217 resultados para calorimetry


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We incorporate various gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) capped with different ligands in two-dimensional films and three-dimensional aggregates derived from N-stearoyl-L-alanine and N-lauroyl-L-alanine, respectively. The assemblies of N-stearoyl-L-alanine afforded stable films at the air-water interface. More compact assemblies were formed upon incorporation of AuNPs in the air-water interface of N-stearoyl-L-alanine. We then examined the effects of incorporation of various AuNPs functionalized with different capping ligands in three-dimensional assemblies of N-lauroyl-L-alanine, a compound that formed a gel in hydrocarbons. The profound influence of nanoparticle incorporation into physical gels was evident from evaluation of various microscopic and bulk properties. The interaction of AuNPs with the gelator assembly was found to depend critically on the capping ligands protecting the Au surface of the gold nanoparticles. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed a long-range directional assembly of certain AuNPs along the gel fibers. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the freeze-dried gels and nanocomposites indicate that the morphological transformation in the composite microstructures depends significantly on the capping agent of the nanoparticles. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that gel formation from sol occurred at a lower temperature upon incorporation of AuNPs having capping ligands that were able to align and noncovalently interact with the gel fibers. Rheological studies indicate that the gel-nanoparticle composites exhibit significantly greater viscoelasticity compared to the native gel alone when the capping ligands are able to interact through interdigitation into the gelator assembly. Thus, it was possible to define a clear relationship between the materials and the molecular-level properties by means of manipulation of the information inscribed on the NP surface.


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The importance of the study of thermal degradation of polymeric fuels arises from their role in the combustion of solid propellants. Estimation of the condensed-phase heat release during combustion can be facilitated by the knowledge of the enthalpy change associated with the polymer degradation process. Differential scanning calorimetry has been used to obtain enthalpy data. Kinetic studies on the polymeric degradation process have been carried out with the following objectives. The literature values of activation energies are quite diverse and differ from author to author. The present study has tried to locate possible reasons for the divergence in the reported activation energy values. A value of 30 kcal has been obtained and found to be independent of the technique employed. The present data on the kinetics support to chain-end initiation and unzipping process. The activation energies are further found to be independent of the atmosphere in which the degradation of polymer fuel is carried out. The degradation in air, N2, and O2 all yield a value of 30 kcal/mole for the activation energies.


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Poly(vinyl alcohol)-matrix reinforced with nanodiamond (ND) particles, with ND content up to 0.6 wt%, were synthesized. Characterization of the composites by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) reveal uniform distribution of the ND particles with no agglomeration in the matrix. Differential scanning calorimetry reveals that the crystallinity of the polymer increases with increasing ND content, indicating a strong interaction between ND and PVA. Nano-indentation technique was employed to assess the mechanical properties of composites. Results show that even small additions of ND lead to significant enhancement in the hardness and elastic modulus of PVA. Possible micromechanisms responsible for the enhancement of the mechanical properties are discussed.


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The thermal decomposition of hydrazinium monoperchlorate (HP-1) in the molten state has been investigated using differential thermal analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, a constant volume manometric technique and mass-spectrometry. The stoichiometry of the reaction can be represented by the equation: 20 N2H5C1O4 13 NH4C1O4 + 3.5 Cl2 + 2 O2 + 13 N2 + 0.5 N2O + 0.5 H2 + + 23.5 H2O The data seem to indicate that the mechanism, which involves an associated complex, remains unchanged from 140 to 190°. Consequently, impurities capable of forming associated complexes with the hydrazinium or the perchlorate ion desensitize the thermal decomposition of HP-1, the extent of desensitization being determined by the size, the charge and the concentration of the impurity.


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Abstract L-14, a 14-kDa S-type lectin shows the jelly roll tertiary structural fold akin to legume lectins yet, unlike them, it does not dissociate on thermal unfolding. In the absence of ligand L-14 displays denaturation transitions corresponding to tetrameric and octameric entities. The presence of complementary ligand reduces the association of L-14, which is in stark contrast with legume lectins where no alterations in quaternary structures are brought about by saccharides. From the magnitude of the increase in denaturation temperature induced by disaccharides the binding constants calculated from differential scanning calorimetry are comparable with those extrapolated from titration calorimetry indicating that L-14 interacts with ligands essentially in the folded state.


