73 resultados para destination slogans


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With no Channel State Information (CSI) at the users, transmission over the two-user Gaussian Multiple Access Channel with fading and finite constellation at the input, will have high error rates due to multiple access interference (MAI). However, perfect CSI at the users is an unrealistic assumption in the wireless scenario, as it would involve extremely large feedback overheads. In this paper we propose a scheme which removes the adverse effect of MAI using only quantized knowledge of fade state at the transmitters such that the associated overhead is nominal. One of the users rotates its constellation relative to the other without varying the transmit power to adapt to the existing channel conditions, in order to meet certain predetermined minimum Euclidean distance requirement in the equivalent constellation at the destination. The optimal rotation scheme is described for the case when both the users use symmetric M-PSK constellations at the input, where M = 2(gimel), gimel being a positive integer. The strategy is illustrated by considering the example where both the users use QPSK signal sets at the input. The case when the users use PSK constellations of different sizes is also considered. It is shown that the proposed scheme has considerable better error performance compared to the conventional non-adaptive scheme, at the cost of a feedback overhead of just log log(2) (M-2/8 - M/4 + 2)] + 1 bits, for the M-PSK case.


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Amplify-and-forward (AF) relay based cooperation has been investigated in the literature given its simplicity and practicality. Two models for AF, namely, fixed gain and fixed power relaying, have been extensively studied. In fixed gain relaying, the relay gain is fixed but its transmit power varies as a function of the source-relay (SR) channel gain. In fixed power relaying, the relay's instantaneous transmit power is fixed, but its gain varies. We propose a general AF cooperation model in which an average transmit power constrained relay jointly adapts its gain and transmit power as a function of the channel gains. We derive the optimal AF gain policy that minimizes the fading- averaged symbol error probability (SEP) of MPSK and present insightful and tractable lower and upper bounds for it. We then analyze the SEP of the optimal policy. Our results show that the optimal scheme is up to 39.7% and 47.5% more energy-efficient than fixed power relaying and fixed gain relaying, respectively. Further, the weaker the direct source-destination link, the greater are the energy-efficiency gains.


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Given the significant gains that relay-based cooperation promises, the practical problems of acquisition of channel state information (CSI) and the characterization and optimization of performance with imperfect CSI are receiving increasing attention. We develop novel and accurate expressions for the symbol error probability (SEP) for fixed-gain amplify-and-forward relaying when the destination acquires CSI using the time-efficient cascaded channel estimation (CCE) protocol. The CCE protocol saves time by making the destination directly estimate the product of the source-relay and relay-destination channel gains. For a single relay system, we first develop a novel SEP expression and a tight SEP upper bound. We then similarly analyze an opportunistic multi-relay system, in which both selection and coherent demodulation use imperfect estimates. A distinctive aspect of our approach is the use of as few simplifying approximations as possible, which results in new results that are accurate at signal-to-noise-ratios as low as 1 dB for single and multi-relay systems. Using insights gleaned from an asymptotic analysis, we also present a simple, closed-form, nearly-optimal solution for allocation of energy between pilot and data symbols at the source and relay(s).


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In this paper, we study the diversity-multiplexing-gain tradeoff (DMT) of wireless relay networks under the half-duplex constraint. It is often unclear what penalty if any, is imposed by the half-duplex constraint on the DMT of such networks. We study two classes of networks; the first class, called KPP(I) networks, is the class of networks with the relays organized in K parallel paths between the source and the destination. While we assume that there is no direct source-destination path, the K relaying paths can interfere with each other. The second class, termed as layered networks, is comprised of relays organized in layers, where links exist only between adjacent layers. We present a communication scheme based on static schedules and amplify-and-forward relaying for these networks. We also show that for KPP(I) networks with K >= 3, the proposed schemes can achieve full-duplex DMT performance, thus demonstrating that there is no performance hit on the DMT due to the half-duplex constraint. We also show that, for layered networks, a linear DMT of d(max)(1 - r)(+) between the maximum diversity d(max) and the maximum MG, r(max) = 1 is achievable. We adapt existing DMT optimal coding schemes to these networks, thus specifying the end-to-end communication strategy explicitly.


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In this paper, we evaluate secrecy rates in cooperative relay beamforming in the presence of imperfect channel state information (CSI) and multiple eavesdroppers. A source-destination pair aided by.. out of.. relays, 1 <= k <= M, using decode-and-forward relay beamforming is considered. We compute the worst case secrecy rate with imperfect CSI in the presence of multiple eavesdroppers, where the number of eavesdroppers can be more than the number of relays. We solve the optimization problem for all possible relay combinations to find the secrecy rate and optimum source and relay weights subject to a total power constraint. We relax the rank-1 constraint on the complex semi-definite relay weight matrix and use S-procedure to reformulate the optimization problem that can be solved using convex semi-definite programming.


