258 resultados para ddc:400


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X-band electron spin resonance (ESR) studies of (CrO4)2- doped, X-irradiated single crystals of ferroelectric ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4, TC = 223 K) at 300 and 208 K are reported. The paramagnetic centre responsible for the ESR spectrum is identified to be Cr5+. Superhyperfine interaction of the unpaired electron with two equivalent protons is observed. The spin-Hamiltonian parameters which are nearly axial at 300 K, with g < g indicating a dx2-y2 orbital ground state, acquired rhombic character below TC indicating a distortion of the sulphate tetrahedron. An increase in the value of the proton superhyperfine constant in the ferroelectric phase is indicative of stronger hydrogen bonding.


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Hepatotoxicity due to overdose of the analgesic and antipyretic acetaminophen (A-PAIP) is a major cause of liver failure in adults. To better understand the contributions of different signaling pathways, the expression and role of Ras activation was evaluated after oral dosing of mice with APAP (400-500 mg/kg). Ras-guanosine triphosphate (GTP) is induced early and in an oxidative stress-dependent manner. The functional role of Ras activation was studied by a single intraperitoneal injection of the neutral sphingomyelinase and farnesyltransferase inhibitor (FTI) manumycin A (I mg/kg), which lowers induction of Ras-GTP and serum amounts of alanine aminotransferase (ALT). APAP dosing decreases hepatic glutathione amounts, which are not affected by manumycin A treatment. However, APAP-induced activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase, which plays an important role, is reduced by manumycin A. Also, APAP-induced mitochondrial reactive oxygen species are reduced by manumycin A at a later time point during liver injury. Importantly, the induction of genes involved in the inflammatory response (including iNos, gp91phox, and Fasl) and serum amounts of proinflammatory cytokines interferon-gamma (IFN gamma) and tumor necrosis factor alpha, which increase greatly with APAP challenge, are suppressed with manumycin A. The FTI ctivity of manumycin A is most likely involved in reducing APAP-induced liver injury, because a specific neutral sphingomyelinase inhibitor, GW4869 (I mg/kg), did not show any hepatoprotective effect. Notably, a structurally distinct FTI, gliotoxin (I mg/kg), also inhibits Ras activation and reduces serum amounts of ALT and IFN-gamma after APAP dosing. Finally, histological analysis confirmed the hepatoprotective effect f manumycin A and gliotoxin during APAP-induced liver damage. Conclusion: This study identifies a key role for Ras activation and demonstrates the therapeutic efficacy of FTIs during APAP-induced liver injury.


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Nanoparticles of Fe3O4 were synthesized by co-precipitation in an aqueous solution containing ferrous and ferric salts (1:2) at varying pH with ammonia as a base. It was found that the value of pH influences the reaction mechanism for the formation of Fe3O4. Furthermore, the addition of mercaptoethanol significantly reduced the crystalline size of Fe3O4 nanoparticles from 15.03 to 8.02 nm. X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra revealed that the synthesized nanoparticles were epsilon-Fe2O3 or Fe3O4 phase. To further prove the composition of the product, as-prepared Fe3O4 were examined by X-rayphotoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Magnetic properties of the obtained particles were determined by vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). Further analysis of the X-ray studies shows that while maintaining a pH value of 6 and 9 in a solution containing iron salts II and III ions produces epsilon-Fe2O3. Whereas a pH value of 11 produces magnetite (Fe3O4) phase. All of these results show that the pH has a major role in the observed phase formation of (Fe3O4) nanoparticles.


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Tungsten oxide thin films are of great interest due to their promising applications in various optoelectronic thin film devices. We have investigated the microstructural evolution of tungsten oxide thin films grown by DC magnetron sputtering on silicon substrate. The structural characterization and surface morphology were carried out using X-ray diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The as deposited films were amorphous, where as, thin films annealed above 400 degrees C were crystalline. In order to explain the microstructural changes due to annealing, we have proposed a ``instability wheel'' model for the evolution of the microstructure. This model explains the transformation of mater into various geometries within them selves, followed by external perturbation.


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Molecular dynamics simulations are reported on the structure and dynamics of n-decane and 3-methylpentane in zeolite NaY. We have calculated several properties such as the center of mass-center of mass rdf, the end-end distance distribution, bond angle distribution and dihedral angle distribution. We have also analysed trajectory to obtain diffusivity and velocity autocorrelation function (VACF). Surprisingly, the diffusivity of 3-methylpentane which is having larger cross-section perpendicular to the long molecular axis is higher than n-decane at 300 K. Activation energies have been obtained from simulations performed at 200 K, 300 K, 350 K, 400 K and 450 K in the NVE ensemble. These results can be understood in terms of the previously known levitation effect. Arrhenious plot has higher value of slope for n-decane (5 center dot 9 kJ/mol) than 3-methylpentane (3 center dot 7 kJ/mol) in agreement with the prediction of levitation effect.


