231 resultados para conduction band electrons


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A perturbative scaling theory for calculating static thermodynamic properties of arbitrary local impurity degrees of freedom interacting with the conduction electrons of a metal is presented. The basic features are developments of the ideas of Anderson and Wilson, but the precise formulation is new and is capable of taking into account band-edge effects which cannot be neglected in certain problems. Recursion relations are derived for arbitrary interaction Hamiltonians up to third order in perturbation theory. A generalized impurity Hamiltonian is defined and its scaling equations are derived up to third order. The strategy of using such perturbative scaling equations is delineated and the renormalization-group aspects are discussed. The method is illustrated by applying it to the single-impurity Kondo problem whose static properties are well understood.


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A simplified yet analytical approach on few ballistic properties of III-V quantum wire transistor has been presented by considering the band non-parabolicity of the electrons in accordance with Kane's energy band model using the Bohr-Sommerfeld's technique. The confinement of the electrons in the vertical and lateral directions are modeled by an infinite triangular and square well potentials respectively, giving rise to a two dimensional electron confinement. It has been shown that the quantum gate capacitance, the drain currents and the channel conductance in such systems are oscillatory functions of the applied gate and drain voltages at the strong inversion regime. The formation of subbands due to the electrical and structural quantization leads to the discreetness in the characteristics of such 1D ballistic transistors. A comparison has also been sought out between the self-consistent solution of the Poisson's-Schrodinger's equations using numerical techniques and analytical results using Bohr-Sommerfeld's method. The results as derived in this paper for all the energy band models gets simplified to the well known results under certain limiting conditions which forms the mathematical compatibility of our generalized theoretical formalism.


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The electronic structure of sodium tungsten bronzes NaxWO3 is investigated by high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The ARPES spectra measured in both insulating and metallic phases of NaxWO3 reveals the origin of metal-insulator transition (MIT) in sodium tungsten bronze system. It is found that in insulating NaxWO3 the states near the Fermi level (E-F) are localized due to the strong disorder caused by the random distribution of Na+ ions in WO3 lattice. Due to the presence of disorder and long-range Coulomb interaction of conduction electrons, a soft Coulomb gap arises, where the density of states vanishes exactly at E-F. In the metallic regime the states near E-F are populated and the Fermi level shifts upward rigidly with increasing electron doping (x). Volume of electron-like Fermi surface (FS) at the Gamma(X) point of the Brillouin zone gradually increases with increasing Na concentration due to W 5d t(2g) band filling. A rigid shift of the Fermi energy is found to give a qualitatively good description of the Fermi surface evolution. As we move from bulk-sensitive to more surface sensitive photon energy, we found the emergence of Fermi surfaces at X(M) and M(R) point similar to the one at the Gamma(X) point in the metallic regime, suggesting that the reconstruction of surface was due to rotation/deformation of WO6 octahedra.


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Magnetotransport measurements in pulsed fields up to 15 T have been performed on mercury cadmium telluride (Hg1-xCdxTe, x similar to 0.2) bulk as well as liquid phase epitaxially grown samples to obtain the resistivity and conductivity tensors in the temperature range 220-300 K. Mobilities and densities of various carriers participating in conduction have been extracted using both conventional multicarrier fitting (MCF) and mobility spectrum analysis. The fits to experimental data, particularly at the highest magnetic fields, were substantially improved when MCF is applied to minimize errors simultaneously on both resistivity and conductivity tensors. The semiclassical Boltzmann transport equation has been solved without using adjustable parameters by incorporating the following scattering mechanisms to fit the mobility: ionized impurity, polar and nonpolar optical phonons, acoustic deformation potential, and alloy disorder. Compared to previous estimates based on the relaxation time approximation with outscattering only, polar optical scattering and ionized impurity scattering limited mobilities are shown to be larger due to the correct incorporation of the inscattering term taking into account the overlap integrals in the valence band.


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In this paper, an attempt is made to study the influence of external light waves on the thermoelectric power under strong magnetic field (TPSM) in ultrathin films (UFs), quantum wires (QWs) and quantum dots (QDs) of optoelectronic materials whose unperturbed dispersion relation of the conduction electrons are defined by three and two band models of Kane together with parabolic energy bands on the basis of newly formulated electron dispersion laws in each case. We have plotted the TPSM as functions of film thickness, electron concentration, light intensity and wavelength for UFs, QWs and ODs of InSb, GaAs, Hg1-xCdxTe and In1-xGaxAsyP1-y respectively. It appears from the figures that for UFs, the TPSM increases with increasing thickness in quantum steps, decreases with increasing electron degeneracy exhibiting entirely different types of oscillations and changes with both light intensity and wavelength and these two latter types of plots are the direct signature of light waves on opto-TPSM. For QWs, the opto-TPSM exhibits rectangular oscillations with increasing thickness and shows enhanced spiky oscillations with electron concentration per unit length. For QDs, the opto-TPSM increases with increasing film thickness exhibiting trapezoidal variations which occurs during quantum jumps and the length and breadth of the trapezoids are totally dependent on energy band constants. Under the condition of non-degeneracy, the results of opto-TPSM gets simplified into the well-known form of classical TPSM equation which the function of three constants only and being invariant of the signature of band structure.


