111 resultados para feature based cost


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Synthesis of cost-optimal shell-and-tube heat exchangers is a difficult task since it involves a large number of parameters. An attempt is made in this article to simplify the process of choosing the parameter values that will minimize the cost of any heat exchanger satisfying a given heat duty and a particular set of constraints. The simplification is based on decoupling of the geometric and the thermal aspects of the problem. The concept of curves for cost-optimal design is introduced and is shown to simplify the synthesis process for shell-and-tube heat exchangers.


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Heat exchanger design is a complex task involving the selection of a large number of interdependent design parameters. There are no established general techniques for optimizing the design, though a few earlier attempts provide computer software based on gradient methods, case study methods, etc. The authors felt that it would be useful to determine the nature of the optimal and near-optimal feasible designs to devise an optimization technique. Therefore, in this article they have obtained a large number of feasible designs of shell and tube heat exchangers, intended to perform a given heat duty, by an exhaustive search method. They have studied how their capital and operating costs varied. The study reveals several interesting aspects of the dependence of capital and total costs on various design parameters. The authors considered a typical shell and tube heat exchanger used in an oil refinery. Its heat duty, inlet temperature and other details are given.


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This paper proposes a method of sharing power/energy between multiple sources and multiple loads using an integrated magnetic circuit as a junction between sources and sinks. It also presents a particular use of the magnetic circuit as an ac power supply, delivering sinusoidal voltage to load irrespective of the presence of the grid, taking only active power from the grid. The proposed magnetic circuit is a three-energy-port unit, viz.: 1) power/energy from grid; 2) power energy from battery-inverter unit; and 3) power/energy delivery to the load in its particular application as quality ac power supply (QPS). The product provides sinusoidal regulated output voltage, input power-factor correction, electrical isolation between the sources and loads, low battery voltage, and control simplicity. Unlike conventional series-shunt-compensated uninterruptible power supply topologies with low battery voltage, the isolation is provided using a single magnetic circuit that results in a smaller size and lower cost. The circuit operating principles and analysis, as well as simulation and experimental results, are presented for this QPS.


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A simple, cost-effective and environment-friendly pathway for preparing highly porous matrix of giant dielectric material CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) through combustion of a completely aqueous precursor solution is presented. The pathway yields phase-pure and impurity-less CCTO ceramic at an ultra-low temperature (700 degrees C) and is better than traditional solid-state reaction schemes which fail to produce pure phase at as high temperature as 1000 degrees C (Li, Schwartz, Phys. Rev. B 75, 012104). The porous ceramic matrix on grinding produced CCTO powder having particle size in submicron order with an average size 300 nm. On sintering at 1050 degrees C for 5 h the powder shows high dielectric constants (>10(4) at all frequencies from 100 Hz to 100 kHz) and low loss (with 0.05 as the lowest value) which is suitable for device applications. The reaction pathway is expected to be extended to prepare other multifunctional complex perovskite materials. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new range of programmable logic devices are revolutionizing the way complex digital hardware is designed and built all over the world. Being able to test these devices in order to validate and dynamically improve on the design is crucial. This paper describes a low-cost FPGA tester that can test SRAM based FPGAs in the laboratory.


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In the past few years there have been attempts to develop subspace methods for DoA (direction of arrival) estimation using a fourth?order cumulant which is known to de?emphasize Gaussian background noise. To gauge the relative performance of the cumulant MUSIC (MUltiple SIgnal Classification) (c?MUSIC) and the standard MUSIC, based on the covariance function, an extensive numerical study has been carried out, where a narrow?band signal source has been considered and Gaussian noise sources, which produce a spatially correlated background noise, have been distributed. These simulations indicate that, even though the cumulant approach is capable of de?emphasizing the Gaussian noise, both bias and variance of the DoA estimates are higher than those for MUSIC. To achieve comparable results the cumulant approach requires much larger data, three to ten times that for MUSIC, depending upon the number of sources and how close they are. This is attributed to the fact that in the estimation of the cumulant, an average of a product of four random variables is needed to make an evaluation. Therefore, compared to those in the evaluation of the covariance function, there are more cross terms which do not go to zero unless the data length is very large. It is felt that these cross terms contribute to the large bias and variance observed in c?MUSIC. However, the ability to de?emphasize Gaussian noise, white or colored, is of great significance since the standard MUSIC fails when there is colored background noise. Through simulation it is shown that c?MUSIC does yield good results, but only at the cost of more data.


