61 resultados para continuous authentication


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Authentication protocols are very much essential for secure communication in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). A number of authentication protocols for MANETs have been proposed in the literature which provide the basic authentication service while trying to optimize their performance and resource consumption parameters. A problem with most of these protocols is that the underlying networking environment on which they are applicable have been left unspecified. As a result, lack of specifications about the networking environments applicable to an authentication protocol for MANETs can mislead about the performance and the applicability of the protocol. In this paper, we first characterize networking environment for a MANET as its 'Membership Model' which is defined as a set of specifications related to the 'Membership Granting Server' (MGS) and the 'Membership Set Pattern' (MSP) of the MANET. We then identify various types of possible membership models for a MANET. In order to illustrate that while designing an authentication protocol for a MANET, it is very much necessary to consider the underlying membership model of the MANET, we study a set of six representative authentication protocols, and analyze their applicability for the membership models as enumerated in this paper. The analysis shows that the same protocol may not perform equally well in all membership models. In addition, there may be membership models which are important from the point of view of users, but for which no authentication protocol is available.


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In this paper, we have proposed a centralized multicast authentication protocol (MAP) for dynamic multicast groups in wireless networks. In our protocol, a multicast group is defined only at the time of the multicasting. The authentication server (AS) in the network generates a session key and authenticates it to each of the members of a multicast group using the computationally inexpensive least common multiple (LCM) method. In addition, a pseudo random function (PRF) is used to bind the secret keys of the network members with their identities. By doing this, the AS is relieved from storing per member secrets in its memory, making the scheme completely storage scalable. The protocol minimizes the load on the network members by shifting the computational tasks towards the AS node as far as possible. The protocol possesses a membership revocation mechanism and is protected against replay attack and brute force attack. Analytical and simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed protocol.


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In this paper, we propose a novel authentication protocol for MANETs requiring stronger security. The protocol works on a two-tier network architecture with client nodes and authentication server nodes, and supports dynamic membership. We use an external membership granting server (MGS) to provide stronger security with dynamic membership. However, the external MGS in our protocol is semi-online instead of being online, i.e., the MGS cannot initiate a connection with a network node but any network node can communicate with the MGS whenever required. To ensure efficiency, the protocol uses symmetric key cryptography to implement the authentication service. However, to achieve storage scalability, the protocol uses a pseudo random function (PRF) to bind the secret key of a client to its identity using the secret key of its server. In addition, the protocol possesses an efficient server revocation mechanism along with an efficient server re-assignment mechanism, which makes the protocol robust against server node compromise.


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The basic requirements for secure communication in a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) are anonymous authentication with source non-repudiation and integrity. The existing security protocols in VANETs do not differentiate between the anonymity requirements of different vehicles and the level of anonymity provided by these protocols is the same for all the vehicles in a network. To provide high level of anonymity, the resource requirements of security protocol would also be high. Hence, in a resource constrained VANET, it is necessary to differentiate between the anonymity requirements of different vehicles and to provide the level of anonymity to a vehicle as per its requirement. In this paper, we have proposed a novel protocol for authentication which can provide multiple levels of anonymity in VANETs. The protocol makes use of identity based signature mechanism and pseudonyms to implement anonymous authentication with source non-repudiation and integrity. By controlling the number of pseudonyms issued to a vehicle and the lifetime of each pseudonym for a vehicle, the protocol is able to control the level of anonymity provided to a vehicle. In addition, the protocol includes a novel pseudonym issuance policy using which the protocol can ensure the uniqueness of a newly generated pseudonym by checking only a very small subset of the set of pseudonyms previously issued to all the vehicles. The protocol cryptographically binds an expiry date to each pseudonym, and in this way, enforces an implicit revocation for the pseudonyms. Analytical and simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed protocol.


