292 resultados para chrondrite matrix phases


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We have obtained the quantum phase diagram of a one-dimensional superconducting quantum dot lattice using the extended Bose-Hubbard model for different commensurabilities. We describe the nature of different quantum phases at the charge degeneracy point. We find a direct phase transition from the Mott insulating phase to the superconducting phase for integer band fillings of Cooper pairs. We predict explicitly the presence of two kinds of repulsive Luttinger liquid phases, besides the charge density wave and superconducting phases for half-integer band fillings. We also predict that extended range interactions are necessary to obtain the correct phase boundary of a one-dimensional interacting Cooper system. We have used the density matrix renormalization group method and Abelian bosonization to study our system.


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Gadolinium strontium manganite single crystals of the composition Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 were grown using the optical float zone method. We report here the magnetic and magnetotransport properties of these crystals. A large magnetoresistance similar to 10(9)% was observed at 45 K under the application of a 110 kOe field. We have observed notable thermomagnetic anomalies such as open hysteresis loops across the broadened first-order transition between the charge order insulator and the ferromagnetic metallic phase while traversing the magnetic field-temperature (H-T) plane isothermally or isomagnetically. In order to discern the cause of these observed anomalies, the H-T phase diagram for Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 is formulated using the magnetization-field (M-H), magnetization-temperature (M-T) and resistance-temperature (R-T) measurements. The temperature dependence of the critical field (i.e. H-up, the field required for transformation to the ferromagnetic metallic phase) is non-monotonic. We note that the non-monotonic variation of the supercooling limit is anomalous according to the classical concepts of the first-order phase transition. Accordingly, H-up values below similar to 20 K are unsuitable to represent the supercooling limit. It is possible that the nature of the metastable states responsible for the observed open hysteresis loops is different from that of the supercooled ones.


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A versatile affinity matrix in which the ligand of interest is linked to the matrix through a connector arm containing a disulfide bond is described. It can be synthesized from any amino-substituted matrix by successive reaction with 2-imino-thio-lane, 5, 5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid), and a thiol derivative of the ligand of choice. The repertoire of ligands can be significantly increased by the appropriate use of avidin-biotin bridges. After adsorption of the material to be fractionated, elution can be effected by reducing the disulfide bond in the connector arm with dithiothreitol. Examples of the preparation and use of various affinity matrices based on amino-substituted Sepharose 6MB are given. One involves the immobilization of the Fab' fragment of a monoclonal antibody against Aspergillus oryzae β-galactosidase and the specific binding of that enzyme to the resulting immunoaffinity matrix. Another involves the immobilization of N-biotinyl-2-thioethylamine followed by complex formation with avidin. The resulting avidin-substituted matrix was used for the selective adsorption and subsequent recovery of mouse hybridoma cells producing anti-avidin antibodies. By further complexing the avidin-substituted matrix with appropriate biotinylated antigens, it should be possible to fractionate cells producing antibodies against a variety of antigens.


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The structures of (1 - x) Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-(x) CaTiO3 at room temperature have been investigated using neutron powder diffraction and dielectric studies. The system exhibits an orthorhombic (Pbnm) structure for x >= 0.15 and rhombohedral (R3c) for x <= 0.05. For x = 0.10, though the neutron diffraction pattern shows features of the orthorhombic (Pbnm) structure, Rietveld refinement using this structure shows a drastic reduction in the in-phase tilt angle (similar to 4 degrees) as compared to the corresponding value (similar to 8 degrees) for a neighbouring composition x = 0.15. The neutron diffraction pattern of x = 0.10 could be fitted equally well using a two-phase model (R3c + Pbnm) with orthorhombic as the minor phase (22%), without the need for a drastic decrease in the in-phase tilt angle. The dielectric studies of x = 0.10 revealed the presence of the polar R3c phase, thereby favouring the phase coexistence model, instead of a single-phase Pbnm structure, for this composition.


