122 resultados para finite-dimensional quantum systems


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We address the problem of designing codes for specific applications using deterministic annealing. Designing a block code over any finite dimensional space may be thought of as forming the corresponding number of clusters over the particular dimensional space. We have shown that the total distortion incurred in encoding a training set is related to the probability of correct reception over a symmetric channel. While conventional deterministic annealing make use of the Euclidean squared error distance measure, we have developed an algorithm that can be used for clustering with Hamming distance as the distance measure, which is required in the error correcting, scenario.


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We examine the shear-thinning behaviour of a two dimensional yield stress bearing monolayer of sorbitan tristearate at air/water interface. The flow curve consists of a linear region at low shear stresses/shear rates, followed by a stress plateau at higher values. The velocity profile obtained from particle imaging velocimetry indicates that shear banding occurs, showing coexistence of the fluidized region near the rotor and solid region with vanishing shear-rate away from the rotor. In the fluidized region, the velocity profile, which is linear at low shear rates, becomes exponential at the onset of shear-thinning, followed by a time varying velocity profile in the plateau region. At low values of constant applied shear rates, the viscosity of the film increases with time, thus showing aging behaviour like in soft glassy three-dimensional (3D) systems. Further, at the low values of the applied stress in the yield stress regime, the shear-rate fluctuations in time show both positive and negative values, similar to that observed in sheared 3D jammed systems. By carrying out a statistical analysis of these shear-rate fluctuations, we estimate the effective temperature of the soft glassy monolayer using the Galavatti-Cohen steady state fluctuation relation.


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Electrostatic self-assembly of colloidal and nanoparticles has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, since it offers the possibility of producing novel crystalline structures that have the potential to be used as advanced materials for photonic and other applications. The stoichiometry of these crystals is not constrained by charge neutrality of the two types of particles due to the presence of counterions, and hence a variety of three-dimensional structures have been observed depending on the relative sizes of the particles and their charge. Here we report structural polymorphism of two-dimensional crystals of oppositely charged linear macroions, namely DNA and self-assembled cylindrical micelles of cationic amphiphiles. Our system differs from those studied earlier in terms of the presence of a strongly binding counterion that competes with DNA to bind to the micelle. The presence of these counterions leads to novel structures of these crystals, such as a square lattice and a root 3 x root 3 superlattice of an underlying hexagonal lattice, determined from a detailed analysis of the small-angle diffraction data. These lower-dimensional equilibrium systems can play an important role in developing a deeper theoretical understanding of the stability of crystals of oppositely charged particles. Further, it should be possible to use the same design principles to fabricate structures on a longer length-scale by an appropriate choice of the two macroions.


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We report an experimental study of recently formulated entropic Leggett-Garg inequality (ELGI) by Usha Devi et al. Phys. Rev. A 87, 052103 (2013)]. This inequality places a bound on the statistical measurement outcomes of dynamical observables describing a macrorealistic system. Such a bound is not necessarily obeyed by quantum systems, and therefore provides an important way to distinguish quantumness from classical behavior. Here we study ELGI using a two-qubit nuclear magnetic resonance system. To perform the noninvasive measurements required for the ELGI study, we prepare the system qubit in a maximally mixed state as well as use the ``ideal negative result measurement'' procedure with the help of an ancilla qubit. The experimental results show a clear violation of ELGI by over four standard deviations. These results agree with the predictions of quantum theory. The violation of ELGI is attributed to the fact that certain joint probabilities are not legitimate in the quantum scenario, in the sense they do not reproduce all the marginal probabilities. Using a three-qubit system, we also demonstrate that three-time joint probabilities do not reproduce certain two-time marginal probabilities.


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We address the question, does a system A being entangled with another system B, put any constraints on the Heisenberg uncertainty relation (or the Schrodinger-Robertson inequality)? We find that the equality of the uncertainty relation cannot be reached for any two noncommuting observables, for finite dimensional Hilbert spaces if the Schmidt rank of the entangled state is maximal. One consequence is that the lower bound of the uncertainty relation can never be attained for any two observables for qubits, if the state is entangled. For infinite-dimensional Hilbert space too, we show that there is a class of physically interesting entangled states for which no two noncommuting observables can attain the minimum uncertainty equality.


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We address the question, does a system A being entangled with another system B, put any constraints on the Heisenberg uncertainty relation (or the Schrodinger-Robertson inequality)? We find that the equality of the uncertainty relation cannot be reached for any two noncommuting observables, for finite dimensional Hilbert spaces if the Schmidt rank of the entangled state is maximal. One consequence is that the lower bound of the uncertainty relation can never be attained for any two observables for qubits, if the state is entangled. For infinite-dimensional Hilbert space too, we show that there is a class of physically interesting entangled states for which no two noncommuting observables can attain the minimum uncertainty equality.


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In this paper, we construct the fuzzy (finite-dimensional) analogs of the conifold Y-6 and its base X-5. We show that fuzzy X-5 is (the analog of) a principal U(1) bundle over fuzzy spheres S-F(2) x S-F(2) and explicitly construct the associated monopole bundles. In particular, our construction provides an explicit discretization of the spaces T-k,T-k and T-k,T-0.


