarily with time. Both constant wall temperature and constant heat flux conditions are considered in this analysis. By using suitable transformations, the Navier-Stokes and energy equations with four independent variables (x, y, z, t) are reduced to a system of partial differential equations with two independent variables (eta, tau). These transformations also uncouple the momentum and energy equations resulting in a primary axisymmetric flow, in an energy equation dependent on the primary flow and in a buoyancy-induced secondary flow dependent on both primary flow and energy. The resulting system of partial differential equations has been solved numerically by using both implicit finite-difference scheme and differential-difference method. An interesting result is that for a decelerating free stream velocity, flow reversal occurs in the primary flow after certain instant of time and the magnetic field delays or prevents the flow reversal. The surface heat transfer and the surface shear stress in the primary flow increase with the magnetic field, but the surface shear stress in the buoyancy-induced secondary flow decreases. Further the heat transfer increases with the Prandtl number, but the surface shear stress in the secondary flow decreases.


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The plasma is taken to be composed of singly ionized molecules, free electrons and neutral molecules, each of the component being described by the hydromagnetic equations, modified to take into account the displacement current, existence of free charge in the medium, and the modified current equation without involving the scalar conductivity. The basic equations are linearized and only small amplitude waves are considered. In the absence of any external magnetic field, the transverse and longitudinal modes of oscillation separate out. In the transverse part a coupled plasma oscillation occurs which could be propagated only above a certain critical frequency and in the longitudinal part one extraordinary mode of propagation occurs having a forbidden range of frequencies. When there is an external applied magnetic field, ordinary and extraordinary waves are propagated along the direction of the magnetic field, whereas only ordinary waves are propagated transverse to the magnetic field. The critical frequencies above which these waves are propagated are evaluated and, the possible explanation of this medium like behaviour could be the implicit assumption of conductivity being not a scalar.


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The transient boundary layer flow and heat transfer of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting non-Newtonian power-law fluid in a stagnation region of a two-dimensional body in the presence of an applied magnetic field have been studied when the motion is induced impulsively from rest. The nonlinear partial differential equations governing the flow and heat transfer have been solved by the homotopy analysis method and by an implicit finite-difference scheme. For some cases, analytical or approximate solutions have also been obtained. The special interest are the effects of the power-law index, magnetic parameter and the generalized Prandtl number on the surface shear stress and heat transfer rate. In all cases, there is a smooth transition from the transient state to steady state. The shear stress and heat transfer rate at the surface are found to be significantly influenced by the power-law index N except for large time and they show opposite behaviour for steady and unsteady flows. The magnetic field strongly affects the surface shear stress, but its effect on the surface heat transfer rate is comparatively weak except for large time. On the other hand, the generalized Prandtl number exerts strong influence on the surface heat transfer. The skin friction coefficient and the Nusselt number decrease rapidly in a small interval 0 < t* < 1 and reach the steady-state values for t* >= 4. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Previous techniques used for solving the 1-D Poisson equation ( PE) rigorously for long-channel asymmetric and independent double-gate (IDG) transistors result in potential models that involve multiple intercoupled implicit equations. As these equations need to be solved self-consistently, such potential models are clearly inefficient for compact modeling. This paper reports a different rigorous technique for solving the same PE by which one can obtain the potential profile of a generalized IDG transistor that involves a single implicit equation. The proposed Poisson solution is shown to be computationally more efficient for circuit simulation than the previous solutions.


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The unsteady laminar mixed convection boundary layer flow of a thermomicropolar fluid over a long thin vertical cylinder has been studied when the free stream velocity varies with time. The coupled nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. The results show that the buoyancy, curvature and suction parameters, in general, enhance the skin friction, heat transfer and gradient of microrotation, but the effect of injection is just opposite. The skin friction and heat transfer for the micropolar fluid are considerably less than those for the Newtonian fluids. The effect of microrotation parameter is appreciable only on the microrotation gradient. The effect of the Prandtl number is appreciable on the skin friction, heat transfer and gradient of microtation.


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The laminar boundary layer over a stationary infinite disk induced by a rotating compressible fluid is considered. The free stream velocity has been taken as tangential and varies as a power of radius, i.e. v∞ ˜ r−n. The effect of the axial magnetic field and suction is also included in the analysis. An implicit finite difference scheme is employed to the governing similarity equations for numerical computations. Solutions are studied for various values of disk to fluid temperature ratio and for values of n between 1 and −1. In the absence of the magnetic field and suction, velocity profiles exhibit oscillations. It has been observed that for a hot disk in the presence of a magnetic field the boundary layer solutions decay algebraically instead of decaying exponentially. In the absence of the magnetic field and suction, the solution of the similarity equations exists only for a certain range of n.


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The unsteady laminar free convection boundary layer flows around two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies placed in an ambient fluid of infinite extent have been studied when the flow is driven by thermal buoyancy forces and buoyancy forces from species diffusion. The unsteadiness in the flow field is caused by both temperature and concentration at the wall which vary arbitrarily with time. The coupled nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. Computations have been performed for a circular cylinder and a sphere. The skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer are strongly dependent on the variation of the wall temperature and concentration with time. Also the skin friction and heat transfer increase or decrease as the buoyancy forces from species diffusion assist and oppose, respectively, the thermal buoyancy force, whereas the mass transfer rate is higher for small values of the ratio of the buoyancy parameters than for large values. The local heat and mass transfer rates are maximum at the stagnation point and they decrease progressively with increase of the angular position from the stagnation point.