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This study presents a detailed description on crustal metamorphic signatures of garnet-clinopyroxene-quartz-rutile-bearing high P-T granulites, Samgot unit, Imajingang belt, northwestern Korean Peninsula that formed during Permo-Triassic regional metamorphism related to the amalgamation of East Asian continental fragments. Lenses and blocks of high P-T granulites and garnet-bearing leucosomes occur within mafic metamorphic rocks (mainly amphibolites). The mafic blocks comprise relicts of granoblastic garnet and clinopyroxene with medium-grained quartz and rutile. These relict mineral assemblages are confined to local micro-domains and constitute remnants of peak metamorphism. Plagioclase and amphibole form only as retrograde phases in medium ton coarse-grained moats that rim grain boundaries between relict peak mineral assemblages. This microstructure represents the reaction between garnet, clinopyroxene, quartz and rutile in the presence of melt to form amphibole, plagioclase and titanite with minor biotite. The leucosome domains consist of euhedral garnets within the quartz-K feldspar-plagioclase (granitic) matrix, probably representing peritectic garnet growth along with melting. The rare earth element (REE) composition of minerals also support the peritectic garnet growth with a positive Eu/Eu* (positive Eu anomaly), while the relict garnet shows a slight negative anomaly typical for high-grade granulites. The peak-metamorphic conditions calculated from thermodynamic modeling and compositional isopleths indicate a temperature around c. 900 degrees C at a pressure around c. 20 kbar. The present P-T path indicates a clear multi-stage decompression history with initial decompression and cooling followed by a stage of decompression during hydration possibly during Late Triassic exhumation. The results from this study together with the presence of eclogites from the Hongsung area suggest that the Imjingang area and the western Gyeonggi massif likely resided at crustal levels deeper than those of the eastern and southern part of the Gyeonggi massif. (C) 2009 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There exist many investigations of ionic transport in a variety of glasses. These studies exhibit strong correlation between ionic conductivity and activation energy: Typically, it is found that higher conductivity is associated with lower activation energies and vice versa. Although there are explanations for this at a phenomenological level, there is no consistent physical picture to explain the correlation between conductivity and activation energy. We have carried out molecular dynamics simulation as a function of the size of the impurity atom or diffusant (both neutral and charged) in a host amorphous matrix. We find that there is a maximum in self-diffusivity as a function of the size of the impurity atom suggesting that there is an appropriate size for which the diffusivity is maximum. The activation energy is found to be the lowest for this size of the impurity. A similar maximum has been previously found in other condensed phases, such as confined fluids and dense liquids, and has its origin in the levitation effect. The implications of this result for understanding ionic conductivity in glasses are discussed. Our results suggest that there is a relation between microscopic structure of the amorphous solid, diffusivity or conductivity, and activation energy. The nature of this relationship is discussed in terms of the levitation parameter showing that diffusivity is maximum when the size of the neck or doorway radius is comparable with the size of the diffusant. Our computational results here are in excellent agreement with independent experimental results of Nascimento et al. [Braz. J. Phys. 35, 626 (2005)] that structural features of the glass are important in determining the ionic conductivity.


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A novel synthesis of inorganic-organic hybrid films containing well dispersed and almost uniform size Ag nanoparticles in agar-agar matrix has been reported. The films are found to be highly stable for more than a year. The colloidal particles of Ag can be obtained in large quantities in the form of a film or in the gel form when dispersed in agar-agar or by dissolving in a suitable solvent as solution. Characterization has been done by UV-visible spectroscopy and TEM. The hybrid may be of interest to study third-order non-linear susceptibility.


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Polarized scattering in spectral lines is governed by a 4; 4 matrix that describes how the Stokes vector is scattered and redistributed in frequency and direction. Here we develop the theory for this redistribution matrix in the presence of magnetic fields of arbitrary strength and direction. This general magnetic field case is called the Hanle- Zeeman regime, since it covers both of the partially overlapping weak- and strong- field regimes in which the Hanle and Zeeman effects dominate the scattering polarization. In this general regime, the angle-frequency correlations that describe the so-called partial frequency redistribution (PRD) are intimately coupled to the polarization properties. We develop the theory for the PRD redistribution matrix in this general case and explore its detailed mathematical properties and symmetries for the case of a J = 0 -> 1 -> 0 scattering transition, which can be treated in terms of time-dependent classical oscillator theory. It is shown how the redistribution matrix can be expressed as a linear superposition of coherent and noncoherent parts, each of which contain the magnetic redistribution functions that resemble the well- known Hummer- type functions. We also show how the classical theory can be extended to treat atomic and molecular scattering transitions for any combinations of quantum numbers.


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We show from conventional magnetization measurements that the charge order (CO) is completely suppressed in 10 nm Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 (PCMO 10) nanoparticles. Novel magnetization measurements, designed by a special high field measurement protocol, show that the dominant ground state magnetic phase is ferromagnetic-metallic (FM-M), which is an equilibrium phase, which coexists with the residual charge ordered anti-ferromagnetic phase (CO AFM) (an arrested phase) and exhibits the characteristic features of a `magnetic glassy state' at low temperatures. It is observed that there is a drastic reduction in the field required to induce the AFM to FM transition (similar to 5-6 T) compared to their bulk counterpart(similar to 27 T); this phase transition is of first order in nature, broad, irreversible and the coexisting phases are tunable with the cooling field. Temperature-dependent magneto-transport data indicate the occurrence of a size-induced insulator-metal transition (TM-I) and anomalous resistive hysteresis (R-H) loops, pointing out the presence of a mixture of the FM-M phase and AFM-I phase.