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We present an explicit solution of the problem of two coupled spin-1/2 impurities, interacting with a band of conduction electrons. We obtain an exact effective bosonized Hamiltonian, which is then treated by two different methods (low-energy theory and mean-field approach). Scale invariance is explicitly shown at the quantum critical point. The staggered susceptibility behaves like ln(T(K)/T) at low T, whereas the magnetic susceptibility and [S1.S2] are well behaved at the transition. The divergence of C(T)/T when approaching the transition point is also studied. The non-Fermi-liquid (actually marginal-Fermi-liquid) critical point is shown to arise because of the existence of anomalous correlations, which lead to degeneracies between bosonic and fermionic states of the system. The methods developed in this paper are of interest for studying more physically relevant models, for instance, for high-T(c) cuprates.


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We report a systematic study of the electronic transport properties of the metallic perovskite oxide LaNiO3-delta as a function of the oxygen stoichiometry delta (delta less than or equal to 0.14). The electrical resistivity, magnetoresistance, susceptibility, Hall effect and thermopower have been studied, All of the transport coefficients are dependent on the value of delta. The resistivity increases almost exponentially as delta increases. We relate this increase in rho to the creation of Ni2+ with square-planar coordination. We find that there is a distinct T-1.5-contribution to the resistivity over the whole temperature range. The thermopower is negative, as expected for systems with electrons as the carrier, but the Hall coefficient is positive. We have given a qualitative and quantitative explanation for the different quantities observed and their systematic variation with the stoichiometry delta.


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The nontrivial electronic topology of a topological insulator is thus far known to display signatures in a robust metallic state at the surface. Here, we establish vibrational anomalies in Raman spectra of the bulk that signify changes in electronic topology: an E-g(2) phonon softens unusually and its linewidth exhibits an asymmetric peak at the pressure induced electronic topological transition (ETT) in Sb2Se3 crystal. Our first-principles calculations confirm the electronic transition from band to topological insulating state with reversal of parity of electronic bands passing through a metallic state at the ETT, but do not capture the phonon anomalies which involve breakdown of adiabatic approximation due to strongly coupled dynamics of phonons and electrons. Treating this within a four-band model of topological insulators, we elucidate how nonadiabatic renormalization of phonons constitutes readily measurable bulk signatures of an ETT, which will facilitate efforts to develop topological insulators by modifying a band insulator. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.107401


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We demonstrate that the low-frequency resistance uctuations, or noise, in bilayer graphene is strongly connected to its band structure, and displays a minimum when the gap between the conduction and valence band is zero. Using double-gated bilayer graphene devices we have tuned the zero gap and charge neutrality points independently, which oers a versatile mechanism to investigate the low-energy band structure, charge localization and screening properties of bilayer graphene.


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The theory for time-resolved, pump-probe, photoemission spectroscopy and other pump-probe experiments is developed. The formal development is completely general, incorporating all of the nonequilibrium effects of the pump pulse and the finite time width of the probe pulse, and including possibilities for taking into account band structure and matrix element effects, surface states, and the interaction of the photoexcited electrons with the system leading to corrections to the sudden approximation. We also illustrate the effects of windowing that arise from the finite width of the probe pulse in a simple model system by assuming the quasiequilibrium approximation.


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We demonstrate that the low-frequency resistance fluctuations, or noise, in bilayer graphene are strongly connected to its band structure and display a minimum when the gap between the conduction and valence band is zero. Using double-gated bilayer graphene devices we have tuned the zero gap and charge neutrality points independently, which offers a versatile mechanism to investigate the low-energy band structure, charge localization, and screening properties of bilayer graphene.


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He II photoelectron spectra of La, Ce and Yb show features which cannot be explained in terms of single electron excitations. It is proposed that these are due to formation of electron-hole paris.


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This paper deals with new results obtained in regard to the reconstruction properties of side-band Fresnel holograms (SBFH) of self-imaging type objects (for example, gratings) as compared with those of general objects. The major finding is that a distribution I2, which appears on the real-image plane along with the conventional real-image I1, remains a 2Z distribution (where 2Z is the axial distance between the object and its self-imaging plane) under a variety of situations, while its nature and focusing properties differ from one situation to another. It is demonstrated that the two distributions I1 and I2 can be used in the development of a novel technique for image subtraction.


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In this work, we theoretically examine recent pump/probe photoemission experiments on the strongly correlated charge-density-wave insulator TaS2.We describe the general nonequilibrium many-body formulation of time-resolved photoemission in the sudden approximation, and then solve the problem using dynamical mean-field theory with the numerical renormalization group and a bare density of states calculated from density functional theory including the charge-density-wave distortion of the ion cores and spin-orbit coupling. We find a number of interesting results: (i) the bare band structure actually has more dispersion in the perpendicular direction than in the two-dimensional planes; (ii) the DMFT approach can produce upper and lower Hubbard bands that resemble those in the experiment, but the upper bands will overlap in energy with other higher energy bands; (iii) the effect of the finite width of the probe pulse is minimal on the shape of the photoemission spectra; and (iv) the quasiequilibrium approximation does not fully describe the behavior in this system.


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The minimum energy required for the formation of conjugate pair of charged defects is found to be approximately equal to the experimental activation energy for d.c. conductivity in a number of amorphous chalcoganides and pnictides. This observation implies that the defect pair formation energy represents an intrinsic gap for transport in amorphous chalcogenides.