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The thermodynamics of tie binding of calcium and magnesium ions to a calcium binding protein from Entamoeba histolytica was investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) in 20 mM MOPS buffer (pH 7.0) at 20 degrees C. Enthalpy titration curves of calcium show the presence of four Ca2+ binding sites, There exist two low-affinity sites for Ca2+, both of which are exothermic in nature and with positive cooperative interaction between them. Two other high affinity sites for Ca2+ exist of which one is endothermic and the other exothermic, again with positive cooperative interaction. The binding constants for Ca2+ at the four sites have been verified by a competitive binding assay, where CaBP competes with a chromophoric chelator 5, 5'-Br-2 BAPTA to bind Ca2+ and a Ca2+ titration employing intrinsic tyrosine fluorescence of the protein, The enthalpy of titration of magnesium in the absence of calcium is single site and endothermic in nature. In the case of the titrations performed using protein presaturated with magnesium, the amount of heat produced is altered. Further, the interaction between the high-affinity sites changes to negative cooperativity. No exchange of heat was observed throughout the addition of magnesium in the presence of 1 mM calcium, Titrations performed on a cleaved peptide comprising the N-terminus and the central linker show the existence of two Ca2+ specific sites, These results indicate that this CaBP has one high-affinity Ca-Mg site, one high-affinity Ca-specific site, and two low-affinity Ca-specific sites. The thermodynamic parameters of the binding of these metal ions were used to elucidate the energetics at the individual site(s) and the interactions involved therein at various concentrations of the denaturant, guanidine hydrochloride, ranging from 0.05 to 6.5 M. Unfolding of the protein was also monitored by titration calorimetry as a function of the concentration of the denaturant. These data show that at a GdnHCl concentration of 0.25 M the binding affinity for the Mg2+ ion is lost and there are only two sites which can bind to Ca2+, with substantial loss cooperativity. At concentrations beyond 2.5 M GdnHCl, at which the unfolding of the tertiary structure of this protein is observed by near UV CD spectroscopy, the binding of Ca2+ ions is lost. We thus show that the domain containing the two low-affinity sites is the first to unfold in the presence of GdnHCl. Control experiments with change in ionic strength by addition of KCI in the range 0.25-1 M show the existence of four sites with altered ion binding parameters.


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Isothermal titration calorimetry measurements of the binding of 2′-fucosyllactose, lactose, N-acetyllactosamine, galactopyranose, 2-acetamido-2-deoxygalactopyranoside, methyl α-N-dansylgalactosaminide (Me-α-DNS-GalN), methyl α-D-galactopyranoside, methyl β-D-galactopyranoside, and fucose to Erythrina corallodendron lectin (ECorL), a dimer with one binding site per subunit, were performed at 283-286 and 297-299 K. The site binding enthalpies, ΔHb, with the exception of Me-α-DNS-GalN, are the same at both temperatures and range from −47.1 ± 1.0 kJ mol−1 for N-acetyllactosamine to −4.4 ± 0.3 kJ mol−1 for fucose, and the site binding constants range from 3.82 ± 0.9 × 105 M−1 for Me-α-DNS-GalN at 283.2 K to 0.46 ± 0.05 × 103 M−1 for fucose at 297.2 K. The binding reactions are mainly enthalpically driven except for fucose and exhibit enthalpy-entropy compensation. The binding enthalpies of the disaccharides are about twice the binding enthalpies of the monosaccharides in contrast to concanavalin A where the binding enthalpies do not double for the disaccharides. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements show that denaturation of the ECorL dimer results in dissociation into its monomer subunits. The binding constants from the increase in denaturation temperature of ECorL in the presence of saccharides are in agreement with values from isothermal titration calorimetry results. The thermal denaturation of ECorL occurs around 333 K, well below the 344-360 K denaturation temperature of other legume lectins of similar size and tertiary structure, undoubtedly due to the difference in its quaternary structure relative to other legume lectins. This is also apparent from the independent unfolding of its two domains.


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An experimental investigation into the ambient temperature, load-controlled tension�tension fatigue behavior of a martensitic Nitinol shape memory alloy (SMA) was conducted. Fatigue life for several stress levels spanning the critical stress for detwinning was determined and compared with that obtained on an alloy similar in composition but in the austenitic state at room temperature. Results show that the fatigue life of the pseudo-plastic alloy is superior to superelastic shape memory alloy. The stress�strain hysteretic response, monitored throughout the fatigue loading, reveals progressive strain accumulation with the cyclic loading. In addition, the area of hysteresis and recoverable and frictional energies were found to decrease with increasing number of fatigue cycles. Post-mortem characterization of the fatigued specimens through calorimetry and fractography was conducted in order to get further insight into the fatigue micromechanisms. These results are discussed in terms of reversible and irreversible microstructural changes that take place during cyclic loading. Aspects associated with self-heating of martensitic alloy undergoing high frequency stress cycling are discussed.


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The compositional dependence of thermal properties, such as glass transition temperature (T-g), non-reversing enthalpy change (Delta H-NR) and the specific heat capacity change (Delta C-p) of melt quenched Ge7Se93-xSbx (21 a parts per thousand currency sign x a parts per thousand currency sign 31) glasses, has been studied using alternating differential scanning calorimetry (ADSC) which is analogous to modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC). The glass transition temperature, T-g, which is a measure of global connectivity of the glass, has been found to increase with the addition of Sb. In addition, a change in slope has been observed in the composition dependence of T-g at an average coordination aOE (c) r > = 2.40. The experimentally observed compositional variation of glass transition temperature, has been compared with the theoretical predictions from the stochastic agglomeration theory (SAT) and has been found to be consistent. Further, a narrow thermally reversing window is seen in the compositional variation of the relaxation enthalpy (Delta H-NR), which is centered around aOE (c) r > = 2.40. The change in specific heat capacity (Delta C-p) at T-g is also found to exhibit a distinct minima at aOE (c) r > = 2.40, suggesting that the structural rearrangements for the liquid in the glass transition region are minimized around aOE (c) r > = 2.4.