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We propose a Physical layer Network Coding (PNC) scheme for the K-user wireless Multiple Access Relay Channel, in which K source nodes want to transmit messages to a destination node D with the help of a relay node R. The proposed scheme involves (i) Phase 1 during which the source nodes alone transmit and (ii) Phase 2 during which the source nodes and the relay node transmit. At the end of Phase 1, the relay node decodes the messages of the source nodes and during Phase 2 transmits a many-to-one function of the decoded messages. To counter the error propagation from the relay node, we propose a novel decoder which takes into account the possibility of error events at R. It is shown that if certain parameters are chosen properly and if the network coding map used at R forms a Latin Hypercube, the proposed decoder offers the maximum diversity order of two. Also, it is shown that for a proper choice of the parameters, the proposed decoder admits fast decoding, with the same decoding complexity order as that of the reference scheme based on Complex Field Network Coding (CFNC). Simulation results indicate that the proposed PNC scheme offers a large gain over the CFNC scheme.


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Opportunistic relay selection in a multiple source-destination (MSD) cooperative system requires quickly allocating to each source-destination (SD) pair a suitable relay based on channel gains. Since the channel knowledge is available only locally at a relay and not globally, efficient relay selection algorithms are needed. For an MSD system, in which the SD pairs communicate in a time-orthogonal manner with the help of decode-and-forward relays, we propose three novel relay selection algorithms, namely, contention-free en masse assignment (CFEA), contention-based en masse assignment (CBEA), and a hybrid algorithm that combines the best features of CFEA and CBEA. En masse assignment exploits the fact that a relay can often aid not one but multiple SD pairs, and, therefore, can be assigned to multiple SD pairs. This drastically reduces the average time required to allocate an SD pair when compared to allocating the SD pairs one by one. We show that the algorithms are much faster than other selection schemes proposed in the literature and yield significantly higher net system throughputs. Interestingly, CFEA is as effective as CBEA over a wider range of system parameters than in single SD pair systems.


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For transmission over the two-user Gaussian Multiple Access Channel with fading and finite constellation at the inputs, we propose a scheme which uses only quantized knowledge of fade state at users with the feedback overhead being nominal. One of the users rotates its constellation without varying the transmit power to adapt to the existing channel conditions, in order to meet certain pre-determined minimum Euclidean distance requirement in the equivalent constellation at the destination. The optimal modulation scheme has been described for the case when both the users use symmetric M-PSK constellations at the input, where M = 2λ, λ being a positive integer. The strategy has been illustrated by considering examples where both the users use QPSK signal set at the input. It is shown that the proposed scheme has considerable better error performance compared to the conventional non-adaptive scheme, at the cost of a feedback overhead of just [log2 (M2/8 - M/4 + 2)] + 1 bits, for the M-PSK case.


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The algebraic formulation for linear network coding in acyclic networks with each link having an integer delay is well known. Based on this formulation, for a given set of connections over an arbitrary acyclic network with integer delay assumed for the links, the output symbols at the sink nodes at any given time instant is a Fq-linear combination of the input symbols across different generations, where Fq denotes the field over which the network operates. We use finite-field discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to convert the output symbols at the sink nodes at any given time instant into a Fq-linear combination of the input symbols generated during the same generation. We call this as transforming the acyclic network with delay into n-instantaneous networks (n is sufficiently large). We show that under certain conditions, there exists a network code satisfying sink demands in the usual (non-transform) approach if and only if there exists a network code satisfying sink demands in the transform approach. Furthermore, assuming time invariant local encoding kernels, we show that the transform method can be employed to achieve half the rate corresponding to the individual source-destination mincut (which are assumed to be equal to 1) for some classes of three-source three-destination multiple unicast network with delays using alignment strategies when the zero-interference condition is not satisfied.


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Space shift keying (SSK) is a special case of spatial modulation (SM), which is a relatively new modulation technique that is getting recognized to be attractive in multi-antenna communications. Our new contribution in this paper is an analytical derivation of exact closed-form expression for the end-to-end bit error rate (BER) performance of SSK in decode-and-forward (1)1,) cooperative relaying. An incremental relaying (IR) scheme with selection combining (SC) at the destination is considered. In SSK, since the information is carried by the transmit antenna index, traditional selection combining methods based on instantaneous SNRs can not be directly used. To overcome this problem, we propose to do selection between direct and relayed paths based on the Euclidean distance between columns of the channel matrix. With this selection metric, an exact analytical expression for the end-to-end BER is derived in closed-form. Analytical results are shown to match with simulation results.