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Automatic and accurate detection of the closure-burst transition events of stops and affricates serves many applications in speech processing. A temporal measure named the plosion index is proposed to detect such events, which are characterized by an abrupt increase in energy. Using the maxima of the pitch-synchronous normalized cross correlation as an additional temporal feature, a rule-based algorithm is designed that aims at selecting only those events associated with the closure-burst transitions of stops and affricates. The performance of the algorithm, characterized by receiver operating characteristic curves and temporal accuracy, is evaluated using the labeled closure-burst transitions of stops and affricates of the entire TIMIT test and training databases. The robustness of the algorithm is studied with respect to global white and babble noise as well as local noise using the TIMIT test set and on telephone quality speech using the NTIMIT test set. For these experiments, the proposed algorithm, which does not require explicit statistical training and is based on two one-dimensional temporal measures, gives a performance comparable to or better than the state-of-the-art methods. In addition, to test the scalability, the algorithm is applied on the Buckeye conversational speech corpus and databases of two Indian languages. (C) 2014 Acoustical Society of America.


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We study risk-sensitive control of continuous time Markov chains taking values in discrete state space. We study both finite and infinite horizon problems. In the finite horizon problem we characterize the value function via Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation and obtain an optimal Markov control. We do the same for infinite horizon discounted cost case. In the infinite horizon average cost case we establish the existence of an optimal stationary control under certain Lyapunov condition. We also develop a policy iteration algorithm for finding an optimal control.


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This paper proposes an automatic acoustic-phonetic method for estimating voice-onset time of stops. This method requires neither transcription of the utterance nor training of a classifier. It makes use of the plosion index for the automatic detection of burst onsets of stops. Having detected the burst onset, the onset of the voicing following the burst is detected using the epochal information and a temporal measure named the maximum weighted inner product. For validation, several experiments are carried out on the entire TIMIT database and two of the CMU Arctic corpora. The performance of the proposed method compares well with three state-of-the-art techniques. (C) 2014 Acoustical Society of America


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We present a closed-form continuous model for the electrical conductivity of a single layer graphene (SLG) sheet in the presence of short-range impurities, long-range screened impurities, and acoustic phonons. The validity of the model extends from very low doping levels (chemical potential close to the Dirac cone vertex) to very high doping levels. We demonstrate complete functional relations of the chemical potential, polarization function, and conductivity with respect to both doping level and temperature (T), which were otherwise developed for SLG sheet only in the very low and very high doping levels. The advantage of the continuous conductivity model reported in this paper lies in its simple form which depends only on three adjustable parameters: the short-range impurity density, the long-range screened impurity density, and temperature T. The proposed theoretical model was successfully used to correlate various experiments in the midtemperature and moderate density regimes.


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Highly conducting composites were derived by selectively localizing multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) in co-continuous PVDF/ABS (50/50, wt/wt) blends. The electrical percolation threshold was obtained between 0.5 and 1 wt% MWNTs as manifested by a dramatic increase in the electrical conductivity by about six orders of magnitude with respect to the neat blends. In order to further enhance the electrical conductivity of the blends, the MWNTs were modified with amine terminated ionic liquid (IL), which, besides enhancing the interfacial interaction with PVDF, facilitated the formation of a network like structure of MWNTs. This high electrical conductivity of the blends, at a relatively low fraction (1 wt%), was further explored to design materials that can attenuate electromagnetic (EM) radiation. More specifically, to attenuate the EM radiation by absorption, a ferroelectric phase was introduced. To accomplish this, barium titanate (BT) nanoparticles chemically stitched onto graphene oxide (GO) sheets were synthesized and mixed along with MWNTs in the blends. Intriguingly, the total EM shielding effectiveness (SE) was enhanced by ca. 10 dB with respect to the blends with only MWNTs. In addition, the effect of introducing a ferromagnetic phase (Fe3O4) along with IL modified MWNTs was also investigated. This study opens new avenues in designing materials that can attenuate EM radiation by selecting either a ferroelectric (BT-GO) or a ferromagnetic phase (Fe3O4) along with intrinsically conducting nanoparticles (MWNTs).