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There exists a maximum in the products of the saturation properties such as T(p(c) - p) and p(T-c - T) in the vapour-liquid coexistence region for all liquids. The magnitudes of those maxima on the reduced coordinate system provide an insight to the molecular complexity of the liquid. It is shown that the gradients of the vapour pressure curve at temperatures where those maxima occur are directly given by simple relations involving the reduced pressures and temperatures at that point. A linear relation between the maximum values of those products of the form [p(r)(1 - T-r)](max) = 0.2095 - 0.2415 [T-r(1 - p(r))](max) has been found based on a study of 55 liquids ranging from non-polar monatomic cryogenic liquids to polar high boiling point liquids.


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Particulate reinforcements for polymers are selected with dual objective of improving composite properties and save on the total cost of the system. In the present study fly ash, an industrial waste with good properties is used as filler in epoxy and the compressive properties of such composites are studied. Particle surfaces are treated chemically using a silane-coupling agent to improve the compatibility with the matrix. The compressive properties of these are compared with those made of untreated fly ash particulates. Furthermore properties of fly ash composites with two different average particle sizes are first compared between themselves and then with those made using the as-received bimodal nature of particle size distribution. Microscopic observations of compression tested samples revealed a better adherence of the particles with the matrix in case of treated particles and regards the size effect the composites with lower average particle size showed improved strength at higher filler contents. Experimental values of strengths and modulii are compared with some of the theoretical models for composite properties. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Feature extraction in bilingual OCR is handicapped by the increase in the number of classes or characters to be handled. This is evident in the case of Indian languages whose alphabet set is large. It is expected that the complexity of the feature extraction process increases with the number of classes. Though the determination of the best set of features that could be used cannot be ascertained through any quantitative measures, the characteristics of the scripts can help decide on the feature extraction procedure. This paper describes a hierarchical feature extraction scheme for recognition of printed bilingual (Tamil and Roman) text. The scheme divides the combined alphabet set of both the scripts into subsets by the extraction of certain spatial and structural features. Three features viz geometric moments, DCT based features and Wavelet transform based features are extracted from the grouped symbols and a linear transformation is performed on them for the purpose of efficient representation in the feature space. The transformation is obtained by the maximization of certain criterion functions. Three techniques : Principal component analysis, maximization of Fisher's ratio and maximization of divergence measure have been employed to estimate the transformation matrix. It has been observed that the proposed hierarchical scheme allows for easier handling of the alphabets and there is an appreciable rise in the recognition accuracy as a result of the transformations.


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Fuel cell-based automobiles have gained attention in the last few years due to growing public concern about urban air pollution and consequent environmental problems. From an analysis of the power and energy requirements of a modern car, it is estimated that a base sustainable power of ca. 50 kW supplemented with short bursts up to 80 kW will suffice in most driving requirements. The energy demand depends greatly on driving characteristics but under normal usage is expected to be 200 Wh/km. The advantages and disadvantages of candidate fuel-cell systems and various fuels are considered together with the issue of whether the fuel should be converted directly in the fuel cell or should be reformed to hydrogen onboard the vehicle. For fuel cell vehicles to compete successfully with conventional internal-combustion engine vehicles, it appears that direct conversion fuel cells using probably hydrogen, but possibly methanol, are the only realistic contenders for road transportation applications. Among the available fuel cell technologies, polymer-electrolyte fuel cells directly fueled with hydrogen appear to be the best option for powering fuel cell vehicles as there is every prospect that these will exceed the performance of the internal-combustion engine vehicles but for their first cost. A target cost of $ 50/kW would be mandatory to make polymer-electrolyte fuel cells competitive with the internal combustion engines and can only be achieved with design changes that would substantially reduce the quantity of materials used. At present, prominent car manufacturers are deploying important research and development efforts to develop fuel cell vehicles and are projecting to start production by 2005.


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Effective feature extraction for robust speech recognition is a widely addressed topic and currently there is much effort to invoke non-stationary signal models instead of quasi-stationary signal models leading to standard features such as LPC or MFCC. Joint amplitude modulation and frequency modulation (AM-FM) is a classical non-parametric approach to non-stationary signal modeling and recently new feature sets for automatic speech recognition (ASR) have been derived based on a multi-band AM-FM representation of the signal. We consider several of these representations and compare their performances for robust speech recognition in noise, using the AURORA-2 database. We show that FEPSTRUM representation proposed is more effective than others. We also propose an improvement to FEPSTRUM based on the Teager energy operator (TEO) and show that it can selectively outperform even FEPSTRUM