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We use information theoretic achievable rate formulas for the multi-relay channel to study the problem of optimal placement of relay nodes along the straight line joining a source node and a destination node. The achievable rate formulas that we utilize are for full-duplex radios at the relays and decode-and-forward relaying. For the single relay case, and individual power constraints at the source node and the relay node, we provide explicit formulas for the optimal relay location and the optimal power allocation to the source-relay channel, for the exponential and the power-law path-loss channel models. For the multiple relay case, we consider exponential path-loss and a total power constraint over the source and the relays, and derive an optimization problem, the solution of which provides the optimal relay locations. Numerical results suggest that at low attenuation the relays are mostly clustered close to the source in order to be able to cooperate among themselves, whereas at high attenuation they are uniformly placed and work as repeaters. We also prove that a constant rate independent of the attenuation in the network can be achieved by placing a large enough number of relay nodes uniformly between the source and the destination, under the exponential path-loss model with total power constraint.


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The broadcast nature of the wireless medium jeopardizes secure transmissions. Cryptographic measures fail to ensure security when eavesdroppers have superior computational capability; however, it can be assured from information theoretic security approaches. We use physical layer security to guarantee non-zero secrecy rate in single source, single destination multi-hop networks with eavesdroppers for two cases: when eavesdropper locations and channel gains are known and when their positions are unknown. We propose a two-phase solution which consists of finding activation sets and then obtaining transmit powers subject to SINR constraints for the case when eavesdropper locations are known. We introduce methods to find activation sets and compare their performance. Necessary but reasonable approximations are made in power minimization formulations for tractability reasons. For scenarios with no eavesdropper location information, we suggest vulnerability region (the area having zero secrecy rate) minimization over the network. Our results show that in the absence of location information average number of eavesdroppers who have access to data is reduced.


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In this letter, we analyze the end-to-end average bit error probability (ABEP) of space shift keying (SSK) in cooperative relaying with decode-and-forward (DF) protocol, considering multiple relays with a threshold based best relay selection, and selection combining of direct and relayed paths at the destination. We derive an exact analytical expression for the end-to-end ABEP in closed-form for binary SSK, where analytical results agree with simulation results. For non-binary SSK, approximate analytical and simulation results are presented.


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Different medium access control (MAC) layer protocols, for example, IEEE 802.11 series and others are used in wireless local area networks. They have limitation in handling bulk data transfer applications, like video-on-demand, videoconference, etc. To avoid this problem a cooperative MAC protocol environment has been introduced, which enables the MAC protocol of a node to use its nearby nodes MAC protocol as and when required. We have found on various occasions that specified cooperative MAC establishes cooperative transmissions to send the specified data to the destination. In this paper we propose cooperative MAC priority (CoopMACPri) protocol which exploits the advantages of priority value given by the upper layers for selection of different paths to nodes running heterogeneous applications in a wireless ad hoc network environment. The CoopMACPri protocol improves the system throughput and minimizes energy consumption. Using a Markov chain model, we developed a model to analyse the performance of CoopMACPri protocol; and also derived closed-form expression of saturated system throughput and energy consumption. Performance evaluations validate the accuracy of the theoretical analysis, and also show that the performance of CoopMACPri protocol varies with the number of nodes. We observed that the simulation results and analysis reflects the effectiveness of the proposed protocol as per the specifications.


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The algebraic formulation for linear network coding in acyclic networks with the links having integer delay is well known. Based on this formulation, for a given set of connections over an arbitrary acyclic network with integer delay assumed for the links, the output symbols at the sink nodes, at any given time instant, is a F(p)m-linear combination of the input symbols across different generations, where F(p)m denotes the field over which the network operates (p is prime and m is a positive integer). We use finite-field discrete Fourier transform to convert the output symbols at the sink nodes, at any given time instant, into a F(p)m-linear combination of the input symbols generated during the same generation without making use of memory at the intermediate nodes. We call this as transforming the acyclic network with delay into n-instantaneous networks (n is sufficiently large). We show that under certain conditions, there exists a network code satisfying sink demands in the usual (nontransform) approach if and only if there exists a network code satisfying sink demands in the transform approach. When the zero-interference conditions are not satisfied, we propose three precoding-based network alignment (PBNA) schemes for three-source three-destination multiple unicast network with delays (3-S 3-D MUN-D) termed as PBNA using transform approach and time-invariant local encoding coefficients (LECs), PBNA using time-varying LECs, and PBNA using transform approach and block time-varying LECs. We derive sets of necessary and sufficient conditions under which throughputs close to n' + 1/2n' + 1, n'/2n' + 1, and n'/2n' + 1 are achieved for the three source-destination pairs in a 3-S 3-D MUN-D employing PBNA using transform approach and time-invariant LECs, and PBNA using transform approach and block time-varying LECs, where n' is a positive integer. For PBNA using time-varying LECs, we obtain a sufficient condition under which a throughput demand of n(1)/n, n(2)/n, and n(3)/n can be met for the three source-destination pairs in a 3-S 3-D MUN-D, where n(1), n(2), and n(3) are positive integers less than or equal to the positive integer n. This condition is also necessary when n(1) + n(3) = n(1) + n(2) = n where n(1) >= n(2) >= n(3).