65 resultados para Worlds Fastest Computer


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Given an unweighted undirected or directed graph with n vertices, m edges and edge connectivity c, we present a new deterministic algorithm for edge splitting. Our algorithm splits-off any specified subset S of vertices satisfying standard conditions (even degree for the undirected case and in-degree ≥ out-degree for the directed case) while maintaining connectivity c for vertices outside S in Õ(m+nc2) time for an undirected graph and Õ(mc) time for a directed graph. This improves the current best deterministic time bounds due to Gabow [8], who splits-off a single vertex in Õ(nc2+m) time for an undirected graph and Õ(mc) time for a directed graph. Further, for appropriate ranges of n, c, |S| it improves the current best randomized bounds due to Benczúr and Karger [2], who split-off a single vertex in an undirected graph in Õ(n2) Monte Carlo time. We give two applications of our edge splitting algorithms. Our first application is a sub-quadratic (in n) algorithm to construct Edmonds' arborescences. A classical result of Edmonds [5] shows that an unweighted directed graph with c edge-disjoint paths from any particular vertex r to every other vertex has exactly c edge-disjoint arborescences rooted at r. For a c edge connected unweighted undirected graph, the same theorem holds on the digraph obtained by replacing each undirected edge by two directed edges, one in each direction. The current fastest construction of these arborescences by Gabow [7] takes Õ(n2c2) time. Our algorithm takes Õ(nc3+m) time for the undirected case and Õ(nc4+mc) time for the directed case. The second application of our splitting algorithm is a new Steiner edge connectivity algorithm for undirected graphs which matches the best known bound of Õ(nc2 + m) time due to Bhalgat et al [3]. Finally, our algorithm can also be viewed as an alternative proof for existential edge splitting theorems due to Lovász [9] and Mader [11].


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We present a fast algorithm for computing a Gomory-Hu tree or cut tree for an unweighted undirected graph G = (V,E). The expected running time of our algorithm is Õ(mc) where |E| = m and c is the maximum u-vedge connectivity, where u,v ∈ V. When the input graph is also simple (i.e., it has no parallel edges), then the u-v edge connectivity for each pair of vertices u and v is at most n-1; so the expected running time of our algorithm for simple unweighted graphs is Õ(mn).All the algorithms currently known for constructing a Gomory-Hu tree [8,9] use n-1 minimum s-t cut (i.e., max flow) subroutines. This in conjunction with the current fastest Õ(n20/9) max flow algorithm due to Karger and Levine [11] yields the current best running time of Õ(n20/9n) for Gomory-Hu tree construction on simpleunweighted graphs with m edges and n vertices. Thus we present the first Õ(mn) algorithm for constructing a Gomory-Hu tree for simple unweighted graphs.We do not use a max flow subroutine here; we present an efficient tree packing algorithm for computing Steiner edge connectivity and use this algorithm as our main subroutine. The advantage in using a tree packing algorithm for constructing a Gomory-Hu tree is that the work done in computing a minimum Steiner cut for a Steiner set S ⊆ V can be reused for computing a minimum Steiner cut for certain Steiner sets S' ⊆ S.


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Real-time simulation of deformable solids is essential for some applications such as biological organ simulations for surgical simulators. In this work, deformable solids are approximated to be linear elastic, and an easy and straight forward numerical technique, the Finite Point Method (FPM), is used to model three dimensional linear elastostatics. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is used to accelerate computations. Results show that the Finite Point Method, together with GPU, can compute three dimensional linear elastostatic responses of solids at rates suitable for real-time graphics, for solids represented by reasonable number of points.


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A computer-aided procedure is described for analyzing the reliability of complicated networks. This procedure breaks down a network into small subnetworks whose reliability can be more readily calculated. The subnetworks which are searched for are those with only two nodes; this allows the original network to be considerably simplified.


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A computer-aided procedure is described for analyzing the reliability of complicated networks. This procedure breaks down a network into small subnetworks whose reliability can be more readily calculated. The subnetworks which are searched for are those with only two nodes; this allows the original network to be considerably simplified.


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Most of the modern distance relays are designed to avoid overreaching due to the transient d.c. component of the fault current, whereas a more likely source of transients in e.h.v. systems is the oscillatory discharge of the system charging current into the fault. Until now attempts have not been made to reproduce these transients in the laboratory. This paper describes an analogue and an accurate digital simulation of these harmonic transients. The dynamic behaviour of a typical polarised mho-type relay is analysed, and results are presented. The paper also advocates the use of active filters for filtering the harmonics associated with e.h.v. system, and hence, to improve the speed of response and accuracy of the protective relays.


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In this article we review the current status in the modelling of both thermotropic and lyotropic Liquid crystal. We discuss various coarse-graining schemes as well as simulation techniques such as Monte Carlo (MC) and Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.In the area of MC simulations we discuss in detail the algorithm for simulating hard objects such as spherocylinders of various aspect ratios where excluded volume interaction enters in the simulation through overlap test. We use this technique to study the phase diagram, of a special class of thermotropic liquid crystals namely banana liquid crystals. Next we discuss a coarse-grain model of surfactant molecules and study the self-assembly of the surfactant oligomers using MD simulations. Finally we discuss an atomistically informed coarse-grained description of the lipid molecules used to study the gel to liquid crystalline phase transition in the lipid bilayer system.


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We consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis in a directed graph G. The input to this problem is a directed graph whose arcs have positive weights. In this problem a {- 1, 0, 1} incidence vector is associated with each cycle and the vector space over Q generated by these vectors is the cycle space of G. A set of cycles is called a cycle basis of G if it forms a basis for its cycle space. A cycle basis where the sum of weights of the cycles is minimum is called a minimum cycle basis of G. The current fastest algorithm for computing a minimum cycle basis in a directed graph with m arcs and n vertices runs in O(m(w+1)n) time (where w < 2.376 is the exponent of matrix multiplication). If one allows randomization, then an (O) over tilde (m(3)n) algorithm is known for this problem. In this paper we present a simple (O) over tilde (m(2)n) randomized algorithm for this problem. The problem of computing a minimum cycle basis in an undirected graph has been well-studied. In this problem a {0, 1} incidence vector is associated with each cycle and the vector space over F-2 generated by these vectors is the cycle space of the graph. The fastest known algorithm for computing a minimum cycle basis in an undirected graph runs in O(m(2)n + mn(2) logn) time and our randomized algorithm for directed graphs almost matches this running time.


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CAELinux is a Linux distribution which is bundled with free software packages related to Computer Aided Engineering (CAE). The free software packages include software that can build a three dimensional solid model, programs that can mesh a geometry, software for carrying out Finite Element Analysis (FEA), programs that can carry out image processing etc. Present work has two goals: 1) To give a brief description of CAELinux 2) To demonstrate that CAELinux could be useful for Computer Aided Engineering, using an example of the three dimensional reconstruction of a pig liver from a stack of CT-scan images. One can note that instead of using CAELinux, using commercial software for reconstructing the liver would cost a lot of money. One can also note that CAELinux is a free and open source operating system and all software packages that are included in the operating system are also free. Hence one can conclude that CAELinux could be a very useful tool in application areas like surgical simulation which require three dimensional reconstructions of biological organs. Also, one can see that CAELinux could be a very useful tool for Computer Aided Engineering, in general.