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In this paper, the design of a new solar operated adsorption cooling system with two identical small and one large adsorber beds, which is capable of producing cold continuously, has been proposed. In this system, cold energy is stored in the form of refrigerant in a separate refrigerant storage tank at ambient temperature. Silica gel water is used as a working pair and system is driven by solar energy. The operating principle is described in details and its thermodynamic transient analysis is presented. Effect of COP and SCE for different adsorbent mass and adsorption/desorption time of smaller beds are discussed. Recommended mass and number of cycles of operation for smaller beds to attain continuous cooling with average COP and SCE of 0.63 and 337.5 kJ/kg, respectively are also discussed, at a generation, condenser and evaporator temperatures of 368 K, 303 K and 283 K, respectively. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate in here a powerful scalable technology to synthesize continuously high quality CdSe quantum dots (QDs) in supercritical hexane. Using a low cost, highly thermally stable Cd-precursor, cadmium deoxycholate, the continuous synthesis is performed in 400 mu m ID stainless steel capillaries resulting in CdSe QDs having sharp full-width-at-half-maxima (23 nm) and high photoluminescence quantum yields (45-55%). Transmission electron microscopy images show narrow particles sizes distribution (sigma <= 5%) with well-defined crystal lattices. Using two different synthesis temperatures (250 degrees C and 310 degrees C), it was possible to obtain zinc blende and wurtzite crystal structures of CdSe QDs, respectively. This synthetic approach allows achieving substantial production rates up to 200 mg of QDs per hour depending on the targeted size, and could be easily scaled to gram per hour.


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In this article, we study risk-sensitive control problem with controlled continuous time Markov chain state dynamics. Using multiplicative dynamic programming principle along with the atomic structure of the state dynamics, we prove the existence and a characterization of optimal risk-sensitive control under geometric ergodicity of the state dynamics along with a smallness condition on the running cost.


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The current day networks use Proactive networks for adaption to the dynamic scenarios. The use of cognition technique based on the Observe, Orient, Decide and Act loop (OODA) is proposed to construct proactive networks. The network performance degradation in knowledge acquisition and malicious node presence is a problem that exists. The use of continuous time dynamic neural network is considered to achieve cognition. The variance in service rates of user nodes is used to detect malicious activity in heterogeneous networks. The improved malicious node detection rates are proved through the experimental results presented in this paper. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Scalable stream processing and continuous dataflow systems are gaining traction with the rise of big data due to the need for processing high velocity data in near real time. Unlike batch processing systems such as MapReduce and workflows, static scheduling strategies fall short for continuous dataflows due to the variations in the input data rates and the need for sustained throughput. The elastic resource provisioning of cloud infrastructure is valuable to meet the changing resource needs of such continuous applications. However, multi-tenant cloud resources introduce yet another dimension of performance variability that impacts the application's throughput. In this paper we propose PLAStiCC, an adaptive scheduling algorithm that balances resource cost and application throughput using a prediction-based lookahead approach. It not only addresses variations in the input data rates but also the underlying cloud infrastructure. In addition, we also propose several simpler static scheduling heuristics that operate in the absence of accurate performance prediction model. These static and adaptive heuristics are evaluated through extensive simulations using performance traces obtained from Amazon AWS IaaS public cloud. Our results show an improvement of up to 20% in the overall profit as compared to the reactive adaptation algorithm.


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Anonymity and authenticity are both important yet often conflicting security goals in a wide range of applications. On the one hand for many applications (say for access control) it is crucial to be able to verify the identity of a given legitimate party (a.k.a. entity authentication). Alternatively an application might require that no one but a party can communicate on its behalf (a.k.a. message authentication). Yet, on the other hand privacy concerns also dictate that anonymity of a legitimate party should be preserved; that is no information concerning the identity of parties should be leaked to an outside entity eavesdropping on the communication. This conflict becomes even more acute when considering anonymity with respect to an active entity that may attempt to impersonate other parties in the system. In this work we resolve this conflict in two steps. First we formalize what it means for a system to provide both authenticity and anonymity even in the presence of an active man-in-the-middle adversary for various specific applications such as message and entity authentication using the constructive cryptography framework of Mau11, MR11]. Our approach inherits the composability statement of constructive cryptography and can therefore be directly used in any higher-level context. Next we demonstrate several simple protocols for realizing these systems, at times relying on a new type of (probabilistic) Message Authentication Code (MAC) called key indistinguishable (KI) MACs. Similar to the key hiding encryption schemes of BBDP01] they guarantee that tags leak no discernible information about the keys used to generate them.