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Topological defects play an important role in the melting phenomena in two-dimensions. In this work, we report experimental observation of topological defect induced melting in two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) in the presence of strong Coulomb interaction and disorder. The phenomenon is characterised by measurement of conductivity which goes to zero in a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless like transition. Further evidence is provided via low-frequency conductivity noise measurements.


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The intersection of the ten-dimensional fuzzy conifold Y-F(10) with S-F(5) x S-F(5) is the compact eight-dimensional fuzzy space X-F(8). We show that X-F(8) is (the analogue of) a principal U(1) x U(1) bundle over fuzzy SU(3) / U(1) x U(1)) ( M-F(6)). We construct M-F(6) using the Gell-Mann matrices by adapting Schwinger's construction. The space M-F(6) is of relevance in higher dimensional quantum Hall effect and matrix models of D-branes. Further we show that the sections of the monopole bundle can be expressed in the basis of SU(3) eigenvectors. We construct the Dirac operator on M-F(6) from the Ginsparg-Wilson algebra on this space. Finally, we show that the index of the Dirac operator correctly reproduces the known results in the continuum.


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We use general arguments to show that colored QCD states when restricted to gauge invariant local observables are mixed. This result has important implications for confinement: a pure colorless state can never evolve into two colored states by unitary evolution. Furthermore, the mean energy in such a mixed colored state is infinite. Our arguments are confirmed in a matrix model for QCD that we have developed using the work of Narasimhan and Ramadas(3) and Singer.(2) This model, a (0 + 1)-dimensional quantum mechanical model for gluons free of divergences and capturing important topological aspects of QCD, is adapted to analytical and numerical work. It is also suitable to work on large N QCD. As applications, we show that the gluon spectrum is gapped and also estimate some low-lying levels for N = 2 and 3 (colors). Incidentally the considerations here are generic and apply to any non-Abelian gauge theory.


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In this article, we survey several kinds of trace formulas that one encounters in the theory of single and multi-variable operators. We give some sketches of the proofs, often based on the principle of finite-dimensional approximations to the objects at hand in the formulas.


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It is known that all the vector bundles of the title can be obtained by holomorphic induction from representations of a certain parabolic group on finite-dimensional inner product spaces. The representations, and the induced bundles, have composition series with irreducible factors. We write down an equivariant constant coefficient differential operator that intertwines the bundle with the direct sum of its irreducible factors. As an application, we show that in the case of the closed unit ball in C-n all homogeneous n-tuples of Cowen-Douglas operators are similar to direct sums of certain basic n-tuples. (c) 2015 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Similar quantum phase diagrams and transitions are found for three classes of one-dimensional models with equally spaced sites, singlet ground states (GS), inversion symmetry at sites and a bond order wave (BOW) phase in some sectors. The models are frustrated spin-1/2 chains with variable range exchange, half-filled Hubbard models with spin-independent interactions and modified Hubbard models with site energies for describing organic charge transfer salts. In some range of parameters, the models have a first order quantum transition at which the GS expectation value of the sublattice spin < S-A(2)> of odd or even-numbered sites is discontinuous. There is an intermediate BOW phase for other model parameters that lead to two continuous quantum transitions with continuous < S-A(2)>. Exact diagonalization of finite systems and symmetry arguments provide a unified picture of familiar 1D models that have appeared separately in widely different contexts.


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Similar quantum phase diagrams and transitions are found for three classes of one-dimensional models with equally spaced sites, singlet ground states (GS), inversion symmetry at sites and a bond order wave (BOW) phase in some sectors. The models are frustrated spin-1/2 chains with variable range exchange, half-filled Hubbard models with spin-independent interactions and modified Hubbard models with site energies for describing organic charge transfer salts. In some range of parameters, the models have a first order quantum transition at which the GS expectation value of the sublattice spin < S-A(2)> of odd or even-numbered sites is discontinuous. There is an intermediate BOW phase for other model parameters that lead to two continuous quantum transitions with continuous < S-A(2)>. Exact diagonalization of finite systems and symmetry arguments provide a unified picture of familiar 1D models that have appeared separately in widely different contexts.


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We recently introduced the dynamical cluster approximation (DCA), a technique that includes short-ranged dynamical correlations in addition to the local dynamics of the dynamical mean-field approximation while preserving causality. The technique is based on an iterative self-consistency scheme on a finite-size periodic cluster. The dynamical mean-field approximation (exact result) is obtained by taking the cluster to a single site (the thermodynamic limit). Here, we provide details of our method, explicitly show that it is causal, systematic, Phi derivable, and that it becomes conserving as the cluster size increases. We demonstrate the DCA by applying it to a quantum Monte Carlo and exact enumeration study of the two-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model. The resulting spectral functions preserve causality, and the spectra and the charge-density-wave transition temperature converge quickly and systematically to the thermodynamic limit as the cluster size increases.