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Multimedia mining primarily involves, information analysis and retrieval based on implicit knowledge. The ever increasing digital image databases on the Internet has created a need for using multimedia mining on these databases for effective and efficient retrieval of images. Contents of an image can be expressed in different features such as Shape, Texture and Intensity-distribution(STI). Content Based Image Retrieval(CBIR) is an efficient retrieval of relevant images from large databases based on features extracted from the image. Most of the existing systems either concentrate on a single representation of all features or linear combination of these features. The paper proposes a CBIR System named STIRF (Shape, Texture, Intensity-distribution with Relevance Feedback) that uses a neural network for nonlinear combination of the heterogenous STI features. Further the system is self-adaptable to different applications and users based upon relevance feedback. Prior to retrieval of relevant images, each feature is first clustered independent of the other in its own space and this helps in matching of similar images. Testing the system on a database of images with varied contents and intensive backgrounds showed good results with most relevant images being retrieved for a image query. The system showed better and more robust performance compared to existing CBIR systems


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The present work gives a comprehensive numerical study of the evolution and decay of cylindrical and spherical nonlinear acoustic waves generated by a sinusoidal source. Using pseudospectral and predictor–corrector implicit finite difference methods, we first reproduced the known analytic results of the plane harmonic problem to a high degree of accuracy. The non-planar harmonic problems, for which the amplitude decay is faster than that for the planar case, are then treated. The results are correlated with the known asymptotic results of Scott (1981) and Enflo (1985). The constant in the old-age formula for the cylindrical canonical problem is found to be 1.85 which is rather close to 2, ‘estimated’ analytically by Enflo. The old-age solutions exhibiting strict symmetry about the maximum are recovered; these provide an excellent analytic check on the numerical solutions. The evolution of the waves for different source geometries is depicted graphically.


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The unsteady laminar free convection flow of an incompressible electrically conducting fluid over two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies embedded in a highly porous medium with an applied magnetic field has been studied. The unsteadiness in the flow field is caused by the variation of the wall temperature and concentration with time. The coupled nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. It is observed that the skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer increase with the permeability parameter but decrease with the magnetic parameter. The results are strongly dependent on the variation of wall temperature and concentration with time. The skin friction and heat transfer increase or decrease as the buoyancy forces from species diffusion assist or oppose the thermal buoyancy force. However, the mass transfer is found to be higher for small values of the ratio of the buoyancy parameters than for large values


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An analysis is performed to study the unsteady laminar incompressible boundary-layer flow of an electrically conducting fluid in a cone due to a point sink with an applied magnetic field. The unsteadiness in the flow is considered for two types of motion, viz. the motion arising due to the free stream velocity varying continuously with time and the transient motion occurring due to an impulsive change either in the strength of the point sink or in the wall temperature. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. The magnetic field increases the skin friction but reduces heat transfer. The heat transfer and temperature field are strongly influenced by the viscous dissipation and Prandtl number. The velocity field is more affected at the early stage of the transient motion, caused by an impulsive change in the strength of the point sink, as compared to the temperature field. When the transient motion is caused by a sudden change in the wall temperature, both skin friction and heat transfer take more time to reach a new steady state. The transient nature of the flow and heat transfer is active for a short time in the case of suction and for a long time in the case of injection. The viscous dissipation prolongs the transient behavior of the flow.


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Semi-similar solutions of the unsteady compressible laminar boundary layer flow over two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies at the stagnation point with mass transfer are studied for all the second-order boundary layer effects when the free stream velocity varies arbitrarily with time. The set of partial differential equations governing the unsteady compressible second-order boundary layers representing all the effects are derived for the first time. These partial differential equations are solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The results are obtained for two particular unsteady free stream velocity distributions: (a) an accelerating stream and (b) a fluctuating stream. It is observed that the total skin friction and heat transfer are strongly affected by the surface mass transfer and wall temperature. However, their variation with time is significant only for large times. The second-order boundary layer effects are found to be more pronounced in the case of no mass transfer or injection as compared to that for suction. Résumé Des solutions semi-similaires d'écoulement variable compressible de couche limite sur des corps bi-dimensionnels thermique, sont étudiées pour tous les effets de couche limite du second ordre, lorsque la vitesse de l'écoulement libre varie arbitrairement avec le temps. Le systéme d'équations aux dérivées partielles représentant tous les effets est écrit pour la premiére fois. On le résout numériquement á l'aide d'un schéma implicite aux différences finies. Les résultats sont obtenus pour deux cas de vitesse variable d'écoulement libre: (a) un écoulement accéléré et (b) un écoulement fluctuant. On observe que le frottement pariétal total et le transfert de chaleur sont fortement affectés par le transfert de masse et la température pariétaux. Néanmoins, leur variation avec le temps est sensible seulement pour des grandes durées. Les effets sont trouvés plus prononcés dans le cas de l'absence du transfert de masse ou de l'injection par rapport au cas de l'aspiration.


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The combined effects of the permeability of the medium, magnetic field, buoyancy forces and dissipation on the unsteady mixed convection flow over a horizontal cylinder and a sphere embedded in a porous medium have been studied. The nonlinear coupled partial differential equations with three independent variables have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. The skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer increase with the permeability of the medium, magnetic field and buoyancy parameter. The heat and mass transfer continuously decrease with the stream-wise distance, whereas the skin friction increases from zero, attains a maximum and then decreases to zero. The skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer are significantly affected by the free stream velocity distribution. The effect of dissipation parameter is found to be more pronounced on the heat transfer than on the skin friction and mass transfer