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Thin accretion discs around massive compact objects can support slow pressure modes of oscillations in the linear regime that have azimuthal wavenumber m = 1. We consider finite, flat discs composed of barotropic fluid for various surface density profiles and demonstrate through WKB analysis and numerical solution of the eigenvalue problem - that these modes are stable and have spatial scales comparable to the size of the disc. We show that the eigenvalue equation can be mapped to a Schrodinger like equation. The analysis of this equation shows that all eigenmodes have discrete spectra. We find that all the models we have considered support negative frequency eigenmodes; however, the positive eigenfrequency modes are only present in power-law discs, albeit for physically uninteresting values of the power-law index beta and barotropic index gamma.


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The influence of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate on the activation of purified swine kidney phosphofructokinase as a function of the concentration of fructose 6P, ATP and citrate was investigated. The purified enzyme was nearly completely inhibited in the presence of 2 mM ATP. The addition of 20 nM fructose 2,6-P2 reversed the inhibition and restored more than 80% of the activity. In the absence of fructose 2,6-P2 the reaction showed a sigmoidal dependence on fructose-6-phosphate. The addition of 10 nM fructose 2,6-bisphosphate decreased the K0.5 for fructose 6-phosphate from 3 mM to 0.4 mM in the presence of 1.5 mM ATP. These results clearly show that fructose 2,6-bisphosphate increases the affinity of the enzyme for fructose 6-phosphate and decreases the inhibitory effect of ATP. The extent of inhibition by citrate was also significantly decreased in the presence of fructose 2,6-phosphate. The influence of various effectors of phosphofructokinase on the binding of ATP and fructose 6-P to the enzyme was examined in gel filtration studies. It was found that kidney phosphofructokinase binds 5.6 moles of fructose 6-P per mole of enzyme, which corresponds to about one site per subunit of tetrameric enzyme. The KD for fructose 6-P was 13 microM and in the presence of 0.5 mM ATP it increased to 27 microM. The addition of 0.3 mM citrate also increased the KD for fructose 6-P to about 40 microM. AMP, 10 microM, decreased the KD to 5 microM and the addition of fructose 2,6-phosphate decreased the KD for fructose 6-P to 0.9 microM. The addition of these compounds did not effect the maximal amount of fructose 6-P bound to the enzyme, which indicated that the binding site for these compounds might be near, but was not identical to the fructose 6-P binding site. The enzyme bound a maximum of about 12.5 moles of ATP per mole, which corresponds to 3 moles per subunit. The KD of the site with the highest affinity for ATP was 4 microM, and it increased to 15 microM in the presence of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate. The addition of 50 microM fructose 1,6-bisphosphate increased the KD for ATP to 5.9 microM. AMP increased the KD to 5.9 microM whereas 0.3 mM citrate decreased the KD for ATP to about 2 microM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS).


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H-1 and F-19 spin-lattice relaxation times in polycrystalline diammonium hexafluorozirconate have been measured in the temperature range of 10-400 K to elucidate the molecular motion of both cation and anion. Interesting features such as translational diffusion at higher temperatures, molecular reorientational motion of both cation and anion groups at intermediate temperatures and quantum rotational tunneling of the ammonium group at lower temperatures have been observed. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation time results correlate well with the NMR second moment and conductivity studies reported earlier.


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Sol-gel route was employed to grow polycrystalline thin films of Li-doped ZnO thin films (Zn1-xLixO, x=0.15). Polycrystalline films were obtained at a growth temperature of 400-500 degrees C. Ferroelectricity in Zn0.85Li0.15O was verified by examining the temperature variation of the real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant, and from the C-V measurements. The phase transition temperature was found to be 330 K. The room-temperature dielectric constant and dissipation factor were 15.5 and 0.09 respectively, at a frequency of 100 kHz. The films exhibited well-defined hysteresis loop, and the values of spontaneous polarization (P-s) and coercive field were 0.15 mu C/cm(2) and 20 kV/cm, respectively, confirming the presence of ferroelectricity.


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The lead based ferroelectric PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 (PZT), (Pb0.90La0.10)TiO3 (PLT10) and (Pb0.80La0.20)TiO3 (PLT20) thin films, prepared by pulsed laser ablation technique, were studied for their response to the 70 MeV oxygen ion irradiation. The dielectric analysis, capacitance-voltage (C- V) and DC leakage current measurements were performed before and after the irradiation to high-energy oxygen ions. The irradiation produced considerable changes in the dielectric, C-V, leakage characteristics and induced some amount of amorphization. The PZT films showed partial recrystallization after a thermal annealing at 400 degrees C for 10 min. The phase transition temperature [T-c] of PLT20 increased from 115 degrees C to 120 degrees C. The DC conductivity measurements showed a shift in the onset of non-linear conduction region. The current density decreased by two orders of magnitude after irradiation. After annealing the irradiated films at a temperature of 400 degrees C for 10 min, the films partially regained the dielectric and electrical properties. The results are discussed in terms of the irradiation-induced amorphization, the pinning of the ferroelectric domains by trapped charges and the thermal annealing of the defects generated during the irradiation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The insulation in a dc cable is subjected to both thermal and electric stress at the same time. While the electric stress is generic to the cable, the temperature rise in the insulation is, by and large, due to the Ohmic losses in the conductor. The consequence of this synergic effect is to reduce the maximum operating voltage and causes a premature failure of the cable. The authors examine this subject in some detail and propose a comprehensive theoretical formulation relating the maximum thermal voltage (MTV) to the physical and geometrical parameters of the insulation. The heat flow patterns and boundary conditions considered by the authors here and those found in earlier literature are provided. The MTV of a dc cable is shown to be a function of the load current apart from the resistance of the insulation. The results obtained using the expressions, developed by the authors, are compared with relevant results published in the literature and found to be in close conformity.