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We generalize the mean-field theory for the spinless Bose-Hubbard model to account for the different types of superfluid phases that can arise in the spin-1 case. In particular, our mean-field theory can distinguish polar and ferromagnetic superfluids, Mott insulator, that arise at integer fillings at zero temperature, and normal Bose liquids into which the Mott insulators evolve at finite temperatures. We find, in contrast to the spinless case, that several of the superfluid-Mott insulator transitions are of first order at finite temperatures. Our systematic study yields rich phase diagrams that include first-order and second-order transitions and a variety of tricritical points. We discuss the possibility of realizing such phase diagrams in experimental systems.


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Here we report on the magnetic properties of iron carbide nanoparticles embedded in a carbon matrix. Granular distributions of nanoparticles in an inert matrix, of potential use in various applications, were prepared by pyrolysis of organic precursors using the thermally assisted chemical vapour deposition method. By varying the precursor concentration and preparation temperature, compositions with varying iron concentration and nanoparticle sizes were made. Powder x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and Mossbauer spectroscopy studies revealed the nanocrystalline iron carbide (Fe3C) presence in the partially graphitized matrix. The dependence of the magnetic properties on the particle size and temperature (10 K < T < 300 K) were studied using superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry. Based on the affect of surrounding carbon spins, the observed magnetic behaviour of the nanoparticle compositions, such as the temperature dependence of magnetization and coercivity, can be explained.


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A modified density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm is applied to the zigzag spin-1/2 chain with frustrated antiferromagnetic exchange J(1) and J(2) between first and second neighbors. The modified algorithm yields accurate results up to J(2)/J(1) approximate to 4 for the magnetic gap Delta to the lowest triplet state, the amplitude B of the bond order wave phase, the wavelength lambda of the spiral phase, and the spin correlation length xi. The J(2)/J(1) dependences of Delta, B, lambda, and xi provide multiple comparisons to field theories of the zigzag chain. The twist angle of the spiral phase and the spin structure factor yield additional comparisons between DMRG and field theory. Attention is given to the numerical accuracy required to obtain exponentially small gaps or exponentially long correlations near a quantum phase transition.


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This paper investigates the feasibility of an on-line damage detection capability for helicopter main rotor blades made of composite material. Damage modeled in the composite is matrix cracking. A box-beam with stiffness properties similar to a hingeless rotor blade is designed using genetic algorithm for the typical [+/-theta(m)/90(n)](s) family of composites. The effect of matrix cracks is included in an analytical model of composite box-beam. An aeroelastic analysis of the helicopter rotor based on finite elements in space and time is used to study the effects of matrix cracking in the rotor blade in forward flight. For global fault detection, rotating frequencies, tip bending and torsion response, and blade root loads are studied. It is observed that the effect of matrix cracking on lag bending and elastic twist deflection at the blade tip and blade root yawing moment is significant and these parameters can be monitored for online health monitoring. For implementation of local fault detection technique, the effect on axial and shear strain, for matrix cracks in the whole blade as well as matrix cracks occurring locally is studied. It is observed that using strain measurement along the blade it is possible to locate the matrix cracks as well as to predict density of matrix cracks. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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From the quaternary Ti-Zr-Hf-Ni phase diagram. the cross-section at 20 at % Ni was selected for investigation. The icosahedral quasicrystalline, crystalline and amorphous phases were observed to form in nine kinds of rapidly solidified (TixZryHfz)(80)Ni-20 (x + y + z = 1) alloys at different compositions. The quasilattice constants of 0.519 and 0.531 nm were obtained for the icosahedral phase formed in the melt-spun Ti40Zr20Hf20Ni20 and Ti20Zr40Hf20Ni20 alloys. respectively. The icosahedral phase formed in the melt-spun Ti40Zr20Hf20Ni20 alloy especially is thermodynamically stable. The supercooled liquid region of the Ti20Zr20Hf40Ni20 glassy alloy reached 64 K. From these results a comparison of quasicrystal-forming and glass-forming abilities, was carried out. The quasicrystal-forming ability was reduced and glass-forming ability was improved with an increase in Hf and Zr contents in the (TixZryHfz)(80)Ni-20 alloys. On the other hand. an increase in Ti content caused an improvement in quasicrystal-forming ability.