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Given a parametrized n-dimensional SQL query template and a choice of query optimizer, a plan diagram is a color-coded pictorial enumeration of the execution plan choices of the optimizer over the query parameter space. These diagrams have proved to be a powerful metaphor for the analysis and redesign of modern optimizers, and are gaining currency in diverse industrial and academic institutions. However, their utility is adversely impacted by the impractically large computational overheads incurred when standard brute-force exhaustive approaches are used for producing fine-grained diagrams on high-dimensional query templates. In this paper, we investigate strategies for efficiently producing close approximations to complex plan diagrams. Our techniques are customized to the features available in the optimizer's API, ranging from the generic optimizers that provide only the optimal plan for a query, to those that also support costing of sub-optimal plans and enumerating rank-ordered lists of plans. The techniques collectively feature both random and grid sampling, as well as inference techniques based on nearest-neighbor classifiers, parametric query optimization and plan cost monotonicity. Extensive experimentation with a representative set of TPC-H and TPC-DS-based query templates on industrial-strength optimizers indicates that our techniques are capable of delivering 90% accurate diagrams while incurring less than 15% of the computational overheads of the exhaustive approach. In fact, for full-featured optimizers, we can guarantee zero error with less than 10% overheads. These approximation techniques have been implemented in the publicly available Picasso optimizer visualization tool.


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Based on the an earlier CFD analysis of the performance of the gas-dynamically controlled laser cavity [1]it was found that there is possibility of optimizing the geometry of the diffuser that can bring about reductions in both size and cost of the system by examining the critical dimensional requirements of the diffuser. Consequently,an extensive CFD analysis has been carried out for a range of diffuser configurations by simulating the supersonic flow through the arrangement including the laser cavity driven by a bank of converging – diverging nozzles and the diffuser. The numerical investigations with 3D-RANS code are carried out to capture the flow patterns through diffusers past the cavity that has multiple supersonic jet interactions with shocks leading to complex flow pattern. Varying length of the diffuser plates is made to be the basic parameter of the study. The analysis reveals that the pressure recovery pattern during the flow through the diffuser from the simulation, being critical for the performance of the laser device shows its dependence on the diffuser length is weaker beyond a critical lower limit and this evaluation of this limit would provide a design guideline for a more efficient system configuration.The observation based on the parametric study shows that the pressure recovery transients in the near vicinity of the cavity is not affected for the reduction in the length of the diffuser plates up to its 10% of the initial size, indicating the design in the first configuration that was tested experimentally has a large factor of margin. The flow stability in the laser cavity is found to be unaffected since a strong and stable shock is located at the leading edge of the diffuser plates while the downstream shock and flow patterns are changed, as one would expect. Results of the study for the different lengths of diffusers in the range of 10% to its full length are presented, keeping the experimentally tested configuration used in the earlier study [1] as the reference length. The conclusions drawn from the analysis is found to be of significance since it provides new design considerations based on the understanding of the intricacies of the flow, allowing for a hardware optimization that can lead to substantial size reduction of the device with no loss of performance.


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Frequent accesses to the register file make it one of the major sources of energy consumption in ILP architectures. The large number of functional units connected to a large unified register file in VLIW architectures make power dissipation in the register file even worse because of the need for a large number of ports. High power dissipation in a relatively smaller area occupied by a register file leads to a high power density in the register file and makes it one of the prime hot-spots. This makes it highly susceptible to the possibility of a catastrophic heatstroke. This in turn impacts the performance and cost because of the need for periodic cool down and sophisticated packaging and cooling techniques respectively. Clustered VLIW architectures partition the register file among clusters of functional units and reduce the number of ports required thereby reducing the power dissipation. However, we observe that the aggregate accesses to register files in clustered VLIW architectures (and associated energy consumption) become very high compared to the centralized VLIW architectures and this can be attributed to a large number of explicit inter-cluster communications. Snooping based clustered VLIW architectures provide very limited but very fast way of inter-cluster communication by allowing some of the functional units to directly read some of the operands from the register file of some of the other clusters. In this paper, we propose instruction scheduling algorithms that exploit the limited snooping capability to reduce the register file energy consumption on an average by 12% and 18% and improve the overall performance by 5% and 11% for a 2-clustered and a 4-clustered machine respectively, over an earlier state-of-the-art clustered scheduling algorithm when evaluated in the context of snooping based clustered VLIW architectures.


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In general the objective of accurately encoding the input data and the objective of extracting good features to facilitate classification are not consistent with each other. As a result, good encoding methods may not be effective mechanisms for classification. In this paper, an earlier proposed unsupervised feature extraction mechanism for pattern classification has been extended to obtain an invertible map. The method of bimodal projection-based features was inspired by the general class of methods called projection pursuit. The principle of projection pursuit concentrates on projections that discriminate between clusters and not faithful representations. The basic feature map obtained by the method of bimodal projections has been extended to overcome this. The extended feature map is an embedding of the input space in the feature space. As a result, the inverse map exists and hence the representation of the input space in the feature space is exact. This map can be naturally expressed as a feedforward neural network.