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Well injection replenishes depleting water levels in a well field. Observation well water levels some distance away from the injection well are the indicators of the success of a well injection program. Simulation of the observation well response, located a few tens of meters from the injection well, is likely to be affected by the effects of nonhomogeneous medium, inclined initial water table, and aquifer clogging. Existing algorithms, such as the U.S. Geological Survey groundwater flow software MODFLOW, are capable of handling the first two conditions, whereas time-dependent clogging effects are yet to be introduced in the groundwater flow models. Elsewhere, aquifer clogging is extensively researched in theory of filtration; scope for its application in a well field is a potential research problem. In the present paper, coupling of one such filtration theory to MODFLOW is introduced. Simulation of clogging effects during “Hansol” well recharge in the parts of western India is found to be encouraging.


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We have studied the as grown and annealed CdZnTe (Zn similar to 4 %) crystals for the assessment of their crystalline quality. As grown crystals suffer from tellurium precipitates and cadmium vacancies, which are inherent, due to retrograde solid solubility curve in the phase diagram. This is reflected in the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra over the 400 - 4500 cm(-1) range by a strong absorption around 2661 cm(-1) which corresponds to the band gap of tellurium confirming their presence, where-as a monotonic decrease in the transmission with the decrease in wave number indicates the presence of cadmium vacancies. Obviously the presence of Cd vacancies lead to the formation of tellurium precipitates confirming their presence. Annealed samples under cadmium + zinc ambient at 650 degrees C for 6 hours show an improvement in the transmission over the same range. This can be attributed to thermo-migration of tellurium precipitates and hence bonding with Cd or Zn to form CdZnTe. This is further supported by the reduced full width at half maximum in the X-ray diffraction rocking curve of these CdZnTe crystals. Cadmium annealing although can passivate Cd vacancy related defects and reduce the Te precipitates, as is observed in our low temperature Photoluminescence (PL) spectra, alone may not be sufficient possibly due to the loss of Zn. Vacuum annealing at 650 degrees C for 6 hours further deteriorated the material quality as is reflected in the low temperature PL spectra by the introduction of a new defect band around 0.85 eV and reduced IR transmission.


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Nanocrystalline Zn1-xMnxS films (x=0.04, 0.08 and 0.12) were deposited on glass substrates at 400 K using a simple resistive thermal evaporation technique. All the deposited films were characterized by chemical, structural, morphological, optical and magnetic properties. Scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy studies showed that all the films investigated were in nanocrystalline form with the grain size lying in the range 10–20 nm. All the films exhibited cubic structure and the lattice parameters increase linearly with composition. The absorption edge shifted from the higher-wavelength region to lower wavelengths with increase in Mn concentration. The magnetization increased sharply with increase of the Mn content up to x=0.08 and then decreased with further increase of the Mn content. Particularly, Zn0.92Mn0.08S concentration samples show a weak ferromagnetic nature, which might be the optimum concentration for optoelectronic and spintronic device applications.


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Nickel rich NiTi films were sputter deposited on p-doped Si left angle bracket1 0 0right-pointing angle bracket substrates maintained at 300 °C. The films were subsequently solution treated at 700 °C for 30 min followed by ageing at 400 and 500 °C for 5 h. The microstructure of the films was examined by TEM and these studies revealed that the NiTi films were mostly amorphous in the as-deposited condition. The subsequent solution treatment and ageing resulted in crystallization of the films with the film aged at 400 °C exhibiting nanocrystalline grains and three phases viz. B2 (austenite), R and Ni3Ti2 whereas the film aged at 500 °C shows micron sized grains and two phases viz. R and Ni3Ti2. Nanoindentation studies revealed that the nature of the load versus indentation depth response for the films aged at 400 and 500 °C was different. For the same load, the indenter penetrated to a much greater depth for the film aged at 400 °C as compared to the film aged at 500 °C. Also the ratio of the residual indentation depth (hf) to maximum indentation depth (hmax) is lower for the film aged at 400 °C as compared to the film aged at 500 °C. This was attributed to the occurrence of stress induced martensitic transformation of the B2 phase present in the film aged at 400 °C during indentation loading which results in a transformation strain in addition to the normal elastic and plastic strains and its subsequent recovery on unloading. The hardness and elastic modulus measured using the Oliver and Pharr analysis was also found to be lower for the film aged at 400 °C as compared to the film aged at 500 °C which was also primarily attributed to the same effect.