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Glaiis transitions of As-Se glasses have been investigated over a wide range of compositions by using differential scanning calorimetry. The variation of Tg with composition has been interpreted on the basis of a bond-lattice model.


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Transparent SrBi2B2O7 glasses were prepared via melt-quenching technique and characterized using differential scanning calorimetry and x-ray powder diffraction. The ac conductivities of the glasses were studied as a function of frequency (100 Hz-10 MHz) at different temperatures. The frequency dependence of conductivity has been analyzed using Almond-West expression. The exponent n was nearly unaffected by temperature. Impedance and modulus spectroscopies were employed to further examine the electrical data. Dielectric relaxation exhibited a stretched exponential behavior with a stretching exponent beta independent of temperature. From conductivity analysis we have proposed that the charge transport occurs through the participation of nonbridging oxygen (NBO), which switches positions in a facile manner. The stretched exponential behavior appears to be a direct consequence of the NBO switching mechanism of charge transport.


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In this research fabrication of crystalline PbZrO3 (PZ) nanoparticles and their phase transformation behavior is investigated. A novel sol-gel method was used for the synthesis of air-stable and precipitate-free diol-based sol of PZ, which was dried at 150 degrees C and then calcined at 300-700 degrees C for 1 h. The morphology, crystallinity and phase formation of as synthesized nanoparticles were studied by the selected-area electron diffraction (SAED), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal gravimetric analysis/differential scanning calorimetry (TGA-DSC), and high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). The XRD, SAED, and TGA-DSC analyses confirmed the tetragonal lead rich zirconia phase (t-Z phase) and monoclinic zirconia phase (m-Z phase) as the intermediate phases during the calcinations process followed by crystallization of single orthorhombic PZ phase at about 700 degrees C. The average PZ particle size was observed about 20 nm as confirmed by TEM study. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis demonstrated that stoichiometric PbZrO3 was formed.


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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the major cell wall constituent of Gram-negative bacteria, evokes a multitude of biological effects in mammals including pyrogenicity and toxic shock syndrome. Polymyxin B (PmB), a polycationic cyclic peptide, is known to neutralize most of its activities. The nature of the interaction of PmB with LPS and lipid A was investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry. PmB binds to LPS as well as lipid A stoichiometrically and non-co-operatively with micromolar affinity. These interactions are driven primarily by a favourable change in entropy (delta S) and are endothermic in nature. These positive changes in enthalpies decrease with increasing temperature, yielding a heat capacity change, delta Cp, of -2385 J.mol-1.degree-1 for PmB-LPS interactions while the binding of PmB to lipid A displays a delta Cp of -2259 J.mol-1.degree-1. The negative heat capacity changes provide strong evidence for the role of hydrophobic interactions as the driving force for the association of PmB with LPS and lipid A. A correlation of the energetics of these interactions with analyses of the molecular models of PmB suggests that a cluster of solvent-exposed non-polar amino acid side-chains that line one surface of the molecule, together with a ring of positively charged residues on its other surface, are responsible for its strong and stoichiometric binding to LPS.


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The possibility of using spin-probe electron spin resonance (ESR) as a tool to study glass transition temperature, T g, of polymer electrolytes is explored in 4 hydroxy 2,2,6,6 tetramethylpiperidine N oxyl (TEMPOL) doped composite polymer electrolyte (PEG)46LiClO4 dispersed with nanoparticles of hydrotalcite. The T g is estimated from the measured values of T 50G, the temperature at which the extrema separation 2A zz of the broad powder spectrum decreases to 50 G. In another method, the correlation time τc for the spin probe dynamics was determined by computer simulation of the ESR spectra and T g has been identified as the temperature at which τc begins to show temperature dependence. While both methods give values of T g close to those obtained from differential scanning calorimetry, it is concluded that more work is required to establish spin-probe ESR as a reliable technique for the determination of T g.


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Transparent glasses of SrBi2B2O7 (SBBO) were fabricated via the conventional melt-quenching technique. The amorphous and the glassy nature of the as-quenched samples were, respectively, confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The glass transition (T (g)) and the crystallization parameters [crystallization activation energy (E (cr)) and Avrami exponent (n)] were evaluated under non-isothermal conditions using DSC. There was a close agreement between the activation energies for the crystallization process determined by Augis and Bennet and Kissinger methods. The variation of local activation energy [E (c)(x)] that was determined by Ozawa method, decreased with the fraction of crystallization (x). The Avrami exponent (n(x)) increased with the increase in fraction of crystallization (x) suggesting that there was a change over in the crystallization process from the surface to the bulk.